“Saturn Transit Over Natal Moon Degree-Wise Health Issues Analysis By Birth Chart & Prashna “
On the 19th Jan 2025 I had put My Birth details on the Facebook and asked what is happening in the life of the Native ? None was able to pinpoint the troubles and the positive part in my life. Let me draw the the natal chart of the 4th May 1948 08-23-40 hrs New Delhi. and the Prashna raised on the 19th Jan. 2025 21:15 hrs Dubai
The burning question as per the birth chart is the Transit of Saturn see in the left side of the Birth chart and the Prashna on the 19th Jan 2025 on the right side.
The following Parameters acquire special dimension.
- The Present dasha is of Sun-Moon-Mercury till 11-2-2025.
- The 22DK Lord is Saturn and the sign is Capricorn. Moon is 64th Navamsha Lord
- Saturn in the 2nd house is Marka and also in Sarp D3
- See degree -exchange of Saturn and Moon at 22 degrees
- Saturn natal aspects the Sun Rahu and Mercury in the 11th house as per natal chart and almost degree-wise Rahu and Sun21 degrees.
- Saturn over the natal Moon degree-wise aspects the Natal Sun Rahu and Mercury.
- Sun debilitates in the 5th house as per my natal chart and is Karka for Chest being in Mrityu Bhag and Pushkar navamsha gives troubles and then solutions since with Rahu and Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu is Rog Karnam and placed in the 5th house
- Saturn is placed in the 2nd house of ancestral property and in transit over the 2nd Lord Moon and aspects the Rahu Sun and Mercury gave me relief the same day I was hospitalised for Construction of Ancestral property from the Govt. which was long pending.
- Both Sun and Moon dasha Lords have marak qualities and I was in the ICU for 6 days as my right Lung got severe infection and had high temp and Pneumonia , Transit Sun was in the 8th house in Capricorn. I knew the conditions may go out of control first but will subside and the 6th Lord in the D6 is in Fiery Varga. Also asper the D8 chart also no lingering disease is seen.
- See the Prashna chart at the time of admission on the 19th Jan 2025 at 19:15 hrs Dubai on the right side
Leo sign Rising and the Lord in the 6th house and having aspect of Jupiter the 8th Lord both on the Moon and the 6th house shows concern relating to Jupiter who is the 5th Lord of the chest and Karka for Chest in the 6th house . Gulika in Lagna the Person is suffering from Diseases Pertaining to 5th house of the natural Zodiac and hence chest
In questions pertaining to diseases, an evil planet in the 6th house is harmful.
If malefics are in or aspect the lagna, the disease cannot be cured by the physician. On the contrary, the disease will be intensified and may become complicated by the physician’s treatment.
If malefics are in the 7th or 4th, one complication will lead to another
Benefics in the angles will enable the ill person to get cured. If retrograde,
the disease will appear again or there will be a relapse.
If a fixed rasi is the lagna, Aruda or Chattira rasi, there will be no death but
the sickness will not be cured.
If a dual rasi is lagna, Aruda or Chattira, the sickness will not be cured.
If the lagna is in a fixed rasi, the disease is as suspected.
If the 3rd or 11th house of Aruda be Chattira, it is called depression and there
will be illness.
If Jupiter and Venus are placed in quadrants the ill person is cured.
If there are malefics in the 6th or 8th house the ailment will not be cured
If Lagna is joined by or hemmed in between malefics the sickness will linger
As Per the Gulika, Moon, Lagna, Pransphuta, Dehasputha and Mritu Sphuta the disease may start to subside when Moon travels Back on the Gulika sign the Leo from Tomorrow the 12th Feb 2025 and Hope fully I also feel the same asper my Condition. I have to be careful of the relapse since Jupiter is Retrograde in the quadrant.
The time frame of Moon Dasha for 8 years have to be careful asper the Nakshatra of Moon Haste. My Dasha of Moon Marka will also start from June 2030 and specially the time frame of Moon-Jupiter and Moon Saturn dasha which are both Marka dasha . Hence 8th year from now will be most crucial for a Relapse of this disease agin which could prove fatal around the Jan 2033