Saturn Transit In Dhanistha Star18th Feb.-14th March 2023 Global Effects

by astrodocanil

“Saturn Transit In Dhanistha Star18th Feb.-14th March 2023 Global Effects”

Saturn will ingress in the Dhanistha Star on the 18th Feb 2022  till 14th March 2023. The Star Dhanistha extends from the 23.20 degrees in Capricorn to 6.40 degrees in Aquarius. Dhanistha Star has 2 Pada in Capricorn and 2 Pada in the sign Aquarius. Saturn will join the Aquarius sign on the 29th April 2022 at 7.54 hrs  and go in retrogression on the 5th June 2022 and fall back in the sign Capricorn on the 12th July 2022 . It will become direct on the 23rd Oct 2022 and join Aquarius on the 18th Jan 2023. Saturn will remain in the Dhanistha star through out the year 2022 from the 18th Feb. 2022.. Saturn in Fallen and Retrograde State from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 will produce intense situations and significations of the 10th house of the Zodiac may suffer the most . Saturn is a disciplinarian and may punish the head of the Countries in this time frame and review the Karma’s. This Time frame will be a challenging time for Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Imran Khan, Narendra Modi, Xi and Putin

The Star Dhanistha is ruled by the Planet Mars. Mars is digbali in the 10th house of the natural zodiac. Mars is also debilitation Lord of Saturn hence  Saturn in the sign Capricorn is not very happy in this Star where as Mars is very strong in this sign . This amounts to Power struggle in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac. Mars will join the sign Capricorn on the 27th Feb to 8th April 2022. This  Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the sign Capricorn will therefore sprout intense situations in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac9th house of India, in the Lagna of the China Foundation chart

In Mundane Astrology the 10th house is the house of the head of the Country, house of the King, Chief Executive, Prime Minister, Nobility, National Honour,  and the Employment situation. Since Mars and Saturn will predominate from the 27th Feb. till the 8th April 2022 indicate discomfort to the Govt.. Since Mars will  also be afflicted by Saturn here .Trouble to prominent people. Mars is aggression whereas Saturn is patience , hence power struggle . War due to difference of Opinion between the Head of the Countries. Since Varahamihra has allotted the Sign Capricorn to India and affliction in this sign by Mars and Saturn may lead to War with Neighbouring Countries  since the Taurus-Scorpio axis is also afflicted by the nodes and Venus will also be afflicted between the 10th Feb to 12th March 2022 and in Planetary war with Mars  the 7th and the 12th Lord of the India Foundation chart. Since this house will be the 9th house of the India Foundation chart Religious fundamentalism is not ruled out . The Saturn in the Dhanistha Star together with Mars in the Ascendant of the China may acquire most important dimension since 5 Planet will Transit the Ascendant of China and Xi may be in War mood with Neighbours specially with India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Nepal and Bhutan. Mars and Saturn degree Conjunction  at 28 degrees where Mars is in Deep Exaltation and  Mars aspect on Rahu and Saturn aspect on Ketu degree-wise  may trigger the War  between Countries may be it is Ukraine-Russia, Indo-China, US-Russia  and trouble in the Gulf Countries is not ruled out since Saturn has also completed its 30 year cycle from the Gulf war in June 1990.

From the above chart it is crystal clear that  Mars in the sign Capricorn  between 27th Feb to 8th April 2022 would be in Danger zone and Prone to Natural and Unnatural Calamities, Earthquakes of Intensity, Brawl between Nations going for a Toss and Challenges for the Head of the Countries , Prime Ministers. Govt. May enforce new Law and Order and there will be lot of Resistance by the masses. Strikes, Riots are not ruled out .

Let me also add here the Predictions made by me for the Cluster of 5 Planets in the sign Capricorn where Mars and Saturn are conjunct on the 27th Feb. 2022 parallel 6 Planets in the same sign on the 10th Feb 2021 for ready reference.

“Cluster Of 5 Planets In Capricorn On 27th Feb. 2022 Parallel 10th Feb. 2021 Explosive”

We have Parallel Planetary positions on the 27th Feb 2022 like the 10th Feb 2021 when we had 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac, in the 9th house of the India Foundation chart, Ascendant of China and in the 5th house of Russia. For  Russia  the 8th and the 6th Lord from Lagna will be in the 8th from the 10th house Explosive for Russia. The Sign Capricorn has been allotted to India By Varahamihra and when ever the Sign Capricorn is afflicted, Taurus-Scorpio axis is afflicted by malefics and Venus in affliction then it is time for Agony and Pain for India and there may be war like conditions as seen from the past for India. The aspect of these planets on the natal 5 Planets in the 3rd house of Boarders  may bring Terrorism and Boarder clashes with Neighbours specially with China. This cluster of Planets in the Ascendant and over the Natal Moon of China hence lot of activities and plans in China. Mars is also conjunct with Saturn and other Planets it may trigger the events  and may prove potentially explosive.  Mars in the sign Capricorn over natal  Moon may activate the natal Mars in the 7th house of Wars and China may be in a war mood .  The Month of Feb. 2022 is most enigmatic due to the following parameters parallel Feb 2021

  1. Cluster of 5 Planets in the sign Capricorn specially the Mars and Saturn in Capricorn may trigger global events and may prove explosive. On the 10th Feb 2021 Mars was not conjunct with other Planets in Capricorn. Now Mars is conjunct with Saturn in Capricorn. Mars is the Activator and signifies deep aggression, Mercury communication, Venus diplomacy, Moon emotions, Saturn judgement since Pluto is also with these planets it signifies big transformations  and since all are in the 10th house of the natural zodiac it signifies change in Law and Order  to which the Country may resist. There may be major conflicts between the Countries and the Brawl may take ugly shape may be it is Ukraine-Russia, Indo-China, China-US, Russia-US and even in the Gulf countries since Saturn has completed its 30 year cycle from the 1990 Gulf War. AS PER THE CLASSICAL TEXTS OF MUNDANE THERE IS ENERGY CONCENTRATION IN ONE SIGN AND THE 10TH HOUSE OF NATURAL ZODIC. HENCE 10TH HOUSE SIGNIFICATIONS MAY BE SUBJECTED TO CHANGE  
  2. Avrohi Kaal Sarpa yoga from the 14th Dec to 24th April 2022. We Have Parallel Positions like the 2021 when all the Planets were gripped by the nodes. Kemadrum Yoga of Moon 
  3. Taurus Rahu aspect on the 5 planets in Capricorn may create illusions. Political Trauma and Head of the Countries suffer the Most specially the Ruling Parties. Even Change is seen . I have already named the Countries.
  4. Sun-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn  and Saturn combust from 4th Feb till the 28th Feb 2022.
  5. Saturn Joins the Dhanistha Star on the 18th Feb. 2022 and remains in this star through out the Year. Explosive for Head of the Countries and War like conditions. Combusted Saturn and In dhanistha star with Mars  will aspect the sign Pisces the 12th house of the natural zodiac may trigger the Imprisonment like and Lock down type of Life  between March 17th to 8th April 2022.
  6. Venus-Mars Planetary war between the 11th Feb to 12th March 2022 May Prove explosive for War and Virus spread, Lock downs. Mars and Venus will be in the Star of Poorva Shadha  between the 4th Feb to 22nd Feb. 2022 in the sign Sagittarius the 8th house of the India Foundation chart. A Famous Singer in the Glamour Industry may pass away. Some scandal’s pertaining to women may come out of the Bag in the Film Industry . When Venus and Mars join the sign Capricorn on the 27th Sept. 2022 there will be war like conditions in the Country  and the World. When Both will be in the sign Sagittarius there will be fight for the women rights .
  7. Yuga Yoga  since the 7 Planets will be in the 2 signs Capricorn and Aquarius.
  8. All the above combinations are rare and may lead to imbalance and Roller Coaster rides in every area of life . Political Trauma, Frustrations among the Angry Politicians are not ruled out.
  9.  True Nodes change signs on the 17th March 2022 and will be in the square position from Mars and Saturn  explosive for wars . Rahu in Aries and in the Star Krittika Violence and Terrorism  cannot be ruled out after the 17th March to 8th April 2022
  10. Mars the Activator with Saturn and Venus and coming close to Saturn is most enigmatic and  since parallel planetary positions like the 10th Feb 2021 we could have Virus spread again and Lockdowns are not ruled out  FOR SHORT PERIODS. The parameters  disturbing are the Saturn joining Dhanishta star and Mars the Lord coming close to Saturn and Degree conjunct on the 4th-5th April 2022. This time frame as already Predicted could be explosive for War like as already predicted by me in my Article dated 1st sept. 2021. . On these Dates Saturn will aspect Ketu and Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise . Saturn in dhanistha star from the 18th Feb. 2022 may be prone to virus spread also specially when there will be planetary war between Mars and Venus from the 10th Feb to 10th March 2022.There can be a new Virus also. The Omicron  may ease  but some New One not ruled out  since the Planetary positions are parallel specially after the 27th Feb. 2022 when Conjunction of 5 Planets will be parallel to 10th Feb 2021.——- NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS 
  11. Mars enters the most dangerous zone on the 27th Feb to 8th April 2022. There may be civil wars in Countries.
  12. Mars in the 12th from Saturn in 2/12 axis and reaching the 30 degree zone and coming close to Saturn will blow of f the Economy after the 18th Feb to 4th April 2022. Big Corrections are on the Cards  Nifty can break even 16000 and the Lower may be around even 15000. The Oil and Precious Metals may touch new highs.
  13. There may be some Law regarding the Crypto Currencies  to which the Public may resist and react negatively.
  14. Relief is only seen after the Ingress of Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Aquarius after the 14th April and 29th April 2022 respectively  when there will be Return of the Economy and the Stock Market may surge again.
  15. Month of Feb. as per the past also has been enigmatic 5th Feb 1962 we had 8 Planets in Capricorn and then we had War with China in Oct 1962. Now War like conditions between the 27th Feb to 5th April 2022. The Brawl between Ukraine-Russia, Russia-US, Indo-China and Trouble in the Gulf Countries is possible. Russia may invade Ukraine on the 24th Feb. 2022 when Moon joins Ketu in Scorpio. The Invasion may last for more then 40 days . After Mars ingress Aquarius and Jupiter Ingress in Pisces  there may be a truce  it so seems around the 12th April 2022. 


The Stock Market may be bullish  between 31st to 3rd Feb. 2022 . On the 4th Feb parallel like the 27th Feb 2020  and can break  3 % since Mars will change star to Poorva Shadha and Saturn will become combust NOTE THESE DATES. This behaviour will continue till 18th Feb. after which again big corrections are on the cards since Mars will be with in 30 degrees of Saturn. Nifty may rise by 500 points  today or tomorrow the 31st-3rd Feb 2022.  We have parallel planetary positions like the Harshad Mehta Scam in April 1992  when Saturn was 24 degrees in Capricorn in Dhanistha Star. Saturn will enter this star on the 18th Feb 2022. No wonder  we have some scams exposed in the Banks which could results in a bubble burst in the Stock and the Financial Markets . The TIME FRAME FROM 13TH FEB TO 18TH FEB 2022  AND TILL 29TH APRIL 2022 IS MOST PRONE  ——-NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS


Saturn Transit in the sign Aquarius  in the Dhanistha Star on the 29th April 2022 may be a big relief more so Jupiter will also ingress in the sign Pisces on the 14th April 2022.  During this course between the 29th April to 12th July 2022 the nations will unite  and the there will be good Progress and the economy may improve since both Jupiter and Saturn will be in their own houses.


When Saturn joins back the sign Capricorn in Fallen State  specially between the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 will be most enigmatic and may prove Explosive  and the differences which erupted when Mars and Saturn were conjunct may be reviewed and may prove the Most Venomous for the head of the Countries and the nations which were aggressive and in Brawl with other nations . Fallen Retrograde Saturn will aspect the Retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house of the Zodiac and lot of Restrictions may be imposed again and life may again take bumpy rides. Saturn is Karka for Death , Disease and Destruction and is capable to give Virus and disease again. One has to be careful since the Planetary positions for the Virus Spread are parallel to 1917-1918 when Spanish Flue brike out and disappeared only when Rahu and Ketu were in their own stars in Libra and Aries . Now on the 8th Feb 2023 Rahu and Ketu will be in the same axis and there will be nakshatra exchange between the two only then we could get some relief in a broad Spectrum .


Saturn will also leave the sign Capricorn on the 18th Jan 2023 and give respite from all the agony and pain as explained above and till it remains in the Dhanistha star in Aquarius till the 14th March 2023 will again be a good time for the complete Universe.

Read this article Cluster Of 6 Planets In Capricorn 9th House Of India Foundation Chart What Future Awaits Us ?Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( when we had 6 planets in Capricorn and after which there was surge in the Virus and 2nd wave broke out with Intensity and we had Lock downs . We have parallel Positions as per the above time frames MENTIONED ABOVE FROM 27TH FEB TO 5TH APRIL 2022



My Disclaimer Clause is applicable . This is just an Astrological Analysis as per My Research Techniques . My Predictions may also May go wrong since exact data taken may be wrong  This is  a Research Article  The Above Predictions have been made on the bases of the information available on the Internet and Planetary positions some what parallel to earlier Stock Market Crash.

Who is the best astrologer in India in 2021?

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, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Answered 16m ago
My Opinion is, Mr. Anil Aggarwala from Delhi is a Best Astrologer in India 2020–2021. He wrote more than 2500 articles in the 2–3 years. He is the only astrologer in the world who predicted about Covid 19. Everything is happening As per his predictions. His Predictions about the share market and virus spreading are 94-98% accurate. You can check Predictions on his website and YouTube Channel. You can learn many prediction techniques from his Articles.


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 2-2- 2022 07-30 hrs
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First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 1725 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 385 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 

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