Stars Foretell Trouble For ‘Salman Khan: the Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’ In August 2016 – Jan 2017

by astrodocanil

This in In continuation to my earlier Articles  On Salman Khan “‘Salman Khan: the Bollywood’s ‘macho-man’ in Trouble’” link…man-in-trouble-2/ ‎ dated 6th May 2015.

I am reproducing the Initial article written on the 10th Nov. 2014 on the link link . Dated 10th Nov. 2014 below.

The 49 year old is accused of hunting and killing the endangered deer while shooting his film Hum Saath Saath Hain in Rajasthan in 1998. He has already twice spent time in the Jodhpur jail in connection to the case, in 1998 and again in 2007.
Salman Khan’s Hum Saath Saath Hain co-stars – Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam – are charged with inciting the actor to hunt.
Salman Khan’s rifle and revolver were seized by the court when he was first accused of poaching and their licences were found to have expired.
Fresh charges were framed against Salman Khan last year after the Rajasthan High Court and the Supreme Court both ruled that the Arms Act could not be applied to him and sent the case back to the lower court.
In November last year, the Rajasthan High Court ordered that Salman Khan’s poaching conviction be suspended to make it easier for the actor to travel abroad for a film.
The actor was sentenced to five years in jail and is currently out on bail in the case.
Facing a case of possession and use of illegal arms is also running in Jodhpur Court.

Now Read this  “Stick To My Statement That Salman Khan Killed Chinkara: ‘Missing’ Driver To NDTV”


The Planetary Positions are turning ADVERSE FOR SALMAN KHAN IN THE NEAR FUTURE

Now Read this News Item in the Danik Bhaskar dated 27th July 2016. I am reproducing some Text below

DB EXCLUSIVE: गवाह ने कहा-सलमान ने ही हिरण को मारा; उन्हें बचाना था, इसलिए मुझे कोर्ट नहीं बुलाया

जोधपुर.राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने 1998 के हिरण शिकार से जुड़े दो मामलों में सलमान खान को बरी कर दिया। भास्कर ने शिकार के दौरान इस्तेमाल हुई जिप्सी के ड्राइवर हरीश दुलानी को ढूंढ निकाला। हरीश से जिरह का मौका नहीं मिल पाने काे सलमान के बरी होने की बड़ी वजहों में से एक माना जा रहा है। जब सीधे सवाल किए तो हरीश ने बताया, ”मैं अब भी इस बयान पर कायम हूं कि सलमान ने ही हिरण का शिकार किया था। मैं कहीं गायब नहीं हुआ था। सलमान को बचाना था, इसलिए जानबूझ कर मुझे बुलाया ही नहीं गया।” तीन दिन सलमान के साथ था यह ड्राइवर…

क्या था पूरा मामला
– 1998 में एक दवा कारोबारी अरुण ने अपनी जिप्सी के साथ ड्राइवर हरीश को उम्मेद भवन भेजा था। उस वक्त ‘हम साथ-साथ हैं’ की शूटिंग चल रही थी।
– हरीश तीन दिन सलमान के साथ ही रहा। इसी दौरान हिरण का शिकार हुआ।
– हरीश ने 24 जनवरी, 2002 को सीजेएम कोर्ट में बयान दिए। अगली पेशी 24 फरवरी, 2002 को थी।
– उस वक्त के इन्वेस्टिगेटिंग अफसर ललित बोड़ा के मुताबिक, हरीश उस दिन कोर्ट आया था, लेकिन बचाव पक्ष के वकील देर से आए। तब तक हरीश चला गया।
– 2006 में लोअर कोर्ट में उसकी गवाही के बिना ही सबूतों के आधार पर सलमान को सजा सुनाई। हालांकि, राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने हरीश के क्रॉस एग्जामिनेशन को सलमान के लिए जरूरी माना।
– प्रॉसिक्यूशन की तरफ से गवाह को पेश न कर पाने के कारण हाईकोर्ट ने सलमान को बरी कर दिया।
कहां था हरीश?
– कहा जा रहा था कि 10 साल से दुलानी गायब है और वह दुबई में कहीं अच्छी जिंदगी जी रहा है। भास्कर ने इसी मामले पर दुलानी से कॉन्टैक्ट किया।
– फैसले की रात वह अहमदाबाद से टैक्सी लेकर जोधपुर निकला था। वह आज भी ड्राइवरी ही करता है। उसका कहना है कि वह कहीं गायब नहीं हुआ और अपने बयान पर कायम है।
हिरण शिकार केस के सबसे अहम गवाह से सीधे सवाल
Q- सबूतों-गवाहों के अभाव में सलमान बरी हो गए। आपको सबसे बड़ा कारण माना जा रहा है। आप मुख्य गवाह थे तो गायब क्यों हो गए?
”मुझे भी समझ नहीं आ रहा कि वे बरी कैसे हो सकते हैं, अभी तो मेरी गवाही तक नहीं हुई है। कौन कहता है कि मैं गायब था, ज्यादातर कोर्ट हियरिंग में गया था।”
– ”24 नंवबर 2015 और 17 मई 2016 को भी मैं कोर्ट हियरिंग में गया था, आप वहां मेरे साइन देख सकते हैं।”
– ”हां, पारिवारिक कारणों से कुछ कोर्ट हियरिंग में भले नहीं जा पाया। उनको सलमान को बचाना था, इसीलिए मुझे बुलाया ही नहीं गया।”
Q- कोर्ट में कहा गया- गायब होने से बचाव पक्ष को आपसे बहस का मौका नहीं मिला?
– ”कहा न कि जब बुलाया जाता, तब कोर्ट जाता था। बचाव पक्ष जब चाहता तो मुझसे बात कर सकता था।”
– ”इसके लिए कभी कोई सूचना नहीं दी गई कि बचाव पक्ष की बहस के लिए कोर्ट में आना है।”
Q- काले हिरण शिकार मामले में भी आप गवाह हैं, उसके लिए कब कोर्ट जाना है?
– ”अपने वकील से मेरी बात हुई थी, उसने अगली कोर्ट हियरिंग 10 अगस्त को होने की बात बताई है। मैं कोर्ट में जरूर जाऊंगा। वहां भी सच बोलूंगा।”
Q- साफ बताइए, क्या सलमान ने शिकार किया था?
– ”पूरा मामला तो याद नहीं, लेकिन मैंने वन विभाग और मैजिस्ट्रेट के सामने अपना बयान रिकॉर्ड करवा दिया था और मैं आज भी उस बयान पर कायम हूं।”
हरीश ने बयान में कहा था कि सलमान खान और उनके साथियों ने 26 और 28 सितंबर 1998 को जोधपुर के घोड़ा फार्म और भवाद इलाके में शिकार किया।
Q- क्या शिकार के समय आप जिप्सी चला रहे थे?
– ”जब शिकार हुआ, तब जिप्सी सलमान खुद चला रहे थे, मैं तो पीछे बैठा था।”
– ”उन्हें जिप्सी चलाने का बहुत शौक था, इसलिए वह गाड़ी चला रहे थे।”
Q- सरकार सुप्रीम कोर्ट गई तो आप वहां गवाही देंगे?
”सुप्रीम कोर्ट में बुलाया जाता है तो वहां भी जाऊंगा, लेकिन खर्च और सुरक्षा मेरी सबसे बड़ी चिंता है।”
– ”मैं तो ड्राइवर था, नौकरी कर रहा था, लेकिन बिना बात मामले में फंस गया तो नौकरी से भी निकाल दिया गया। तनख्वाह तक नहीं दी।”
Q – सलमान के खिलाफ न बोलने के लिए कोई लालच या धमकी मिली?
”पैसा दिया होता तो मेरी यह स्थिति नहीं होती। मकान बिक गया, मोटरसाइकिल तक नहीं है।”
– ”कहने वाले कहते हैं कि मैं दुबई चला गया, लेकिन मेरे पास पासपोर्ट तक नहीं है। इस केस के चक्कर में मेरे माता-पिता नहीं रहे।”
– ”पिता को धमकियां मिली थीं, लेकिन पूछने पर भी कुछ नहीं बताया। इसी कारण उनकी जल्दी मौत हुई। फिर मेरी मां चिंता में चल बसी।”


Let us discuss the Birth Chart of Salman Khan to see what Stars foretell for his Future

Salman Khan is born on the 27th December  1965 , 14-27 hrs , Indore (MP)  India Chart is below

Salman Khan is one of the most popular Bollywood actors and is Known as a Macho Man. Salman Khan is born in Aries Lagna. the first house of the natural zodiac 21.59 degrees in the 3rd dreshkanne attibuting him  cruel , skilled in arts, of reddish color and is a angry man in disposition. Lagna Lord Placed in the 10th house in the Exhaltation sign in the nakshatra  of Uttra shadha is further enhancing the strength of Mars since Sun and Mars both are digbali in the 10th house  and further Sun is the 5th lord placed in the 9th house gaining strength.  Lagna is also aspected by Saturn who is placed in its mool trikona sign  in Ayudh Dreshkanne attributing  a personality with Valour and Vitality .. Mars has further assentuated his physique with strong  athelete body. Aries being a movable sign in line with natural zodiac is attributing him to change as per the circumstances  by premonitions .Lagna is in Ayudh Dreshkanne may make him a   Person  who is  violent and murderous .

The Kendras are well connected by Mars and Venus and strong, Mars is connected to all the houses by way of aspect and placement with 7th Lord Venus. Saturn and Moon also forming a yoga of the 4th and the 10th Lord in the 11th house ,  Sun and Jupiter connected  the trikona lords are also placed well, but placement of Jupiter in the 3rdhouse is not good and also Retrograde , its aspect on the 10th Lord Saturn is very good for fructification of the Rajyoga of the 9th and the 10th Lord and hence Saturn becomes a Poorna yogkarka.  Yogi point is  Capricorn 17-00 degrees and Venus is placed very close and the same navamsha is further enhancing the 10th house  and Venus acquiring a special dimension . Mars and Venus conjuction in the 10th house attributes wealth enjoyment,, intelligency, luxury, name , fame and a very high rank and Status. . This combination often makes the sex life of the person unsatisfactory. Mars represents the urge of erotic passions  in the female and Venus is lust  in a male. When these 2 planets combine in a nativity, the psychology of sex becomes abnormal and married life is seldom satisfactory. Salman is un married is the attribution of this combination of the Lagna Lord and the 7th lord . Rahu Placed in the 2nd house is extremely strong , since the Dreshkanne lord of Rahu is Mercury and is aspected by Mercury in the birth chart.  Rahu is natural karka for marriage and placed in 2nd house is not very happy with marriage specially the first one. All the above parameters place Salman Khan at the highest level in his stream of Acting..There are few parameters which are also adverse . Saturn is Bhadak and placed with Moon . Mars the Lagna Lord and the 8th lord is placed in nigad dreshkanne is responsible for giving imprisonment. Salman Khan is facing a court case for rash and negligent driving  and another case as stated above. The dasha of Saturn-Marstherefore could bring a disaster in his life, for the reason Saturn Dasha lord gets debilitated in Mars sign, Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Saturn also gets debilitated in the Lagna both are aspecting the Lagna  , Saturn and Mars are in 2/12 axis in the birth chart , In navamsha they are in the sign of Pieces which is the 12th house of the birth chart as per rashi tula navamsha  and is the most important house for confinement or Imprisonment of any kind . Ketu is in Sarp Dreshkanne is the Planet giving rog and not good in the 8th house  for health issues .

No marriage combinations for Salman Khan

7th Lord from Lagna is Venus , 7th Lord from Moon is Sun, 7th Lord from Venus is Moon and Sun and Moon both 2/12 axis with 7th Lord and Karka for marriage Venus . Mid cusp Lord of 7th house(21.53+15 =36.53 hence Scorpio 6.53 degrees  Anuradha Nakshatra) is also Saturn and Placed in Bhadak house  and again in 2/12 with 7th Lord and JKarka for marriahe Venus,

7th Pada is Virgo and its Lord is Mercury in Rahu-Ketu axis , speciually Mercury with Ketu is not good in the 8thhouse

Lagna has also Dhoom in the nakshatra of the 7th lord Venus  another parameter for marital discord  and close to Lagna degrees

As  per Mathematical navamsha

Navamsha Lagna is 15.58 degrees in the 5th navamsha in the sign of Libra . As per the Mathematical chart its Lord is Saturn and is placed in Bhadak sthan and is also the dispositor of the 7th Lord Venus and both are in 2/12 axis. Venus the 7th Lord is placed at 19.47 in Gemini and its Lord is  Jupiter  placed in 6/8 axis with Venus  are few parameters not giving marriage to Salman Khan

Ever since the dasha of Saturn started on the 9th September  2002  it has  taken  him miles ahead, but in the Bhadak sthan and in ayudh Dreshkanne has given him a car Accident and Confinement also . On 28 September 2002, Khan was arrested for rash and negligent driving. His car had run into a bakery in Mumbai; one person who was sleeping on the pavement outside the bakery died and three others were injured in the mishap. The Dasha was Sat-Sat-Sat-Sat-Mar. Mars the Lagna Lord and 8th Lord in Nigad Dreshkanne and also  the 5th Sub Dasha Lord gave him imprisonment also latter released on bail.

Saturn in Ayudh Dreshkanne  also gives accidents  both Saturn and Moon  are also in Ayudh Dreshkanne

The above is the categorization by Subrahamanyam Shastri

D8 Ashtamsha

12th Lord  of the birth chart shows confinement, here Jupiter is the 12th lord and has Rahu and Ketu in the 7thhouse from its placement , 7th house also gives imprisonment and 7th lord  Jupiter here is placed in 12th house  .it may be hospitalization or Prison or Kidnaping. An afflicted 12th Lord of Birth chart gives confinement .Deblitated  Saturn in 8th house  is aspected by Jupiter  and Saturn is also aspecting the 8th Lord Mars in the 10th house who is aspecting Venus Deblitated in the lagna thus giving a Car accident and then confinement for the same hence Saturn- Mars-Jup and Sat-Mars-Sat could be most crucial dasha for Salman Khan  from 6-6-2015 to 2-10-2015

7th House  Shows  Imprisonment or Punishment and also release from confinement and hospitalization

8House  shows Scandals, Unearned money, accidents,insurance claims, death,longevity,chronic problems

  D6  Shastamsha  12th House is  Confinement, Release from disease or enemy    Saturn is placed in the 12thhouse of confinement and again aspecting the 12th lord of the birth chart Jupiter by 10th aspect   .

Transit Jupiter transit till 17th July 2015 is not good for Salman together with Saturn in the 8th house of natal chart and  in the 10th from Moon natal, Rahu in the 8th house from Moon and the 6th house from Lagna

Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Rahu starting from 22nd April 2016 till 27th Feb 2019 will be enigmatic one  due to the following reasons

  1. Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne  . Ketu is a Disease giving Planet and 6th house from Ketu is aspected by both Mars and Saturn is not a good Combination Medically . It can call for Amputations in the Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Ketu after 20-12-2017 and before that will be the Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Mercury from 25-7-2017 could Give adverse results for the 6th house significations since the 6th Lord mercury is placed in the 8th house with Ketu
  2. Transit Mars and Saturn Over Natal  Mercury and Ketu Activating the 8th house could be Crucial Transit for Salman Khan .
  3. Transit Mars and Saturn are activating the Natal Mars and Saturn , as Transit Saturn aspects Mars and Transit mars aspects Saturn , this Parameter is Crucial since Mars is in Nigad Dreshkanne  and Saturn in the chart is also Bhadak..
  4. Moon is 22Dreshkanne Lord and Saturn 64 Navamsha Lord , Both are aspected by  Transit Mars and will also be aspected by Saturn after 28th Jan 2017
  5. Sarturn is also aspecting the 64 Navamsha sign Capricorn from the 8th house
  6. Transit Mars will reach exact degrees of Natal Ketu  on the 14th August 2016 and also aspect  Natal Saturn at exact degrees on the 30th August 2016
  7. Transit Saturn will be in Stationary position between 8th to 18th August 2016 before becoming direct and in normal motion, Saturn in Stationary Position as the 64 Navamsha Lord , Bhadak for the Chart will be crucial
  8. Mars and Saturn will be in Degree conjunction on the 24th August at 15.41 degrees in the 8th house over the Natal Ketu and the 3rd and 6th Lord Mercury at 20,59. Mars will reach these Degrees at the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 1st Sept. 2016. The Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 will take place over the Natal Moon and Saturn and Rahu will be exactly over Natal Saturn degreewise
  9. Transit Rahu and Ketu over 1/7 axis of Natal Moon and Saturn  and Transit Mars and Saturn over Natal Ketu and 1/7 axis of Rahu may bring untoward happenings in the Life of Salman Khan , the Crucial Factor being Transit Saturn over Natal Ketu and Transit Ketu over Natal Saturn and Saturn aspecting the Natal Ketu and 6th Lord Mercury
  10. Ketu is a Disease giving Planet as mentioned above and 6th house from Ketu is aspected by both Mars and Saturn, The Parameters Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne, Saturn bhadak and 64 Navamsha Lord and Mars in Nigad Dreshkanne can put Salaman Khan In troublerelated to  Medical Issues, Accidents, Court Cases
  11. Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Saturn till 11-2-2017 could also be Explosive for him
  12. The Servants are seen from the 6th house and the Case of 1998 of Killing of Birds can take a adverse turn also in the Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Mercury
  13. As Per Principles of K N Rao Given in the Book of Nehru Dynasty  by Vani Publications , Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Moon and Anter Dasha of Rahu or a Planet who has the Capacity to bring a Down fall in the Life of the Native , Can Prove Explosive for the Native. The Parameters are absolutely activating the Conditions and hence Salman Khan can face untoward happenings in his life around Eclipses Time in Sept. 2016 or around the  1st Jan . 2017 . The Month of August starting from 6th August to 24th August also may not be a Good One

Let us see what  the Vedic Progression chart has For Salman Khan in the Year 2016 and 2017

The Below Chart is for a period from 27th Dec. 2015 to 27th Dec. 2016

DPYH Salman

The Above Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smriti is making every thing crystal clear . Transit Mars Reaching the Natal Ketu Degrees on the 6th August and Saturn will be Stationary between 8th to 18th August 2016. 4 Planets in the 9th house Legal affairs  and Transit Ketu over the 4 Planets  and Mars and Saturn over The Ketu of this Chart and Ketu in the 6th house Connected By Transit Mars with the Natal Mars and Rahu in the 12th house is Most Crucial Parameter in this Year

The Following Dates will be Critical for Salman Khan

  1. 6th August to 18th August 2016
  2. 24th August to 29th August 2016
  3. Eclipses in Sept. 2016. 1st and 8th Sept. 2016
  4. Present Rahu and Ketu exactly over Mars Degreees in the above chart
  5. 12th Dec. 2016 Transit Mars will be over Transit Ketu in the 9th house at 13.48 degrees could be Problematic for Salman Khan

As per the Media Reports The Driver Will Produce himself in the Court on the 10th August 2016 and seems the Gloomy Period as predicted above has come  for Salman Khan which is  on the Cards  

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

27th July  2016 14-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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