Sensex Crashes By 2300 Points Oil Plunges 30 % Gold Crosses 1700$ Saturn Activates 30 60 90 Year Cycle As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1210 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015

Cycle of Planets Saturn Jupiter Nodes the slow moving are most Important and calculating the LCM of these planets is 30 year cycle of the planets and specially Saturn and proving this Theory on dot

Oil plunges 30% after Saudi Arabia launches price war . Sensex Crashes 200 points , Gold Surges and Crosses 1700$ Saturn ASctivates the 30 years cycle from 1990 Gulf War, 60 Year cycle from 1959-1960, 90 year cycle from 24th Oct 1929 the Great Depression All was Predicted by me in my Article on my webpage
“Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990”…r-1929-1959-1990/ dated 29th oct 2017
Let me reproduce the important text here for ready reference below
This is with Reference to my Article “Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019” link…ent-in-2018-2019/ dated 26th Oct. 2017 .Also Read My Articles below

“Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War, What It has Up his Sleeves In 2017-2019 ?”…ves-in-2017-2019/ Dated 5th April 2017

“Roman God Saturn Transit In Sagitarius : Boon or Bane”…ius-boon-or-bane/ dated 23rd Nov. 2016. Read this Last Para what I wrote then ” Saturn may repeat the effects like the 1929 Great Depression of the World, Wars like Indo- China War and War like the Gulf War in 1990. Saturn in Sagitarius brings Fall in the Production and Dispute in the Global Countries for Trade Specially after 26th Oct. 2017 and May Behave like the 1959 Pattern when it was Fallen in Scorpio from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 and hence the Stock market will follow the 1959 Pattern and big Surge in the Stock Market till it is in Scorpio and when it is about to cross the Gandantha point in Sagiatrius it may prove most Venomous for the Globe for wars and Break in the Financial Markets . Till Saturn in Sagitarius till 25th Jan 2020 there will also be Deep Recession in the Real Estate since Mars will also reach the Declination point as in 1990 when there was Crash in the Property Prices , Hence 2018 to 2020 may be most Venomous for the Globe in Totality . Some Astrologers have now Started writing about the Real Estate with no reasons to Explain for the Declination effect . My Prediction on the Real Estate has been made long time Back on my webpage. Article “Mars Ammunition Dump Between the 21st Nov. and 1st Jan 2017 Explosive” link…n-2017-explosive/ dated 20th Nov. 2016 Read these Lines in the Article “Govt. Strict action for eradication of Black money . Govt. Raids in different sectors including the Benami Properties for the same are on the Cards . Real Estate to take a strong Hit From 2017, 2018-2019 it so seems since Mars is Reaching the Declination point as the 1990 when the Real Estate Prices Crashed “
Another Parameter is the Eclipses in 2019 which will activate the combinations of the Saturn cycle and Saturn will be about to leave the sign Sagitarius on the 24th Jan 2020 which could be the key time frame for the Global Economy Crash

Let us have a Look at the charts of the time when the Deep Recession took place on the 24th Oct. 1929, In fact I have already Made a Video and is on my Webpage and on the U Tube for the Repeat of the Planetary cycles which was put long back some where in early 2016. Have a Look at the Chart Below of S&P.

In 1929 Saturn was in Sagitarius at 3.28 degrees and had just changed the Navamsha from Aries to Taurus and in the Present Scenario it will do on the 29th Nov. 2017 when Mars will also change from Virgo to Libra and a Parallel situation of Both Mars and Saturn as per the 1929 Depression and Mars will join Jupiter

The Market has surged exactly when Saturn was Fallen in Scorpio 59 years back and as Predicted by me vide my Article “59 Years Back Roman God Saturn Was Fallen In Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958: Unfolded ?” link…ne-1958-unfolded/ dated 11th June 2017 .See this below

  • Saturn Fallen in 1958 -1959 the US stock Markets Touched a New High and in the Present Situations it can become unpredictable and can touch new High and Low between the 21st June to 26th Nov. 2017 Reference Parameter added in the Article last night at 21-00 hrs Please read my article again
  • Satrun on the driving seat what it has up his sleeves is unpredictable , in the year 1958-1959 there was a surge in the Market of US, Jupiter was aspecting the Leo sign by Retrograde aspect and was about to fall in it , normally when Jupiter and Saturn in Fiery signs the Market drops, it was the reverse , Saturn in Watery sign and Jupiter in Virgo about to Fall in Leo did the Miracle in 1958, Now Saturn in Sagitarius and about to fall in watery sign and Jupiter no connection with Fiery sign , hence it may be unpredictable. The Market may move , but seems it may break after reaching a Top figure of 9850-9900 or even more to unexpected figure till Saturn is in Scorpio and then break from here , There are no researches and , no astrologer works on the Fallen Saturn in Stock Markets , how it may behave is unpredictable since Fallen Planet is most venomous and can go in any direction. As far as the Declination is concerned it is the same as the 1958, which indicates the Markets may surge beyond expectations
  • 1959 Defection of Sieu Heng: Cambodia 1959
  • Prime Minister’s Assassination in Ceylon 1959
  • Pan-Arab Revolt in Iraq 1959
  • Rebellion in Kirkuk: Iraqi 1959
  • USR Secession in Maldives 1959-1962
  • Revolution in Rwanda 1959-1961
  • “State of Siege” in Paraguay 1959-1960
  • Communist Insurgeny in Thailand 1959-Present
  • Uprising in Chinese Occupied Tibet 1959
  • In the year 1959 Saturn was back in Sagitarius and sprouted the above

July 1990 Recession

Iraq invaded Kuwait in July 1990, causing oil prices to increase. The Dow dropped 18% in three months, from 2,911.63 on July 3 to 2,381.99 on October 16,1990. This recession lasted approximately 8 months. Saturn was then Fallen in Sagitarius .

  • The Iran -Iraq Gulf War, US Brawl with N Korea and China, Russia , Japan could be influenced Most in this Transit of Saturn in Scorpio and Sagitarius till 20th Jan 2020 Untoward happenings man made and Natural as already predicted earlier .
  • From the above it is clear that Saturn may sprout Wars , Coup and Happenings similar to the above listed and an Economy Break together with Mars a Deep Recession in the Real Estate Market from 2018 till Both Mars crosses Saturn and goes out of the Capricorn sign in 2020. Since Saturn is Karka for Oil the Prices of Oil may also surge giving a hit to Economy.
  • This Transit of Saturn in the 8th house of the Foundation chart of India as the 9th and 10th Lord and Jupiter as the 8th Lord in Transit in the 6th house over the Natal Jupiter and Mars Joining the Sign Libra on the 29th Nov. 2017 may be most Crucial for India in Totality
  • The Most Sensitive Parameters in the immediate Future are Venus Joining Libra on the 3rd Nov. 2017 Early Morning when Rahu and Ketu also change Navamsha to Leo and Aquarius at where Sun and Jupiter are Placed. Jupiter is Behind Sun as a Superior Planet U.nfortunately the Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus are times of Disaster and Blood Shed . Late Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi made brilliant use of Time Tested Principle 1971 Nov Mukti Vahini of East Pakistan and Blood Shed. 19th July 1988 Teheran 30000 Executed. Jupiter and Venus will be in Degree conjunction on the 13th Nov. 2017 can be most Venomous for War Escalations, Political Tug of Wars, Coups. This combination is Taking Place in the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India, 7th House of Pakistan, 12th House of North Korea, 3rd House of US. Venus will leave Libra on the 26th Nov. 2017 and Mars will join here on the 29th Nov. 2017 can Prove to be Ammunition Dump till 16th Jan. 2018 From Here Mars will aspect Ketu in Capricorn the Ultimate sign where Mars has to go and give the most Venomous Results in 2018 for 187 Days from 3rd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018.
  • Saturn will cross the Aries Navamsha on the 29th Nov. 2017 and the same Day Mars will join Libra is also a Crucial and a Venomous Planetary combinations . The Financial Markets can be influenced then as Saturn will be in the same Position as 1929 Deep Depression Year
  • Saturn in Sagitarius till 24th Jan 2020 most Crucial time frame Saturn at 24-25 degrees and on .
  • In 2019-2020 the Combinations will be most venomous for the Golbal Recession with, Oil Prices like Aug 1990 time of Gulf war

  • This is an Research Article and this may please be noted .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
written on the 29th Oct 2017

I had Used the Lowest Common and Highest Common factor for the Cycles of Saturn 30 years , Jupiter 12 years and Rahu-Ketu 18 years = 30 Years hence Saturn cycle of 30, 60, 90 year cycle most important and we can be seen and Proves on Dot for the Cycle of Planets this may be noted . Mercury the Planet which is significator for the Stock and Financial Markets is Stationary in the sign Aquarius at and in the 2nd Navamsha of Scorpio.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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