Solar Ingress Pisces Nodes Change Axis 3 Planetary Wars Between 21st March to 4th April Most Explosive Time Frame

by astrodocanil

“Solar Ingress Pisces Nodes Change Axis 3 Planetary Wars Between 21st March – 4th April Most Explosive Time Frame”

The Planetary Energies are changing and Making the worst situations for the Globe in general. We have already experienced the Planetary war between Mars and Venus and the Combustion of Jupiter and the evil effects. On the 15th March 2022 at 00-16 hrs Sun will ingress in the sign Pisces the 12th house of the Natural Zodiac. It is the Last Month of the Palawa Solar year. Sun is Considered most pious in the sign of Jupiter since they form the highest Shivraj Yoga . Sun is considered very auspicious in Pisces since it is nearing its Exaltation sign Aries. At the time of the Ingress of Sun the sign Scorpio the most secretive sign is rising having  Ketu In Sarp Dreshkanne further makes it more mysterious. Moon is Placed in the sign Cancer in Ashlesha Star and also in Sarp Dreshkanne having the aspect of Mars , Saturn and Venus from the sign Capricorn, although the Placement of the Luminaries in the Dharm Trikona is Pious Moon is definitely afflicted badly. The Mars and Venus are in very close degrees and the Planetary war still exists in the 3rd house. The 3 Planetary war between the Planets from the 21st March to 4th April 2022 seem adding fuel in the burning fire as far as the Brawl between the Countries is concerned specially after the True Nodes change sign on the 17th March 2022.

Have a Look at the chart below 


 Although the Lagna is Vargottam it is again the most secretive sign Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac shows the Month will be most Mysterious and full of uncertainties. In the Navamsha Sun is in Rahu-Ketu axis further spoils the taste of the month.


 The Chart is below 

 Nodes Change Axis on the 17th March 2022 at 06-22 hrs at the time of Din Ratri Dandhi and Rahu goes in Aries and Ketu in Libra. They will be in square position with the heavy planets Mars and Saturn. Mars will aspect Rahu and Saturn will aspect Ketu this parameter is explosive for the evil happenings to trigger with greater dimension specially the brawl between the Countries can take ugly dimension. I need not mentioned here that the Ukraine-Russia Crisis can take a bigger dimension.. The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the yama of Pisces its debilitation sign and also in Debilitation in the navamsha . Mercury is the 5th and the 8th Lord .  Asper the yama chart Rahu goers in the Sign of Virgo the 8th house of the Ingress chart. Rahu is afflicted badly in the Fiery  signs in the Rashi and the Navamsha chart having aspect of Mars is explosive parameter in the ingress chart.. In the Navamsha the Ketu in the Lagna and the Rahu in the 7th house add fuel to the fire.. Moon is also afflicted in the Rashi and the Navamsha . The Moon and the Mercury in the 1/7 axis show one should be cautious in the investment in the Stock and the Financial Markets. 4th April 2022  Mars and Saturn will be degree conjunct at 28 degrees in Capricorn and Mars will aspect Rahu and Saturn will aspect Ketu Degree-wise . This Parameter can trigger the War like conditions in the World specially the Ukraine -Russia Crisis can go for a Toss and become most ugly. The NATO Countries may also join the War with Russia .


There will be planetary war between  Mercury and Jupiter on 21st March , Venus and Saturn on 27th March  followed by Mars and Saturn on 3 April 2022. All the above shows black days ahead  and the Brawl between the Countries  going for a Toss. US may be responsible for instigating the Countries against Russia. Although there is Nakta Yoga on the 21st-22nd March 2022  as per the 24th Feb 2022 Chart when Russia Invaded Ukraine and there could be some window open for a Truce between the 2 Countries.  The 3 Planetary wars between the Planets indicate weak Chances for any good Truce .Saturn in the dhanistha star on the 29th April 2022 from Aquarius will also activate the Rahu in Aries. Hence in the immediate future the Planetary positions till 30th April 2022 remain most explosive for the Brawl between the Countries May be it is Ukraine-Russia, Indo-China, US-Russia, China-Taiwan. The World may be split in two parts one supporting NATO and others Opposing NATO.
Hence from the above it is clear that from the 15th March 2022 the situations may go out of Control specially after the 17th March when the True Nodes change axis . The 3 Planetary war between the Planets could there for Prove Explosive for the Complete world and War like conditions may prevail some what parallel to WW1 WW2 and a Possible Start of  WW3 . The Planetary positions from the 31st July to 10th August will be most  explosive Since Mars and Rahu will be forming Angarak yoga in Aries the fiery sign and conditions may be some what like the WW2. We can also say that the War has actually started and may be in most ugly situations  in the last week of March and the 1st week of April .  The Planetary positions 12th July 2022 when Saturn from Aquarius aspects Rahu falls back in Capricorn and aspects Ketu  Could Trigger events parallel WW2 and most ugly situations from the 31st July t o 10th August 2022.


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The News comes close to Solar Ingress and when the True Nodes are about to come in Quadrant from the major planets Mars and Saturn. It seems the Effects of the same could be fatal.


Adverse effects as per the time frames mentioned in this Article


The Prices of the above may surge in the time frames mentioned above



My Disclaimer Clause is applicable . This is just an Astrological Analysis as per My Research Techniques . My Predictions may also May go wrong since exact data taken may be wrong  This is  a Research Article  The Above Predictions have been made on the bases of the information available on the Internet and Planetary positions some what parallel to earlier Stock Market Crash.

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My Opinion is, Mr. Anil Aggarwala from Delhi is a Best Astrologer in India 2020–2021. He wrote more than 2500 articles in the 2–3 years. He is the only astrologer in the world who predicted about Covid 19. Everything is happening As per his predictions. His Predictions about the share market and virus spreading are 94-98% accurate. You can check Predictions on his website and YouTube Channel. You can learn many prediction techniques from his Articles.


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

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Date 12th March   2022 17.30 hrs 
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