Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

With Saturn in Stationary motion  from 28th July to 7th August 2015  number of unexpected events are happening starting from 27th July 2015 for which i had already predicted  , I thought of writing an article on the same. There are possibilities of both good and bad happenings during this Short period of 10 days as indicated by the Planetary positions with a Greater magnitude since the Stationary planet  becomes extremely strong during the period of Becoming Stationary.  See the image Below

Image Saturn

Planets switching  from Direct to Retrogression and from Retrogression to direct  motion become nearly Stationary over a period of time  during the transition. Such planets become  extremely powerful  and seem to trigger the events related to the natal positions by placement and aspect in the  horoscope of an individual and the Country.

Saturn is a slow moving and outer planets. When a planet is Stationary in Transit it can be compared to an individual who is calm and still, just as such a person can focus his energy  and be more productive and dynamic, a Stationary planet can similarly focus its energies and become Productive and is capable of giving unexpected results.

The Natal Positions touched by such planets  by conjunction or aspect  are activated by the Planet in stationary motion.

Planets from the point of view of the Earth slow down and seem to be moving backwards and then become stationary. The retrogression movement is due to the motion of the Earth orbit. The Sun and the Moon never retrograde.

In the Present context the Aspect of Saturn degree wise when in Stationary motion on the 6th and 7th August on Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will be most Crucial, since strong yoga is aspected by Saturn Stationary by strong 10th aspect. The significations of these Planets will suffer and is indicative of Economic Stagnation in the time to come and specially when Saturn influences these Planets in Navamsha till 8th Nov. 2015 and more so till 9th Jan 2016.19th to 24th  August 2015 will be most crucial when rahu is in Forward motion and Mercury joins Rahu in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 adding fuel to the fire.

Some Parameters for the Planets for Retrogression 

1. Saturn Retrogrades for 140 days and remains stationary for 5 days before and after as explained above. Saturn Retrogrades once a year.

2.  Jupiter Retrogrades for 120 days  and is stationary for 4 days before and after.Jupiter also Retrogrades once a Year

3.Mars Retrogrades for 80 days  and is stationary for 3-4 days before and after. Mars Retrogrades once in every 2 years

4. Venus  Retrogrades for 42 days  and is stationary for 2 days before and after .Venus also Retrogrades once in two years

5. Mercury Retrogrades for 24 days and is stationary for 24 days  and is stationary for 1 days before and after. Mercury Retrogrades 3 times a year.

When ever the Outer Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are placed in the 5th from Sun to 8th from Sun they go in retrogression, hence when ever they are in 125 degrees to 235 degrees Giving a tolerance of plus minus 5 degrees  the outer planets become Retrograde


The Sanskrit name of the Retrograde planet is Vakri, which means twisted, crooked, winding, indirect,evasive and ambiguous. Vakra asana twists the body from back to front, this asan is generally done to strengthen the spine.

Rahu-Ketu are always in Retrogression except for 3 to 4 days in a month specially when Moon or Sun are in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu in the degrees of deeptamsha , Rahu and Ketu in these Positions can turn the table and are capable to give extremely bad results..In the Present transit 5th to 7th August 2015 Rahu is in adverse motion and also coincides with Saturn Stationary and degree aspect on the 3 benefics Jupiter, Venus and Mercury  is also crucial for the Globe for Strong good and Bad results according to the Foundation charts of the Countries. 

Even if we dont have Retrograde planets in the natal chart , we experience the behaviour of the Retrograde planets in Transit , they can temporarily block the elements and create Problems .

The most difficult Retrograde of Planets are the Saturn and the Mercury. A Retrograde Planet works like a painting brush , goes forward then backward and then again forward. when in Stationary motion will become 3 times stronger  and the results felt when it also crosses the Retrogression mark , here in the case of Saturn it is 10.56 degrees and Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark on the 8th Nov. 2015

The Retrogression of the dasha ruler can change the direction of events. Retrograde planets make life  appear to be stuck in a limbo, neither moving backward or moving forward.

Stationary points of Saturn in the Present Transit is 4.13 degrees in Scorpio and it it coincides with the natal planet  is at the same degrees as the Saturn, then you can expect to be a major issue.

A Stationary Planet  in the Quadrants and the Trines  from Lagna  or the natal Rashi Positions  triggers good results related to natal positions and we have seen Saturn on the 29th July 2015  the Effects of Saturn Stationary with respect to India Foundation chart below.  Saturn was instrumental to give strong  and most unexpected and  Fair Verdict pertaining to the 9th and the 10th house and it goes without saying an Exception took place in the History of India The Supreme court bench of Judges Gave a verdict in the Middle of the night for Yakub Memon Death Sentance and Hanging. .

Much more Research is required on this . 

In this Article I have tried to study the impact of Such planets and specially Saturn as explained above. Saturn is in Stationary motion at the moment and triggering events which are powerful in nature and unexpected ones.We can also see the impact of Venus who went into retrogression on the 25th July 2015 and also triggered the events and specially the Terrorist Attack in Gurdaspur. Venus is also the Anter  dasha Lord in operation and is also the 6th lord and also triggered the Stock market Down slide

Let us study the events which took Place in India after 28th July 2015 when Saturn went in Stationary position

The India Independence chart is below


Saturn is Transitting in the 7th house from the Lagna in Scorpio over Natal Ketu at 5.52 degrees and in the same navamsha  and became stationary motion on the 28th July 2015 at 4.13 degrees . On the 27th July we had the Terrorist Attack in Gurdaspur in the Early morning , since Saturn is Placed in the house of opponents , foreign affairs over Natal Ketu at exact degrees . Saturn as the Lord of the 9th and 10th placed in the 7th house gave full justice to Yakub Memon on the 29th July we all know that the Supreme Court  Bench of Judges gave their Final  Verdict in the middle of the night and early hours of 30th July 2015.

Venus went on Retrogression on the 25th July and we Experienced the Results of the Terrorist attack since Venus is in Leo in Transit in the 4th house and giving the effect of the Previous  the 3rd house of neighbors. India is also running the Anter dasha of Venus in Maha Dasha of Sun. Triggered the event , Venus is also aspected by Saturn and in close degrees and in the natal chart both are conjunct in the 3rd house . Death of the Noted Leader Vice President Abdul Kalam , Saturn is aspecting the Lagna and the 8th Lord Jupiter in the 4th house . Share Market Dropped for 3 consective days , since the Longitudnal distance between Venus and Mercury started to reduce  and exact conjuction would  take place on the 6th August 2015

In the Paksha Kundali of 16th July 2015 I had discussed on this website . The Lagna is Cancer and Saturn is Placed in the 5th house and as Lord of 7th and 8th  aspecting the 7th triggered the events related to 7th house , 2nd house and specially aspecting Venus and  Jupiter  gave the results accordingly.

With respect to India independence chart Saturn aspecting Venus and Jupiter degree wise  in the 4th house between the 3rd August to 6th August 2015 will be most Crucial, Since Saturn from the 7th house over Ketu at the same degrees and navamsha is aspecting Jupiter the 8th and 11th Lord and Venus the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord is a crucial Transit . Transit Rahu is also aspected by Natal Saturn in the chart . Mercury will also join the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus on the 4th August 2015, hence Matter relating to Children, Stock market, Terrorism, Foreign affairs , Celebrities in the Film world will be the News in the media, there will be good results of the 11th house aswell, Since as the Lord of the 9th and 10th aspecting the 11th lord is Focus will be on the Parliament, legislation , National aims , gains, Treaties, National Treasury.

Rahu Ketu in the Lagna are activated and in close degrees may not give a good effect pertaining to the Lagna, 7th house as per the Significations of the houses mentioned below. There may be untoward happenings pertaining to the Lagna and the 7th house but Good Happenings regarding the 9th , 10th  houses but Focus will also be on the 3rd , 7th house and Lagna  since Saturn in the natal chart is Placed in the 3rd house and the effects will be felt with Strong Potential  during the Period of 3rd August to 6th August 2015 . 

The Results will also be highlighted because Saturn will be aspoecting the below houses and connected to them

Lagna aspected by Stationary Saturn  where Rahu is Placed will be most crucial for the country as a whole . The general happiness and the  condition of the country will not be good , since Rahu is placed there there will be restlessness and tragic events , this can upset the condition of the country, Destructions through epidemics, Plagues ,Communal Tensions, disruption of the national  functions of the Govt.  Parliament etc.  Crime , Murder , Rapes etc  havoc by Rains  Floods and disruption of normal life in some areas  Specially the coastal areas . can be the headlines in the News Papers

7th house  is  war and war like situations, disputes, international affairs marriages and divorces of Big guns,  will be focus from the 3rd to the 6th August 2015 and more so till Saturn crosses the Leo navamsha .

9th house   Law Religon, shipping, Trade , inventions  will be the focus and good effects can also be felt regarding the same  since the focus will be on the same and good effects will also be seen

4th house  Land bill , Agriculture, Earthquakes, Valcanos, Opposition Parties  will also be the focus since there are 6th and the 8th Lord placed there  will be bad results  as well apart from the good ones  .

11th house   as Lord of the 9th and 10th aspecting the 11th lord and the Lagna lord venus there will be  Agreements and Contracts with Foreign Countries. Ambassadors will be sent to foreign countries , Gain from Foreign Trade etc can also be the focus and achievements.

The Most Sensative Parameter is the Paksha Kundali of the 31st July 2015  link with Scorpio Lagna and  Saturn in Stationary position in the Lagna is most crucial as the lord of the 3rd  house of Neighbors, placed in the Lagna as 4th Lord is good but as the Lord of the 3rd house will project issues relating to the Boarders of the country with high magnitude till 14th August  and specially till the dates mentioned above and more so till 14th August 2015 asper the Predictions already made in the article refered above. I need not eloborate them here specially a Catastrophe from Rains, Floods and Tsumani like events and Terrorism with Greater Magnitude till 6th August and around the 18th August to 24th August when Rahu will also be in Forward motion  

In a Nut shell between the 3rd anf the 6th August 2015 the Country Security has to be alert in all respects  for untoward happenings due to natural and unnatural calamities and Terrorism from the Neighboring countries. On the Positive side there will be growth in the foreign Trade , agreements with Foreign countries gains Religon  , Law and the 9th house significations. Etc.

Till Mercury is in 2nd Navamsha of Leo there will be Push and Pull in Politics infact a Tug of War between the ruling Govt. and the Oppositions including AAP with Greatest magnitude and the Govt. will be in a state of Total confusion and cornered from all sides till 9th August to be more specific and till this Fortnight ending on the 14th August . The Paksha Kundali of the 14th August 2015 is even worst and there will be high level drama in the Politics .. The Paksha Kundali of the 14th August 2015 has Mars Debilitated , Fallen Venus and Lumanaries in the 6th house of war, disputes , Labour unions, strikes clash of all sorts Territorial attacks, hence the issues pertaining to women Politicians will attain greatest dimension including Astrocities against women Rapes Abduction . Women have to careful in the coming fortnights and not to move in lonely areas. Chart of BJP is extremely weak and will fall like a pack of cards the Moment Rahu joins jupiter in Leo and Saturn and Mars conjunct in Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016, but it seems the 3 Ministers already named may be the highlights in the Newspapaers in the fortnight from 14th August and till Venus is in Cancer along with Mars will be a time crucial for Women politicians. Charts of the Politicians are not dependable , but still the Planetary positions are suggesting a crucial time for women Politicians till 15th Sept. 2015. It is only the chart of Narinder Modi a Pivot around which the whole Party is surviving


Other Political groups and Politicians updated on the 4th August 2015

Stationary Saturn at 4.13 degrees influencing the following from 27th July to 6th August 2015 according to Saturns ownership in the chart .
1. Narinder Modi In the Lagna where Mars is at 00.57 and Moon 9.29 degrees . Saturn natal in the 4/10 axis..
2.AAP in the 11th house over Rahu2.03 degrees and Sun 10.22 degrees . Natal Saturn in 2/12 axis .
3.Arvind Kejriwal in the 8th from Moon and in the 4th from Lagna .
4. BJP Saturn over Natal Moon aspecting Rahu 4.24 degrees in the 3rd house with Mars 2.17 degrees , Jup R and Sat R and Fallen is most crucial for the Party workers and Members and Dasha also of Sun-Saturn .5.Congress Saturn in the 9th house over Mercury and aspecting degrees wise Natal Saturn in the 6th house R and at 6.33 degrees is crucial and we have seen the 25 Parliament Members suspened for 5 days .
6.Barack Obama Saturn Stationary in the 11th house at 4.13 degrees and aspecting Moon in the 5th house at 10.12 degrees and Mars 29.15 degrees and Rahu 3.59 degrees in the 8th house . Aspecting Rahu in the 8th house in close degrees is crucial for Barack Obama .
7.Vladimir Puttin Saturn Stationary in the Lagna aspecting Moon at 12.22 degrees other Planets are not influenced closely.
We can assess the Resulta according to Saturn close aspect or placement degree wise closeness and specially planets influenced between 3.20 degrees to 6.40 degrees will be crucial depending upon the ownership of Saturn in the Natal Cahrt and Placement with respect to Natal Saturn and Moon .
In the above the Most crucial is BJP ,Congress, Barack Obama 8th house is afflicted specially due to degreewise aspect of Saturn on Rahu. God Bless

As far as the Globe is concerned the Countries which will be influenced most are mentioned below.

Pakistan Stationary Saturn at almost degrees on Ketu in the 8th house  hence untoward happening regarding masses .

Syria Virgo Lagna . Stationary Saturn  over Venus at 4.13 degrees in the 3rd house  Strong results expected regarding the 2nd and 9th house , Natal Saturn is placed in the 6th house , Hence adverse happenings and strong ones .

Japan  Sagitarius Lagna  Ketu in the 9th house at 4.27 degrees and will be aspected by Stationary Saturn from the 12th house degreewise  Natal Saturn in the 10th house in Virgo , hence Strong untoward happenings could surface .

Israel Virgo Lagna Mars in the 12th house as 8th Lord at 5.10 degrees will be aspected by Stationary Saturn from the 3rd house degree wise very close , hence untoward happenings from the neighboring countries and could get into war like situations.

Russia Virgo Lagna Mercury in the 9th house in Taurus at 6.52 degrees is crucial for Russia since Stationary Saturn aspecting the Lagna Lord at close degrees in the 9th house. Strong results could be experienced .

China Capricorn Lagna and Moon at 10 degrees  is crucial for China, since Saturn Retrograded at these close degrees , hence strong results could be expected around the 8th Nov. 2015. Stationary Saturn aspecting the natal Saturn in the 8th house  who is Lagna Lord  is crucial for the country Financial Resources .

Yemen Leo Lagna 6.22 degrees  Sun in Taurus in the 10th house at 7.17 degrees is crucial to give strong results  Saturn Stationary will aspect Natal Saturn also in the 6th house at 1.22 degrees , Saturn owns the 6th and the 7th Lord, hence strong Results  .

Italy Libra Lagna Mars in Leo at 1.28 degrees as the lord of the 2nd and 7th is crucial  , effects of the 7th and 2nd will be felt strongly.

Iran has Cancer Lagna and Moon in Taurus in the 11th house at 13.12 degrees  and Saturn and Rahu in Leo at 14.43 and 23.41 degrees respectively, Saturn is the 7th and the 8th lord may not give good results for the Approval of the Necular Deal

Strong results will be experienced by the above countries till 14th August 2015 including India and even after 14th August 2015 for a fortnight 

Havoc from Rains Floods and Tsunami  specially those countries where Saturn is afflicting badly the Planets degreewise , like Japan, India and ohter countries mentioned above  from 4th August till 14th August and even later fortnight .

Mercury changing sign to Leo in Magha a Nakshatra on the evening of 4th August will bring Rains in areas where there have been less or no rain, which gives the best Rain and it is well known that when Mercury changes sign it activates the weather change . At the moment Jupiter , Mercury and Venus all in the Amrit Nadi in the Sapt nadi Chakra. , Mars in Neera Nadi in Punarvasu nakshatra , hence from 4th August there will be heavy rains in the country and then till 15th Sept. 2015 as well , if in between Sun has Venus and Mercury on either sides it will restrict rains for some Days. The Planetary positions are capable to create excessive rains even in Delhi specially till 12th August 2015 and more so till 15th Sept. 2015 with breaks in between as explained above. In the Paksha Kundali of the 14th August Lumanaries with Debilitated Mars are in Cancer , hence this fortnight will also bring havoc due to Rains.
In August 1978 we had Mercury and Jupiter in Cancer a sign which is totally watery and Mercury was Retrograde created havoc, this time Havoc will be created by Mars and Venus in Cancer sign.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  1st August 2015 16-00 hrs. Up dated the Last Para on the 4th August 2015 12.20 hrs 

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not my Personal Opinion . The Analysis is Purely on the Astrological Principles and I write on the current events to apraise the people in general for the happenings and the Value of Astrology. The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or any Corporate  taking it Personally .

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