Stationary Saturn on 20th to 30th March ,Paksha Kundali of 23rd March 2016 What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

Before we analyse the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016, Let me also study the Effects of the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016  of 07-24 hrs below

Let us now see the Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 07-24 hrs. what it foretells

Solar Ecliopse 9th march 2016

The Eclipses have a telling effect if they fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun or Moon signs and the 8th house , the MEP of the Lagna .

Between the North nodal and the South Nodal Eclipses (Involving Ketu ) and the Effects  of the South nodal Eclipses are bad ., Even if Placed in the 3rd, 11th 5th and  9th Produces feeble good results. since the above is a South Nodal Eclipse in the 12th house of the Chart, 10th house of the India Independence chart and 8th from  natal Moon and the Dasha Lord it is not liable to give good Results . If the Eclipses are also falling in the 8th house  and  also influence the natal position of the Planets and evil dasha in operation, then Evil results sprout with magnitude.

Eclipses in the airy sign of Aquarius. All planets in Rahu-Ketu axis and Ketu and 4 Planets  aspected by Mars and Rahu and Jupiter aspected by Saturn is the most crucial parameter to Escalate the Events of the Paksha kundali of the 8th Feb. 2016 happenings all round in India and Globe. Cyclones, Earthquakes of Intensity over 7-7.5 intensity cannot be ruled out as per my article on the Earthquakes. Economic Meltdown and Financial Stagnation is on the cards as depicted by the above chart . Connection of the 9th and the 12th lord in the 9th house of the Eclipse is Regligious in differences and Terrorism, Roits and Arson on account of the same. Weather changes cannot be ruled out , Stock market Taking a Hit in the Fortnight of 23rd March 2016 is also on the cards . I have already mentioned the Dates in all my articles and need not be repeated in thsi article . Gold may take a bearish trend after 9th March and more so after 23rd March 2016 . The world will also be set for Transformations and innovations in the renewable energies , Solar Energies  are some Positive aspects of the Eclipses. The effect of this Eclipse will be till the next Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016. Eclipse in Aquarius  hars the People in mountains and in the west, Cyclones, Windstorms, Famines, Destruction  take place.Effect of the Lord of the sign is Saturn and hence acqyures a special dimension between the 20th to 30 March 2016 and the entire period till the next eclipse since it will be in retrogression till 13th August 2016. Since the Eclipse is influenced by Mars and Saturn  Assasination of Kings and Kingly Persons cannnot be ruled out . Political Turmoils, Strikes, representations will be the main Headlines in the News 

For India Foundation chart below India

As stated above the Eclipse will be in the 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart in the 8th house from Natal Moon and the Dasha and the Sub Dasha Lord of Moon and 8th house from the sub-sub dasha Lord Mercury   starting from 5th March 2016 when Mercury will also be in abnormal motion with acceleration  till 17th April 2016 when the Sub-sub dasha of Ketu starts , which could be explosive , since the Eclipse is of the South nodal  in aquarius  and aspected by Mars from Scorpio , where natal Ketu is Placed , the Natal Ketu is at 5.44 degrees and Transit Mars will be over it at  6.59 degrees . Transit Mars has activated the natal  Ketu and the transit Ketu where the eclipse is taking Place . Saturn has already activated the Natal Ketu at exact degrees between 27th July and 7th August when Saturn was in stationary motion, now Both Mars and Saturn over the natal Ketu in the 7th house of the Foundation chart. The axis of the Rahu and Ketu of the foundation chart and Navamsha  is also activated , hence the results of the Solar Eclipse is bound to sprout.

Saturn going in Stationary motion on the 20th March to 30th March 2016 and becoming Retrograde on the 25th March is a sensitive Parameter since Saturn in Stationary motion will aspect Retrograde Jupiter in degrees . Saturn will be 22.18 degrees and Jupiter 22.40 degrees . at this Point There will be exchange of Jupiter and Sun. Let me remind you that in the Solar ingress chart of 15th Jan 2016 of 01-26 hrs , Sun was badly afflicted by both Mars and Saturn , being a cardinal sign the effects are felt till Sun goes in a Cardinal sign of Aries , Sun  just before ingressing in Capricorn had Exchange with Jupiter who was afflicted badly both by Rahu and Saturn in Stationary position when it went in Retrogression on the 8th Jan. 2016 and needless to mention the happenings in the Globe one after the other .

8th Feb. 2016 Paksha Kundali of 2016 at 20.09 hrs was an enigmatic one and I had mentioned in all my articles that this is the key date for untoward happenings in the world and Economy melt down. The JNU Row Started in this Fortnight of the 8th Feb. 2016 Paksha Kundali. , See the chart below and you would appreciate it what happened and what can happen after the Solar eclipse  and specially when Saturn is stationary motion, and Rahu in adverse motion. Let us also have a fast look on the Paksha kundali for this Purpose to connect the events and what could emerge out of the Solar Eclipse and the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016.

Paksha 8-2-2016

Now also see the chart of 23rd March 2016 17.31 hrs below making the Predictive Part crystal clear

Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016

Jupiter and Saturn at the Degrees of the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali of the 8th Feb. 2016  and Saturn Stationary in the above Kundali aspecting Jupiter . Jupiter and Sun had Echange at the time when Jupiter was eclipsed by Rahu and aspected by Saturn on the 9th Jan. 2016, Now in the above Kundali, The same Parameters are activated

  1. Degree aspect of Eclipsed Jupiter in Retrogression will be aspected by Saturn Stationary, from 20th to 25th March and the Retrograde Stationary Saturn aspecting Jupiter degreewise  who is Retrograde and eclipsed by Rahu,
  2. There will be exchange of Jupiter and Sun as was at thetime of the first affliction of Jupiter
  3. See the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali of the 8th Feb. 2016 and that of 23rd March 2016  , the Parameters are activated after the Solar Eclipse . in both cases the Lagna was Leo, at the time of 9th Jan 2016 there was Exchange of Sun and Jupiter just a few days  before the Solar Ingress .
  4. In the Paksha Kundali Sun and Moon  was afflicted in the 6th house and in the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March, there is exchange of the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord , in the Foundation chart of India Jupiter is also the 8th Lord  is the most explosive factor in the Paksha Kundali of the 23rd March 2016
  5. What ever happened after 8th Feb. 2016 the Key date as mentioned by me ,is bound to take an explosive shape between 20th March to 30th March 2016, JNU Row seems to escalate as already pointed out by me in my earlier Articles.Read my earlier Article on this link 
  6. Mars Joining Saturn Sprouted Row for reservations and the same can again sprout after 23rd March 2016
  7. The Globe will be in a state of big transformation , specially those countries having the 8-9 th March 2016 Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon , Sun and the 8th house .
  8. Terrorism, war can sprout in the Middle eastern sector.
  9. Oil Prices can be volatile and Range bound.  
  10. Period when the 4 Planets will be in Retrogression will also prove explosive between 20th March to 3rd July 2016 
  11. Jammu and Kashmir issues will also be in the news for Pakistan espoinage in India and Jammu & Kashmir  for Terrorism.
  12. This will be the worst time for Pakistan  and as mentioned in my articles on Pakistan there can be a Military Coup.
  13. Syria, Turkey, Russia, US,North Korea, China, Japan  will be the main Countries influences most
  14. India is Prone to Terrorism and War like conditions in the Country  due to Religious in differences, Terrorism by Pakistan and Infiltration in the country of Terrorists from Gujrat as already mentioned y me in earlier articles through River and Boats.
  15. Earthquakes, Wind Storms with intensity cannot be ruled out along with Strong Earthquakes as mentioned earlier

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 5th March 2016 18-30 hrs


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 




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