Solar Ingress In Cancer On16th July 2018 Seems Enigmatic

by astrodocanil

It sometimes becomes necessary  to find out which particular month in the life of the nation is likely to become historic in terms of  achievement or disaster. This is depicted by the Surya Veedhi or the Solar ingress charts  prepared for the 12 signs . Special consideration is given  to entry of Sun in Cardinal signs 1,4,7,10 (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) It is believed that these Solar ingress charts in the cardinal signs give results for the coming 3 months . Special consideration is also given to those Ingress of Sun when it receives benefic or malefic aspect . The Matters pertaining to the house where Sun is located  would figure prominently during the period it is in that sign. In the Solar ingeress chart of Cancer sign the Sun is in the 5th house and with Rahu and aspected by Mars Retrograde is the most malefic parameter more so since the 5th Lord Moon is placed in the 6th house with 8th Lord Venus , Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Jupiter placed in the 8th house and the day Lord Moon placed in the Yama of the sign Sagitarius where Saturn is placed and the Yama Lord Jupiter Placed in the 8th house . This seems this ingress is most enigmatic . Let us have a look at the Significations of the 5th house 

See the Chart of the Solar Ingress of the 16th July 2018 at 22.27 hrs. below


5th house Significations 

All forms of National pleasure, enjoyments, entertainments theatre, cinema halls, community parks, actor and actresses, artistic activity in the nation Sports, public parks, Speculations, stock exchange, morals, immorality, scandles, crimes relating to immorality, upper house of parliment, Rajya Sabha, Schools and Place of Education, Ambassadors and Diplomates from foreign country, danger to the Ruler as it is the 8th house from the 10th house . Crime according to B V Raman and the mentality of the Rulers , There seems to be all these will be under severe affliction since Sun is with Rahu and aspected By Mars in Retrogression and the Lunar Eclipse is just round the Corner . This also indicates that since Mars and Rahu are connected to Sun and Mercury the significations of the 5, 6th and 7th would be predominant in this ingress for 3 months . Mars is connected to 5 Planets and Mars 8th aspect on the 6th house is also most venomous one . This Period seems most difficult for the Nation and the Ruler of the Nation. At the time of Ingress of Sun in Cancer Rahu will be in Forward motion till 21st July 2018 could be most explosive parameter for this ingress pertaining to the 5th house activities . Suicide, death by suffocation  and due to wrong medication are all on the Cards. On the Positive side research and innovations pertaining to the 5th house cannot be ruled out since Rahu is placed in the 5th house. The Karna Lord is also Sun and Saturn was closest to Earth on the 27th June 2018 180 degrees from Sun , Now in this ingress Sun has gone in the 8th house from Saturn who is placed in the 10th house , hence all those alliances which took place when there was opposition of Sun and Saturn may break and the Ruler may have a fall. I am specially pointing to wards the Karnataka Elections and Kumaraswamy. The differences have started to escalate even before Sun hass gone in the Sign Cancer where it will be in miserable condition.

Read this ” H D Kumaraswamy breaks down at event, expresses unhappiness at heading Congress-JD(S) coalition in Karnataka ASTROLOGY SPEAKS LOUD AND CLEAR and the predictions will come true soon 

It seems lot of scandals will come to light relating to the entertainment sector and mishappenings pertaing to Educational institutions . Women have to be alert and keep indoors after late hours of the day. Cinema Halls have to keep their fire fighting equipments in tact. Rahu and Mars influencing the 5th house is not good at all in this respect Scandales and War of all types Explosions cannot be ruled out  . Scandales pertaing to love affairs . Kidnappings for Ransom . Immorality will be on the Cards . The General condition of the Country will also not be good 

Mercury affliction is not good for the Significations of Mercury , hence weather, earthquakes, rains, stock markets will be influenced adversely .

The Solar ingress is taking place in the 3rd house of the India Foundation chart and the also the boarders of the Country  and Moon -Rahu dasha in operation is not good for the 3rd house significations for boarder issues, rail, media ect.

The total Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 is also round the Corner and at the time of the Eclipse the sign Taurus is rising which is the same as the Foundation chart of the India  and the Eclipse taking place in the sign Capricorn is most malefic since Varahamihra has given the sign of Capricorn for India . I have already written a detailed article on the Lunar Eclipse  and the Direction where the effects will be felt most will be North west Direction of the Country and as per the Ingress of Sun in the South East Direction of the Country and since in the Sign Cancer there may be Havoc by Rains  it so seems 

Please also read my following Articles   for the Effects of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 

1. 28th July 2018 Lunar Eclipse What It Foretells For Trade Wars, Natural and UnNatural Disasters For China and US ?…for-china-and-us/

2. Astrology Speaks Loud and Clear ! Eclipses May Escalate ‘Wars Brawls Break In Financial Markets’…inancial-markets/

3. Mars-Ketu Long Stay In Capricorn After 205 Years & Total Lunar Eclipse In Capricorn on the 28th July 2018 Most Enigmatic…8-most-enigmatic/

4. Ammunition Dump Mars Stationary Turning Retrograde Sun-Saturn Opposition July 2018 Eclipses Boon Or Bane…ses-boon-or-bane/

5. Kumaraswamy Oath Taking Ceremony On Wednesday 23rd May at 4.30 PM: Simhasan Chakra Bolt From the Blue…lt-from-the-blue/

6. Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?…at-they-foretell/

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 16th July  2018  09.30 hrs 
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