What Stars Foretell for JNURow

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Will The JNU Row Escalate When Red Planet Mars Squares Demons and Conjunct Saturn” link

https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/will-the-jnu-row…-conjunct-saturn/ Dated 17th Feb. 2016.

On 9th February 2016, a cultural evening was organised by 10 students, formerly of the Democratic Students Union (DSU), at the Sabarmati Dhaba, against the execution of Afzal Guru  and separatist leader Maqbool Bhat, and for Kashmir’s right to self-determination. According to India Today, “Anti-India” slogans like “Kashmir ki azadi tak jung chalegi, Bharat ki barbadi tak jung chalegi” (“War will continue till Kashmir’s freedom, war will continue till India’s demolition”) were “reportedly raised at the protest meet.” Protests by members of ABVP were held at the University demanding expulsion of the student organisers.

JNU administration ordered a “disciplinary” enquiry into the holding of the event despite denial of permission, saying any talk about country’s disintegration cannot be “national”. The Delhi Police arrested the JNU Students’ Union President  Kanhaiya Kumar and Umar Khalid on charges of sedition and criminal conspiracy, under section 124 of the Indian Penal Code dating back to 1860.

The arrest soon snowballed into a major political controversy, with several leaders of opposition parties visiting the JNU campus in solidarity with the students protesting against the police crackdown. More than 500 academics from around the world, including JNU alumni, released a statement in support of the students. In a separate statement, over 130 world-leading scholars including Noam Chomsky, Orhan Pamuk and Akeel Bilgrami called it a “shameful act of the Indian government” to invoke sedition laws formulated during colonial times to silence criticism. The crisis was particularly concerning to some scholars studying nationalism.

The main cause of the JNU Row is the Jupiter affliction since 9th Jan. 2016 as mentioned by me in all my articles. Jupiter is the significator of Children, Students, Teachers and under strong Affliction and being the 9th and the 10th Lord acquires a malefic state for the all the above happenings and hence the events may escalate after 20th feb. 2016 , Around the Eclipses and till Jupiter Leaves the sign Leo on the 12th August 2016 . Dasha of Moon -Mars  from 10th July 2016 is more Frightening then the Present Dasha of Moon -Moon , but this Dasha in the Foundation chart will work as a Seed and the fruits after 10th July 2016 for the Escalation of Events related to Espoinage and war with Force with neighboring countries and Pakistan. The Period in which all the 3 Planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will be Retrograde from 24th March to 9th May 2016 is also very Critical  and May sprout all events with force. Jupiter Retrogression and aspect  by Retrograde Saturn will be crucial , since the Students, Educational Institutions are involved signified by Jupiter , the Intensity of Events will also be high and after 5th June 2016 again Escalate when Jupiter and Rahu will be again in the same Navamsha, Hence the Period after 5th June is More critical after which the Dasha of Moon-Mars will also be in operation, till then the issue may escalate , but the Situations Taking an Explosive shape will be in this Period .  

Let us have a Glimpse of the chart of the 9th Feb. 2015 , since the exact time is not available , i will use Mook Prashna for finding the Lagna at the time of the Event . Before this i will also use the Paksha Kundali as used by me in the earlier Article for the same .

As per my Article ‘Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 8th Feb. 2016:What it Foretells For India and Globe” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/enigmatic-paksha…-india-and-globe/ Dated  14th Feb. 2016

The main Parameters acquiring a special dimension after 8th Feb. 2016  can be seen from the Paksha Kundali of  8th Feb. 2016 20-09 hrs. below

Paksha Kundali 8th Feb 2016

The following parameters acquire a special dimension.

Panchang of the Day

Day is  Monday  Lord is Moon and afflicted badly , placed in the 5th Yama  of Scorpio, which has malefic Saturn  6th and 7th Lord aspecting  Eclipsed  Jupiter the benevolent planet and 8th Lord placed in the Lagna. The Lord of Scorpio is Mars  and aspects both the Lumanaries , hence the Fortnight is not a good one and there will be Events connected to the6th, 7th and the 8th house , pertaining to Mars , Saturn significations on the King and Queen like natives and the nations  for the Global effect.

Tithi Pratipada Moon is totally weak

Nakshatra Dhanista Gold will rise till Sun in this nakshatra , but when Afflicted by Ketu , then fall in Gold Prices

Yoga Variyana

Karna Kimstughna  A Malefic Fixed Karna and lord is Sun and is also afflicted badly. No Fructification of any things will take place Properly

  1. Both Lumanaries in the nakshatra of Dhanistha a nakshatra of Mars who acquires a digbala in the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac, Sun is also digbali in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac  and placed in the 6th house along with Moon a Trik Bhava  aspected by both Mars and Saturn  in very close degrees is indicative of Untoward happenings starting from the night of 8th Feb. 2016. Mars is also influencing the Lumanries in the navamsha as well.
  2. Jupiter 5th and 8th Lord in the Lagna  is totally eclipsed by Rahu and aspected closely by Saturn the 6th and the 7th Lord. Hence significations of the 6,7th and 8th house sprouting in the fortnight
  3. Mercury Fallen and about to go in Capricorn , where again it will be afflicted badly by Both Mars and Saturn
  4. See the Minimum Longitudnal distance between Mercury and Venus .
  5. All Planets with in Rahu and Ketu and on the 20th Feb. 2016 they will also be Influenced by Mars and Saturn the 6th and the 8th lords . Sun will also Come in Aquarius on the 14th Feb. 2016 and again will be aspected by Mars  and there after there will be eclipses .
  6. Mars Placement in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th, 9th and 10th house and aspecting the Lumanaries is a Crucial Parameters for Terrorism, War like situations, Religious indifferences sprouting since Jupiter affliction in the Asendant and both Lumanries in the 6th house .(Sun is Lagna Lord as well). They coud take a serious shape after mars ingressing in Scorpio and aspecting the 7th house of war, international trade and affairs.

We have already  seen the JNU episode of Religious indifferences sprouting  and the involvement of the neighbors where mars is placed in the Paksha kundali aspecting the crucial houses

now let us have a look on the Chart of the 9th Feb. 2016 Evening according to Mook Prashna , the event is Related to Dhatu and hence for Even Lagna the navamsha has to be 3,6,9th  navamsha for a Jeeva Event. Also a planet aspecting Lagna is in own navamsha and aspect lagna then the query is for Dhatu . As per the below chart the same is being justified

JNU Event

The above chart is self Explainatory and Moon Lagna Lord placed in the 8th house in Rahu-Ketu axis is making the event crystal clear. , Both sun and Moon are badly afflicted , Sun aspects the Rashi and Navamsha along with Mars influencing Sun in both the charts is also an important Parameter.

Now let us have a look at the chart of the 22nd March 2016 14-30 hrs as per the NDTV  “JNU Students Gearing Up For More Protests” link


Students will gather at 2.30 pm tomorrow at the administrative block to protest against the showcause notice based on the alleged “biased high level enquiry report, for burning the Manusmriti and for the other show-causes, none of which has spelled out any specific reasons.”

JNU Event 2

The Fate of the JNU Row is already written like the Anna Hazare and Hardik Patel. All the 3 have chosen a Beautiful Muhurats of affliction to Moon and met the ill Fate and failures. I had written for Anna Hazare a Complete Failure and so did I write for Hardik Patel who is in Jail. Now Comes the turn of this JNU Row which sprouted on the Evening of 9th Feb. 2016 when Moon Lagna Lord was in the 8th house with Ketu in Aquarius, where the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March has Taken place and now they are again Selecting 22nd March 2016 for Protesting , what a Wonderful day for the event , just a Day before the Lunar Eclipse , when Saturn is Stationary and aspects Jupiter degreewise , Rahu in Forward motion, The Day Lord Mars with Saturn Stationary and is the 8th Lord as well. since the Protest is at 14.30 hrs . Moon again connected to the 8th Lord who is Stationary and with Rahu in Adverse motion . Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis with Afflicted Jupiter Karka for Educational Institutions and Students , I think the time has come for things to Sprout with Dimension.

Panchang of the Day

Day Is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars  placed in the 5th house in own negative sign with 7th and 8th Lord Saturn in Stationary Motion

Tithi SP-14 most Malefic and all 4 Signs, gemini, Virgo, Sagitarius and Pieces Dagdha Signs

Nakshatra  P Phalguni Lord venus placed in the 8th house in Rahu-Ketu axis aspected by Mars

Yoga Ganda

Karna Vanija , Lord is Placed in the 8th house afflicted, hence the Fructification will not take place properly although aspected by 10th Lord Mars and in a Fixed sign  is indicative of a malefic happenings

Hora Mars , good for Aggressive activities , but with 8th Lord will lead to a Failure , Horesh and Varesh are same Mars and connected to Saturn Stationary and hence the fight will continue for long and no success 

DBA Planets Venus-Mer-Saturn are self Explainatory

Yama The day lord is placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo and the sign is placed in the 2nd house where Jupiter, Moon and Rahu are placed and aspected by Saturn in Stationary mode and almost Degreewise aspect on Rahu, jupiter and Moon, Saturn is also the 7th and the 8th Lord  is the most malefic combination in the chart and can sprout a Result with negativity with dimension and for a Long Period

5th and 9th house has equal number of planets and hence the Bhandan yoga indicative of Contraints for a Long Period till saturn becomes Direct after 13th August and Rahu who is in Adverse motion can put the Leaders in confinement since jupiter and Sun also have exchange and sun is with Debilitated 12th Lord placed in the 9th house

Lagna in the Nakshatra of Saturn , Navamsha rising is the fixed sign rising the moon in Debilitation is indicative of Failure of the event and taking a Explosive shape , since Saturn is connected ,

There are no Benefics in Kendras and malefics connected to 8th house and 8th Lord Saturn in Stationary mode , Benefics are weak.

Yama Chart Lagnesh is Placed in the sign of pieces and the Lord is Jupiter aspected by Saturn Stationary Explosive Parameter 

Moon is also Placed in the Sign Leo and in 6/8 axis asper yama chart is a Failure of the event

Day Lord is Placed with Stationary 8th Lord Saturn and also 7th Lord . 8th house and 8th Lord are afflicted badly

8th Lord from lagna is Placed in the 8th from 10th house with 8th Lord mars in the 8th from 10th house , Govt. Strict action .

Lagna is movable toward fixed sign and fixed sign rising in Navamsha with debilitated Moon , mars and Saturn Connection in the Transit and navamsha Transit chart is the most Explosive for the event and saturn in Stationary mode total Failure of the Protests.

I have been writing on the Blog www.mundaneastro.org about the failure of Anna Hazare  and on my webpage about Hardik Patel. The Fate of the leaders of the JNU Row seems to be similair to their fates , since they have taken up the cause when the planetary positionsare worst for Success, they are only capable to break the peace of the Country nothing more , it also seems there is a strong Backing in the Protests by involvement of outside People. see the Sun with 3rs and 12th Lord Debilitated and having Exchange with Jupiter under affliction who is 6th and 9th Lord , Crystal clear of the neighboring Countries involvement it it.Religious in difference could also sprout for a long time .

Timing of the events 

Mars is in the 4th Navamsha and takes a Day hence after 4 days there will be untoward happenings for the events.

26th to 28th march could be crucial Period for the happenings concerning JNU Row, Inclusive of the 23rd March 2016 , since lunar Eclipse on the 23rd March 2016 the Day of Verdict by the court in the JNU Row 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd March 2016 09-00 am New Delhi 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : The writer of the Article is not responsible if any one uses the above Predictions for any Purposes, This is only indicative Parameters as per Parameters of Astrology , If any one does it  then he sahll be doing it at his own risk and fancies . Any Article on my webpage  Regarding the any thinfg is based on Vedic Astrology and i use Tamil text of Vedic Astrology  . The Writer therefore announces to Take any Decisions as per own Choice and the writer is no way connected to the JNU or any Student for that Purpose

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