Shakun and Mook Prashna for A Disease Query

by astrodocanil

I normally go for a Evening walk in the Park just in Front of my house . One Evening when I went for a walk and saw my neighbor Lady after quite some time . I could not stop looking at her , because the way she was walking . I was wondering and started to think about her . I came back home and Told my wife about the neighbor lady . I told my wife she is definitely Running the Dasha of Saturn and does not seem well . Just then the Bell rang and I found her on my Door . She  Told me that she wanted to consult me .I came to my consultation Room along with her  and noted the time on the 23rd March 2011  18-00 hrs. and before  I started the analysis , I told her I wanted to put some queries . She gave me an answer in affirmative.

I asked her the following questions..

  1. Are you Born inEarly 1953 . The Answer was yes . I asked her this query since Saturn must have completed 2 Paraya  in Transit and Transit Saturn will be near Natal Saturn and almost same degrees in the same Rashi and in Retrogression.Transitting Saturn went in Retrogression at 23.12 degrees. Later on I found her Saturn at 27.20  Degrees in Retrogression
  2. Are you Born Near Amavasya and  and before Sun rise , The answer was Yes. Why I could foresee this was malefics are strong at night time  and Saturn is Strong in her Chart
  3. Do you know that you are running the Dasha of Saturn, The reply was Yes .I asked her this Query , since in the dasha of Saturn and specially when in the second Cycle one tends to limp.
  4. The Lady is Very Firm in her thoughts and a Straight forward Women, I could also make out Role of Sun and Moon also Strong in her chart  and Since Fashionable , she has connection with Venus sign in the Lagna
  5. She had little knowledge of Astrology, hence I asked her if she has a Venus sign in her Ascendant , She said Yes , On this Looking at her Features I could tell that she is a Fixed sign Lagna and since of Venus will have Good and Sharp Features, She was amazed at the way I was reaching her Horoscope details. She then Shared her Birth details of 10th June 1953 04.33 am Mumbai See the chart Below .

Mrs Bijlani

Amazingly I was on the Dot for her Taurus Lagna , Birth before Sunrise, Saturn Retrogression Year of Birth Middle 1953 and Saturn in the 2nd Paraya and Transitting over the Natal Saturn. and The query was for her Health , which I could Predict after looking at her . . Her Saturn Dasha had Started and was running the Dasha of Saturn-Mercury which started on the 5th Dec. 2009 .

Some Special features of the chart

Mercury in Mrityu Bhag 

Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne  Disease Prone Native

22DK Sagitarius and Lord Jupiter Placed in Lagna and is also the 8th Lord

64 Navamsha  Taurus sign ans the Lagna and Lord Venus

Dasha at Birth Sun-Sat-Mars

Dasha Lords Sun and Saturn ill Placed from 6th house and 6th Lord

6th house from Ketu has Gulika and the Lord is Jupiter and also Lord of 22DK and Aspects Saturn the Dasha Lord and Anter dasha Lord Mercury in Marak House with Mars and aspects the 22DK

Dagdha Signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagitarius and Pieces. Malefics Placed in Dagdha signs and become more strong for Negatives

Let us have a Look at the Prashna chart of 23rd March 2011 of 18-00 hrs   since I rely more on Prashna chart since we know the exact time the native approaches you . The Time of Birth is Normally Rough and is Misleading  since the Varga charts change and the native is not Prepared to waste his or her time in Horoscope correction when in Trouble. I have my Research way of Horoscope correction and did it latter.

Mrs Bijlani Chart

Panchang of the Day

Day is wednesday and the Lord Mercury is Debilitated and Placed in the 7th house of the chart

Tithi  KP-5

Nakshatra  Vishaka and Lord is Jupiter Placed in the 7th house  and aspected by 6th Lord Saturn from the Lagna degreewise

Karna  Kaulava  Lord is Mars Placed in the 6th house of Diseases  with Venus , Mars is also the 8th Lord

Yoga  Vajra Inauspicious

Lagna In Mrityu Bhag 

Dagdha Rashi Gemini and Virgo the Lagna Most Malefic when it is UL and AL

Moon and Mercury in Sarp Dreshkanne

22DK is DK is Aries  and Lord is Mars

64N is Libra and Lord is Venus

Both the Lords are placed in the house of Diseases  and 6th Lord in Lagna

Gulika Lord is Mercury and Navamsha Lord of Gulika is again Mars aspects Lagna

Uday Lagna Virgo aspected by Gulika Lord and Navamsha Lord of Gulika , Since Arudha Lagna is also Virgo  it become critical for Diseses

Chaitra Rashi is Taurus and again aspected by Navamsha Lord of Gulika Mars , The Navamsha Lagna is again aspected by Mars Navamsha Lord of Gulika hence the Native was in a Life and death situation

Saturn in Lagna and also aspects the Navamsha Lagna and Saturn is the 6th Lord hence a chronic Disease query and since retrograde   Lot of Hurdles .

Dasha Jup-Mars-Ven-Sun-Sun

From this I corrected the Birth chart also to 04-41 hrs instead of 04-33 hrs  and Dasha ay the time of Query was Sat-Mer-Moon-Sun-Sun

In the case of Disease Prashna the 4 Kendras are important

Lagna is Doctor

Lagna has Vorgo sign the 6th house of the natural Zodiac is again pointing out disease . Lagna had Malefic  Shows Doctor is Competent, but since Retrograde will have to go to the Previous Doctor . The Present Doctor will also speak Harshly.

4th house  Has Rahu Diagnosis is not Proper  hence wrong Medication . It will take a long time to recover

7th house  is Treatment for the disease  and has Sun, Jup and Debilitated Mercury . Benefics in the 7th house Curable disease , Malefic Sun is close to Lagna Degrees , May require Radio Therapy

Since Lagna degrees is 1.55 , it indicates a Disease between the Head and the Neck and Mars aspects the Lagna from the 6th house and Mars is Karka for Head . The native confirmed the same . Sun is also High Fever  and hence a Disease of the head . The Native conformed that she had Menangytis  and High Fever .

Benefics in the 7th house show early recovery , Moon in the 3rd house also indicated early recovery  but shows native is depressed as well.

I suggested her to change the Doctor Immedaitely and go to the Previous Doctor  and In case you have  changed already then it will be good , she confirmed that she changed the Doctor amazingly when Saturn started to Retrograde  in Transit as seen by me . She started to recover after that time .

Onset of Disease 

The Disease starts from the 6th house and is felt when it reaches the 7th house .

The Slow Moving Planet Jupiter Moved in the sign of Pieces on the 6th Dec. 2010 and since aspected by Saturn , hence Roughly the Onset of Disease was on the 6th Dec. 2010.

Finding the Exact Timing is as below .

Lagna Nakshatra is U Phalguni  and Moon nakshatra is vishaka , Now Counting from Lagna Nakshatra to Moon nakshatra is 5 so counting from Moon nakshatra is  Poorva Shadha hence Fine Tuning it when Moon was in Poorvashadha the 5th house of the chart , then there was onset of the disease , which is 7th Dec. 2010, The Native confirmed that she felt the disease on the 8th Dec. 2010 Morning Acute Headache and high Fever. , Since the disease will persist till Jupiter is in Pieces , I told her to Take all possible care till Jupiter shifts in Aries on the 8th May 2011. The Nakshatra of Jupiter when it changed sign on the 6th Dec. 2010 was  Jyuestah , which is Viput Tara from Moon, It was also Amasaya when Jupiter shifted sign , In her Horoscope also she is Born close to Amavasya . After 8th May 2011 also all the Planets will be in the 8th house of the Prashna chart and the 12th house of the Bitrth chart I told her to take utmost care even then . There is No Danger to the Querist since Sun is Not in the dwadamsha of Sun,

Although the Day Lord is ill placed from 8th house 8th Lord and 8th Lord about to Join the 7th House and Day Lord  Mercury , the Danger is only for  3 Days and Hence till 26th March 2011 and then when Mercury goes in the 8th house for 18 days

Amazingly  The Lady started to Improve after 18 days and slowly recovered  and came out the disease after April 2011

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

16th  June 2016 09-40 hrs. PM  New Delhi 



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