Solar Ingress of Sun In Sagittarius And Mars Nearest To Earth What Star’s Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

“Solar Ingress of Sun In Sagittarius And Mars Nearest To Earth What Star’s Foretell ?”

Solar Ingress in Sagittarius is not considered auspicious as per Astrology due the fact that Mahabharata War took place in the beginning of the Kurukshetra War, which fell around Dec.-Jan. indicating Sun in Sagittarius . Sun stay in Sagittarius is for only 29 days as against 30-31 days in other signs this is also not considered good.

According to Muhurta Chintamani, marriages should be avoided when Sun is Sagittarius. The Present Transit of Sun in Sagittarius is taking place on the 15th Dec. 2024 at 22:11 hrs IST.

The sign rising is Leo and the chart is below and Sun is in the 5th house , hence the significations of the 5th house will also figure out for a month .The Lagna is also in Paap Kartari yoga hence the general conditions in the Country may also not be good. Bhandan yoga is seen for the Masses of the Country.

The spread of Coronavirus also took place after Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 when Sun was in Sagittarius

As per the Foundation chart of India it will be in the 8th house for this period and not auspicious but from the Natal Moon in the 6th house.

Mars Over stay in Cancer sign and closest to earth in watery sign Catastrophic. Demon Rahu again in watery sign Poisonous as mentioned below

Another very important parameter during the stay of Sun is Sagittarius is Mars will get closest to Earth on Jan. 12, 2025 retrograde and debilitated in watery sign cancer. Until then, you’re watching it get closer to Earth. This Parameter is of Concern for the Globe since it indicates the Wars will take most ugly shape on the Earth and there will be Bloodshed. Debilitated  Mars 8th Aspect on the 7th house and the 7th Lord Saturn from the 12th house is of Concern. Mars connection to the 12th house, 3rd house, 6th and 7th house makes perfect combinations for trouble due to Terrorism from the Foreign elements and also with in the Country. This will also spoil the international relations, foreign policy and some religious disputes may prevail during this period.

Mars is also connected to the 9th house of the above chart which shows pilgrimage and unfortunately the Kumb Mela is starting from the 13th Jan to 26th Feb. 2025. Demon Rahu is placed in the watery sign  Pisces and will be afflicted in Jan. 2025 from19th to  22nd  and in Feb 2nd to 6th Feb and then from 14th to 21st Feb. 2025 along with Mars again in watery sign in Cancer. 

Mars aspects the Saturn in the 7th house of the travel of the masses going for Pilgrimages can be adversely influenced by Mars nearest to Earth and war like situations and bloodshed. Mars is known for all this. A Fiery Planet in Watery sign is like immersing a red hot Iron rod in water. The Situations may go out of control. The Govt. should make appropriate arrangement during this time frame . Stampede is also possible.

Since Leo sign is rising and US also has Leo ascendant in the foundation chart of the 4th July 1776 the 7th House will be afflicted badly along with Natal Moon due to Sade sati.  The Controversy of Adani may take ugly dimension.  The Syrian War and Atrocities in the Bangladesh may take ugly dimensions. The Conditions in the Middle east may become very ugly during this time frame  specially when Mars is debilitated and coming close to the Earth

The FII may all of a sudden divert their investments  and the Stock and the Financial Markets may suffer  losses

The Chart for Sun Ingress in Sagittarius is below.

10th Dec. 2024 06:00 hrs Dubai

Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

BSc. Engg. (Prod.)  PEC Ch. Year 1971

Student of Diploma in Marketing Management FMS New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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