Star’s Foretell Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Successful Sept. 2020 Launching After 20th Nov. 2020 ‘8th Dec.2020 Onwards Enigmatic ‘Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1391 Articles and Predictions in just 64 months from April 2015

This is with Reference to my various Articles written on Coronavirus which have proved spot on right from the day it spread after the 26th Dec. 2019 from China in the complete world written well in advance on the 19th Sept. 2019.  I have already mentioned that this Virus spread is parallel to Spanish flue of the 1918 which disappeared on the 1st Dec.1920 when Rahu and Ketu were in their own stars and Ketu was in Aries and Rahu was in Libra . We have Parallel situations and hence we would only get ease from this Coronavirus when Rahu is in Aries and Ketu in Libra  and they have stars exchange on the  7th Feb 2023 considering that we had Parallel situations at the time of the Spanish flue when Rahu was in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini.

The Parameters which acquire an important dimension are as follows .

  1. At the time of the 28th Dec 1917 Eclipse Rahu was in Sagittarius where the Eclipse took place after which the Spanish Flue had spread .  When Coronavirus spread after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 Ketu was in Sagittarius. The Eclipses with Ketu are more dangerous then that of Rahu
  2. On the 1st Dec 1920 Ketu entered Ashvini and Rahu was already in Swati and both were in their own stars
  3. On the 7th Feb. 2023 Rahu  will be in the sign Aries in the star of Ashvini and Ketu will be in Libra in the star of Swati hence there will be exchange of stars between the Rahu and Ketu

Hence from the above as already Predicted Coronavirus may disappear after the 7th Feb 2023

Now the Question is with Medical advancement will the Mankind be able to control the Coronavirus with Vaccines  in the near future 

This  is a total Research Article  on the development of Vaccines  and the outcome of the same with time frames . As per the Planetary positions  Sept. 2020 seems to be better after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 when 6 Planets were Eclipsed  and Now 6 Planets going in their own houses on the 15th Sept. 2020. At this point Mercury will be in Exaltation in the 10th from Ketu the disease karka  which is good for Vaccine development .Unfortunately Jupiter the  Jeeva Planet  will be in Fallen State  and may not attribute total beneficence  for the Vaccines since Jupiter will be in blemished condition due to being fallen. Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant in case of animals  and when Jupiter is blemished then it behaves like a mad elephant  who has the capacity to ruin the Jungle . A Fallen Planet is most Venomous irrespective it is in own house . After the 19th August 2020 Jupiter is connected to all the Planets and there is no improvement in the worldly affairs  and rather expansion of the virus.

Following parameters acquire a special dimension

  1. A major Parameter is the 6th Lord of the natural zodiac Mercury who is also the Yoga Lord at the time of Eclipse will be in its own house  and in Exaltation from the 2nd Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2020. This is good for Vaccine Trials Successful  between this time frame .On the 1st Sept. Venus Moves in Cancer and and on the 2nd Sept. Mercury moves in Virgo, 13th Sept. Jupiter will become direct  and on the 19th Sept. 2020 Ketu will leave the sign Sagittarius , these parameters also indicate some relief from the woes of the Coronavirus . Although till Jupiter is in blemished condition as a fallen Planet in the sign Sagittarius the sign of the Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 the Coronavirus may not disappear. — Note this Parameter . from the 19th August 2020 as per the Lunation chart the number of Spikes in the Coronavirus cases may increase till the 2nd Sept. 2020. After this Date when 2 afflictions of Jupiter will be eased on the 19th Sept. 2020 there may be some relief seen but not totally — Note this Parameter 
  2. Jupiter will leave the sign Sagittarius  on the  20th Nov. and will be Vargottam till 3 degrees 20 minutes and will be like in the mool-trikona sign Sagittarius with strength till 8th Dec. 2020 . This time frame is good for launching Vaccine for Coronavirus  .
  3. Jupiter will be at 5 degrees on the 16th Dec. 2020  at its’ deep debilitation point  and also in planetary war with Saturn after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 . As per  Omens of Matsya Purana Classic  Since there is graha yudh with in 7 days of the Solar Eclipse destruction, earthquakes, wars, diseases, virus , famine etc can take place this may indicate ‘either a new disease spread or no relief from vaccines of the Coronavirus’ .
  4. Why I am saying no relief from Coronavirus vaccines is basically the Jeeva planet Jupiter and the Luminaries will be in most blemished condition  at the time of the Solar Eclipse. I am afraid to write any more here .
  5. At the time of the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 which will take place in the sign Scorpio in the Jyeshta star  Mercury the 6th Lord of the Natural zodiac will also be  deep affliction and totally eclipsed by Ketu the disease Karka in Scorpio. Scorpio is the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and all hidden things may come out  and specially as explained above and all in this Article 

Have a Look at the chart of the Same below of the 14th Dec. 2020 at 21.47 hrs  

This Eclipse will be visible in the region covering  Southern Pacific Ocean, Galapagos Islands, South America, Parts of Antarctica, Parts of South West Africa. Although the Eclipse is not visible in India the effect of the Planetary War and North Node adverse will definitely be felt even in India and the complete world .

In the Chart above the 8th house of the Natural Zodiac and the Star Lord Mercury  of the Eclipse it totally Eclipsed by Ketu the most dreaded South Node Ketu. Mars will influence this Combination and the Eclipse point after the 24th Dec. 2020 when it moves back in Aries . Another Parameter which cannot be ignored is that the Lord of the Scorpio sign where the Solar Eclipse is taking place will be in Fallen State and the Sign Lord of Mars Jupiter will be in Planetary war all these Parameters are Most Enigmatic and most Venomous .

From the Media News we are being told that the Vaccines may come in the Market around the Dec. 2020. I am afraid to write anything here for the Outcome of the same since the Planetary positions as explained above will be catastrophic since the Luminaries and the Jeeva Planet will be in most afflicted state 

Please also refer to my Article

1.” Will We Be Living With Coronavirus Pandemic Well Into 2021 ? ”

2. “Eclipses In Moola and Jyeshta Nakshatra May Pose Hinderances In Vaccines Development for COVID-19”

3.” Rahu In Ardra & Mrigshira Ketu in Moola & Jyeshta Nakshatra May Leave Deep Scars In 2020-2021 Parallel 1890 &1918 For The World

Rahu In Ardra & Mrigshira Ketu In Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Leave Deep Scars In 2020-2021 Parallel 1890 &1918 For the World Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As per the WHO  28 countries  submitting expressions of interest include Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom

Now the Stars for Vaccines development are as follows

The Stars Favourable for Research on Poisonous Medicines are  Poorva Phalguni, Poorva Shadha,Poorva Bhadrapad, Bharini and Magha   . Apart from the above Vishaka and Ktittika are good for Preparing Medicines

Rahu is considered as amrit  since as per the Jyotish Classics “Surasuram Rahu Rog Harnam and Ketu Rog Karnam”  This means Rahu will ease from the woes of the Virus and Ketu will give disease . Which ever Country has Rahu  or Moon in the above stars will be conducive to Produce a Vaccine it so seems  and the Dasha of the concerned Star Lords 

It is extremely difficulty to see the Charts of More than 70 countries to analyse who could be successful in bringing the Vaccine first  but from the above it is crystal Clear that the Vaccines Trials may be successful around Sept. 2020 and should  be Launched in the Global Markets between  the 20th Nov to 8th Dec. 2020. The Vaccines may have a limitations of 7 months tenure  , since the trials and Research has been done when Ketu and Jupiter are in the sign of the Eclipse Sagittarius which has 7 rays

Hence the situations are extremely complex starting from  in the Month of Dec. 2020 as explained above  and till Malefic Planetary Positions  till Ketu will be in the star Jyeshta till the 12th May 2021 there may not be any major break through it so seems from the Planetary Positions  and even if the Vaccines are developed they may have limitations for 7 months  only . As mentioned by me Ketu in Scorpio with Mercury totally eclipsed is a dreaded conjunction and New Virus spread or Reoccurrence of Coronavirus is not at all ruled out . Scorpio sign also rules the Cancer , Plague disease . My 3 Articles above written well in advance indicate the same . Rahu in Ardra & Mrigshira  Ketu In Moola & Jyeshta  May Leave deep Scars for the World in 2020-2021 

Astrology is amazing

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
24th August  2020 21-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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