Solar Ingress Of Sun In Aries What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

“Solar Ingress Of Sun In Aries What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ?”

Solar Ingress of Sun is taking place on the 14th April 2022 at 08-41 hrs . It is the most important Transit since the Sign Aries is the Ascendant of the Natural Zodiac. Importance is also given to Sun entry in the Cardinal signs 1,4,7,10 signs . It is believed that Surya Veedhi Charts for movable signs  gives results for the coming 3 months . The Ingress of Sun in Aries has a special importance  to fine out the Minister of the year . Special attention is given to the position of Sun and malefic and benefic aspects on it . The Matters pertaining to the house where the Sun is placed  would figure out prominently during the year. The Lordships of the Planets influencing the Sun is also important. The First house should be seen as it depicts the nation as a whole  and the general conditions of the Country.

The Sign rising at the time of Ingress is Taurus and Lagna is a Dagdha Rashi and has aspect of the Mars from the 10th house  who is digbali in the 10th house . Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord . This clearly indicates Espionage from Foreign elements . The Lagna is weak. The Lagna Lord is placed in the 10th house is a strong combination for Setting up New Ventures for the Infrastructure in the Country .

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and placed in the 11th house in own star. In the yama chart it is placed in the sign Taurus  and the Yama Lord is placed in the 10th house is a strong positive parameter for the Growth and Prosperity , but in Shatak yoga with Moon therefore too much anguish and Pain for the Financial conditions

The Tithis is SP-13 Shatak Yoga of Moon and Jupiter  since in 6/8 axis . This may Bring Uncertainty and most Volatile conditions for the Stock and the Financial Markets of the World . There is also Kemdrum Yoga for the Moon .This indicates Financial Crisis

Karna Lord Mars placed in the 10th house is very good for Karya siddhi, but is also a Avyogi Planet placed in the 10th house is not good for Financial Conditions of the World .

Yoga is Vriidhi. The Lord is Mercury and placed with Rahu and Sun in the 12th house . Mercury is placed well from Ketu, Moon, 6th house and the 6th Lord Venus but Ketu placed in the 6th house is a cause of Concern for the Pandemic conditions specially in the navamsha the Yoga Lord is ill placed from Ketu and Venus the 6th Lord

Sun is Placed in the 12th house with Mercury the 2nd and the 5th Lord , hence the significations of 12th house, 2nd and the 5th house would figure out prominently during the year

Sun exalted and  Vargottam in the 12 with Mercury and in Rahu/ Ketu axis indicates good foreign policy and terms. India’s image and importance will grow amidst a hostile environment. Foreign investment and novel schemes will build the Nation’s capital and image. Rahu in Pushkaramsha will bring many amazing and pleasing foreign related achievements

Espionage  Terrorism and Boarder Disputes 

12th house significations will be most predominant and Terrorism and Espionage from Foreign elements is not ruled out specially when the Mars aspects the Lagna as the 7th and the 12th Lord . Placement of Saturn and aspect on the 3rd house of boarders   may indicate trouble with neighbouring countries.

Moon Is Placed in the 4th house in the sign Leo in Mrityu Bhag and it is also placed in the yama of Scorpio its debilitation sign, hence to much agony  pain and uncertainty. Moon is also Debilitated in the navamsha. Moon is afflicted in the Rashi and the Navamsha chart

Saturn in own sign in the 9 house is a grace and good  giving comfort. Dharma will prevail and uphold the culture and diversity.

Saturn the King of the Year and aspecting Ketu and Rahu the same day on the 29th-30th April 2022 may be responsible for untoward happening in the globe

A Person of Status or a Celebrity  may suffer  since the Mars and the Venus conjunction in the 10th house may be responsible for the same

Global Financial Conditions

Jupiter also placed in Poorvaphalguni own sign in the 11 house is very promising specially in own nakshatra but in Shakata Yogam with Moon indicates volatile conditions prevails with respect to financial conditions. Moon also in Kemdruma is indicating financial Crisis.

Saturn is the King of the year and Jupiter the Minister of the year and both in own signs , but Saturn as the King of the year is not good specially when it falls back in Capricorn between the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022

Jupiter though strong is in Shatak yoga is not good and Saturn also influences Jupiter by 3rd aspect

Virus and Pandemic Conditions

D6 Chart

6th Lord of the Rashi Chart Venus placed well from Ketu and Mars , the 6th Lord of the D6 is also strong and placed in the 6th house is a solace for the Pandemic conditions

D8 Chart

Venus the 6th Lord of the Rashi Chart is not afflicted by Saturn or Ketu hence no fatal conditions for the Pandemic and Virus conditions , but Saturn is with Rahu-Ketu in the 8th house  and Saturn is also the 6th Lord from the Moon this parameter indicates that satrun could be responsible for the Pandemic conditions and specially when it is in Fallen State from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022.

Most Sensitive Parameters  For Pandemic

Gulika in Taurus in the Lagna at 24.42 degrees and in Leo Navamsha . This parameter is sensitive for Gulika in the Lagna  for Pandemic

Deha Sputha Leo and Libra Navamsha

Mrityu Sphuta Aries and Libra Navamaha

Pran sphuta Capricorn and Cancer Navamsha

Lagna Taurus and Gemini Navamsha

Moon in Leo and Scorpio navamsha

All the above indicate first the Virus may increase and then abate. There are no Fatal conditions for the same 

I have already Predicted in my Earlier Articles that Virus will disappear after the 8th Feb 2023 when Rahu in Ketu star and Ketu in Rahu Star

Jupiter in Totally watery sign in the Rashi and also in watery sign in the navamsha with Mercury  may bring some respite from the heatwave it so seems. We may also experience some showers soon  to give relief from the heat wave

Sanrakshan and Shiv Rajyoga for a Day may bring some miracle  since it is the highest rajyoga between the 13th evening 19-54 hrs to 14th April 2022 Morning 8-41 am


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 11-4-2022 7-00 hrs
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Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 1760 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 385 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 

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