Stars Foretell: High Voltage T20 Cricket Brings Laurels For India

by astrodocanil

Stars Foretell: High Voltage T20 Cricket Brings Laurels For India

The International Cricket Council (ICC)  announced that the ICC World Twenty20 India 2016 Super 10 Group 2 match between India and Pakistan has been relocated from Dharamsala to Kolkata. The evening match will take place as scheduled on Saturday 19 March and will start at 19.30hrs. local time.

ICC World Twenty20 Fixtures

Announcing the decision, ICC Chief Executive David Richardson said: “The decision has been taken following consultation with the BCCI, the relevant state associations, the ICC and BCCI security consultant and other relevant authorities.

As Already pointed out in all my articles that the Prashna Jyotish is the Backbone of Astrology. Unfotunately, there is no Text available in the Tamil classics for Sports Matches . The Only Text I have been able to manage is the PrashnaShastra By Deepak Kapoor . I will use this Text book to analyse the Planetary Positions  to Find who could emerge as the winning Team . Apart from The Prashna Jyotish i will also use my skills to analyse the situations for the match.

The chart at the time of the match is as Follows  19th March 2016, 19.30 hrs. In fact the chart is to be made of the time of the first ball to be Bowled , but since the same cannot be taken, I will use the time of Toss which will be close to 19.30 hrs.The Accuracy of the Predictions may be misleading, but definitely a Research, since I have found some Contradicting Results.The reason is no Authentic Text  available for Sports Matches . Never the less, I dont mind giving the Predictions for the above match, but Failure of Results may not be taken as Failure of Astrology , This may Please be noted.

Cricket Match T20

As per the Text Of Prashna Jyotish reffered above by me , Lagna is denoted by the Home country and the opponent by the Other Team, hence  the Lagna is denoted by India and the 7th house by Pakistan. The Text gives limited Parameters  and Only of the Lagna and the 7th Lord  in Retrogression is weak. I will also use my Skills to Predict the Results.

  1. The Lagna is the 6th house of the natural Zodiac of Competitions and in the nakshatra of Mars Placed in the 3rd of self initiative, hardwork and Sports, Mars is also Karka for Sports and Placed in the 3rd house in own house  is strong to give good Results more so as per Tamil Texts Mars is Friend of Mercury Lagna Lord .
  2. Mars is very Strong at 10.00 degrees  in the 3rd house , Positive For India
  3. Lagna is Vargottam
  4. Lagna Lord aspects the Lagna and Exhalts in the Lagna  and Debilitates in the 7th house , hence Strong for Lagna
  5. Between Lagna and the 7th Lord , 7th Lord is Retrograde , Hence Lagna is Stronger than 7th Lord, it is also placed in 12th house afflicted .
  6. Between Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord who so ever is Placed in Kendra and with Minimum Longitude is Stronger , hence Mercury is Stronger
  7. Between Lagna Lord and 7th Lord who so ever has Ithasal with Sun is stronger , here Mercury is in almost Complete ithasal with Sun, hence Lagna Lord is Stronger
  8. Between Lagna Lord and the 7th lord who so ever is aspected by malefics is weaker , Here in the chart Jupiter is Retrograde with Rahu in the 12th house of Losses and aspected by Saturn degreewise and Saturn is also about to become Stationary . Hence Mercury is stronger.
  9. In Navamsha Mercury has gone in the 11th house of Rewards  in Friendly sign and Sun and Mercury both are strong and not together, hence the combustion is also not to be taken , since not in the same navamsha.
  10. The Day Lord Saturn is Placed in the 5th Yama of Scorpio and the lord of Yama is Mars the significator of Sports and Placed in the 3rd House , Points out Victory for India  with Volatge since mars is also Karka for Electricity
  11. Mercury is Debilitaed and exceptional behavoiur  for weather  , except for the weather conditions at the time of Event , which could Pose Troubles, India will come out with Flying Colors  
  12. India Running the dasha of Moon-Moon-Mer and Transit Moon over the natal Moon and not afflicted , it is in the 2nd Tara from the natal Moon Tara a Sampat and a Benefic Tara and Mercury also Placed well as explained above , although in Debilitation
  13. Mercury in the Foundation chart of India is Placed in Cancer and is placed well at the time of the Match in 5/9 Position from it is Benefic
  14. Lagna is the 5th house of the Foundation chart of  India a House which can bring Both name and fame and Fall but here it is Placed very well hence name and Fame
  15. In case of Pakistan it is the 6th house of the Chart rising and hence 6/8 axis. , the 7th house Pieces of the time of the match is the 12th house of the Pakistan Foundation chart, Mars the significator of Sports in Placed in the 8th house of the Pakistan Foundation Chart and Jupiter Placed in the 5th house afflicted Badly and 11th Lord Stationary and Bhadak for Aries Lagna is Bad for Victory of Pakistan
  16. Natal Moon of Pakistan is in Gemini at 6.47 degrees and the Event Moon is in 2/12 axis , and  in 4th Tara a Benefic One ,
  17. For Pakistan Dasha Lord Venus is Placed in the sign of cancer and at the time of the T20 in Aquarius  hence 6/8 axis Antar dasha Lord Rahu is in the 12th house of the event and also Adverse motion. the sub-sub dasha Lord Saturn is going in Stationary mode.Hence from the above the Parameters are suggesting that the Dasha of India Moon-Moon-Mercury is better than that of Pakistan of Venus-Rahu-Saturn with reference to the T20 Cricket  match

All the above Parameters are suggesting India will come out with Flying Colors and a Feather in the Cap of Mahinder singh Dhoni, If  the weather conditions remain normal 


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 19th March 2016 10-30 Hrs . New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 

Adding Text at 19.08 hrs 19th March 2016

My Predictions for todays match T20 in Eden Garden Kolkatta are based on the time of 19.30 hrs, I had specifically mentioned in the end about the weather conditions and also wrote on the facebook that there would be Rain, in the eventof the match not starting at 19.30 hrs the Lagna will change to Libra and the Day lord will then be with 8th Lord Mars as per the yama chart and hence the Chances of Winning will be reduced . readers may Please note this regarding the article I am also Puting this Note in the article as wellTime 19.08 hrs.

I am also reproducing the text written on the facebook 

Anil Aggarwala

4 hrs ·Back on



Read my Article written today Morning hrs at 10.30, i have already mentioned that if weather conditions Permitting , meaning Rain etc, then India will Come out with Flying colorsRead the article on…/stars-foretell-laurells-ind…/…

I had also mentioned to read this article —Read this…/saturn-stationary-19th…/, which shows volatile Planetary positions from 19th march 2016 to 2nd April. 2016. i had also mentioned on the Facebook that the decisions taken by the Govt. on the 9th march 2016 on the Eclipse day will not get fructified properly. the SriSri ravi shanker World Festival day also had Showers on the first day

Finally, Since the Exact time of the Start is not known, the Predictions may not hold Good, but definitely India Stands a chance to win even then, but cannot say Euthentically, since the time of Start is  not Known.

T20 at Eden Gardens a Birds EyeView At 20-30 hrs lagna and Lagna Lord vargottam hence India can still win , should not lose Hope, I am not looking at the chart completely since exact time is not Known, hence no Euthentic Prediction on this

 Readers may Please note 

Jyotish acharaya anil aggarwala 19th March 2016 19.08 hrs 




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