Solar Eclipses over the Natal Mercury the 22DK Lord and Mercury the 6th Lord in the Progressioncnjart and in the 8th house of the Ashtamasha Chart of Chronic Diseases may pose issues after 23rd April 2020 to 10th August 2020and in a broader spectrum till 20th Sept 2020. In facr the Country is already reeling in pain due to the Virus
#Best Astrologer Of India
Nodes In Own Contellations Reaching 10.00-6.40 Degrees Arc ‘Havoc’ As Predicted In ‘The Express Star Teller’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 711 viewsNodes In Own Contellations Reaching 10.00-6.40 Degrees Arc ‘Havoc’ As Predicted In ‘The Express Star Teller’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
Stock Futures Sink After Emergency Fed Rate Cut: Coronavirus Carnage Black Monday As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 677 viewsPlanetary Positions indicated that Friday and Monday would be Black and spot on Predictions
MP Crisis: As Per My Article “What Fate Await’s Kamal Nath—-Dated 10th Sept. 2019 He Is In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 643 viewsMy Research of Saturn At the time of Sikh Riots plays important Role on the 16th March 2020 when there is Crisis In MP and Kamal Nath Running the Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter
Coronavirus Planetary Positions Parallel To Spanish Flue In Jan. 1918 Nodes On Driving Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 799 viewsThe Planetary positions are parallel to the Dec. 28th 1917 time of Lunar Eclipse at the time of Spanish Flue with the 26th Dec 2019 when the Solar Eclipse took place and the 6planets were gripped by the Nodes
Red Planet Mars On Wheel What It has Up It’s Sleeves In Immediate Future ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 653 viewsMars Is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and Exhalts in the 10th house controls our imune system and Planetary war with Jupiter and the Saturn Crucial
Nodes In Own Constellations Brings Havoc Like WW3 For The Globe Parallel 9-11 As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 718 viewsNodes in own Constellation till 22nd April 2020 and Ketu in Eclipsed Nakshatra till 20th Sept 2020 most Prone to Virus of Virulent Nature Spread
Future Of Crude Oil Prices What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 903 viewsWe Have Identical Planetary Positions in 2020 like the Feb 2016 when Crude Oil Prices were 26 $ a Barrel A Research Study
In Continution To Career Analysis I am Discussing Crisis In Career Of Native Born In April 1957 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 625 viewsJupiter Fallen in the Natal chart is most Precarious parameter specially when Afflicted in the Transit and also activates the natal Jupiter .Venus afflicted and Native reaching the 64th Year of SAge Venus reaches the Natal Position as per the Declination and in Transit also Venus in Aries as the same as the Natal chart are parameters which cannot be ignored for Career Crisis when both these planets are connected and also connected in the transit till 28th March 2020
Astrology Speaks ! Stocks Bleed Coronavirus Spreads Gold Surges As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 671 viewsTill Mars and Jupiter Leave the Eclipsed sign Sagitarius on the 22nd and 30th March 2020 respectively No substantial Relief and more so till Mercury out of the cluthes of the Nodes on the 2nd August and Ketu out of Sagitarius on the 20th Sept. 2020 in broader spectrum of the events and no repite from the Economy Break it so seems and Gold may take advantage and Bounce as predicted in this time frame