Stocks Tumble Globally On Coronavirus Jitters As Predicted Lunation Chart 25th Jan. Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1137 Articles and Predictions in just 56 months from April 2015

Rahu Rog harnam and Ketu Rog karnam and both in 1/7 axis of the Lunation chart and under affliction. Mars Yoga Lord aspects Rahu
Fears that China has failed to contain the pneumonia-like virus — which has killed at least 80 people and infected more than 2,700 — roiled markets at the start of a week jam-packed with corporate earnings. The outbreak has shattered a calm in markets that hasn’t seen a 1% up-or-down move in the S&P 500 since early October.
This is with Reference to my earlier Article “Astrology Hits the Nail On Head For Predictions For 24th Jan 2020 Mars Saturn And Nodes On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Fallen Jupiter as the 12th Lord in the 12th house Sagitarius in the Foundation chart of the China which is also the 22DK in the chart and Transit of 6 planets and Eclipses in this sign in the 12th From Moon has played havoc in the Country and specially in Waun where millions have be affected and life like prisoners. The Transit of Ketu the disease Karka may produce most malefic results when it goes in the own Nakshatra Mula from the 12th Feb. 2020 when Rahu will also be in its own nakshatra till 22nd March 2020. The Transit of the Trio Saturn Mars and jupiter In the Ascendant of Capricorn on the 30th March 2020 may further aggravate the things when both Saturn and Jupiter become Retrograde on the 12th and the 15th May respectively and Jupiter Falls on the natal Jupiter who is also Fallen on the 30th June 2020. This Time Frame may be the worst time frame for China.
I have already discussed the Foundation chart of China , now let us also see the Lunation chart of the 25th Jan 2020 what it has up it’s sleeves for the fortnight . The Chart is below

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus who is also the 6th Lord of the Chart and is influenced by the 12th Lord Mars who is also the Lord of the Yoga and aspects Venus almost degree-wise . There is a Poorna ithasla between the 2. Mars the Yoga Lord is ill placed from Ketu disease karka and also influences the 6th house. From Moon the 6th Lord is Mercury is again ill placed from Ketu and the 6th house from Moon is Gemini and again ill placed from Mars the Yoga Lord , infact Mars 8th aspect influences the 6th house from Moon where Rahu is Placed in the 7th house of the Chart. In navamsha Mars is again ill placed from Ketu and also ill placed from the 6th Lord from Moon Mercury. Mars is placed in the 8th house with the 8th Lord as the 6th Lord . All these Parameters show the disease may not be cured easily
The Karna Lord is a Malefic and is Naga and hence the 7th Lord Mercurywho is again ill placed from Ketu.
Malefic in the Lagna the Physician cannot cure the disease specially when Ketu the disease Karka is placed in the Lagna . Ketu is also an Avyogi Planet.
On the Contrary the Disease may become complicated by the treatment
Malefic Rahu in the 7th house in own nakshatra and aspected by the yoga Lord Mars will further complicate the situations .
Since the UdayLagna and Arudha Lagna Sagitarius and the Chaitra Rashi Gemini and all are dual signs the Disease may not be cured in this fortnight . The Disease may be other than the Expected .The UL and AL are Prishtodayo signs . The Ill ness will continue since there is ishraaf yoga between the Lagna Lord Jupiter and the 6th Lord Venus . Jupiter is 17.58 amd Venus 19.18 and there is a difference of 1 degree and we all know the sdisease sprouted on the 24th Jan 2020.
The Day Lord Venus is ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord Moon which is the most malefic and Venomous parameter in this fortnight and we have seen the millions being affected in Wuan.Venus is also the 6th Lord .
Moon is associated with Malefics and is weak , hence the sickness will not be cured and and will linger on.
Evil Planet Mars in the 12th house who is also the Lord of the Yaga considered to be a Venomous parameter for Disease .Since Malefic is there in the Apoklima house the disease is due to Water.
From the rising nakshatra the parts of the body affected should be stated: testicles, internal sexual organs.
When Sagittarius or Pisces is the Arudha, affliction by malefics indicates mental troubles and ear complaints. i.e. diseases of Jupiter.
Rahu occupies 7th the disease is due to poisonous matter in the food. The poison will have been in milk and fruits since the arudha falls in the rasi of
Jupiter Sagitarius.
The disease has begun when the Moon transited the rasi occupied by the lord
of the 6th and hence 24th Jan 2020 and recovery will begin when the Moon enters the rasi occupied by the lord of the 4th, Jupiter. almost after a month since Moon will have to come back in Sagitarius about 28 days. Moon has Rays of 21 may be after 21 days to 28 days.
The lord of the 6th has occupied a fixed rasi, recovery will be very slow. It has crossed the 15 degree mark hence the disease is in full intensity .
Gulika in Libra 4.50 degrees and in Scorpio Navamsha
Pransphuta is Pieces hence the sickness will increase
Lagna Gemini 26.43
Moon in Aries
Since the Lagna longitude is greater than Moon the sickness will increase
Mritysphuta is Leo and also in Leo Navamsha and since the Greater than the Lagna and the Moon the results will be fatal
Trisphuta Navamsha is Aquarius and where the 6th Lord is placed . Venus causes swelling. Saturn governs disability to stretch or to fold one’s hands and legs.
Ketu indicates wounds. If the sick man has the diseases signified by the lord of Thrisphuta Navamsa Saturn or by the lord associated with Thrisphuta, then predict death.

Hence from the above the Fortnight begining from the 25th Jan 2020 to 10th Feb 2020 is most enigmatic one
Coronavirus Outbreak: Death Toll Rises To 80, Over 2,700 Confirmed Casesas on 27th Jan 2020. Wuhan is worst affected
Coronavirus causes upper respiratory infection symptoms like a stuffy nose, cough and others. Asper the Foundation chart the 6th Lord is Mercury and is also afflicted in the Lunation chart and I have discusssed the same in my Previous article. The situations are grim and the Stock and the Financial Markets are bound for Trouble specially in the months of Feb. 2020 starting from the 8th Feb 2020 2nd 22nd to 26th Feb 2020 are the worst time frmaes for the Globe in totality
China Coronavirus death toll climbs to 106; US issues new China travel warning


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
28th Jan 2020 6-40-00 hrs
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