Star’s Set Arithmetic For Break In US-China 90 Days Trade Truce At G20 Summit After 1st April 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

859 Articles and Predictions in just 47 months from April 2015

Mars May Trigger the Recession after 8th May 2019 which may Start from the 1st April 2019. The Conjunction of Saturn, Ketu , Jupiter and Pluto in Fiery sign may prove most Venomous after 1st April 2019. Oct.-Dec. 2019 may be the worst time for the Global Economy

This is with reference to my Article “Trump To Host Dinner With Xi At G20 Summit On Saturday : What Stars ForeTell ?” dated 28th Nov. 2018
Let me reproduce the Text here for your ready reference below

‘Trump and Xi to Meet for Dinner Saturday in Pivotal Moment for Trade War ‘ link 27 November 2018 11.45 Pm IST Updated on

Trump to host dinner with Xi at G20 summit, will there be a deal ?

  • Dinner offers more time for two leaders to catch up, and Trump has rescheduled his G20 trip to make it happen
  • Analysts said a trade war truce is possible but strategic divides to ling

China has tentatively accepted US President Donald Trump’s offer to host a dinner for his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping next month after the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, raising prospects for a truce in the trade war between Washington and Beijing.

The “meeting plus dinner”, upgraded at Trump’s request from the originally scheduled chat on the sidelines of the G20 summit, could offer more time and a better atmosphere for talks, people familiar with the arrangements told the South China Morning Post.

A source said Trump would postpone his departure from Argentina to make the dinner happen, suggesting he was keen to reach a deal with Xi.

2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit

The 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit will be the 13th meeting of Group of Twenty (G20). It will be held in 2018 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina the first G20 summit to be hosted in South America.

President Mauricio Macri of Argentina assumed the one-year G20 presidency on 30 November 2017, during an official ceremony in Kirchner Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina. President Xi Jinping of China (2016 host), Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany (2017 host), and Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan (2019 host) all gave messages of support which were shown at the ceremony.

The first G20 meetings of the Argentine Presidency began in Bariloche in early December 2017. They were attended by central bank deputy governors and deputy ministers of finance, as well as the sherpas. During the buildup to the G20 Summit between world leaders on 30 November 2018, Argentina will host over 45 meetings at various government levels and areas in 11 different cities throughout the country.


2018 G20 Buenos Aires Summit
G20 2018 logo.png
Host country Argentina
Date 30 November – 1 December 2018
Cities Buenos Aires, Argentina
Participants G20 members
Guest invitees: Chile, Jamaica, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Singapore, Spain
Chair Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina
Follows 2017 G20 Hamburg summit
Precedes 2019 G20 Osaka summit

Trump and Xi will meet on Saturday as per media reports for Dinner around 09-00 Pm in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Let us have a look at the Chart below to see what the Planetary positions indicate for the above Meeting

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and a Malefic day. The Day Lord is the 8th and the 9th Lord of the above chart placed in the 7th house in the sign Sagitarius in Nakshatra Gandantha at 13.47 degrees . The Day Lord is also Placed in the yama of Sagitarius and the Yama Lord is placed in the 6th house with the Lagna Lord Mercury in Retrogression and Sun . The Yama Lord is behind Sun and Combusted is Most Malefic Parameter along with the Yama sign Sagitarius having the 8th and the 9th Lord in Gandantha

The Tithi is KP-10

The Karna is Vishti a Malefic one and Lord is also Saturn , hence most malefic for the event to take a proper shape for good fructifications

The Planetary Positions which are most malefic for the Summit and the Meet on tha above date are as follows

1. The Day is Saturday a malefic day and Lord is Saturn Lord of the 8th and the 9th house in Nakshatra Gandantha and placed in the 7th house and aspects the Lagna and the Moon

2. There is inimical ithasla Between the Day Lord and Moon and difference is about 2 degrees hence 2 days/ weeks months may be most critical for the Summit, Moon also has Poorna Ithasla with Combusted Jupiter and Sun who are placed in the trik Bhava and hence a malefic ithasla . Saturn and Mars also have Ishraaf yoga, this important since Saturn is the day Lord and also the Karna Lord and Mars and Saturn are also the 6th and the 8th Lord respectively. There is also Poorna ithasla inimical one of Sun and Mars see the degrees . All this indicates malefic results for the outcome of the Summit between Trump and Xi.

3. Both Lagnesh Mercury and 7th Lord are placed in the 6th house with Sun and ill placed from the Day Lord Saturn and the Karna Lord . Both the Mercury and Jupiter are in affliction. Lagnesh is Retrograde , hence the Lagnesh is weaker than the 7th Lord , but 7th Lord is also combust , and both are not aspected by benefics and both not placed well in good houses

4. All planets in the shadow of Rahu and Mars

5. The Most malefic andVenomous Parameter is the Event Moon and the Yama Moon are in 6/8 axis and indicates failure of the Meeting. Moon is afflicted by Mars and Saturn both as the Lords of the 6th and the 8th House

6. Nodes are in adverse motion, Ketu in the 8th house in Paap Kartari yoga and ill placed from the day Lord Saturn who is also in affliction

7. Parameters for Compromise are weak . Trump Hosted the Dinner, he is signified by the Lagna and Lagnesh is Retrograde and 7th house has strong malefic will give strength to fight , Mars in the 9th house is strong negative for the trump to win

8. Dispute will prolong since the Lagnesh and the Moon are not related . Jupiter and Mercury both are in affliction and placed in the 6th house . Lagna and Lagnesh both are weak

It seems that since the lagnesh is retrograde there may be more meetings between Trump and Xi .

In the Foundation chart of US Moon is in Aquarius and in the case of China it is in Capricorn and hence the Moon signs alsthough the Lord is the same they are in 2/12 axis . In Transit the Lord of the Moon signs is in Gandantha and the Moon Sign of US Aquarius sign has Mars and in Case of China the Moon sign is in Paap Kartariyoga and Ketu Placed over the natal Moon will not let the good compromise and treaty happen

Navamsha sign is of Venus and Venus is in the 2nd Navamsha hence it may take 25 to 30 days for the final Results which may not be a good one and Trade war may escalate it so seems since the Lagna of the Navamsha is having Combusted Jupiter .

Rahu and Ketu in adverse motion and Planets in the grip of Nodes and Mars the issue may not get resolved indefinitely or till 25th March 2019 when the Nodes change signs

The only parameter which is good is the Venus placed in the 5th house and is karka for Peace and Treaty and till in the sign Libra is good for Treaty, hence some compromise which may be weak one cannot be ruled out also till 1sr Jan 2019, but again unfortunately the Nodes are placed in the Kendra from Venus and in adverse motion may not let the same happen properly and will therefore be a smoky relationship between the Us and China it so seems

Read my Article “26th Nov.- 2nd Dec. 2018 : Stock and Financial Markets May Take Strong Bumpy Rides’ link…rong-bumpy-rides/ The Period till 2nd Dec 2018 is an enigmatic one and extremely bad for Global events The Susequent Day Monday the 3rd Dec. 2018 will be worth watching for the Stock and the Financial Markets. As already mentioned the nodes are most venomous when in forward motion and unexpected things can happen, since they are capable to turn the glass full of wayer upside down. To be honest they give smoky results which one cannot understand . In nut shell what is indicated by the Planetry positions are noway good for a good Treaty or compromise in the trade war . The Stock and Financial Markets will continue to have bumpy rides and strong ones specially from monday onwards the 3rd Dec. 2018.

Let me write another important parameter for the Trade war and Break in the oil prices

Till Mars in Aquarius till 23rd Dec. 2018 and Specially Saturn till in Gandantha the Oil Price may take a downward trend . Saturn at 13.20 Degrees + 0.24 Degrees = 13.44 Degrees and Maximum till 14.00 degrees on the 4th Dec. 2018. Hence we can say the Trade war may escalate and Oil Prices may fall till these dates

Taking a positive stance there may be some positive after 24 days since the Navamsha Lord is Venus and in the 1.6 navamsha hence 1.6×15= 24 days and around the 26th Dec. 2018 when Mars leaves the sign Aquarius and there is exchange of Mars and Jupiter , but mind you the relations can still be smoky since Rahu and Ketu the Prime Planets are in adverse motion and may not let a good frucifications out of the summit . As per my reading The Trade war can escalate , The above is only taking a positive stance

As per Jyotish Classics the Timing of the Trade Truce taking Ugly dimension with magnitude will be when Mars enters the Gemini sign on the 7th May 06-53 hrs New Delhi IST time . Have a Look at the chart Below of Same Gemini Asd when Moon also Joins Maers in the Ascendant most crucial for the Trade War

The Trade War will start to take a Negative mode after 1st April 2019 and when Jupiter becomes Retrograde on the 10-11th April 2019 and then Falls back in Scorpio till 11th August 2019.The Ingress of Mars in Gemini will add fuel to the fire and the Global Economy may start for its reversal journey parallel to ealier times like the 1929 Great Recession, 2008 etc.

I have already written an Article “Saturn Ketu Jupiter & Pluto On the Steering Wheel of Economy What They Have Up Their Sleeves For India ?”…leeves-for-india/ ‎
I need not write any more since as per My Research and the Planetary positions. The Planetary Positions are parallel to the ugly times earlier discussed in so may articles on my webpage
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Astrology is amazing
Written on the 29th March 2019 at 12-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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