Menace of Red Planet Mars Activating Eclipse Point: What it Foretells for Shia and Sunni Countries

by astrodocanil

 Population of Shai ansd Sunnis

The above chart shows the Countries and the population of the 2 Group of Communities Fighting.

The above data is from the link

Politics, competition, influence and Power Fuel the current sectarian tensions between Shia and Sunni Muslims, the two main branches of Islam. The root of the hostility is a Political question in itself: who is the legitimate successor to the Prophet Muhammed?

Both sects share common religious beliefs: the five pillars of Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammed being the last messenger of God. The differences lie mostly in the Shia and Sunni interpretation of the hadiths and sharia law on how Muslims should define and govern themselves. But for the most part, the religious differences are superficial. The conflict and violence is more about political power, where geo-politics intertwines with theology.


Russia and Iran supports the Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria, wanting a Shai control on the population and Masses ,while US is Silently opposing the  Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria.

Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia consistently feels challenged and threatened by Iran in the race for regional power. Iranians are neither Arab nor Sunni. Saudi Arabia fears Iran will stir unrest among the Shia Muslims living in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia, which two years ago dispatched troops to Bahrain, is unlikely to want to see Shia majority rule in a country that is a mere 45-minute drive from its restive, oil-rich, predominantly Shia Eastern Province. Yet, it has recently signalled that it would favour concessions to the Shias provided the Sunni monarchy remains in place.

The majority sect in this small Gulf state is Shia. However, the government is dominated by a Sunni monarchy, military and ruling elite. Shia Muslims began protesting for equality and recognition in the 1970s after the British left. The most recent large-scale protests erupted in 2011. Bahrain and its friends in Saudi Arabia retaliated by clamping down on the opposition, killing civilians.

Syrian unrest began with protests against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in March 2011. The ruling elite in this war-torn country belongs to the Alawites, a minority offshoot of Shia Islam. The civil war has exposed underlying grievances between Shia and Sunni since 2011

The 1979 Iranian Revolution was key to empowering the Shia community. Iran sponsored and encouraged Shia uprisings in Saudi Arabia’s oil rich eastern province. Keeping Syria in power is vital to Iran’s strategic interests in the Middle East. Syria has been the route to sending people, money, and weapons to groups like Hezbollah, a Shia militant group created by Iran. For Iran, it is all about regional interests.

This is the heartland of the global Shia community. For a long time, the majority Shia Muslims were discriminated by the Sunni-dominated regime. After the 2003 war and fall of Saddam Hussein, Shia Muslims stepped into power, targeting Sunni Muslims through government death squads and torture. Sunnis responded with suicide attacks and bombings. The war has amplified tensions between the two, emphasizing growing nationalistic attitudes of Shia Muslims.

Read this  Russia launches first airstrikes in Syria link

Washington (CNN)Claiming to target ISIS, Russia conducted its first airstrikes in Syria, while U.S. officials expressed serious doubts Wednesday about what the true intentions behind the move may be.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, warplanes targeted eight ISIS positions, including arms, transportation, communications and control positions.

“The result of this kind of action will inevitably, simply be to inflame the civil war in Syria,” Carter said.

Four Russian Su-34 Fullback fighter jets are now at the Latakia air base in Syria, and more than 600 Russian troops are in place, a U.S. official with knowledge of the latest intelligence told CNN this week.

U.S. officials previously have said Russia’s movements suggest that its targets might be something other than ISIS.

Defense officials have previously told CNN that the United States believes Moscow may fear that al-Assad may not be able to retain power in the war-torn country and wants to be in position to be able to support a proxy should the situation collapse.

Russia is a close ally of  Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria and may want to bolster him, while the United States has repeatedly called for him to go in order to resolve the five-year civil war.

Syria’s crisis is gaining the world’s attention.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has control over only 25 to 30% of Syrian territory due to the increasing power of ISIS, the Sunni-extremist group which now claims a large swath of Syria and Iraq. No longer are the Syrian government’s brutal attacks on the rebels center stage, but also the violent actions of ISIS and its much flaunted and horrific beheadings. 

. In 2013 the population of Syria was 22.85 million (World Bank statistics), but at least 7.6 million have been displaced within Syria, and more than 4 million have fled as refugees in neighboring countries, many of them living below the local poverty threshold.

Let us First see the chart of Russia of 12th June 1990 13-45 hrs Moscow, Taken from Paper Produced By K N Rao 


In my article “Red Planet Mars, Saturn and Ketu afflict Watery Signs , Earthy signs Near Eclipses :What it Foretells” link

Read these Paras “

  1. Countries with Pieces , Virgo Lagna, Moon sign, Sun sign will be adversely influenced . US has Pieces in the 8th house and Eclipse is taking place in the 8th house of mass happenings. . In my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link I have mentioned the Countries in a Nut shell where Saturn has activated the sensitive Planets and Points.”
  2. Also read this ”
    1. Syria Libra  Lagna . Stationary Saturn 4.13 degrees  over Natal Mercury  at 6.42 degrees in the 2nd  house  and aspecting Ketu in Leo at 5.41 degrees  Strong results expected regarding the 2nd and 9th house , Transit Saturn is placed in the 8th from Natal Moon and Saturn in the 7th house . ,Hence adverse happenings and strong ones .”
    2. Russia Virgo Lagna Mercury in the 9th house in Taurus at 6.52 degrees is crucial for Russia since Stationary Saturn aspecting the Lagna Lord at close degrees in the 9th house. Strong results could be experienced

Let us know analyse the Chart of Russia

Lagna is Virgo in the nakshatra is chitra and the Lord of Chitra Mars is placed in the 7th house of Wars aspected by Retrograde Saturn, making the country war mongering or getting involved in war like situations as per the Research  paper produced By Mr. K.N Rao .”GLIMMER OF HOPE IN A STRIFE TORN WORLD” Hence Russia is a War mongering Country .

The Country is running the dasha of Rahu-Mercury-Rahu .  All the 3 Dasha Lord  in Transit in Lagna are most Crucial till 29th Oct. 2015 and more so till 9th Jan 2016 when Rahu ingresses in Leo.

Transit Rahu at at 6.54 degrees  is in Virgo the Lagna of the chart at 2.28 degrees approaching the MEP and will be at this point on the 14-15th Dec. 2015 and in the same navamsha Lagna on the 10-11th Dec. 2015 . Rahu will be in Virgo till 9th Jan 2016 will there fore Triger the events specially when Mars joins Rahu in Transit on the 3rd Nov. 2015. Dasha of Rahu and Mercury Transitting in the Lagna as per Bhavsiddhi kaal will therefore sprout the Results . Mercury ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu was in Forward motion  in Virgo afflicting Mercury badly.Mercury also went in retrogression on the 17th Sept. 2015 and aggravating the situations.

Saturn Stationary on the 14th March at 10.56 degrees activated Moon natal along with Rahu in the 5th house in capricorn sign in close degrees . moon is 11.46 and Rahu 14.20 degrees . Saturn Stationary at 4.13 degreeBetween 27th July and 7th August 2015 activated natal Saturn in Capricorn, Mercury in Taurus the Lagna and the 10th Lord  at 6.52 degrees . In Transit also Saturn activated degreewise Mercury on the 6th August 2015.

Eclipses in the 7th from Lagna and on the 8th Lord Mars is also a crucial factor in the present scenerio and the Red planet activating the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Virgo on the 1st Oct. 2015 forced Puttin to AiurStrike against Syria.  One of the most crucial factors is the Mercury Stationary on the 9th Oct. 2015 and Rahu at this Point in Forward motion is a very sensative Parameter in the Present Scenerio for War like situations to take a ugly turn . The effect will be more  on all those Countries with Virgo , Pieces Lagna, Moon sign or Sun sign

Affliction to the 8th house Parameters for mass happenings .  8th Lord Mars in Pieces and there has been a Lunar Eclipse in Pieces and Mars has also aspected Mars from Leo by 8th aspect. In Navamsha Mars  8th Lord is placed in Scorpio and in Transit Saturn is transiting  in this sign and and Mars will transit this sign on the 20th Feb 2016 for 211 days will be most crucial for Russia  more so the 8th house of Navamsha Leo is also afflicted By both Mars and Saturn and Sun the 8th lord of the navamsha is also with  Rahu.. All these Planetary positions are indicating that in the coming time as per the dates mentioned there Russia will get involved in war like situations since Russia is a War mongering Country . . Hence Russia will be involved in mass happenings

From the above it is clear that Puttin will be all out to help the Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria and get into war like situations due to Russia being a  War Mongering Country  and adverse Planetary positions 

According to the Paper produced by Mr. K N Rao “GLIMMER OF HOPE IN A STRIFE TORN WORLD”  Those countries who have Mars placement in the 3,6,7, and 12th house   shows the Country troubling the Neighbors, Getting involved in Boarder clashes, getting involved in war or getting involved in war like situations due to espoinage of the   Foreign elements

In the horoscope of Syria  Mars is placed in  the twelfth house making it war mongering and losses in war . In April 2014 the eclipses  had fallen over the Lagna and Moon of the foundation chart of Syria and ever since then Syria has been in war like situations .

In the Present Scenerio the country is running the dasha of Jup-Jup-Venus from 12th July 2015 and Venus the sub sub dasha Lord has been under affliction  and also fallen till 30th Sept. 2015. Jupiter for this chart is also a  functional malefic

As per my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells dated 1st August  2015 link I had mentioned that if  Stationary points of Saturn in the Present Transit is 4.13 degrees in Scorpio and it it coincides with the natal planet  is at the same degrees as the Saturn, then you can expect to be a major issue.

The most difficult Retrograde of Planets are the Saturn and the Mercury. A Retrograde Planet works like a painting brush , goes forward then backward and then again forward. when in Stationary motion will become 3 times stronger  and the results felt when it also crosses the Retrogression mark , here in the case of Saturn it is 10.56 degrees and Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark on the 8th Nov. 2015. Saturn is Transiting in the 2nd from lagna and the 8th from Natal Moon and Saturn is the most crucial parameter for Syria. 

Aspect of Saturn degree wise when in Stationary motion on the 6th and 7th August on Transit Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and on natal Mercury at close degrees and aspect on natal Ketu in the 11th house  activated both Ketu and Mercury  and has proved crucial specially when Venus has just joined back Leo sign having aspect of Saturn by strong 10th aspect. The significations of these Planets will suffer and is indicative of untoward happenings specially when there is return aspect of Saturn and Mars in Transit. In the Natal Chart Mars aspects Saturn by 8th aspect along with Moon in close degrees . The result of the Planets aspected by Saturn when Stationary will be more pronounced  when Saturn influences these Planets , Venus, mercury, jupiter in navamsha as well till 8th Nov. 2015 when it crosses its retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 14th March 2015 when it went into Retrogression. Further when in Transit Rahu and Ketu ingress in Aquarius and Leo Navamsha the situation in Syria will become even worse after 19th Oct. 2015 

In Transit Mars is over Natal Ketu and aspects Mercury also , Hence Mercury and Ketu both have been afflicted By Saturn and Mars during the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 adding fuel to the fire

The situation will become worse when Mars transits over the natal Mars on the 3rd Nov. 2015 where Rahu is already Transiting. the Combination of Mars and Rahu and that to in the 12th house will be explosion and losses in war due to Chemical blasts.

Now after having a look at the chart of Syria  Saturn is Transiting over natal Mercury at 6.42 degrees and aspecting Ketu is placed in the sign of  Leo at 5.41 degrees. Saturn activated both Mercury and Ketu at almost same degrees and Navamsha when Saturn was Stationary at 4.13 degrees  and was aspected by Transit Stationary Saturn between 27th July and 7th August 2015

Now in transit Mars will ingress the eclipse point in Libra in the months of July- August this year and join Saturn which is already transiting there. There will be huge outbreak of violence in Syria which might involve the risk of the use of chemical weapon by the Bashar-al-Assad regime.

In Vimshottari the Maha dasha of third and sixth lord Jupiter, which is a functional malefic planet for Libra lagna, has started from 23 June 2014 also confirm this risk. The days of  Bashar-al-Assad regime are numbered now. The Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn period in Vimshottari from 05-October -2014 to 06 -February -2015 will be ominous for Syria. The sub-sub period lord Saturn is in the seventh house of war in the Rashi chart and in Navamsha it is in the eighth house showing permanent danger of the  permanent disintegration of this country and toppling of the incumbent Bashar-al-Assad regime.

8th house Parameters Affliction  Taurus, Libra , Scorpio and Cancer  and their Lord  Mars and Moon .  Scorpio sign as mentioned Saturn and mars Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2015 will escalate the war situations , Already there is influence of mars and Saturn on Scorpio, Saturn will be in Libra Navamsha on the 3rd Nov. 2015 and Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degfrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 will be most crucial for the country  Venus is a fast moving planet and will be in Libra on the 30th Nov. 2015 . Mars Transit in Scorpio for 211 days will be the Period of War for the country and worst conditions .

The fall of  Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is an astrological inevitability. For Syria there is a serious threat for the violent end of the regime of Bashar-al-Assad   as the stars are indicating. Specially when Mars and Saturn both Transit in Scorpio over Natal Mercury after 20th Feb 2015.

Countries with Virgo Lagna/Pieces Lagna will be worst influenced those Supporting the Shai and Sunni regimes  till 9th Jan 2016 and after Mars Ingresses Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and in the Present Scenerio when Mars activates once again activates  the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 by 7th aspect. On the 12-13 Nov. 2015 Rahu and Mars will be degree conjunct could also prove Disasterous for all such Countries. The following are Countries with Virgo, Pieces Lagna, Moon and Sun signs   liable to be victim of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015  and Mars, Saturn Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2016

Israel  14th May 1948 16-00 hrs Tel Aviv Israel .



Virgo Lagna in the nakshatra of chitra the 3rd and the 8th lord Mars  Placed in the 12th house crystal clears shows the country  involvement in war like situations . Eclipse in the 7th house of the foundation chart. Natal Mars in the 12th house at 5.10 Degrees has been activated by Saturn Stationary between the 27th July and 7th August 2015 . Transit Mars  after 15th Sept. 2015 activating the natal Mars is making the country involvement in Conflicts . Mars Transit  over Natal Mars is a critical factor for the involvement in the war like situations.

Rahu and Mercury in Lagna in Transit and Mercury in Retrogression till 9th Oct. 2015 is another Parameter crucial for the country, for the reason that when mercury ingressed in Virgo rahu was in adverse motion , hence Mercury will give negative effects when Rahu is in adverse motion in Transit. On the 9th -10th Oct. 2015 Mercury will be stationary and Rahu will be degree conjunct with Mercury and Rahu will be in forward motion and in the Aries navamsha which is the 8th house of the chart is a very sensative Date for the country and all those countries with Virgo  Lagna

The country is running the dasha of  Moon-Sun-Rahu and a Chidra dasha in fact. Dasha of the 8th Lord Mars will commence on the 15th Feb 2016. Mars aspect on the 7th house by 8th aspect shows the involvement of Espopinage from Foreign elements and War like situations .

Mars  Transit  in the Sign of Scorpio with Saturn on the 20th Feb 2016 will be crucial factor and specially its transit in this sign for 211 days and falling back in Libra and aspecting the 8th house of mass happening is worst for the country . Mars and Saturn as 6th and 8th Lord in transit aspecting the 9th  house of the chart and afflicting the Lagna Lord Mercury and 12th Lord Sun  will be a crucial Parameter foe the country . The Eclipse in the 6th house and 7th from Dasha Lord Mars on the 9th march will further aggravate the situations .

8th house affliction for mass happenings .Signs critical for affliction are Aries, Leo, and Taurus and  their Lords Mars an, Sun and Venus  and are getting afflicted as mentioned above . Mars affliction will be most cricial for the Virgo Lagnas and Navamshas Mars entering in Virgo over Transit Rahu in the Lagna will be most cruciall after 3rd Nov. 2015 and then Mars and Saturn conjunction in Scorpio for 211 days will have adverse influence for the country apart from the Present Return aspect of Mars and Saturn. The Country  will be strongly involved in the Shai Sunni conflict .

Dasha Of Mars Starting from 15th Feb 2016 could Prove Explosive for the Country getting into War like Situations  by Terrorism from with in the Country or Foreign Elements . The Time frame from 12th July to 18th Sept. 2016 will be the Most Prone Period For War mongering Conditions

Iran 1st April 1979 15-00 Tehran IranIran

Cancer Lagna

Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015 over the 9th house of Pieces over natal Sun,Mars and Mercury . Note the degrees of these planets  Sun 17,32 , Mars 2.03 and Mercury 3.42, Mars and Mercury has been closely activated by Saturn Stationary at the time mentioned when it was 4.13 degrees on the 6th  August 2015. Natal Saturn the 7th Lord of Wars is also activated by both Transit Mars and Saturn in Leo at 14.43 degrees with Rahu in the natal chart .

The country is running the dasha of Jup-Sat-Mars , Dasha of 7th Lord gives Wars specially in the Maha dasha of Jupiter since Jupiter Debilitates in the sign of capricorn , for this reason dasha of Jup-Saturn is never good . Mars Makes the country war Prone , connection of the 9th, 12th and thje 3rd house .

Dasha of Jup-Sat-Rahu from 15th Oct. 2015 will be crucial  for the reason mars will join Rahu in Virgo on the 3rd Nov. 2015 and activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces  of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 on the 20-21st nov. 2015 .

The Country can get involved in the Fight of the Sunnis and Shais  and as pointed above it can take a massive shape in Feb 2016 and there after as mentioned in this article since Mars will transit Scorpio for 211 days and Mars will aspect the 8th house and will be with 8th lord Saturn .

Dasha of Jup-Mercury  from 5th July 2016 will be even worse for the country since Mercury is afflicted and also in Debilitation in the 9th house as the 3rd and the 12th lord  shows the Country going in active fight of the Basic Religon based fight.

8th house afflictions to  Leo, Aquarius,Virgo and their Lord will be crucial for the Country . Leo, Virgo are badly afflicted  and so are their lords along with Mercury and Saturn . Mars Transit over Rahu in Transit in the Lagna on the 3rd Nov. 2015 will be critical  and then Transit of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio  and then will be crucial   for mass happenings

Iran, Russia will plunge in war  to strike against the Sunni countries

South Arabia  15 Jan 1902  03-45 GMT 00-00 Riyadh Saudi Arabia


The Lagna is Capricorn in the Nakshatra of U Shadha and the 8th Lord placed in the Lagna with Mercury, Mars and Jupiter  .

The Present Dasha is Jup-Moon-Rahu .  Connection of the Planets with the 7th house involves the country in war like situation specially as mentioned by Mr K N Rao. Mars connection with 3rd, 6th, 12th and 7th house make the country war mongering . The Dasha lords Connection to Mars aggravates the situations .

Eclipse  of 28th Sept. 2015 taking place over the natal Moon and also the 7th lord and Sub Sub dasha lord is critical parameter in the present context. . Saturn Stationary in Scorpio has activated the planets in the Lagna  specially Sun, Mercury, Jup and Mars .  Jupiter Debilitated as the 12th and the 3rd lord and Dasha of Mars will be instrumental for War like situations for Saudi Arabia now and future , since jupiter moon is also not condusive to give good Results since moon is the 7th Lord .

8th house afflictions  Leo, Capricorn and their lords Sun and Saturn getting afflicted could bring the Country involved in mass happenings  as per the Dates already mentioned above could bring mass happenings .

Mars Transit in Virgo on the 3rd Nov. 2015 will activate the Eclipse point of the 28th sept. 2015 on the 20-21st Nov. 2015  at this point Mars will activate the natal Saturn also by 4th aspect in the 12th house . Mars Transit in Libra and aspecting the natal Mars from the 10th house will sprout War like situations for the country . The worst is the Mars Falling back in Libra after ingressing in Scorpio  and then aspecting the natal  Mars  will bring untoward happening . Mars and Saturn Conjunction  in Scorpio for 211 days will be crucial and the Prices of Fuel may escalate beyond imagination . and the Globe thus suffering from Financial Stagnation



4th July 1776 10-21-30 hrs Philadelpha PA

The country has Leo lagna and goes with out saying that the country will also involve in was like situations , since the Lagna is badly afflicted by Mars and Saturn return aspect. in the Natla chart Mars and Saturn also have a return aspect  and the Eclipse has taken place in the 7th from Saturn in Virgo  and the 2/8 axis.

The dasha running is Mars-Mer till 11 -4-2016 and then Mars-Ketu. Mars makes the country war mongering and mercury is placed in the 12th house with Rahu for war losses

8th house afflictions Eclipse has taken place in the 8th house and mars and Saturn both influencing the 8th Lord Jupiter. Signs critical are Pieces, Gemini,Cancer , Libra and their Lords when get afflicted then there will be untoward happenings with strong dimensions . Mars transit in the Lagna and Return aspect of Saturn from the Scorpio sign is crucial. Mars Transit over Natal Saturn in the 2nd house and aspect on the 8th house and activating the Eclipse point on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 will be instrumental for Us to take some strong measures for the Shia  and Suuni Countries . Transit of mars in Scorpio will further aggravate the situations , since Mars will transit in the 4th house of Us for 211 days  from 20th Feb. 2016

From the above it is self evident that the globe will be encircled with war like situations between the Shai and Sunni Countries and sprout with greater dimension as mentioned below . Giving rise to Fuel Prices and Global  Economic Stagnation

The Most Crucial time will be when Mars and Saturn join Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and Mars transits the sign for 211 days  will be a period of untoward happenings pertaining to these Countries making issue of Religon. The Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 will be instrumental for a choas in the Political affairs anfd Financial Stagnation in  the world and War like situations. 

The Most sensitive Period will be when Mars ingresses again in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet on the 12th July to 18th Sept 2016  for the Involvement of the War Mongering Countries to Get involved in these Activities

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 1st Oct. 2015 21-00 hrs 

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