Solar Ingress In Cancer What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1365 Articles and Predictions made in just 62 months from April 2020

According to Multiple  Step Scheme Surya Veedhi Charts acquire an important dimension. It is some time necessary to find out  which particular month in the life of the nation is likely to become historic in terms of achievement or disaster. This is dome by drawing the Solar Ingress charts . The 12 charts are prepared  for the entry of Sun in 12 Signs. Special consideration is given  to entry  of Sun in Cardinal signs 1,4,7,10(Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). It is believed that the Solar Ingress in the cardinal signs give results for 3 months , which means that the year can be divided by 4 such ingress of Sun.

Special Attention is given to the position of Sun and the malefic and benefic aspects received by Sun. The Matters pertaining to the houses where Sun is placed  would figure out prominently during the 3 months . The Planets influencing the Sun and their Lordships also matter  and are important. The Lagna has to be examined very carefully, it depicts the nation as a whole and the general conditions in the Country and other houses are also examined in similar way

Let us see the Chart of the 16th July 2020 of 10.47 hrs New Delhi

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter  Placed in the 4th house  in Fallen State and with Ketu. The Tithi is KP-11 and the Nakshatra  of Moon is Krittika and again the Lord is Sun. The Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the M Yama of Gemini  and the 10th house of the Chart where the Bhadra yoga is formed but having aspects  by Mars the 3rd and the 8th Lord  . Sun is Placed in the Yama of Pieces  which is the 7th house and the Lord is in Moola Tikona sign is good but unfortunately it is Retrograde and fallen . The Pieces sign is also associated with 8th Lord Mars who is also aspects by 5th and the 6th Lord Saturn. Lagan Lord  is Placed in the sign Leo the South Direction  and the Sun is placed in the Pieces the North East Direction become  most important in this Solar ingress

At the time of Sun’s entry into Cancer, it is Virgo Ascendant . Mars in the 7th aspects the Lagan.  As mentioned this is not very good .  4 Planets . Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury are placed in own sign and also Jupiter forming Hans yoga and Mercury Bhadra yoga it is very good  but both in the Rahu-Ketu axis  hence although  planets are in own signs there are also limitations . The Kendra and Trikona Lords are placed well and Moon is Exhalted in the 9th house   Hence excellent Raaj Yoga . Sun in the 11 th adds  to the good Yogas

I have already mentioned using  Kota Chakra that after the 27th July 2020 when Jupiter changes Nakshatra there will be betterment and the woes of the Coronavirus may be  reduced  and the world may witness a change in the situations

Sun has aspects By Saturn who also aspects the 7th house where the 3rd and the 8th Lord Mars is placed

5th Lord Saturn is influencing the Sun  who is also the 12th Lord  Hence the significations of the 5th house will also be prominent in these coming 3 months

Sun in the 11th house

 11th house significations

Agreements and Contracts,  Alliance with Foreign Countries,  Gain from Foreign Countries, Foreign Trade .

Sun Rules the 12th house also

12th house  Significations

War and Losses, Espionage, Secret plots, Assassinations, Arson,  Terrorism, Rapes, Sedition, Jail Prison,  Epidemics,Secret Plots,

 Significations of the 5th House

Educational Institutions, All forms of Entertainment , Cinema Halls, Actor and Actresses, Stock Exchange,  High Society and Functions,  Crime according to BV Raman

The Yama Moon and the Ingress Moon are in 6/8 axis is not at all good in the is Ingress

The Following afflictions are not good in this Ingress

Lagan afflicted by aspect of Mars 3rd and the 8th Lord  from the 7th house

Lagan Lord having aspects of Mars the 3rd and the 8th Lord Mars from the 7th house

7th house affliction by Mars and Saturn the 8th and the 6th Lord

7th Lord Jupiter Fallen and in Rahu-Ketu axis

All the above combinations are not good for the well being of the Country and there may be war like situations it so seems

Will the Enemy Arrive ? 

  1. Lagan Lord Mercury and the 9th Lord Venus  are not related  the enemy arrives .
  2.  Jupiter in the 4th house enemy arrives soon
  3. Malefics in the 7th house makes the enemy take an aggressive stance
  4. From this Parameters we can drive to a conclusion that  China and Pakistan may take an aggressive stance as far as the boarder issues are concerned 

Return of Enemy

4th house a quadruped sign  1st half of Sagittarius then the enemy returns or retreats in face of defeat apprehending its weak position. Hence even if China takes an aggressive stance he may have to beat a hasty retreat

Defeat of the Enemy / Victory of the King

Malefics in the 4/10 axis is not good for either of the Nation and the opponents, but the Lagan Lord  Mercury is stronger then the 7th Lord , hence good for the nation

9th House is Bhagya is very strong which will give victory to the King of the Country , if any aggressive stance is taken by the enemies and the Boarder Countries . This Parameter is extremely powerful for India  

Attacker King wins when the Luminaries are in Solar signs , here the Luminaries are in Lunar signs , hence any aggressive stance by the enemies may not bring good results for them


In the South and North Eastern Areas of the Country along with the Central Region of India  as already Predicted by me. Mumbai a. Gujrat and the Southern Parts of India will face Havoc from Rains and Floods . There may be Red alert issued also in the fortnight starting from the 3rd August 2020 since most enigmatic one 

Havoc from Rains and Floods can be seen as per the Solar Ingres chart


6th Lord Saturn ill placed from Ketu. Yoga Lord is also Saturn hence not n much relief , 6th Lord from Moon is also Venus ill placed from Ketu but well placed from 6th house and the 6th Lord hence little betterment than then before but no total relief . In the navamsha also the yoga Lord Saturn ill placed from 6th Lord from Moon. One Major Parameter in this ingress is the Sun is out of the grip the Nodes and on the 20th July Moon will also be out of the grip of the Nodes marks an important transit since the luminaries are life giving force , but mind you Ketu has to pass though Moola and also Jyeshta supposed to be most malefic nakshatras for Diseases Virus, Cancers and Diseases like Plague.

Mercury the 6th Lord of the natural zodiac has become direct is a big relief  from the Coronavirus , since a planet who is in Retrogression paints the path 3 times and after he is direct  motion only one hence the time period of the Coronavirus  may be reduced by 1/3 meaning if it was taking 15 days now it will take 5 days . This Parameter is extremely good for the complete world. From the above we can say that the coming 3 months there will be betterment in the Country in totality 


At the time of the ingress of Sun in the sign Cancer Moon is exalted the trend is bearish and a downward trend , But the Kendras have heavy malefics  Hence Volatile Trend can also be expected


Rise in Gold Prices till the 21st July

After the 21st July some correction

Till the 26th July 2020 there will be  generally upward trend

Generally the Trend in the gold prices will be bullish after the 2nd -3rd August 2020 may touch new high in this Solar ingress and after Sun goes in Leo after the 17th august 2020

On the 20th July 2020 Saturn and Sun will be at 180 Degrees  is most crucial Parameter in the coming Fortnight 

Shall Write More using The Lunation charts 

In the end I Thank God Bow Before him and Stand Up  to Give Ovation to My Guru For Inculcation of Astrology skills  

Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

10th July  2020 10-10 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
New Webpage

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
Disclaimer Clause applicable as mentioned in the Home Page and the Writter does not take the responsibility if any one investa according to the Above Predictions , in that case he would be doing it at his own risk and fancies











From Now On I shall be doing Predictions on the Stock and the Financial Markets along with  Precious Metals  using My research methods . Please bear with me if my predictions go wrong . Any gain and Loss will be the responsibility of the Investor only and the writer does not hold himself responsible for any losses made by the readers . Read My Disclaimer clause before reading the Articles

There is some correction in the Predictions made for the Stock and the Financial Markets which are as follows

12th July 2020 Mercury becomes Direct Some bearish trend may be seen.

16th July Sun ingress in Cancer   Rise in Gold and Silver

17th July Silver bullish

20th July 2020 Lunation chart Sun and Moon  in own sign opposed by Saturn Rise in the Stock and the Financial Markets

21st July 2020 Bearish Trends in the Gold and Silver

26th July 2020 Fall in the Precious metals

31st July Venus in Gemini

2nd August Mercury in Cancer  Unstable Gold and Silver Prices

3rd August 2020 Gold and Silver Bullish

Hence In a Nut shell Gold may Surge beyond 1850 -1900 $ in the time frame when Bullish and when Unstable may be in the Range of 1750-1850 $


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