Stock Markets Take Big Hit As Predicted :Planetary War Jupiter & Venus 29th April-3rd May 2022

by astrodocanil

“Stock Markets Take Big Hit As Predicted :Planetary War Jupiter & Venus 29th April-3rd May 2022”

Read My Article below written on the 23RD April 2022 WHICH PROVE 100%

New Moon 1st May 2022  Planetary War Venus Jupiter Blood Shed As Per ‘Myur Chitram’ Mundane Classic “

LINK New Moon 1st May 2022 Planetary War Venus Jupiter Blood Shed As Per ‘Myur Chitram’ Mundane Classic – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( 

Read Point no 10 which makes every thing crystal clear for the Predictions for the Stock Markets and ;proves 100 %

The New Moon Chart of the 1st May 2022 01-57 hrs is most enigmatic one  due to the following reasons . The Chart is Below

  1. Partial Solar Eclipse in the star of Bharini. The sign rising in the Ascendant is Capricorn and Sun, Rahu and Moon in the 4th house having aspect of Saturn. Here Saturn aspects the 8th house and also the 8th Lord Sun.  The Day is Sunday and the Lord Sun is under affliction placed in the 4th house .. The Karna is Nag a malefic Karna . The Affliction to the 4th house and the 4/10 axis is not good for the Head of the Country, Political Trauma and Earthquake of Magnitude 
  2. Mars and Saturn Conjunction in the sign Aquarius the 2nd house of the chart and both aspect the 8th house 
  3. Venus and Jupiter Planetary war in the sign Pisces the 3rd house of the chart. Major Upheaval and untoward happenings in this fortnight starting from the 30th April 2022. As per the Mundane Classic ‘Myur Chitram the Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is Bloodshed  and specially since the conjunction is taking place in the 7th house of the Foundation chart of Russia of War there could be Violent Happenings  due to the War with Ukraine . Venus and Jupiter in Watery sign and in Fiery Navamsha Leo opens the secret of the happenings which could be most violent . The Planetary war is taking place on the 30th April 2022 hence the Time frame from the 30th April to 3rd May 2022 will be most crucial time frame for the War between Countries specially between Ukraine and Russia and other Countries provoking the War .The Asian Subcontinent and Europe will be influenced the most for untoward happenings  .
  4. Sweden , Finland to apply for NATO membership in May 2022. Russia has already warned them of the Consequences , hence the Brawl between Sweden, Finland and Russia can escalate in this coming fortnight . It is a wake-up call for Europe else the situations may go out of control till the 17th May 2022 for the fact that on this day 17th May Mars will aspect Ketu by 8th aspect from Pisces and Saturn aspect on Rahu in Aries from Aquarius. I fear to write here any more since the Planetary positions as already mentioned by me in my earlier Articles that from 31st July to 10th August 2022 will be most prone to War escalation between the Countries and Some what parallel to the WW2 Planetary positions, Mars with Rahu in Aries and aspect of Saturn from Aquarius  and Ketu having aspect of Mars can be explosive.
  5. Mars will activate the 3 Degrees Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus on the 21st-22nd May 2022 . This time frame from the 17th to 22nd  May is Prone to Violent Happenings between Russia and the NATO Countries and specially with Sweden and Finland . There could be untoward happening in the globe as well  and those Countries represented by Pisces will be influenced the most.

  6. Mars and Saturn both in the Marka house and Saturn acquires an important dimension since it aspect the 8th house and also the 8th Lord Sun with Rahu
  7. Rahu In adverse motion and under aspect of Saturn Marka 
  8. Mercury and Moon will be in the same sign Taurus and the same star on the 3rd May 2022 and indicative of an Earthquake and Cyclone of dimension specially in the States represented by the sign Pisces. The Countries represented by Pisces are  Portugal (Germany) Egypt, Norway Sahara Desert , Jerusalem and Canada . The Cities which could be influenced in India Could be Maharashtra and Mumbai the Most 
  9. The Coastal Areas of the World may suffer due to Cyclones, Earthquakes , Rains and Tsunami’s like situations 
  10. Stock and Financial Markets may see huge Volatility in the coming fortnight  and so would be the case of Gold and Silver  although Metals may rise between the 29th to 4th May 2022.Adverse conditions for the Stock and Financial Markets between the 29th April to 4th May 2022 due to Planetary war between Venus and Jupiter. Asper Myur Chitram it is Blood shed and Jupiter rules the wealth and Venus the Currency and prices hence there may be strong volatility in the Stock and the Financial Markets —–NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS 
  11. Rise in the Cases of Virus although it may not be fatal .


Closing Bell: Sensex tanks 1,307 pts, Nifty below 16,700 as RBI stuns with a rate hike

All the sectoral indices ended in the red with auto, bank, FMCG, power, metal, realty, healthcare, capital goods indices down 1-3 percent. BSE midcap index shed 2.63 percent and the smallcap index fell 2.11 percent.


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 4TH MAY 2022 17-00 hrs
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More than 1760 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 385 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 

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