Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn: What it has in Store for India

by astrodocanil

6th Dec. 2015 was the  most crucial day in the Paksha Kundali of 26th Nov. 2015…/lunation-chart-of-26th-nov-2…/
Read this Para “A Period from 29th Nov. 2015 onwards will be critical and more so between 29th Nov. to 6th Dec. 2015 for the Globe and India as well. Earthquakes, Terrorism, Air crash and Hijacking can take place .During this Period Sun, Saturn will be in Scorpio degree conjunct and in Libra Navamsha and the both Vargottam in Scorpio and aspected by Mars in Navamsha , when Mars is in Taurus Navamsha there could be Earthquakes and when it changes navamsha to Gemini then Air Disasters . When is is in Taurus Navamsha Terrorism as well but when it goes in 7th Navamsha in Transit and joins Ketu will be Terrorism with magnitude on the 10th Dec. 2015 after 21-00 hrs. On this day and TimeRahu and Ketu will change Navamsha will be most Venomous and Disasterous for untoward happenings and Terrorism for the Globe. Earthquakes as far as india is concerned in the Hindu Kush Area or the Himalaya Terrian. Also Read this Article “Birth Chart of Narinder Modi and Vedic Progression Chart for 2015-2016” dated 31st August 2015 link…/birth-chart-of-narinder-modi…/
Last Para” Moon will be in the nakshatra of Mercury from Sept. 2015 to Sept 2016 will be crucial period since Eclipses will take place over Moon on the 28th Sept. 2015 and in March 2016 again the Eclipses in the 12th h]from Moon in the 2.8 axis the 10th Lord from Moon and 10th Lord from Natal Chart both Sun and Jupiter will be eclipsed will be crucial for Narinder Modi . In any case the Year starting from Sept. 2016 to Sept. 2017 will be crucial since the Moon nakshatra Lord Ketu will be placed in the 6th from Moon and the 9th from Lagna .”
Another Article “Is India Prone to ISIS Terrorism ?’ link
Another Article “Vedic Progression Chart as per manu smriti :What it Foretells ‘ dated 21st Oct. 2015 link…/vedic-progression-year-as-pe…/ Disasterous Combination for the head of the country and for the country as a whole . All articles written much in advance then the actuall happenings . Astrology is most amazing if applied in a system. Now Read this Below.ATTACK

The Planetary positions are not condusive to give good Results for the Globe and India much of our concern.There was Earthquake also on the 7th Dec. 2015 of 7.2 Intensity in Kajissthan .

The Solar ingress in the cardinal Signs is very important and decides the fate for the coming 4 months and the trend in the country . I have already Discussed the Paksha Kundli of the 10th Jan 2016 vide my Article “Paksha Kundali of the 10th Jan. 2016 and the Fear of terrorism Looming over India and the Globe” link . Before we discuss the Solar ingrees chart of Capricorn, Let us have a quick glance  on the Foundation chart of India below.


I have already explained in all my articles that Dasha of Moon starting fom Sept 2015 for 10 years  may bring some positives for the 3rd house , Use of  Internet facilities on the increase Innovations in the Scientific fields, but Moon placed with 4 more planets and aspecting the 9th house is crucial , more so Mars and Saturn aspect on the 9th houseaffliction of Religion, Casteism, Courts, Embassies, Ambassadors ,Temples is crucial factor in the dasha of Moon .If you look at Moon in the navamsha it is afflicted in Rahu-Ketu axis and also aspected by Mars in Trishamsha , it is aspected by the 12th and the 8th lord Sun and Mars . In the Vedic Progression chart of completion of 68th year also there are afflictions to Moon the Dasha Lord By Debilitated Mars and Saturn from the Lagna. Sun is also Debilitated in the 4th house and in this context 9th to 14th March 2016 will be crucial period for untoward  happenings in the Country, King and Queen Suffer.

Let us have a look on the Solar ingress of Capricorn of 15th Jan 2016 01.26.20 hrs.what it has in store for India .

Solar ingress in Capricorn

The Lagna is Libra the 6th house of the Foundation chart in the nakshatra of Rahu and Mars placed in Lagna as the Lord of 2nd and the 7th house placed at the MEP of Lagna  and aspecting Sun placed in the 4th house along with Saturn is the most sensitive parameter in this chart. 8th house from the Lagna is aspected by Mars who is Placed in the 8th from Moon  is another Sensitive Parameter in this chart. This is crystal clear pointing out Disturbances in the country with magnitude since the Kendras are afflicted it will be internal ones.Tug of War between the Ruling and the Opposition Party and Congress in minority.

Fallen Mercury Connection to the 9th, 12th Lord in the 3rd House and in Retrogression  is serious ,shows Espoinage by the neighboring Countries and to be specific Pakistan. A Fallen planet is like a Car going up the hill and the motion is stalled and comes back rolling and falls from height . A Planet Fallen rolls back in the Previous house and is not able to give any results till it crosses the Retrogression mark. Mercury Retrogression mark is  of 6.55 degrees on the 15th Jan 2016 and will cross on the 14th Feb. 2016. Mercury will be in Retrogression till 25th Jan 2016.

The worst Combination in the Paksha Kundali of 10th Jan 2016 and th Solar ingress of Capricorn is that both Benefics Mercury and Jupiter went in Retrogression on the 6th and 8th Jan 2016 respectively. This can have an adverse effects on the Economy, Stock market of the country , along with the Globe . Mercury is Significator of Stock market , Communications, Pay Grounds. Mercury is the 9th and the 12th lord. Terrorism and Terrorist Camps in the Boarders will be active. A Strong Earthquake in the Himalayan Terrain Area cannot be ruled out when Mercury is Stationary on the 4th to 6th Jan 2016. Rahu will also be in Adverse motion on the 2-4th Jan 2016.The connection of Moon and Mercury is disasterous. Terrorism, Political unstability and Earthquakes could sprout strongly even before the Paksha Kundliof 10th Jan 2016 due to adverse Benefics Jupiter, Mercury getting afflicted badly

Lagna Lord Venus with Saturn in the 2nd House , concern for the 2nd House Focus on the  Financial condition, Black money .

Moon  as explained above as 10th Lord is placed in the 6th house , shows the Difficulties faced by the Ruling Govt, as Explained as bove Mars is Placed in the 8th from Moon . 6th Lord dispositor of Moon  is also placed in the 11th house badly afflicted and in 6/8 axis with moon forming a shatak yoga

Guru Chandal Yoga

The avove chart has Guru chandal yoga aspected by Saturn  and the most sensitive Parameter is the Close Proximity of Rahu and  Jupiter degreewise . Jupiter is also  at the mouth of Rahu. At the time of Rahu ingress in Leo Jupiter will be  Stationary motion and in very close Proximity with Rahu and aspected by Saturn. This yoga is capable of Producing the Most malefic results since jupiter is also the 8th Lord in the Foundation chart and the 6th Lord in the Solar ingress chart. As per the Foundation chart this combination is taking place in the 4th house and the effects are as follows “Guru chandal yoga 4th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 4th house:  shows good education and native will be sharp, intelligent, witted and government job. Person will have own house or property, if aspected by benefic planets. If Jupiter is malefic, there will be disturbances in family life and may involve in immoral deeds. The combination is aspected by Saturn hence there will be acute disturbances in the country and the Peace will be disturbed for a long time  .

As per the Solar ingress chart above it is taking place in the 11th house and the effects are as follows .”Guru chandal yoga 11th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 11thhouse: Guru chandal yoga in 11th house not good. This placement may give huge amount of money but from wrong places. Sudden loss and gains of money also seen from this yoga. If this Yoga is strong and benefic in the eleventh house, there will be influx of money, though the money may come through wrong channels. The native will enjoy a luxurious life.” Hence the corruption will be on its heights.  The worst effect of this Yoga will be after Mars transits in the Scorpio after 20th Feb. 2016 and  the time of the Eclipses of March 2016, Mars aspecting the Solar Ecliopse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the 23rd March Lunar Eclipse. The Money may come  to Youths from the ISIS organisations to lure them in Terrorism.Religious Provocations and Terrorism between to Countries can sprout , For India Pakistan can be responsible for it.

We all know that Stationary Saturn at 4.13 degrees between the 27th July to 7th August 2015  has activated the natal Ketu at 5.44 degrees in the Foundation chart above and Now when Mars goes over Natal Ketuon the 28th Feb. 2016 in the same navamsha will be disasterous for War like situations in the Country , since the 7th house is house of Wars . At this Point on the 20th Feb 2016 both Mars and Saturn will be aspecting the 8th house of the Solar Ingress chart above.This combination will be in the 8th house of Pakistan and hence mass happenings  needless to mention why. There could also be Military coup in Pakistan and Nawaz Shifif may have to step down from his throne.

Parameters for Terrorism, Blasts, War

3rd house has Fallen Mercury connected to 9th and 12th house , Espoinage and Plans of Neighboring countries .

6th house  has Moon and 6th lord is afflicted badly as explained above

12th House , Lord of 12th and 9th has connection with 3rd house as Jupiter afflicted aspects the 3rd house

Jupiter and Venus afflicted

Sun aspected by both mars and Saturn

Rahu aspected by Saturn

Mars and Saturn both aspect 8th house of Mass happenings


Earthy signs Taurus , Capricorn asre aspected by both Mars and Saturn ,Virgo in Paap Kartari yoga hence Strong Earthquakes when Moon is in connected to Mercury by aspect, Conjunction, Joins Rahu-Ketu in Transit or Sun in Transit.The Connection of Moon and Mercury is of Prime importance in Earthquakes . The Planet Mercury is Fallen in the the Solar ingress chart, hence the weather conditions will be unpredictable . Mercury is in the nakshatra of U Shadha  and is totally combusted, Fallen, in Paap Kartari yoga.Mercury and Moon have relationship  as follows .

  1. Both in the house of Jupiter , Sagitarius and Pieces respectively, Mercury in the nakshatra of Sun and Moon in the nakshatra of Jupiter, and both Sun and Jupiter had exchange just before the Ingress of Sun is Capricorn, Mercury is also aspected by badly afflicted Jupiter
  2. In Navamsha Mercury in Sagitarius with Jupiter, Rahu. and Moon in again a Watery sign. all the above indicate Earthquakes, Tsunami Sprouting with magnitude.
  3. Earthquakes as far as India is concerned in the Hindu Kush Area or the Himalaya Terrian after Mars in Scorpio , specially when Mars is in Virgo navamsha along with Saturn in Capricorn navamsha , From 8th to 19th March 2016 will be most sensitive Parameters for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Globe , The dates when Mercury and Moon connection will sprout the results


Sun and Moon connection with Exhalted Mars in the 1/7 axis and Venus placed in the 2nd aspected by Saturn and all the rest of the Planets in the 12th house is a matter of big concern. The earthy sign Capricorn is afflicted and connected by Lumanaries .

Connection of the 9th, 12th and the 3rd is again prominent in navamsha.

Venus and Jupiter afflicted

Sun ill placed from Rahu-Ketu and Saturn


12th Lord Role predominant in Lagna by Mars placement in Lagna

Lumanaries aspected by Saturn

Trishamasha Lord of the 6th lord Jupiter is Venus and that of 8th Lord Venus is Saturn  and they are both Placed together in the 2nd House of the Ingress chart and aspec the 8th house of mass happenings.

At the time of Kargil war on the 3rd May 1999 In the Solar ingrees in Aries sign the Lagna was Gemini and the 8th house was having Ketu and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Sun was aspected by both Mars and Saturn . Rahu and Ketu in Kendra from Mars and Saturn, Jupiter connetecd to Mercury, Venus afflicted by Mars, Moon in Pieces were major Parameters , now in the Solar Ingress of Capricorn. 8th house is afflicted badly by both Mars and Saturn and both are afflicting Sun as well. Moon is also Placed in Pieces and Venus is also afflicted by Saturn. Mercury is aspected by Jupiter. After 20th Feb. 2016 Mars and Saturn will also be in Kendra from Rahu and Ketu could sprout war like conditions .

As per the Paksha Kundali of  30-4-1999 20-23 hrs of Scorpio Lagna similair parameters will be activated after the Paksha Kundali of 24-1-2016 07-15 hrs as below

Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan 2016

The Paksha Kundali of 8th Feb. 2016 is also not condusive to give good Results , hence it seems that from the Planetary positions in the 2 Paksha Kundalis of the 24th Jan and 8th Feb. 2016, the Affliction to Sun and the 8th house is crucial in connection with war like situations and Terrorism in the country along with Earthquakes and internal Political tug of war .

Stock Mark

Bearish trends in the Fortnight starting from 10th Jan 2016. There could also be Volatility in the Stock market, since  the Longitudal diatance between Mercury and Venus is also reducing when Mercury is also fallen and in Retrogression, Market can also take a big hit.Detailed analysis will be posted as per theLunation charts.The significator of the Stock market is Fallen and a Fallen Planet is most Venomous like a snake bite. The market may not be able to revive till 25th Jan 2016 till it is in Retrogression and the longitudnal distance betwen Mercury and Venus is reducing.I have given the dates and Explanation of Mercury much in detail above .

Gold Prices

Sun is placed well from Aries Sign, but does not aspect Aries Sign, Sun is aspected by 5th Lord Saturn by Jaimini aspect and Sun is DK, Aries is also aspected by 5th Lord Saturn. along with Jupiter the Amataya Karka in Jaimini but Retrograde hence there could be Volatility in the Gold Prices , but surge definitely.Smuggling of Gold may increase  since Jupiter and Rahu in the 11th house .

The Paksha Kundali of 8th Feb. 2016 is an Enigmatic one and all above events can sprout with magnitude 

In a nut shell as per the Solar ingress in Capricorn, the Vedic Progression by Manu Smriti, and Transit of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of the foiundation chart for 211 days will be crucial for India from 20th Feb. 2016 to 1st Nov. 2016. The Period till 24th Dec. 2015 and then the Paksha Kundali of the 10th Jan 2016 are also not condisive to give good results for the country . The general condition of the Country will not be good in Totality . The Govt. should take strict Vigil for Terrorism  from 2 directions of the Country . Jammu and Kashmir and from the West from Gujrat and Mumbai for the Terrorist infiltration using Rivers. The year 2016 is also Durmukhi as per the Hindu new Moon Pieces chart . I have already written couple of articles mentioning the exact dates for the Occurance of the events.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 7th Dec. 2015 20-30 hrs Singapore 

Disclaimer ; this is an Astrological analysis and the writer is not responsible for any event occurance and anybody investing  according to the above Predictions , he shall be be doing it at his own risk and fancies

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