Sun-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction In Sagitarius From 16th Dec.-14th Jan. 2019 And Opposition From 16th June -16th July 2019

by astrodocanil

In Vedic Astrology the Conjunction of Sun and Saturn is considered a dreaded one .They are bitter enemy to each other.. The Conjunction of Sun and Saturn takes place every year for a month and so does the opposition and considered to be most venomous when both are also influenced by the nodes . The Conjunction takes place from the 16th Dec. 2018 to 14th Jan 2019 and opposition takes place from the 16th June to 16th July 2019 and may prove most enigmatic it so seems . The 24 -26 degree Saturn in Sagitarius  will also influence the India and US the most  it so seems . Let us Under stand what Sun and Saturn represent . 


Sun represents the people in power, Kings, Prime Ministers, Govt. Heads, Ministers of State. It represents bureaucracy, political, religious and influential people. Sun is our Ego and Pride.It represents our soul. It gives honour and recognition, power and authority. It also represents the Govt.. If Sun is afflicted in the horoscope of the nation, the nation becomes arogant and self Centred. Look at the Horoscopes of the US and India . In the chart of US Saturn almost aspects the Sun very  close Saturn is 26 degrees in Virgo and Sun 22 degrees in Gemini. In the case of India they are conjunct in Cancer  and Sun is 27.59 and Saturn 20-28 degrees . This conjunction brings morally debased and of ill-repute. It becomes a snob ignoring the feelings of other nations . When Sun is afflicted in the natal chart and also in Transit thenit portends ill for the nation and eveil results may follow. The People in high posts , nobility and important people may suffer . Sunn and Saturn Conjunction also represents trouble to the Govt. through depressed classes. In the Horoscopes of Politicians and Rulers Sun shpould not be afflicted , otherwise it shows a life of Struggle and tribulations. The decision taken by then may not be  wise and sound.

In the foundation charts of US and India Sun is under affliction and so is in the case of Narendra Modi and Trump The Present Transit may therefore be crucial  for one month from the 16th Dec. 2018 to 14th Jan 2019


Asper vedic myth Saturn is the son of Sun, born to his shadow wife chaya. Saturnis lame because one of the Sun’s first wife Sanjana’s childrenwere angered with him and struck him in the foot. Saturn therefore walks with a limp and is the slowest planet amongst the Planets . Saturn represents land, agriculture, real estate,underground mines,old people,diseases, democracy and all forms of democratic institutions, labour class in general, strikes, ,emergencies,national calamities,earthquakes,over throw of rulers,.

Saturn has been designated by Kalidas as Dukhkarka, specially when Saturn is moving through asterism of Mars, Rahu and Ketu, position becomes worst when Saturn is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Mars and harm would be more if Saturn is in Retrogression and when Jupiter will be in 2/12 position  and hence Jupiter then would not be able to give its benefic results . This Combination is taking place after 25th March 2019 and Jupiter fallen and in 2/12 position with Saturn after 10th April 2019 and Saturn becoming Retrograde on the 30th April 2019.

Let me now write few happenings when Sun and Saturn were conjunct earlier 

1. On the 31st Oct. 1984 Sun and Saturn were conjunct in Libra and Sun was 14 degrees and Saturn 24  and Rajiv Gandhi become the Prime Minister if India on this date

2. Emergency was clamped by Indra gandhi on the 26th June 1975 when Sun and Saturn were conjunct in Gemini. Saturn was 26 degrees and Sun was 10 degrees. Unfortunately  on the 30th April 2019 Saturn will activate these 26 degrees in Gemini  when it will be Stationary mode and going in Retrogression and degree conjunct with Ketu in Sagitarius and degree-wise 8th aspect by Mars . 

3. Rahul Gandhi Took Oath as the Congress President on the 16th Dec. 2017 at 11.07 hrs  when Saturn was 5 degrees and Sun 00.47 degrees 

4. Congress Won the Assembly election in the 3 states on the 11th Dec. 2018 and Oath by 3 CM’s was taken on the 17th Dec. 2018 exactly after one year from Rahul Gandhi becoming the President of Congress . Saturn was 15 degrees and Sun 1.00 degrees 

5.Sun-Saturn Conjunction Plays Havoc For Congress As Predicted link…ess-as-predicted/

Anti -Sikh Roits victms’families protest against Kamal Nath in Ludhiana

6. Opposition Disagrees With MK Stalin Backing Rahul Gandhi For PM: Sources 

7.No Proof Of Wrongdoing, Says Top Court On Rafale, Huge Win For Government

8. Read Article “A Twin Analysis On Mega Oath Ceremony Of 3 CM’s By Oath Chart’s & Key Planet Saturn”…ey-planet-saturn/

9.”Saturn The Disciplinarian Gifts The Key Person Sajjan Kumar With Life Term In ’84 Riots”…term-in-84-riots/     Again Sun and Saturn Conjunction


In the present Scenario Sun and Saturn conjunction took place in Sagitarius for the second time in the sign Sagitarius  on the 16th Dec. 2018 and they will be conjunct till 14th Jan. 2019 and there dispositor will be in the 12th house from them.This can therefore prove to be most venomous as explained above for the People in power specially the Congress and hence may it be Rahul Gandhi and other Top Leaders of Congress. On the 2nd Jan 2019 Sun and Saturn will be degree conjunct at 17 degrees and the dispositor in the 12th house from them and the nakshatra Lord also in the 12th from the sign is most malefic and Venomous for the Political affairs of the world and the Top Leaders may suffer on account of wrong decisions and wrong doings of the old karma when they were in power may bring venomous results for the top leaders may be it is BJP or the Congress. The Conjunction is most venomous for Congress from the Prevous experiences speciually when Sun is 14 degrees and Saturn 24 degrees for Congress. A Tug of War in the Political Field of the Country cannot be ruled out.

It will not only happen in India but also US and other Countries where the Sun and Saturn Connection is there in the foundation charts . Trump may have to bear the fruits of the burnt and may face a toughest situation ever since he has come in Power . Trump as per his natal chart will be undergoing the Dasha of Jup-Saturn from the 1st March 2019  which can prove most enigmatic for him due to the fact that as per Jyotish Classics Saturn being the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter will cast an evil spell on the Jupiter results . In his chart Jupiter is also Fallen in the 2nd House and Transit Jupiter will also be fallen and over the natal Debilitated Moon and Ketu degree-wise. The Sun and Saturn effect now  when Saturn is afflicted badly will prove most Venomous  when Saturn will also be afflicted after 30th April 2019 going in Retrogression and with Ketu and having 8th aspect of Mars from Taurus. Saturn then will be in the 8th house from the 10th house and is the house of Padchuti and affliction to this house can be detremental for him it so seems

Astrology predicted loud and clear on this  Read Article written on the 23rd July 2017 more than a year back “What Future Awaits Trump and US in 2017-2019 ? ” link…-us-in-2017-2019/  

As per the Foundation chart of US Rahu dahs will also be in operation from the Nov. 2018 and placed in the 12th house over the natal Mercury in Retrogression at 3.35 degrees and Transit Rahu will also be over it and and most crucial till 6th Dec. 2018 when it changes the Navamsha and is less then 3.20 degrees in Cancer 

The year 2019  will be most enigmatic for the world it so seems  and the most malefic and Venomous dates are as follows  2nd Jan., 10th Jan. 10th April , 30th April, 19th June and when the Eclipses take place on the 21st Jan. 2019, 16th July 2019 Lunar Eclipses, 6th Jan and 2nd July 2019 Solar Eclipses . The Month of July 2019 will be the worst it so seems after the dates mentioned . The  effects of Sun and Saturn conjunction between the 16th Dec. 2018 to 14th Jan. 2019 will take ugly shape when Opposition  of Sun and Saturn takes place after 16th June 2019, since both will also be afflicted and Saturn in Retrogression. I fear the situations In the Political Scenario may be the worst of its kind not only in India but in the Globe as well specially in those Countries where Sun and Saturn Conjunction, opposition of influence in any way is there 

Global Economy

I have been writting on the Global Economy since Early 2017 that theyear 2019 will be the worst since 1929 Deep depression. Saturn has completed its 30 and 60 year cycle , now it will be completing its 90 year cycle from Oct. 1929 which could be parallel to the happenings in 1929 as far as the Global Economy is concerned . Saturn has already behaved the way it behaved 30 years back in 1987 took a break and 60 years back in 1958 when the Global Stocks zoomed , now is the time which could be worst for the Global economy . I have written n number of Predictions on this on my webpage and all have proved on dot .
The Karna Lords in the Lunation chart of the 7th Dec. 2018 are most malefic for the Fortnight and 4 Planets in the sign Scorpio where the Karna Lord Sun is with Moon, Jupiter and Mercury Proves most Venomous for even the Stock Markets , since the Karna Lord Sun is with The Karka for Stock Markets Mercury and Jupiter the Divine Planet for Wealth and Prosperity
Wait for some more time and you will see for yourself . The Sun and Saturn Conjunction in a Fiery sign from the 16th Dec. 2018 to 14th Jan. 2019 . Combustion of Saturn depletes the energy of Sun. Saturn is also Karka for Politics and is the 10th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and as the 11th Lord Bhadak and since the Sign Capricorn is in Paap Kartari yoga and Ketu Placed in the sign Capricorn there will be lot of Changes in the Politics and the top positions till Mars in the sign Aquarius till the 23rd Dec. 2018. This would indirectly also influence the Stock and the financial markets and a strong Roller Coaster rides cannot be ruled out . Check out your Sun and Saturn if they are in conjunction or in opposition and if in close degrees there could be health related issues and since the Karka for Blood is Mars is also under affliction who also gets debilitated in the 4th house of the natural Zodiac. Sun is Karka for Heart, hence there could be Heart issues . Keep Proper check on the Blood Pressure levels, Isolation could lead to depression. The Sign Sagitarius is coming into focus more so Ketu is also about to join the sign. The 9th and the 10th House of the Natural Zodiac will be more in focus in the Global issues. Ketu in the 10th house will give sudden changes . We have already experienced the Change in the Political Game in the State Assembly Election in the 5 states and specially in the 3 States , Unfortunately the Karna Lord is also Sun and a Malefic one till the 23rd Dec. 2018 . Hence the Sun and Saturn conjunction will be a game changer in Politics and the World Events till 23rd Dec. 2018. The Year 2019 will be most Venomous in respoect to the Financial Crisis in the globe more so the Nodes ingress in the dual signs where they will be in their own nakshatra and also under the affliction of Firstly by Saturn in Sagitarius and then Mars in Gemini with Rahu. Jupiter the Lord of the Mool Trikona Sign will be in Fallen State from the 23rd April 2019 to 5th Nov. 2019 could be most explosive for the Global Economy, more so after Ketu Ingress in Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 and Jupiter ingress in Sagitarius on the 29th March 2019. Saturn will also be on the completion of its 90 year cycle then from Oct. 1929 when we had the Great Depression in the World.. Saturn in the Trinal Position from Leo and a fiery sign, Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus will be aspected by Transit Fallen Jupiter in Retrogression and in Fallen state . So many other Factors like US running the Dasha of Rahu posited in the 12th house over the natal Mercury and Transit Rahu just moving over it in the present Scenario. Eclipses in the year 2019 in Close degrees with the Luminaries and Mars and Saturn also influencing the Nodes is another parameter which cannot be ignored . India Dasha in the Foundation chart will also be Moon-Saturn forming a Punarfu Yoga and Moon from Nov. 2019 and before that Moon-Jupiter the Lord of the 8th and the 11th house and Transit Jupiter under affliction from April 2019 is another factor which cannot be ignored . ASTROLOGY HAS PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THIS LONG BACK AND SOON WE WILL SEE MORE SIGNS .
The Key Parameter in the Global Economy is the effect of the Nodes in the Dual signs , Jupiter the Marak, Bhadak and having Kendraadhipati dish for Gemini where Eclipses would be taking place in the 1/7 axis in 2019 and jupiter under affliction will be like a mad elephant who has the capacity to ruin the Jungle specially when Jupiter will join Sagitarius on the 29th March 2019 and go in Retrogression and Fall Back in Scorpio from the 23rd April 2019 to 5th Nov. [ 2,400 more words ]…/a-glimpse-on-the-stock-and-…/


Written on 21st Dec. 2018  08-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

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My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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