Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 and Earthquake Prone Periods

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my Article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy”” link dated 15th April 2016 . Let me reproduce some text of the same here below .

Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy

Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoils and World Economy”

Varahamihira has described that if two Eclipses take place with in 15 days then the Kings of the country would be destroyed as a result of the army and there would be bloody battles.It is also written in Brihat Samhita that Eclipses in fixed and earthy signs bring forth Cyclones, Earthquakes and disputes in the states .In human signs adversely effect the people of the country.If the eclipses orbit is also aspected by malefics there will be famine and pestilence all over.

Around the Eclipses there could be 3 Type of Activities

  1. Natural Calamities , Earthquakes, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Land Slides, Abnormal weather and havoc by Rains, when Eclipses are taking place in the 4/10 axis of the Countries  2 Eclipses in a Month as the case of the Month of March 2016, one solar Eclipse and one Lunar Eclipse.The Countries have been alloted certain signs and since the Eclipses are falling in the Leo and Aquarius , the following Countries are prone to Natural Disasters . Taurus Sign is signified by Countries : Ireland, Iran, Poland, Georgia, Cyprus, White Russia, Madhya Pradesh, Australia, Germany. Scorpio signs are signified by :Scorpio : Algeria, Morocco, Norway, North Syria, Queensland, Surat, Brazil, Washington.Dubai,Indonesia, Malasyia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine,China, california, Hindu Kush area and Japan are Prone to Strong Earthquakes 
  2. Political Turmoils, Fall of Nation, Economy meltdown . As per research Theory of K N Rao when Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moon. I will also like to add here the 8th house as this is my Research, Hence in the Present Scenerio Leo , Aquarius become most prone signs US, China,Syria,Brazil,Chile,Dubai,Iran,Iraq,Libya,Malasyia,North Korea,Yemen.Leo is signified by France, Italy, Bohemia, Cicily, Northern part of Romania, Sidal and Tapar areas in Alps, Kabul, Vindhyachal.
  3. Terrorism and War Israel, Kashmir, Paris, Russia,Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Pelistine,Syria,North Korea, China

Earthquakes result from the strain caused by movement of the plates  that make up the Earth outer shell and are directly associated with the activity that occur at ocean ridges, trenches and faults , If the earth crust cannot acomodate itself to the strain, it breakup, releasing tremendous amount of energy in the form of shocks sudden which are violent in nature . In the recent study conducted by Geologists of the university of Madras, it has been proved that there is  definite grounds  to believe that planetary configurations have a big role  in causing the Earthquakes. According to this study if two or more planets , Sun and Moon are aligned  more or less in 0 Degree or 180 degree with the Earth, then Earth would be caught  in the middle  of huge gravity struggle between the sun and the Planets, the gravitational stresses would change the speed  of the Earth in its orbit , when this speed changes  the tectonic plates  motion also gets affected , just as the people collide in the bus when the driver brakes all of a sudden

Earthquake Prediction is usually defined as the signification of time ,place, and the intensity of a future Earthquake with in some limits, and practically of the next strong Earthquake to occur in an location. This can be distinguished from Earthquake forecasting probability and the magnitude of the Earthquake hazards and the damaging effects in a given location.  This can be further distinguished from the Real Time Earthquake warning system, which upon detection of a severe Earthquake can warn the neighboring locations an Earthquake.

An Earthquake Prediction must be precise  enough to wrrant  the cost of increased preparations, including disruption of normal activities  and commerce and timely enough so that proper precautions are taken. These Predictions must be reliable enough and should not be false , since it will influence the nation adversely economically. There must be effectiveness in the warning system.

About 7000 to  7500 Earthquakes take place every year of magnitude 4.0 or greater . Earthquake Prediction trival is very easy  using broad parameters of time and location.   However such trival predictions are not at all usefull.  Major Earthquakes  are often followed by reports, that they were predicted   or anticipated. , but no claim of a successful prediction of a major earthquake  has survived  as it is a very complicated process to analyse the magnitude of the Earthquake.


The Prediction of the Earthquake is plagued  from the outset by two problems, The definition of Prediction  and Definition of Earthquake. This may seem absurd, especially of the latter it would seem that the ground shakes, or it does not. But Scientifically and seismically active areas under the ground frequently shake, which is hard for the normal person to notice it.

EarthQuakes per year
M ≥ 8 Great 1
M ≥ 7 Major 15
M ≥ 6 Large 134
M ≥ 5 Moderate 1319
M ≥ 4 Small ~13,000

Notable shaking of the Earth crust typically includes one earthquake of  Ritcher magnitude scale 8 and more  any where in the world each year In 2007  4  Earthquakes of magnitude over 8 were exceptional 15 or so major  of  more than 7 magnitude  in 2010 exceptional 23 more than 7 magnitude. If one goes through the statics  the USGS has one will get frightened there are about 134 of large magnitude and about 1300 moderate range, from M 5 to M 5.9 (“felt by all, many frightened). In the M 4 to M 4.9 range — “small” — it is estimated that there are 13,000 quakes annually. Less than M 4 — noticeable to only a few persons, and possibly not recognized as an earthquake — number over a million each year, or roughly 150 per hour.

Parameters for Earthquakes

1.At least one major planet either in Rasi or in the Navamsa over earthy signs.

2. Earthy signs should be afflicted by malefic by either position, aspect or subjected with Pap Kartari yoga

3.The mutual position of Mars and Saturn should be 2-12th or 6-8th. Or Mars within the aspect of Saturn.

4. The same relation of Sun and Saturn as above.

5.Regarding heavy and destructive Earthquake Moon should be in transit over the Star of Mars or Mercury or at least over earthy signs.

6.Most of planets in the star of Ketu, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury especially Mars and Mercury.

7. Earthquake normally follows close on the heels of eclipse and specially in the countries where eclipses occur in the 10th house or the 4th house , The duration of the eclipse is a very important factor  and depending upon the hrs of Eclipse the effect is = 1 hr=one month, hence this period before and after the eclipse is most  malefic to give earthquakes.

8.Rahu as per ephemeris is in forward motion. Any Slow moving Planet in Static motion.

9.Role of Mars activating the eclipse point.

10.Major planets Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are normally in retrogression.

11.Affliction to Mercury, and Mercury behind Sun this is one of the strongest parameter to give Earthquake.

12.Importance of the Airy and Earthy sign at the time of the Earthquake . Virgo is earthy sign, Ketu and Venus in earthy sign ,Saturn Retrograde in Airy sign.

13.Role of 4th and 8th house at the time of earthquake.

14.Nakshatra of Moon occupied by the 8th lord or the malefics. Exchange of Nak of Moon and Mercury, or with Jupiter.

15.Planets in the fixed signs, can be the cause of an Earthquake.

16.At the time of the Earthquake there may be many malefic aspects which will be formed with the previous eclipse. . Mars activating the eclipse point is most malefic to give disastirous results.

17.Taurus and Scorpio signs are notorious signs for Earthquake specially.

18.Position of planets in the Solar ingress charts.

19. Major planets in Kendra or Kona from each other

20.Placement of Moon and Mercury in the same nak. or Connection .

21.Two or more planets except Sun and Moon in the nakshatra. of Rohini,Haste or Shravana is indicative of an Earthquake.

22.Mercury is in Provked condition . Moon Deblitated and in the nakshatra of Mercury.

23.Saturn and Mars aspecting Moon .

24.PakshaKundali before and after the eclipse  malefic influences as above.

According to the above Parameters  from the 12th August  to 18th August and then 23rd August to 29th August 2016, then 4th-5th Sept. Ist Nov. 2016 ,12th Dec. 2016 and then 1st Jan. 2017 are  Sensitive Dates for China, USA,California, Indonesia, Hindu Kush Area, Himalaya Terrian and Japan .

In this Article I am only discussing the Proness of Earthquakes around the Eclipses and the Most explosive  time of the 4th and 5th Sept. 2016. In this connection the Planetary positions close to the heels of the Solar Eclipse are explosive to sprout an Earthquake of Higher intensity .Let us first see the chart of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016.

In this connection I would like to draw your attention to my Article “Solar, Lunar  Eclipses in 2016 Signatures Alarm Bells As Per Varahamihira” link…world-crossroads/ dated 17th March 2016

On September 1, the Moon will again move itself in front of the Sun. But it will be when it is at the farthest reaches of its orbit. That means the lunar disc is too small to cover all of the Sun. The event will thus appear as a ring-shaped eclipse and it will last for about three minutes.

Let us also have a Look at the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 below 

The 2 Solar Eclipses taking Place on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Saturn  Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees in Scorpio and The Eclipse Point of 15.15  in Leo of  the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at same degrees, an Explosive Parameter , see the chart below

Eclipse of Sept 2016

When  Saturn , Mars, are Stationary at 22.00 or 15 degrees in Scorpio or about to come in Stationary motion for the  Countries mentioned in this article and Discussed earlier or any other Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes  followed by  Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude. The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon, Sun and the 8th house are also Explosive Parameters  . Mercury  Escalating its speed till 30th April 2016 will  give abnormal conditions in the Weather and Stock market Volatility  , Taurus-Scorpio axis  and Watery sign affliction in the  can give rise to Terrorism, War etc. as discussed in this article 

Eclipse in a fixed and Fiery sign on the 1st Sept. 2016 , will influence more on the animals and 4 legged , vehicles, those who work on Fire , hunters , People living in Mountains, Leo is also Eastern direction and the nakshatra is Bharini governed by North East Direction. Hence Nepal, Sikkam,Bhutan,Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China and Burma, being the 8th house of China and Kashmir will be a Sensitive Time Frame

Image of 1st Sept. 2016 Solar Eclipse


The path of annularity for this eclipse starts in the South Atlantic Ocean, crossing central African regions of Gabon, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Mozambique before passing over Madagascar, the small island of Reunion before ending in Indian Ocean

I have already discussed the Effects on the various Countries in the above stated article

Let us now have a Look at the Planetary Positions on the 3rdSept to  5th Sept. most Prone for Earthquakes  for the world and the Countries already mentioned

Chart of 3rd Sept. 2016 below

Earthquakesin Sept. 2016

The Following Parameters between the 3rd and 8th Sept. 2016 are most sensitive .

  1. 4 Planets in Virgo an Earthy Sign , Planetary war between Mercury and Jupiter
  2. Mercury in Retrogression in Virgo
  3. Nakshatra of Moon and Mercury same and both in Virgo.
  4. Sun Totally Eclipsed with Rahu and both in Virgo Navamsha again an Earthy sign
  5. Mars in Capricorn an Earthy sign in Navamsha and Mercury about to join Capricorn in Retrogression
  6. On the 8th Sept. 2016 Mars will reach and activate the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 at 24.50 degrees
  7. Rahu in adverse motion from 20th August to 25th August 2016 and then 1st Sept to 5th Sept. and then 13th to 16th Sept. 2016 ,and then 23rd to 29th Sept. 2016  most Prone for Earthquakes, Terrorism

From the above it seems that the Planetary positions in Sept. 2016 close to the heels of the Eclipse on the 1st Sept. 2016 are sensitive ones  infact from 1st Sept. t 9th Sept. 2016 . The Periods from 23rd August to 29th August and then from 3rd Sept. to 9th Sept. 2016 are more Prone to Earthquakes Natural and Unnatural disasters , Earthquakes, Tornados , Terrorism could sprout with Magnitude , specially in the countries mentioned by me and the Following Countries.

India, Himalayan Terrain, Afganistan, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, For Earthquakes . For Terrorism I have already written dozen of Articles already .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

12th August 2016  10.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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