What Stars Foretell For US As Per Vedic Progression Chart of July 2016

by astrodocanil

This Morning while I was surfing on the Net, I was caught by the Article “China Is The Biggest And Best ‘Abuser’: Donald Trump” link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/china-is-the-biggest-and-best-abuser-donald-trump-1418069.

Now Read this —-PITTSBURGH, UNITED STATES:  Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has alleged that China is the “biggest and best abuser” as it was dumping its goods into the US, stealing intellectual property and imposing hefty taxes on American companies doing business in that country.

“China is the biggest and best abuser. Mexico is a smaller version of China,” Trump told his cheering supporters in this steel city of Pittsburgh, which is said to be a key swing state for November general elections as he hit out at several countries including Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Trump said he believes in free trade, but it needs to be fair. “I believe in free trade. But for free trade, you need to have smart people on our side. I want to make good deals. I do not want care what you call it,” he said.

“I do not want China to dump steel into our country. They are dumping. They are steeling our intellectual property,” Trump alleged and warned them of consequences if he is elected as the president of the country.

“If they do not behave, we will put tax on them. They (Chinese) tax us. But we do nothing about it. This is one-way street. …We got ripped off,” he said. “If in November if you pull the right trigger, we are going to have so much fun together,” he said, urging people to come out in large number and vote in November presidential elections.

I immedaitely oped the Foundation chart of US as given By K N . Rao of Leo Lagna  and Dasha of Mars -Ketu till 7th Sept. 2016 and then Mars -Venus -Venus

The Dasha of Mars -Ketu is Self Explainatory and an Enigmatic One  and I have explained this in my Previous article “What Red Planet Mars Foretells For Terrorism  From 17th June to 18th Sept 2016” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/06/red-planet-mars-…e-18th-sept-2016/

Let me reproduce some part of the same below.

Chart of US of 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs Philaphedalia


As Per Principles of K N Rao since Mars in the foundation chart of US is connected to the 3rd, 6th and 7th Lord it is a War Mongering Country. Getting involved by Terrorist Groups with in the Country or By out side Foreign Element , The Return aspect of Mars and Saturn in the Foundation is Most important in this context and thus Transit Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio is important Parameter in this Context and may Sprout Adverse results.

US is Running the Dasha of Mars- Ketu till 7th Sept. 2016 is a Sensitive Parameter.

The Vedic Progression chart of US for the year 2016-2017 below is an Enigmatic one , Mars the Dasha Lord in Vish Ghati and Anter Dasha Lord Ketu with Fallen Mercury,Moon Debilitated , Lagna Lord Venus  aspected by Mars and Saturn and in Transit Mars and Saturn both aspect Lagna and Lagna Lord today  , Lagna at the Stationary degrees of Mars and Saturn and Eclipse of 1st Sept 2016 over 1/7 axis of Sun and Sun Natal aspected by Mars degreewise at the time of Eclipse , The Dasha Lords are afflicted ,  Vedic Progression chart Mars , Saturn aspecting the 8th house along with 8th Lord Jupiter . Saturn aspecting Rahu in the chart and Saturn also aspecting Rahu, are some Explosive Parameters for US, If Trump Takes over US, it could Prove correct what he is Trumptting now and Explosive One, Dasha of Rahu for USfrom Oct. 2018 will in any case Put the Country in Doldrums , since Placed in the 12th house of Losses and the Dispositor Moon in Mars Nakshatra the 7th house of War. Lets see what happens in the Elections in Nov. 2016 The Month of 9/11.Dasha Lord Mars Fallen from 17thJune to 14th July 2016 and also at the time 4th July 2016 the Day of the Foundation chart and Ketu over the Sun in Degrees in Aquarius in the Vedic Progression chart are Most Explosive Parameters for US

Vedic Progression chart of US for 2016-2017

DPYH US 2016-2017

As Per the above chart  The dasha Lords Saturn and venus are ill Placed from the Lagna and the 7th house . From 13th June Dasha of Saturn-Sun and at the time of Elections Sun will be in Debilitation over Saturn  and Mars Mars will be in the 8th house and Saturn in the 7th house in Transit over the natal Moon debilitated .

the 10th house , 10th Lord for the Presidental Election depicts that the future President will be a Male , since Male Planets influencing the 10th House. 10th house has Sun, aspected by Jupiter  from a male sign, 10th Lord Saturn in a male sign and its dispositor Venus is also in a Male sign, Even Saturn is aspected by Jupiter , hence all Probabilities of A Male President taking the Office

The United States Presidential election of 2016, scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016, will be the 58thquadrennial U.S. presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will elect a new president and vice president through the Electoral College. The term limit established in the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the incumbent president, Barack Obama, of theDemocratic Party, from being elected to a third term. Assuming President Obama and Vice President Joe Bidenserve out the remainder of their respective terms, the 2016 election will determine the 45th President and 48th Vice President of the United States.

Let us see the Planetary Positions on the 8th  Nov. 2016 what is has in store for US  

Taking the Time of Elections as 7-00 am Washington  I am hereby giving my Analysis Below .I have been using Prashna Jyotish for the specific Events which have a long Term effect and found amazing Results . I used the same Technique at the time of Delhi Elections and Predicted the Success of Arvind Kejriwal, which nobody could dream of.


In the Prashna Jyotish in the Chart the Lagna is Represented by the Ruling Govt. and the 7th house the Opposition , hence Lagna denotes Democrats and 7th house Republicians 

Panchang of the Day                                                                               

Day is Monday Hindu Day Lord is Moon and Placed in Rahu-Ketu axis  and Rahu in Forward motion which is considered most malefic , hence the Day Lord is afflicted badly.As the 10th Lord is is Placed in the 8th house from the 10th house

Tiithi SP-9 Rikta Tithi and Considered Malefic  

Nakshatra Mars Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house  and importance to the 7th house , which is also  the Mool Trikona sign of Mars  and the oppositions 

Yoga Vriddhi Inauspicious

Karna Balava and the Lord is Placed in Rahu-Ketu axis and has no relation with the 10th house for Good Karya Siddhi. It is Afflicted , hence no Proper Fructification of the Event, Rather Rahu and Ketu will dominate the  Negative Results

Lagna Nakshatra Swati Rahu who is In forward Motion most malefic in the chart , and as  aspected by Mars and Saturn . Rahu Placed in Dagdha Rashi and Its Dispositor Debilitated  will sprout Scandles in the Event with Magnitude. Lagna Lord Venus Placed in the 3rd house and in Paap Kartari yoga  Lagna Lord is also the 8th Lord and Placed in the shookaham sthan of 8th house  is strong negative since in Paap Kartari yoga , this also shows the Longevity of the Ruling Govt. under affliction  

Moon Nakshatra Mars Placed in the 4th house of the Chart  and is Placed in the 10th house from the 7th house of oppositions and hence the battle field of the Oppositions  and Forming a Strong Rajyoga  and since Placed in the Nakshatra  of U Shadha is adding the Strength to the Planet Mars.

Yama   The Day Lord Moon is Placed in the Yama of Pieces which is the 6the house of the event chart and the Yama Lord Jupiter  is Placed in the 12th house of Losses and in Paap Kartari yoga .Moon is Ill Placed from Jupiter as well , hence this Parameter is indicative of Losses for the Ruling Party and the Democrats. Yama Moon and the Event Moon are in 2/12 axis , hence no gains for the Ruling Party and the Event Elections

In the Query for Elections the 10th house is the Govt. and the 4th house is oppositions. From the chart above it is Crystal clear that the Oppositions are stronger then the Ruling Party .

Who Is the Winner as Per the Event Chart As per the analysis above it is crystal Clear that the Opposition Party Republicians will be stronger than the Democrats

Lagna is Debilitated , Combust or Retrograde then the Ruling Govt. Losses , here in the Chart the Lagna has Debilitated Sun is strong Negative for the Ruling Govt.. Also Lagna is in the nakshatra of Rahu who is in Forward motion strong Negative for the Ruling Govt. and hence for the Democrats and for the Event taking Place  

Lagna is a Movable sign is Negative for the Ruling Govt. . Also Moon has just shifted from the Movable sign and hence not good for the Ruling Govt.There is ishraaf Yoga between the Lagna Lord Venus and Moon , negative for the Event .

There is Exchange of the 4th and the 7th Lord Saturn and Mars , hence the Ruling Govt. Losses. 10th house is the Battlefield of the Oppositions and a Strong Rajyoga is formed in this house as explained above , where as the 10th House from Lagna has no Planet and aspected By Mars the 7th Lord .10th Lord from Lagna is also weak and in the 5th house being the 8th from the 10th and in Rahu-Ketu axis.  

As Per Rashi Tula Navamsha Sun Becomes Exhalted in the 7th house  and Lagna Lord also goes in the 7th house of Aries makes the Lagna weak for the Event and the Elections. The 4th Lord Saturn comes in the 4th house , making the house of oppositions and Battle field of the Oppositions strong , 10th Lord from the Lagna Moon comes in the Lagna where Debilitated Sun is Placed , making the Ruling Govt. weaker as per the event chart . From the above it is Clear that the Oppositions are stronger than the Ruling Govt. and the Elections can be won by the Oppositions and hence the Republicians

The Negative Parameter in the Event Chart   

1. Elections at the time of DinRatri Sandhi
2. Rahu in Adverse Motion Placed in the 11th house of Leo and the Dispositor in the Lagna Debilitated , Rahu is also the Nakshatra Lord of the Lagna .Rahu aspected By Mars and Saturn can Prove Explosive  for the event
3. Yama Lord of the Day is in Pieces and the Lord Jupiter is in the 12th house in Paap Kartari yoga .
4.Moon In Rahu Ketu axis
5. Karna Lord afflicted
6. Planet influencing the MEP of Lagna closest is Sun Debiliated and the 11th Lord with 12th Lord Mercury

7.Uday Lagna has Debilitated Planet , Arudha Lagna has Ketu and Chaitra Rashi is Capricorn the House of the Oppositions  has Exhalted Mars and aspected by Jupiter and By its Lord Saturn,  The 3 Important Parameters are ill Placed from each other , But Chaitra Rashi goes in the 4th house of oppositions  will give strength for them to fight.
The Results there fore may not be good for US Elections  this Single factor of Rahu in Adverse motion being the Lagna Nakshatra Lord and aspected by Mars and Saturn Can Turn the Tables either side or Hang the event like a Hanging Fire.

Even if the Ruling Party Comes in Power , there will be lot of Scandles which will sprout with Dimension for them making their Position most Difficult and Vunerable  for loss of position

As Per the  Foundation chart of US of Leo Lagna  The Rahu-Ketu will be over the Natal Moon in 1/7 axis  and Transit Moon will be over the Natal Moon at Exact degrees. Afflicting the Natal Moon . The Dasha Lord Mars will be over the Natal Ketu  afflicting the Natal Rahu in the 12th house alsong with Mercury in the 12th house at close degrees .  Transit Mars afflicting the Natal Rahu and Ketu   and also the Transit Rahu will be explosive for the event of Elections , The Anter Dasha Lord Venus in the Natal chart is also afflicted by Saturn  and in the event chart in Paap Kartari Yoga  are Parameters not good for the Event , specially  as per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao in the Book Nehru Dynasty  that when Even there are eclipses over the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon and the Sun and Dasha of a Planet which has the Capacity to Kill or Bring a Down fall for the Individual or the Country then it is Explosive  and the Dasha at the Time of the Solar Eclipse on the 1st Sept. 2016 was Mars-Ketu. Hence from the Above it is Crystal Clear of the Happenings . Although the Chart is strong for the Oppositions but the single Parameter rahu could Turn the tables on either side or Hang the Event Presidential Elections like a Hanging fire  and a Period toll 12th Sept. 2017 could be explosive for who so ever comes in Power  and the Country

 Consideration of the event chart  from the Sun Rise also the Combinations are still bad since the Day Lord Mars goes in the 8th house of the Chart as per Yama and  is strong Negative for the Ruling Party .

The Yama Lord of Mars is Venus and Placed in the 3rd house in Paap Kartari yoga  .

There could be Scandles sprouting one after the other  in the Election and even after the Elections  for Sure and Rahu in the Adverse motion the  Lagna nakshatra of Rahu aspected by Mars and Saturn. The Health of the Candidate from the ruling Party will also be under check and can adversely influence the Native .

Using the Dasha of the Foundation chart of US Mars -Ven-Ven, Mars is the 7th and the 2nd Lord in this chart and Placed in the 4th house strong for opponents and Venus in Paap Kartari yoga in the 3rd house .

The Method Of Predictions should be correct irrespective of the Results , But My Experience says this Method of the Prashna Chart gives amazing Results

Even if the Election start at 08-00 am the Results will be still worse since then the Lagna will be a dagdha Rashi and Rahu in the 10th house in a Dagdha Rashi , and its Dispositor Debilitated in the 12th house and Rahu aspected by both Mars and Saturn and Rahu in Forward Motion which could turn the tables as mentioned above . This Parameter is still worse

Aroha Kaal Surpa Dosha , all Planets in the Perview of Rahu-Ketu and Saturn most malefic on the day of the elections

 As Per the time 08-00 am ,The Main Planet is Saturn in the Lagna and ill placed from 8th house , 8th Lord Mercury, It influences the Dasha lords of Mars -Ven-Ven of the Foundation chart, since Saturn aspects Mars the Nakshatra Lord of Moon and also the Day Lord Mars , Venus has just shifted from Scorpio to Sagitarius and is also in Paap Kartari yoga . Natural and Unnatural disasters are not ruled out and already Predicted as per my earlier Articles . Mars significations will be more Prominent in the near future  and specially Terrorism from ISIS , Natural disasters are also on the Cards 

The combinations of a Female President taking over are not there , but in case a Female Becomes the President of US she will face scandles of all types and her health could also be an issue.


Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 

 anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

12th  June 2016 11.30 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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