Sun Saturn Nexus In The Horoscope

by astrodocanil

A Tale of Two Enemies : Sun and Saturn


In Astrology Sun and Saturn are considered enemies of each other.Let me narate the Reasons  behind it . Wife of Sun Sanghya was very mush influenced  by the Rays of Sun. One Fine Day she decided to go to her Parents house  and before she did it she left her Shadow behind. Saturn was Born from the shadow of Sanghya. One Fine day Sun and his Wife Sanghya were discussing  that we both are bright how come Saturn is so black, unfortunately Saturn was listening to their conversation and Replied to Sun . You mean I am an illegitimate child , He then said I will now tell you how a Illegitimate Son behaves.

In the natural Zodiac Saturn owns the 10th ans the 11th house , Saturn is also Bhadak for the natural Zodiac. Sun is the Lord of the 5th house since Atma Enters from the 5th house , Saturn isa Disciplanarian, therefore is KarmadhiPati but also a Bhadak for the Greed house .

It has beeen observed that Sun and Saturn Relationship in the horoscope of a native effects the native adversely due to the following combinations .



3.Exchange between them .

4. Exchange of the Dispositors

The child born with these combinations should be brought up in hostels, then the father and the child donot suffer in General . If the 5th house, 5th Lord is Strong, then this combination fails to produce the adverse results. Astrology is Divine and a super science which corelates the astrological movements  with physical, phychic and the soul.It is based on the assumption that the Planets  influence us. The Theory of Karma and  Cause and Effect are Genuine and there is Continuity of Life after Physical Death. There are many examples of Rebirth, Those who have not settled the  debit in the previous life , have to pay his bitter enemy who  is born as a Son in this life . Suppose a Person cheats, beats , decieves,, humiliates , kills  or exploits  or Troubles a Person  one way or the other  and the other person is not able to settle the score  or take revenge  in that particular life due to various reasons  then in that case  both of them will be born as Father and Sun. Sun Saturn nexus is the hostality involving the two souls which started from the previous birth, Father suffers immedaitely after the Birth of the Son or Son will never be able to prosper and Father will derive all the benefits , good fortune . In such a case  the prosperity of the Father multiplies after the birth of the Son. Hence it is presumed that the Planetary combination of Sun and Saturn as mentioned above is Explosive  for the Prosperity of either of them . There are other Parameters  which have to be seen  carefully  to see the malefic effect  on the Father or the Sun given below. I am writing this article when Saturn and Sun opposition will takle place exactly on the 3rd June 2016.

  1. When Saturn aspects Sun with other malefics , the Father suffers and goes down in life , as soon as the Son starts to Earn after finishing the Education  around 24 years .
  2. The dispositor of Moon  is also with Sun, it becomes worse. Sun and Saturn are die- hard enemies . Saturn signifies death, miseries, adversities,debt and various kind of Reversals , losses,humiliations,diseases of many kind. Sun Represents life , expansion, reputation,elegance, Royal touch,and Status, When Saturn gets Combusts with in 9 degrees of Sun, it provides miserable existence . It is well known theory of Sage Parashar that when Dasha of Sun will be bad , Saturn dasha will bestow very good results even if it is combusted . The Reason is Saturn is son of Sun. Every Father wishes his Son to Flourish in every respect. The sloka -Parajayam Ichchet Putraada Yoga Formed . This is a Evil Yoga . This conjunction forces the native to Earn through illegal means . Saturn-Sun-Mercury together make the life of the native woesome. They often die in young age . Sun-Saturn-Venus   brings the native from Rags to Riches , provided Venus is not combust . Horasara has Praised the combination in the 9th, 2nd and the 6th house  and they give wide spread fame  and happiness , in other houses it leads to a combination of no wealth.In the 10th house one gainds money only to loose it latter. The combination in the 11th house is superior , Sun aspected by Saturn .In certain cases when Lagna and the 9th house is weak, every thing evaporates in the Air and this combination placed in the Adverse house  the native will suffer life to Death. Saturn aspect on Sun
  3. When Saturn aspects Sun and Sun is with Rahu, Ketu  the 6th , 8th Lord  then the native is abondoned  by the Father.When such natives have other Rajyogas then they are adopted by other People in the form of God Fathers  who look after them , Many of such Children die at young age in the absence of the Rajyogas . In the event of a Yogkarka conjunct  sun and aspected by Saturn, the native will pay the debt of his father by raising his Brother and Sister .
  4. In the Present Transit Saturn is closest to Earth and retrograde and aspects Sun on the 3rd June 2016 is crucial Transit for Such Children  if the Combinations are as described as above. Such Children Grow away from Father.Sun Saturn Combination False charges may be imposed on the Father , He may Suffer Loss and dignity.
  5. Case Study  Native as per chart below 1
  6. The Native Lost his father when he Joined his Father Buisness just around the age of 24 years . There is the illfated combination of Saturn-Mercury and Sun and Dispositor of Moon in fact is also just left from the 9th house and is also combusted , The native Suffered losses in the Dasha of the dispositor of Moon and the Yoga Karka for the Horoscope , he lost all his commercial Properties , Unfortunately his son also has this combination and Things could be repeated in his life and Specially when there is Combination in the Transit as well and dasha related to the concerned Planets
  7. Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd  May 2016 8.30 PM New Delhi  Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comVideo on Planetary cycle on

    Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

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