Solar Ingress of Leo and the Paksha Kundali of the 18th August ,What They Foretell

by astrodocanil

The Solar ingress of Leo is taking place on the 16th August 2016  at 18-40 hrs.. Let us have a look at the chart of Solar ingress along with the Paksha Kundali of the 18th August 2016 to see what is in store for us

Solar Ingress in Leo

Panchang of the Day

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars

Tithi  SP-14 Rikta Tithi

Nakshatra U Shadha

Karna Gar  Lord is Placed in the 9th house and aspects the Lagna and Moon who is also the 7th lord

Yoga Ayushman

SunRise 05-54 hrs

The Day Lord is Placed in the Yama of Scorpio and is the 11th house of the Solar ingress chart and is with the Lagna Lord Saturn in Stationary mode and aspecting Sun, Rahu, Venus and Mercury . Saturn is aspecting Rahu and Venus very closely in the 8th house . Hence what ever effects will be felt in this Ingress will take a special dimension till Saturn ingresses in Sagitarius till 28th Jan 2017.

Saturn in Stationary Mode with Day Lord and Gulika in the Sign of Scorpio is not good since Mars and Saturn both are in Sarp Dreshkanne.

In Navamsha the 8th house is rising of Leo and aspected by Moon , who is the 7th Lord of the Ingress chart

As Per Texts of Jyotish the Leo sign is signified by South and as per Yama chart Sun has gone in the Yama of South West direction, hence there will be more events related to these directions South and South West during Sun Stay in Leo, Saturn aspecting 4 Planets in the 8th house in Stationary more further indicates that the Results of Such happenings may escalate till Saturn in Scorpio till 28th Jan. 2017

In the Solar Ingress Chart the Position of Sun is Most critical, since it is placed in the 8th house with Rahu and having aspect of Stationary Saturn could be explosive Parameter.

Let us analyse the significations of Leo, 8th house and the Royal Planet Sun


In mundane astrology it represents Persons in Power , Kings, Prime Ministers, Govt. Head of the States, Big Commercial Firms, New Undertakings , Cabinet, Ministers, Name, Fame, Prestige and Qualities of Leadership, Temples, Religious Places

In minerals it represents Gold and Copper. In commodities wheat and Red chillies. Since Sun is afflicted and Placed in the 8th house , the Nation may become arrogant  and self centered. Morally also the Country becomes debased and earns ill-repute

Sun and Saturn are the 2 bitter enemies and since Stationary Saturn is aspecting Sun and  degreewise on the 1st Sept. 2016 at the time of the Solar Eclipse  may prove explosive  and Trouble to the Govt. by masses and the Depressed classes .

8th house

Death of National Rulers,Presidents, Prime Ministers,Kings or Dictators. End of the Govt., Destruction of a State, any setback to cabinet like death of Ministers, troubles to People through Famines, epidemics, morality. Scientific organisations, legacies, capital gains, Mass happenings all signfied by 8th house . Since the 8th house has Sun and a Rojyoga combination of the 9th and the 10th Lord in Rahu Ketu axis and aspected by Stationary Saturn may Prove Explosive and a Rajyoga Bhang, Mass Tragidies. Rahu in the 8th house signifies  Accidents, Explosions, Mysterious Deaths . Venus in the 8th house , Death of females in mysterious circumstances

Leo Sign

Mountains , Hills,, Hotels, Theatres, Govt. Buildings, Social Clubs, Places of Amusement , Playgrounds. Leo is also a Fiery sign, hence fear from Fire

Countries who will be influenced most during this Ingress

Southern Europe, France Italy, Lebanon, Romania.

For India The Capricorn rising is not good since Varahamihra has mentioned Capricorn sign of India for malefic Happenings

Cities which will be influenced most

Rome, Philadelphia, Praguo, Czechoslovakia, Porte Mouth, Chicago, Briston, Ravenna, Kabul, Lanchashire .In India Bombay and Vindhyachal

Since Saturn is in Watery Sign and Sun in Fiery sign there could be disasters due to Rains, Landslides, Earthquakes, Fire, Explosions, Terrorism

Saturn and Mars in 11th house

Trouble and irritation in Parliament , Difficulties in the affair of the Country, Changes in the Ministers , Danger to adverse vote in Parliament, Danget to Govt.

Moon Placed in the Lagna and aspected by Stationary Saturn , depression and discontentment in the Country

Moon is also the 7th Lord Hence its Placement in the Lagna and aspected By Stationary Saturn indicates Trouble from Foreign Affairs , Aspect of Jupiter on Moon is Good But Jupiter is also 12th and the 3rd Lord and Espoinage from Foreign Spies cannot be ruled out.

Let us Now Have a Look at the Lunation Chart of the 18th August 2016 of 14.57 hrs

Paksha Kundali

Panchang of the Day

Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the 11th house in the Yama of Leo which is the 10th house of the Lunation chart and the Lord Sun is ill placed from Jupiter . The Sign Leo also has Rahu in Forward motion from 19th August to 25th August 2016 . The Sign Leo has 4 Planets , Rahu, Sun, Mercury and Venus

Merucry is also 8th and 11th Lord  and all are ill placed from the Day Lord Jupiter . In the Solar Ingress chart the Leo sign is in the 8th house and now the Relation of Leo sign with 8th Lord Mercury is not good and may sprout the malefic results signified by the Solar Ingress of Leo as explained above.

Tithi KP-1

Nakshatra Dhanistha

Yoga Shobhan

Karna Balava  Lord is afflicted badlyand also aspected by 8th Lord Mercury

Avyogi Saturn in Lagna is strong Negative

The Lagna is Scorpio and in the nakshatra of Jyestha and the Lord is Mercury Lord of the 8th and the 11th house . Lagna has Saturn and Mars , Saturn with Lagna Lord Mars  is not good specially when Saturn is a Avyogi Planet . Mars is also Placed in the Yama of Gemini which is the 8th house of the Lunation chart and the Lord is Placed in the 10th house in the Sign of Leo with Malefic Rahu and all aspected by Saturn .

The Paksha Kundali is Enigmatic one , since all the Planets are in Kendra and Planets in affliction by Rahu-Ketu , Mars and Saturn

Watery sign rising in the Lunation chart and Watery Navamsha rising , Disaster from Water

Moon afflicted in Airy Signs hence Strong Winds and Tornados

Sun in Fiery signs in Lunation chart and Navamsha hence adversities due to Heat ,

Eastern Countries, Northern Countries and Southern Countries will be influenced most

3rd Lord in Lagna with 6th Lord in Lagna Terrorism by Neighboring Countries and Espoinage By Foreign Elements , on the Rail Tracks, Rail and Air  Transport

Religious Provocation  cannot be ruled out since Moon the 9th Lord is Placed in the 4th house aspected by 6th Lord .

The Country should make Full Security arrangement for the Official Dignitaries and Safe Guard against Terrorism. A Strong Earth quake cannot be ruled out since Earthy signs are afflicted .

Mars and Saturn Degree conjunction on the 24th August could be explosive for the World in General and Delhi will be most Prone since the Lagna of Delhi is Scorpio

Political Turmoils and Tug of War in the Politics cannot be ruled out

The General Condition of the country may not be good from 18th August and during the Periods when Mars and Saturn will activate the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipses of the 9th march and 1st Sept. 2016 on the 8th Sept. 2016, 1st Jan 2017 . Unfortunately the Stationary points of Both Mars and Saturn are 15 degrees and the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 is also 15 degrees  . This could be explosive for the World Peace . I have already written dozen of Articles on the Eclipses which may sprout untoeard happenings in the globe along with Economic Stagnation after the Stock markets touching a new High and finally taking a dip. A Mini Kargil war with the Neighboring Countries cannot be ruled out when Mars will be in Degree conjunction with Ketu in Aquarius at 13.48 degrees on the 12th Dec. 2016,although the seed of the same may be laid after 24th August 2016

My article “Mars Ammunition Dump On Eclipse Points, Earthy Signs Affliction, Foretell Earthquakes Tsunamis”  link…hquakes-tsunamis/ must be read for the Future events in the India and Globe

Dec. 2016 and 1st Jan 2017 are most Prone to Earthquakes   and even Terrorism .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th August 2016  10.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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