Saturn Turning Retrograde Sagitarius Conjunct Ketu & Jupiter Fallen Warning Signals For Stock Markets As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

893 Articles and Predictions in just 47 months from April 2015

This is with reference to my Articles on the Stock and Financial Markets for the Break in Economy

Fiery Sign Sagitarius and Saturn, Jupitwer and Ketu Conjunction Activated and Both Jupiter and Saturn Retrograde can Prove to be a Bolt from the Blue for the Stock and the Financial Markets as Predicted Earlier also from the 3th April to 4th May 2019

I had mentioned earlier that after 29th March 2019 . 11th April, 23rd April and 30th April 2019 there could be Break in the Stock amd the Financial Markets . Saturn will become Retrograde on the 30th April 2019 at 06-26 hrs and can prove a bolt from the Blue for the Stock and Financial Markets , since the Conjunction of Saturn,Jupiter and Ketu in Sagiatrius has already taken place and now after Jupiter going in Retrogression on the 10th April 22.31 hrs Falling in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 at 01-14 hrs and now Saturn also going in Retrogression and stationary till 4th May 2019 has the capacity to turn the trends in the Stock mNad the Financial Markets . As per Research Fiery signs Conjunction of 2 and More Planets and specially Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu are most Prone to Bring a Crack in the Stock and the Financial Markets as has been seen in the Past and I have already compared the Time when the Earlier Stock and the Financial Markets had taken hit in 1929, 1987, 2000 and 2008. I have already discussed the same in my earlier Articles . The Saturn Retrogression from the 30th April to 18th Sept. 2019 parameter may be turing point in the history of the Stock and the Financial Markets . There are no Researches available from our Seeers and Stalwarts regarding the Stock and the Financial Markets , Although there is a Book Available named Vyar Ratna written by Late Hardev Sharma Trivedi of Solan.
In the present context the planetary positions are parallel to the earlier global recessions which took place in the year 1929, 1987, 2000 and 2008. Mars the Ammunition dump has the capacity to turn the tables since it is running in the Rohini Nakshatra. Jupiter the Planet of wealth is in Gandantha and in Retrogression and will fall in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019. Saturn in Fiery sign with Ketu and Pluto going in Retrogression on the 30th April 2019 may prove to be a bolt from the Blue for the global economy. The Eclipses in the Month of July will add fuel to the Fire . It is Said that when Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction takes place and specially in a Fiery sign then it is Time for a big change and most Venomous for the Global Economy. The Conjunction of Saturn , Ketu and Jupiter has already been activated on the 29th March 2019 and will be activated again on the 5th Nov. 2019 for the second time in the year 2019. The Jupiter the dispositor of Saturn and Ketu Falling back in Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac will pull out scams related to wealth and put he Global Economy into Roller Coaster strong Rides till Nov. 2019 when Jupiter will Join back Saturn and Ketu for the 2nd Time. The Saturn Cycle of 90 years is also on the completion from the year 1929 when there was a Deep Recession

Read My Articles on the Stock markets below

“Astrology Predicted Long Back 22nd April 2019 Onwards Global Economy May Face Strong Roller Coaster Rides Before Deep Fall Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let me reproduce this Article here for ready reference

1.”Lunation Chart of 19th April 2019 Foretells Mars May Prove Ammunition Dump Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
2.”Jupiter Retrogression Signals Global Economy Recession To Knock Doors Soon Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
3.”Is April 2019 The Strongest Month For Stock Markets ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
4.”12 Reasons for Financial Crash Astrologically And Analysts Give Same Number Too Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
5.”Stars Foretell Economy Will Be On Crossroads Analysts Feel So Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
6.”As Jupiter Joins Saturn Ketu and Pluto In Sagitarius News For Countries Facing Trade War Risk Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
7.”Saturn Ketu Jupiter & Pluto On the Steering Wheel of Economy What They Have Up Their Sleeves For India ?”…leeves-for-india/ ‎
8.”The Bubble Burst In Global Economy Is Coming Are You Prepared ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
9.”Stock and Financial Markets In Hands Of Saturn Jupiter Ketu Conjunction In Sagitarius: Bolt From the Blue Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
10.”Will The Stock and Financial Markets Down Turn In March-Dec. 2019 ?”…n-march-dec-2019/ ‎

The Most important Parameters in regard to Global Economy in the Present Scenario
1. Jupiter falling in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet on the Morning of 23rd April 2019. Jupiter will behave like a mad elephant and has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down
2. Saturn Stationary from the 25th April then Stationy on the 30th April when it goes in Retrogressionn and then again Stationary till 4th May 2019 has the Capacity to bring a change in the Global Financial Markets . The Oil Prices will soar and the Global Economy will be hit hard . Hence the Key Dates are as above and then when Jupiter Joins again Saturn in Sagitarius on the 5th Nov. 2019 will escalate the issue relating to the Global Economy The Eclipses of the 17th July, 26th Dec. and 10th Jan. 2019 will add fuel to the Fire and strong Roller Coaster rides are round the Corner as far as the Global Financial Markets are concerned

3. Mars in Rohini Nakshatra till 27th April is most Venomous and as predicted in my Articles the Prediction has proved on dot even for the country , still we have 5-6 days for any major happening concerning the Mars significations.

Now Have a look at the media News just before Saturn is turing Retrograde

“Warning Signs Are Flashing in China’s Stock Market After Surge”

Investors are running out of reasons to chase the bull market in Chinese stocks.
After adding as much as $2.5 trillion to share values and outpacing gains everywhere else in the world, the rally in China is starting to look tired. Headwinds include an uninspiring earnings season, as well as the likelihood that Beijing will pursue a less aggressive stimulus policy than anticipated. Talks with the U.S. on trade also resume this week.
You’ve reached

“Alphabet stock drops after earnings show disappointing Google sales growth”

Alphabet Inc. revenue growth cooled off at the start of 2019, according to an earnings report Monday afternoon that sent shares down in after-hours trading.
Google’s parent company came up short of expectations as all of its major sales categories performed slightly worse than projected in the first quarter, and yet another big fine out of Europe dinged the company’s earnings. Alphabet GOOGL, -7.41% GOOG, -7.27% reported first-quarter earnings of $6.66 billion, or $9.50 a share, on revenue of $29.48 billion, after removing traffic-acquisition costs; a year ago in the same period, Alphabet posted profit of $13.33 a share on ex-TAC sales of $24.86 billion a year ago.
Alphabet’s earnings would have been $11.90 a share were it not for a $1.7 billion fine out of Europe for its online-advertising practices. Analysts on average expected ex-TAC sales of $30.04 billion and earnings of $10.60 a share, according to FactSet, and were largely ignoring the fine in their estimates.
Revenue grew at a rate lower than 20% — sales grew 16.7%, 18.6% when factoring in TAC — a level Alphabet has managed to hold over the past three years. In 2018, Alphabet sales grew 23.4%, and no single quarter showed year-over-year growth lower than 20%.
Opinion: Tech giants made so much money in 2018 that 2019 is bound to look pretty bad
In Monday’s conference call, executives laid much of the blame on currency exchange rates, and said that they do no intend to slow plans to spend freely even as those effects continue. Shares declined further, from a 5% drop to a 7% decline, after Alphabet provided what passes for a forecast from the company, which is basically a bit of chatter about plans for spending.

Please note if the crack does not happen after from the 30th April to 4th May 2019, please donnot blame me I am not God , I am only formulating the Principles in Astrology to see what could emerge for the Planetary positions parallel to earlier times when the Recession took place . All my Research pertaining to other Global Events has proved on dot , I also expect the same here also in the Stock and the Financial Markets , If it does not happen now it could definitely happen between after Sept. 18th 2019 to 25th Jan 2020 my Last Time Frame. But the Break and Fall in the Financial Markets is inevitable I can say with full confidence and I dont take my Predictions back.

The Mars Joining Gemini with Rahu on the 7th May 2019 which is again an Explosive Conjunction opposed by Saturn and Ketu what worst one can expect for the Global Events . I will only write Here ‘TERRORISM AND AMMUNITION DUMP’till 22nd June 2019, specially in US, Western Europe , Asian Countries Eclipses in the Month of July , Dec. and Jan 2020 may add fuel to the Fire .


Written on the 30th April 2019 at 04-40 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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