Stars Foretell Pakistan In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

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Dasha Lords Venus snd Jupiter Both connected to the 7th house of Wars and Mars Placement shows war Mongering Activities and may prove most Venomous for them
In this Article I am looking at the chart of Pakistan of the 14th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs . Below

The Country is under the dasha of Venus-Jupiter till 25th Oct. 2020. Both the Dasha Lords are connetced to the 7th house of Wars . Venus in the 2nd and the 7th Lord and Jupiter as the 9th and the 12th Lord placed in the 7th house . In the Navamsha the 7th house Libra is rising of Venus and Making the Country always connetced to the 7th house of Wars .

In the D10 Dashamsha Chart Venus is placed in the Sign Libra the 7th house of War as per the Rashi Chart and Jupiter the anter dasha Lord placed in the sign Gemini the 3rd hose of the Rashi Chart where Moon and Mars are placed . As Per K N Rao the Placement of Mars decides the Country is War Mongering due to the People in the Country or from Out side and Foreign elements , Here Mars Placement makes the Country war Prone due to both the Parameters since connected to the 3rd, 6th house and aspected by 9th and 12th Lord Jupiter.

The Dasha Lords in the Dashamsha Chart D10 are not placed well and in Transit D10 also the Dasha Lords are not placed well and in Rahu-Ketu Axis and Prone for Wars till 23rd March 2019
As Per Transit the Dasha Lords in the Transit Dashamsha Venus Debilitated in Virgo the 6th house of Natal Chart and Jupiter in the sign Pieces the 12th house clearly shows the Country in War like situation.

The Anter dasha Lord Jupiter in the Transit Dashamsha is in the Sign Pieces and signifies the North East Direction as per the Yama chart. Rahu and Ketu will remain in these signs till 22nd Feb. 2019 . On the 28th Feb. 2019 Mars will join Ketu in the dashamasha chart in Virgo the 6th house of the chart and hence Pakistan Can again attack as per Below analysis
Further analysing it more critically The Transit Mars in the Dashamsha Chart will Transit over the natal Mars and Ketu in the sign Leo on the 24th Feb. 2019 and is the 10th house of the Dashamsha chart , hence a Terrorist Attack is also possible on the 24th-25th Feb. 2019 and Similar situations as the Pulwama terror Attack Mars will then Join Transit Ketu in Virgo as per the Dashamasha Chart till 5th March 2019. Hence the Situationsmay be grim till 5th March 2019 it so seems from the Planeyaty positions


Lagna Lord in the 7th house of Wars and in the nakshatra of Mars who is Debilitated and wuth 7th Lord clearly shows the Country involved in war like situations . Moon is in Vishghati is a most malefic Parameter along with Debilitated Planet in the Lagna. Venus the Dasha Lord is aspected by Mars and Jupiter the anter dasha Lord with Ketu . Mars the Nakshatra Lord of Moon Placed in the Lagna connected to the 3rd, 6th , 2th and 7th house Mars the Country in War Mongering activities . Lagna and Moon Connetced to 7th and 8th Lord and Moon in vish ghati is most venomous for the country enetriung into war like conditions with Neighbors


See the Placemet of Muntha and the Muntha Lord Mars below
From the above it is crystal clear that the Country will have losses in the War due to their aggressive steps and supporting the Terrorism
The Placement of Muntha in the 8th house and Lord Placed in the 12th house make the Country War mongering as discussed above

Now Read this “Pak bans Hafiz Saeed’s JuD; Imran Khan puts army on standby to ‘respond’ to India ”
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday authorised the military to “respond decisively and comprehensively to any aggression or misadventure” by India as the government denied any involvement in the Pulwama terror attack that has sent tensions soaring.
A meeting of the National Security Committee chaired by Khan in Islamabad also decided to “accelerate action against proscribed organisations” and to notify Hafiz Saeed’s Jamaat-ut-Dawah (JuD) and Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) as banned groups, an interior ministry spokesman said.


Written on the 22nd Feb. 2019 at 08-30
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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