Enigma of Red Planet Mars in Virgo: What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

I had given some Predictions Relating to Saturn, Mars and  Venus Changing signs to Virgo on the 3rd Nov. 2015 on my webpage on the Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Astrologer-Anil-Aggarwala-1480325592273542/.  I am reproducing the same here as below

Saturn is Transiting in the 10th house from its MT sign in Scorpio, it was Retrograde at 10.56 degrees on the 14th March 2015, when it was Exhalted in Navamsha , the 9th house from its MT sign, it went back at 4.13 degrees in the Leo navamsha when it became direct on the 2nd August 2015. Leo is the Arudha for being in Scorpio and . now in the Virgo navamsha since 28th Sept. 2015 the 8th house from its MT sign and pulled out so many hidden things along with so many things coming to light as surprise as well.Needless to mention all what has been exposed . Now again going to cross the Retrogression degrees of 10.56 on the 8th Nov. 2015 and ingressing in Libra Navamsha the 9th house from its MT sign will bring changes in the Political Scenerio specially when the Bihar Elections Results will also be declared on this date . Saturn is Karak for Politicians , becoming strong in Navamsha and crossing the retrogression degrees will bring new Results and new happenings and Strict ones , since Saturn is a strict disciplinarian. In Navamsha Sun ansd Saturn will be opposing each other and both Exhalted. Rahu will be in Forward motion from 5th to 8th Nov. 2015 Rahu is degree conjunct with Venus Debilitated, at 6 degrees , , Mars is 3.24 and Moon is also conjunct. Period from 4th to 10th Nov. 2015 Critical for Atrocities against Women, An Earthquake also cannot be ruled out in the Hindu Kush Region around 5th to 8th Nov. 2015., May be of normal intensity around 5 to 6.00. There could be Vehicular and Air Accidents as well. Planets changing signs , there could be some change in the Stock market behaviour as well

Now Not even a Day Passed and  224 Passengers on KGL 9268 loses contact with Egypt  and Crashes . link http://www.ndtv.com/…/egypt-loses-contact-with-russia…

I had mentioned that an Earthquake cannot be ruled out between the 4th and the 6th of Nov. 2015 , and now Read this  Indonesia Rattled by an Earth Quake and Volcanic Eruption  link http://www.thenational.ae/…/indonesia-rattled-by…

Shall write an Article on the KGL Plane 9268  what could be the possible cause for the crash shortly

In continution to my article “Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015: Enigma of Mars Igniting Eclipse Point “ link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/lunar-eclipse-of-28th-sept-2015-enigma-of-mars-igniting-eclipse-point/

Red Planet Mars will also Activate the Eclipse point of Pieces 10.35 degrees  in the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 once again on the 20th Nov. 2015 . Let us see the Chart of the same below.

In case of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 08-20 am. Mars  activated the eclipse point at the Time of the Eclipse by its strong 8th aspect from the Royal and dangerous sign  Leo. Now again activating the point will be  most crucial 

See the Chart below of the Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse Sept. 2015

Now see the chart of the Mars activation of the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees on the 20th Nov. 2015 as below

Mars activation of the Eclipse point

The following Happenings can take place.

  1. Since the Eclipse is falling in the common sign, there will be increase in Crime , Conflicts and unrest regarding Religon
  2. Since in a watery sign Pieces , Havoc by Rain Water, Deaths and Epidemics
  3. Eclipse is falling in the in the 9th house of the Hindu new Moon Pieces chart , hence maters concerning Religon, Courts, Justice, Embassies will crop up , These Places could be the Target of the Terrorists
  4. Mars will also aspect the 8th house of the India Foundation chart  , Masses will be influenced during this Period.
  5. Mars Placed in the 3rd house of the Hindu new Moon Pieces chart there could be tension with the Neighboring Countries Pakistan, Nepal and China
  6. Crime Against Women
  7. Since the 6th house of the Eclipse chart, It signifies War like conditions , Labour unrest, Negative impact on the Stock markets and the Markets could become Volatile .
  8. This will  adversely influence the Shia and  Sunni countries and the war like situations may take a greater dimension. Russia will be actively involved  in Syria and Islamic states  
  9. Dates after 20th Nov. 2015 will be most critical in this respect 


Let us now see the Paksha Kundali of the 11th  Nov. 2015 of  23.17 hrs.

Paksha Kundali of 11th nov. 2015

In  the Solar ingress chart of Libra , Sun is placed in the 4th house and has exchange with Venus , thereby cancelling the Debilitation of Sun. Lagna Lord is Debilitated and Placed with Saturn in the 5th house .

Lunation is taking place again in the 4th house and having Mercury a benefic , but no aspect of any Benefic, but Exchange of Mercury and Venus between the 3rd and the 4th house .. Lumanaries in the Airy signs and in the navamsha they are in Earthy signs , Hence the activities relating to Earth and Air. AsFar as the Stock market is concerned they will be Volatile . The Significations of the 4th house will be more Prevalent in this Fortnight

Lumanaries in the 4th house and 4th Lord afflicted in the 3rd , clearly points out Tensions with Neighbors . 3rd house has Mars, Rahu and  Venus  is again a volatile combination

2nd Lord Debilitated and 2nd House has Jupiter aspected by 7th and 8th Lord , lot of Scams and matters concerning Black money will be surfaced Air Accidents cannot be ruled out

Shall write a Detailed article for the Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of the 11th Nov. 2015

Astrology is most amazing

acharaya anil aggarwala   4th Nov. 2015 10.00 PM 


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