Some Amazing Research On North Node Rahu Top in Hierarchy Of Planets Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1087 Articles and Predictions in just 55 months from April 2015
North Node is ther Most Powerful in the Planets and has the Capacity to Turn the tables Well placed Rahu person can reach heights

North Node Rahu gets top Position in Hierarchy of Planets , If Placed well in the chart does Miracles and Takes the Person to top positions . Read My Article on the North Node Rahu “Rahu North Node The Key Planet For Rise and Fall”…or-rise-and-fall/
This Article was also published in ‘THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the August 2018 Edition on the page 38

Let me reproduce the Article here for Ready Reference

Let me reproduce the Article “The Celestial Drama of North Node Rahu From 1st To 16th Feb. 2018” link…st-16th-feb-2018/

All Planets have Physical and Visual Existence , but the Nodes Rahu and Ketu are imaginary points in the Ecliptic and have no Physical Existence, even then Rahu the North node is considered most Powerful and has been allotted the status of a Planet by our Maharishis and Seers . Rahu and Ketu have a Retrograde motion and stay in a Rashi for 1 year 6 month and approx. 18 days and they become stationary and direct almost twice a month when the Luminaries are approaching them in Transit.

In Hindu Mythology there is an interesting Fiction how Rahu and Ketu came into existence . It is believed that once Gods and the Demons both decided to form an alliance to Produce Nectar that could impart immorality to them. We all know the story of the Nectar how it was produced by churning the Ocean. After the Nectar was produced and the process of serving the same to the Gods was there Demon Rahu disguised as the God sat between the Sun and the Moon to acquire the Nectar. The Demon was recognised by the Sun and the Moon who complaint of the Demon to Lord Vishnu. On this Lord Vishnu immediately severed the Head of the Demon, but the Demon by then have consumed enough Nectar to make him immortal. The Head of the Demon Rahu thus became immortal and the remaining corpse of the Demon was Named as Ketu, ever since then Rahu and Ketu became strong enemies of the Luminaries . Solar and Lunar Eclipses occur when Sun and Moon are near Rahu and Ketu who swallow the Luminaries . Rahu is the North Node of Moon and Ketu the South Node. Rahu is a powerful and a malefic planet . It is the most Powerful planet for the Politicians and gives them great opportunity and power to rise in Politics through any means.

Rahu Rules the Thieves, Jail, Magicians, Snakes, Poison, Drugs and Isolated Places . Rahu also has the Power to confer sudden wealth and even taking the native to to the highest level if placed well, but does not give any thing easily one may have to also suffer due to Rahu nakshatra in Aquarius sign the sign of Saturn who signifies sufferings . Since a shadow Planet no sign has been allotted to Rahu. Rahu is supposed to be most powerful in Taurus and Virgo, through its sign is 11th House of the Zodiac Aquarius which controls our desires. When negatively placed in the chart can create confusions, depressions, emotional imbalances and on the other hand when placed strongly in good houses and in highest rajyoga with Sun with in 5 degrees has the capacity to take the native on the highest level unexpectedly.

The Following Parameters make the North node extremely strong.

1.Rahu Placed with in 5 degrees of Sun in a good house and preferably has aspects of Jupiter.

2.Rahu placed in the 3,6,11th house.

3. Rahu placed in the 6th house having 9th aspect by Jupiter forming Ashtlakshmi yoga.

4.Rahu Placed in the Kendra or Trikona and the dispositor in the Kona and Kendra respectively , making him a Yoga Karka Planet.

5. Rahu is extremely powerful when placed with a Debilitated Planet ,the dispositor is Debilitated , specially in the house of Moon or Sun, When Dispositor is weak Rahu gets strength.

5. Rahu In dagdha Rashi .

6. Except Mercury Planets with in 5 to 12 degrees are Eclipsed by Rahu and the Planets lose their significations and give sufferings .

Direction of Rahu South West .

Color Black , Grey, Purple

Constellations Ardra, Swati and Satbisha

Friendly Planets Mercury, Saturn and Venus

Enemies Sun, Moon and Mars

Neutral Planets Jupiter.

Rahu has a Maha Dasha Period of 18 years , when adversely placed in the chart indicates arrogance and jealous nature.

For Rahu Dasha Mathematical Chart of D18 should be drawn to see the Effects

Sura Suram Rog harnam and Ketu Rog Karnam, it is clear that in the dasha of Rahu the Diseases come out and in the Dasha of Ketu one gets disease , Rahu placed well then good for Rog harnam, Ketu is Disease giver. Rahu is not Disease giver , specially when a native is running the Dasha or anter dasha of Rahu and the Ingress of Rahu-Ketu takes Place and the age is in the Multiples of 9 plus-minus 1.5 years at the relevant age of the disease the diseases sprouts and cured if Rahu is Placed well.Rahu gives Fever, Leprosy, snake bite, Restlessness, emotional hurdles when afflicted .

Rahu is Up-Karka for Marriage and decides the quality of married life . Afflicted Rahu specially when also Darakarka spoils the Marriage specially when in Venomous state

When In Direct or Stationary Motion then most malefic but when with in 5 degrees of Sun forms a special rajyoga in a good house having aspects of Jupiter is an added advantage.

As per Theory of Astrological Inevitability Chapter IX of THE NEHRU DYNASTY of Vani Publications , Eclipses falling in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moon meaning that Rahu or Ketu falling in 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moon can be a agonising Period .Now with the above combinations the Sub Dasha is also of a Planet which is Rahu or a Planet who has the potentiality to kill, what can happen ? If the above parameters are in the 4/10 axis or the 1/7 axis the native may have a fall or if the span of life has come to its terminal point, die

As per My research I would like to add a few more Parameters .

1.If the Native has a Very Powerful Rahu with in 5 degrees of the Sun and aspected by Jupiter he would rise in life during the Eclipses when Rahu is in adverse motion specially in the age group of 9 plus-minus 1.5 years

2. The native will have a fall if Sun or Moon is eclipsed with in 5 degrees to 12 degrees and the age is in multiple of 9 plus-minus 1.5 years .

3. Generally it has been seen that when Rahu or Ketu are malefic in the chart then when Ketu falls on Rahu and Rahu over Ketu in transit the Period for 1.5 years will be most agonising , on the other had if Rahu and Ketu are strong and powerful to give effects the Native rises in life to top positions specially when Rahu and Ketu fall on the natal positions . All this happens generally in the age bracket of multiple of 9 plus-minus 1.5 years and Mostly Positive in the Multiple of 18 Plus-Minus 1.5 years

4. As Per Jaimini sutra when one planet is retrograde in the chart then irrespective of the degrees Rahu becomes the Darakarka and if afflicted and malefic spoils the Marriage.

5. Marriage Celebrations should not be done when Rahu is Stationary or in Forward motion specially when one planet in Transit is retrograde and Rahu is Darakarka . Rahu may spoil the Marriage.

6. If a Boy or a girl has Rahu Stationary or in Forward motion should be married to one who also has such combinations.

7. Even though Rahu may be extremely strong since he has the nakshatra of shatabisha in Aquarius and in the sign of Saturn, Rahu also gives success after some sufferings and false allegations and finally coming out with flying colours .

8.North Node Rahu also has the capacity to turn the tables upside down . It can Turn the Stock Market according to its motion.The Stock Market was influenced with Magnitude when Rahu was adverse for 16 days in a stretch from 1st Feb. to 16th Feb. 2018. Specially near the Eclipses it effects the stock Markets .. Demonetization took place when Rahu was adverse in a stretch for more than 5 days on the 8th Nov. 2016

9. MH-370 plane with more than 228 passengers went missing in March 2014 and still no whereabouts . Rahu was adverse on the day of its disappearance of the flight and still the search is going on.

10.North node stay in a rashi is 1 year 6 month and 18 days , hence I am taking Multiple of 9 when Ketu comes over Rahu and stay of Plus-Minus 1.5 years , Multiple of 18 plus -minus 1.5 years would mean Rahu over Rahu


Let me take up the case studies below

Donald Trump

Chart of Donald Trump 14th June 1946 10.54 hrs. Jamacia IL NY


Sun and Rahu in close Degrees have aspect of Jupiter hence a very strong Rajyoga in the 10th house , such a person does not leave any stone unturned for his meeting his goals He has Rahu in forward motion. At the time of Elections Rahu was in Forward Motion on the 8th Nov. 2016 and Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant .Trump is Born on a Eclipse day and in close degrees when Sun is very close to Rahu then it is a special Rajyoga and the Person is born to do a special karma in Life . In Transit Rahu was Transitting in the 10th house from Moon and the dispositor Sun when had aspected the 10th house in Transit gave a Rise to the Native which happened on the 16th Nov. 2016 .Trump Age at this point was Multiple of 9 Plus Minus 1.5 years . Multiple of 9 here was 72 and he was 72-1.5 years= 70.5 years . Rahu in Kendra from Rahuand would reach the Natal Rahu when Trump will be 72 Plus 1.5 years or so
Narendra Modi

Chart of Narendra Modi Born on the 17th Sept. 1950 Mehsana Gujrat Time 12.05 noon

Sun with in 5 degrees of Rahu and Ketu and Sun and Ketu placed well in the 11th house with 11th Lord. Narendra Modi rose to the position of the Prime Minister of India when he was 64 years approx. in the year 2014 The Strong Rajyoga paid him the dividends . Rahu is in adverse motion hence Eclipses may help him in his career though may give initial sufferings as well

My Chart 4th May 1948 08-23-20 hrs New Delhi

Just see the degrees of Sun and Rahu and this conjunction together with the Lagna Lord has aspect of Jupiter from the 7th house making a Panch Maha Purush Yoga . Rahu here is extremely strong with Mercury and Sun though in Exhaltation is in Mrityu Bhag, makes Rahu extremely strong . Rahu here is also Dara Karka , but fortunately my wife also has this Rajyoga in her chart and in both cases the Darakarka is Rahu and similar strong in strength.

1983 to 1986 were the most Fruitful years of my life I was in the age Bracket of 36 to 38 years .

In 1983 I was falsely implicated in a Case which was quashed the same day and I came out with Success. In 1986 I was appointed the General Manager in a Joint Venture with Maruti and my salary and perks rose upto almost 5 times my salary. I visited 3 Countries in the East, Japan, South Korea and Hongkong. It was considered a jackpot to visit Japan in 1986. On several other occasions when I had a contract with the Delhi Administration I was implicated in a false case and the same Day the Case was quashed and the concerned persons were suspended in the age Bracket of Multiple of 18 Plus Minus 1.5 years .

Some of the recent Happenings after Rahu ingressed in Cancer on the 9th Sept. 2017 and specially between the 1st Feb. to 16th Feb. 2018 when Rahu was in forward motion after the Lunar Eclipse on the 31st Jan. 2018 as below

The above Extreme right side Rahu motion is mentioned clearly shows the True motion in forward direction of Rahu from the 1st Feb. 2018 to 16th Feb. 2018 which was a exception , since normally Rahu is adverse for 4 to 5 days maximum

As Per the above Principles natives in the age Bracket of Multiple of 9 plus -minus 1.5 years will be influenced with magnitude negatively or positively in their Life as per the placement of the North node . The Following People were influenced and the Breaking News covered them

Priya Prakash Varrier

The Singer and Actress of the South of 18 -19 years old rose in her life to an unexpected level, she had to face a false case also which was freezed by the Supreme court . I dont have the birth details , but for sure she has Sun and Rahu Degree conjunct in the 10th or the 11th house and having aspect of Jupiter as per the Planetary combinations. This happened when Rahu was adverse and unexpected event happened on the 14th Feb. 2018 for Priya Prakash. Rahu north node just on the Natal Rahu or about to Touch it in her chart it so seems


Birth Chart Analysis Sridevi was born on the 13th Aug. 1963 05-30 hrs Chennai.

Sridevi was born on a Monday in the Krishna Paksh and before Sunrise hence the Planets who are strong are Mars and Saturn, and both making strong rajyogas . Saturn making the Shasha Yoga a Pancha mahapurush yoga and Mars making the Poorna Yoga Karka , since connected to the 9th Lord Jupiter , Saturn is the 7th and the 8th Lord and in the nakshatra of Rahu and in Vish ghati and aspects the 6th and the 9th Lord Jupiter who is Stationary in the chart degree-wise. Saturn is also Retrograde and at almost 180 degrees from Sun causing a bhandan yoga . There is also Exchange of the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord another Strong Yoga . Needless to speak for the Venus Placed in the Lagna , makes her attractive and Beautiful, Jupiter aspecting the Lagna and Venus in the Ascendant makes her most attractive. The Connection of the 9th and the 10th Lord Jupiter and Mars makes Mars extremely strong and a Poorna Yoga Karka .

Rahu in the 12th house in Vish ghati Multiple of 18 years is a malefic time for the native in the 3rd Paraya of The Nodes, hence after 54 plus minus 1.5 years years completion will be crucial perod for her due to Dara Karka Rahu , specially when Rahu in the 12th house is in Vish ghati she died in a Foreign country and since Rahu is also muslim she died in a muslim country .Hence Transit of Rahu in the Lagna after 9th Sept. 2017 proved to be malefic for her specially when it reached the MEP of the Lagna and very near the Lagna Degrees. On the 24th Feb. 2018 Rahu was 20-47 and Lagna is 19.06 . Rahu was also Poison then since in Forward Motion on the 24th Feb. 2018

Nirav Modi

The News for Nirav Modi was brought to light between the 1st Feb. to 16th Feb. 2018 and he is in the age Bracket of 45 Plus 1.5 years , showing that his Rahu is eclipsing Sun the Govt. and will be brought to Book when Rahu Transits over the Natal Rahu or the Natal Sun degree-wise . I don’t think Nirav Modi will get any relief specially when Rahu is in Cancer and may be brought to Book near the Eclipses of July 2018 and 2019

Cricketer Mohammed Shami

Charged with attempt of Murder of his wife HasinJahan. Cricketer is 27 year old and the age is in the Multiple of 9 and he must be having Rahu as Daraarka and in most malefic State and will bring his down fall. This happened on the Day when Mars ingressed in Sagitarius and aspected the North Node Rahu by 8th aspect.

Roger Federer 36 year old Born on the 8th August 1981 08-35 hrs. Basel

Swiss Tennis genius has made a come back recently. His North Node Rahu is in Cancer Transit Rahu exactly over the Sun degrees of 22 give him the success with flying colours

From the above we can say that the Role of the North Node Rahu is immense in the rise and fall in the life of a native and The eclipses influence in a big way on the positive and negative side as per the Natives chart
I don’t have the correct birth details of Sidhu but I used the research principle of Rahu . Read this Article “In Hierarchy Of Planets Rahu On Top Puts Sidhu In Trouble Again As ‘Astrology’ Predicted”…rology-predicted/
Some Tedt of the Article above
In Hierarchy Of Planets Rahu On Top and Sidhu nearing the Completion of 56th year and Multiple of 18-19 years a Paraya Of Rahu. It has been observed as per my Research that if the Nodes are not well placed one suffers in the Multiple of 9 and 19 years of age . In this connection I have already written an Article “My Article North Node :The Key Planet For Rise And Fall In ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ August 2018 Edition”…ust-2018-edition/ ‎ “North Node: The Key Planet For Rise And Fall “on Page 38 in the August Edition 2018 Read full Article in the Magzine

Apart from the above Read below
This is with reference to my Article “Sidhu In Hot Waters Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 16th Feb. 2019. The Predictionsare in line with what ever is happening with him
Read this “The Kapil Sharma Show: Navjot Singh Sidhu banned from entering Mumbai’s Film City premises ”
It looks like there’s no end to troubles for Navjot Singh Sidhu over his comments on Pulwama attack in which 45 CRPF jawans were martyred in a dastardly suicide bomb attack.

Reproducing what I wrote and also added a note at the end , if he uses Astrology he can be benefitted

Birth details 20th Oct. 1963 Time of Birth not known. Still I will like to Predict using the Planetary Positions . This is a Research Article and I will see what could be the results of the News “Navjot Singh Sidhu sacked from The Kapil Sharma Show after comments on Pulwama attack ”

See the Chart Below as per the Transit Time yesterday 16th Feb 2019 at 14-55 hrs when the news came.

Now Also See the The Planetary positions at the Time of Birth asper the Link above of wikipedia omn the 20th Oct. 1963

The Following Planetary positions put him in trouble .
1.Transit Moon in the 8th from Natal Moon in the sign Scorpio with Mars. Most Malefic
2. Dispositor of Natal Moon Is Mars and Placed in Scorpio and6/8 axis of the Transit Mars and this Transit Mars aspects the Natal Moon also as per my research may be degree-wise as seen by taking Gemini Lagna for him. Transit Mars at 7.11 degrees and Natal Moon may also be 7 Degrees (Asumed)
3. Transit Saturn 21 degrees over the natal Ketu in Sagitarius at 21 degrees
4. Transit Moon in Gemini over the natal Rahu In the Nakshatra of Rahu and aspected by Transit Saturn and Venus in close degrees and inimical ithasla who are over the Natal Ketu Degree-wise
5. Natal Mercury and Transit Mercury 6/8 axis
6. Transit Saturn aspects the natal Mercury degree-wise both at 22 degrees . Transit Saturn also aspects the Transit Mercury in close degrees and difference if 5 degrees
7.Moon , Mercury, Saturn and Venus all in Inimical Ithasla and Connected degree-wise Square Aspect.
8.Mercury and Moon are most Important for our mental inclinations and afflicted badly in the Transit
Moon and Mars conjunction in Scorpio in the chart are also tricky
9 Natal Planets near 19-22 degree mark and Transit Planets also near these degrees and specially Saturn who is the most importanrt planet. Natal Saturn aspects the natal Jupiter and after 29th March Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu will be in the 7th house from Transit Moon. Hence difficulyt situations after 29th March and till 30th April 2019 when Saturn will also be stationary. 5 days before and 5 days after from 30th April become extremely important for him whenthere will also be degre-conjunction of Ketu and Saturn in Sagitarius

This is a Research Article and not my personal opinion
Moon Ishraaf Yoga in Transit with Mercury and Future inimical Ithasla of Moon and Saturn with in 5 days . Moon affliction and dispositor also aspected By Saturn the 8th Lord may put him in more trouble as seen from the Planetary positions at the time of Transit
This Article shows how we can assess the Conditions even if we dont have the time of Birth and hence written for the Astrology Students and Lovers of Astrology . Lets ee what happens . It seems he is in Trouble and coming 5 Days/Weeks difficult for him.
As per his Year of Birth 1963 he is nearing completion of 56 years in Oct. 2019. Transit Rahu coming over his Natal Rahu and hence mudslingings By Rahu
Using Astrology he can be benefitted

Written on the 22nd Feb. 2019 at 18-30

In the Chart given above of the 4th May 1948 08-23-20 hrs belongs to me and Rahu and Sun Degree conjunct and aspect of Jupiter from the 7th house . Rahu governs the Number 4 as per Numerology and after every 9 years Rahu-Ketu influence the Natal Rahu and Ketu. If Rahu and Ketu are Strong then the Age in the multiples of 18 is good and if bad then multiple of 9 years is bad
Now see following observations

Some amazing facts of Numberology. I am Born on the 4th of the month and the total of the birth day,month and year is also 4. I was born in house number 40, I bought a Property number 4. , I also bought a Commercial Property totalling 4, my Bank account total is 4 I owned cars having number 4, 40, and now 4444 and living in house number 16, my Name is 4 letter word. I have very good interaction with people name starting with S and R My Aniversary also on the 4th of the month. My Inlaws house number is 31 Rahu is the significator of number 4 and Well placed in my chart. Rahu is totally Eclipsing Sun hence When ever there had been any controversoy with the Govt. I have won it . Rahu has done wonderfully well for me in the multiple of 4 and 9 years Amazing is it not

I had Predicted about so many people without the birth charts and found amazing predictions using Rahu and age multiple of 4 and 9 years

1st Nov. 2019 11-00 am
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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