Syria:The Civil War Torn Country Falling Under Slain of ISIS

by astrodocanil

Syrian Arab Republic in the present day context  is known to the world for its tempestuous Political and Military history. 6th and 8th Lord Saturn and Mars in the 9th house indicate the same in the foundation chart). France granted independence  to the Middle-Eastern Syrian state, as a Paramilitary Republic in April 1946.The post independence time was how ever  was not peaceful at all and full of atrocities against the public , with number of  military coups keeping the country destabilized and under extreme  anguish and pain . Non democratic practices of Government have been keeping the voice of the people suppressed brutally.The country has witnessed  mass killings and violence. It is because of the internal conflicts that Syria has been suspended from the Arab League. Most of the People are  of the view that Syria is slowly and definitely landing itself towards a civil war.  The Governments of France, Spain, Bulgaria and Libya also have recognised the major opposition party of Syria, the Syrian National Council as the sole legitimate authority of the state. I am strongly of the opinion astrologically that 2015 will be an extremely difficult year with strong push and pulls for President Bashar Al-Assad, and in all likelihood a total  discontent escalating among the population will force a change of regime for certain in the  future or country may be divided into two halves .

The Iran is also helping the Assad regime with logistic support to quash the uprising in his country. But the oil rich Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia, with its Gulf allies Kuwait and Qatar, had been secretly supporting the Sunni rebels’ militants in Syria and Iraq to topple their Shia lead incumbent governments and replace them with more Sunni friendly rulers. Current Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is from a Alawites sect, which is an offshoot of Shia Islam. The Shia’s in Syria make up 13% of the population of and Sunnis make up 74% majority. In Iraq the Shia’s are in majority as they make up more than half of the population ofIraq. The current President of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki is from the Shia majority community.Saudi Arabia and its allies want to topple these two Shia rules of Syria and Iraq so that they can  expend Sunni Wahbbi movement in the middle-east.

Let us now analyse the foundation chart of Syria together with the Hindu New Moon Pieces charts and the foundation charts  astrologically and the Paksha Kundali  and see what could be the outcome of the situation which is posing threat to the  dictators of the Arab World in their countries and the indications  of Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter on the 30th May 2015

The Chart of Syria 13th nov 1970 05-50 hrs Damascus  below



The Country is going through the Dasha of Jup-Jup-Mercury and then Jup-Jup-Venus from 12th July 2015. As per the principles of K N Rao on the Papaer produced in 2010,  The Country is rated as war mongering since Mars is placed in the 12th house , the most crucial placement  since it connects the 3rd, 6th , 7th and the 12th house and hence  the Country will be involved permanently in war like conditions either by the Country it self or the Interferance of the neighboring countries . Mars is placed in the house of Losses and espoinage by foreign elements .  Jupiter is supposed to be most malefic for Libra Lagna since owner of the 3rd and the 6th house . Jupiter in the chart is placed in the Lagna  with Fallen Lagna Lord and 8th Lord Venus and with Sun in deblitation . Jupiter is also in combustion, Makes the chart precarious more so the 7th house has Deblitated Saturn with Moon and these planets have mutual aspect is worst .  for the stability of the country . The Conjuction of Transit of Jupiter and Venus in the 10th house on the 30th May 2015 will aggravate the situations in Syria, Since the conjuction of Venus and Jupiter is Bloodshed on earth as per classical principles of Mundane astrology  by Myur Chitram. Adding Fuel to the Fire Mars will activate the eclipse point between the 1st to 22nd July and more so till 10th July 2015. Unfortunately Transit mars will activate the natal Mars in Haste nakshatra at 21.35 degrees .

As per my research the Sensative signs in the Chart of Syria are Taurus , Libra, Scorpio,and Cancer . Majority of the Sensative Signs will be under affliction on the 25th May 2015 and there after is most crucail for Syria and therefore Dasha of Jup-Jup-Venus from 12th July will be disasterous in the Present Context for the Stability and the President of the Country .

The Pieces New Moon chart is Of Gemini Lagna  below


The Lumanaries are placed in the 10th house  and Eclipse  is also taking place in the 4/10 axis is crucial for the President of the country , since the Country will not be able to Handle the situations arising from the planetary positions . Mars will Transit the Lagna after 15th June 2015 and Crucial results on the 25th May 2015 and after 1st July 2015 to 22nd July 2015.

Paksha Kundali of 2nd June 2015


Scorpio Lagna rising in the nakshatra of Saturn and the Planet aspecting the Lagna at close degrees is Mercury the 8th and 11th lord in Retrogression and badly afflicted 1. Combust.2.Retrograde. 3. Afflicted by Mars and Saturn . The Navamsha is no good either , Venus and Jupiter combination in the 9th house of the Paksha Kundali is also making the samsaptak placement in the Navamsha and Jupiter is also deblitated and Venus with Deblitated Mars . Venus and Jupiter exact degrees conjuction will take place on the 1st July 2015 when Eclipse point will also be activated by Mars is crucial parameter for the Islamic Countires under the slain of ISIS. As already mentioned by me US may plunge in Militant attacks on the hideouts of the ISIS aggraving the situations, US is also Running the Dasha of mars -Mercury and Mercury is Retrograde and placed in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis. US may beat a hasty retreat in this as is indicated by the planetary positions . Now read this “ISIL captures strategic Syrian city of Palmyra”


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 21st May 2015 14.30 hrs

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