Solar Ingress Of Sun In Cancer And Ayodhya Case On 2nd August What Star’s Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

996 Articles and Predictions in just 52 months from April 2015

Affliction to the 1/7 and 2/8 axis and to the 9th house by Mars and Saturn are Venomous parameters in this ingress and specially when Verdict by the Supreme Court on the 2nd August 2019. Possibility of Verdict between 11.45 to 13.50 hrs Sun in the 10th house Strong Verdict possible

After Having Written for the Eclipses in July and the Lunation charts one Important Parameter is also the Surya Veedhi Charts of the Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These ingress charts give an indication of the trends of the events in the next 3 months . I have already Written for the Capricorn and Aries ingress . Now I will write here for the Solar ingres in Cancer which is took place on the 17th July 2019 at 4-34 hrs

The Chart is below


The Day Is Tuesday and the Lord Mars is placed in the Yama of Pieces the 10th house of the Rashi Chart . The Yama Lord is Fallen and Retrograde and placed in the 6th house and aspects the Sun both in the Rashi and the Navamsha chart. The Day Lord Mars is Debilitated and Placed with Sun and Mercury in the 2nd house . This Parameter points out Tax Raids which may carry on till Sun moves to the Sign Libra for 3 months
Another Parameter in the Chart is the Moon in the 8th house and in the yama chart it is also debilitated and placed in the sign of Mars who is also Debilitated. Not good for the coming 3 months when Moon is also the Dispositor of Sun, Mars and Mercury this indicates some scams related to wealth being unearthed . The Saturn and Mars both aspect the 9th house and afflict the house and indicates communal Tensions Between Hindu and Muslim community when Ram Janam Bhoomi Case is taken up by the Supreme Court in August 2019.

In the Month of August there have been 5 planets in the Watery sign and on the 30th August in the New Moon chart there are 7 Planets in the Fiery sign which is indicative of Surge in the Gold Prices and also a Break in the Stock and the Financial Markets as seen from the Past when Rahu-Ketu, Satrn and Jupiter are in Fiery signs then recession is on the cards.

Read this News “Ayodhya case: SC extends mediation till July 31, will hear matter in open court on August 2”
SC has asked the mediation committee to inform the outcome of its proceedings as of July 31.
The Supreme Court will hear the Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land title case in an open court on August 2, the Supreme Court said today. This was after the three-member mediation panel in the Ayodhya land title dispute case submitted its status report before the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi said, “We now fix the date of hearing on August 2. We request the mediation committee to inform the outcome of the proceedings as of July 31.”
The court will pass further orders on August 2, the next date of hearing. Meanwhile, the mediation process will continue till July 31.
The Ayodhya dispute, one of the most sensitive issues, politically and communally, has been searching for a lasting solution for the last 69 years. The issue got more complicated after the disputed structure was demolished on December 6 in 1992.
There have been several attempts to find a solution legally, with all parties committing to accept a court verdict.
In 2010, the Allahabad High Court had said the 22.7 acres of the disputed land in Ayodhya be equally divided among the Sunni Waqf Baord, the Nirmohi Akhara and Ram Lalla.
After that, as many as 14 appeals have been filed before the Supreme Court.
The matter has lately gained momentum legally and the Supreme Court seems to be eager to settle it once and for all.
The top court, on March 8, took a major step as it appointed a three-member mediation panel to talk to all stakeholders and try to reach a consensus on solving the most vexed dispute.
The committee, headed by a former Supreme Court judge, was asked to file a status report by today, against the backdrop of pleas for speedy trial in the case.

Since there is concentration of the Planets in the 1/7 axis and the 2/8 axis the Tripple Talaq and Ram Janam Bhoomi Case will be the 2 chapters opened after 17th July 2019 and we all know about the Tripple Talaq . President gives assent to Triple Talaq Bill. 7th house is again wars and since afflicted there could be some confrontation with Other Countries
Read more at:

Hence there are Probabilities of Communal Tensions between the 2 Communities

For the Supreme Court 2nd August Hearing for Ram Mandir
The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus Placed in the yama of Gemini till 11.47 hrs and the Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord is placed in the 10th house in fallen state and about to go in the 11th house. Mercury will remain in the 10th house till the Lagna is Virgo till 11.30 hrs which indicates the Dispute will Prolong If the Hearing takes place and the Verdit comes before 11.30 am .
After 11.30 am Libra Lagna will be rising and the Day Lord will be in the Yama of Leo after 11.47 hrs and the Yama Lord in the 10th house is a strong verdict by the court , but since the Lagna Lord and Moon are not related the Dispute can Prolong . Till 13.50 Hrs the Libra Ascendanrt will be rising . This indicates that the verdict by the supreme court may come when there is Libra Ascendant from the 11.30 hrs to 13.50 hrs and the Yama of Leo and the Yama Lord Sun in the 10th house
Before this time Mercury will be afflicted in the 10th house Judgement will be a mixture
There are chances of Delay since Saturn from the Libra Sign in navamsha also aspects the Sun in the Solar Ingress chart and The Lagna Lord and the Moon are not related on the 2nd August 2019 if the Ascendants are Virgo, Libra or Scorpio, but on the 4th August 2019 there will be exchange of the Moon and the Mercury, hence even the final Verdict may come on the 4th August 2019 Ist half till Virgo Lagna in the Ascendant or even Libra Ascendant . Sun in the 10th house when Verdict is given is a Severe and Punitive Judgement and a strong one . Since the exact time of the Verdict is not known the Results will come as per the Virgo or the Libra ascendant mentioned above

4 planets in the watery signs and Lord of the Sign Cancer in the 8th house and 2 Afflicted Planets in Watery signs Mars and Jupiter will adversely influence the Country by Rain and Landslides .

India has been alloted Capricorn sign by Varahimra and there are afflicted planets in the 7th from Capricorn where Sun has also ingressed, hence most important and since the 7th from Capricorn there will be fear of Terrorism specially over J & K


Date 1st August 2019 13-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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