Saturn Stationary 3rd Time in Scorpio: Alarm Bells

by astrodocanil

Saturn Stationary 3rd Time in Scorpio:Alarm Bells Ringing For The Globe

This is with reference to my Earlier Article dated 8th March 2016. I want to add some Parameters in the same article  as Below, although all Parameters are high lighted .

Let me once again put the Parameters which are taking a special dimension in the Present Scenerio and in the year 2016

1.Saturn Stationary Points 4.13 Degrees between 27th July to 7th August 2015 aspecting Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Moon very closely.

2. Jupiter Stationary motion on the 8th Jan. 2016 at 29.09 degrees and ingress of Rahu over it on the 9th  Jan2016

3. Jupiter in Stationary motion between 5th May to 13th May 2016 and aspected by Retrograde Saturn at 20.48 degrees

4. Mars Stationary on the 13th April to 21st April at 14.49 degrees in Scorpio

5. Mars Fallen in Libra from 17th June to 12th July 2016

6. Jupiter and Rahu Conjunction again on the 6th June same Navamsha and Degree conjunction on the  20th June 2016 at 21 degrees and aspected by Saturn

7. Saturn and Mars Stationary Point 15 degrees most Crucial in Scorpio and Both in Degree conjunction on the 23rd to 25th August , which is also the Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipse Point of the 1st Sept. 2016. 

See Saturn Transit in 2015 activation

Saturn in Scorpio in 2015

Transits 2016-Saturn


See the chart of the 1st Sept 2016 Eclipse below

On top of above the 2 Solar \Eclipses taking Place on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Saturn  Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees and The Eclipse Point of the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at same degrees  . see the chart below

Eclipse of Sept 2016

When  Saturn , Mars, are Stationary at 22.00 or 15 degrees in Scorpio or about to come in Stationary motion for the above countries or any other Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes  followed by  Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude . Mercury is Escalating its speed till 30th April 2016 and give abnormal conditions in the weather , Watery sign affliction in the Present Scenerio is Scorpio. This is strong Possibility of the above combinations . Terrorism, war also cannot be ruled out

Planetary cycles of all planets will be completed when Jupiter and Mercury will be both in Virgo on the 4th Oct. 2016 and Jupiter Rises Helically on the 7th Oct. 2016 could Sprout very strong Parameters for the Kingly Country and the Globe and significations of the Signa Virgo, Pieces the 6th and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac ,Jupiter and Mercury sprout Loudly.

Let me write some events in the world which may escalate

1. Brazil 

Political Turmoils indicated according to the Foundation chart of Brazil since Sun in Leo the 10th from 10th house at 23 degrees is aspected by Saturn at 22.19 degrees and the same navamsha , hence between 18th to 30th March 2016 critical for the President , Between 9th August to 18th August 2016 Saturn and Mars will jointly aspect Jupiter and Moon , can put the President on the Knees . I have already written about the Stationary positions of mars and Saturn and the Degrees 22, 15 and 24 are most critical along with the 2 Eclipses of the 9th march and the 1st Sept. 2016. Read my article…/stationary-saturn-jupitermar…/


Dasha of 8th lord Mars will put the country in war like conditions soon . Natal Mars has been activated by Saturn along with Sun now the Period of August will put the Country in war like conditions , It seems the month of August 2016 will be instrumental for Putting the Countries in aggressive mode and War mongering conditions. Dates which are prone are between 23rd to 25th August 2016, although from 9th August 2016 will be the Most Crucial Date for the world . After looking at the foundation chart of all the countries. Read my article…/stationary-saturn-jupitermar…/

3. Syria

Alarm Bells ringing for Bashar Al -Assad .12th Lord Mercury and Ketu in Leo have been activated by Rahu and Saturn after 27th July to 7th August 2015 and Rahu-ketu over natal Rahu-ketu on the 9th Jan 2016. Transit of mars and Saturn in the 8th from Moon and Saturn and aspecting the 8th from Lagna will put the Country in War Arena Now since Saturn will be aspecting the 8th house in Stationary Motion along with mars who will be in Stationary motion from 13th April to 21st April , hence the Month starting from 18th March to 21st April 2016 will Put the country in War mode . Read my article…/stationary-saturn-jupitermar…/


4. Turkey

Mars and Saturn aspect the 7th hose and in transit both in the 6th house in Conjunction over 7th Lord Jupiter will be bad , Rahu-Ketu over Rahu-Ketu in Transit and 23rd August to 25th August 2016 Critical for the Country , Eclipses over the Natal Rahu-Ketu Terrorism

5.Saudi Arabia

Eclipses in the 4/10 axis. Rahu-ketu ove rahu-Ketu, Mercury in Leo Activated, Jupiter and Moon will be activated when Saturn will be in Stationary motion 3rd time in August 2016 as per the dates mentioned . Moon in Taurus at 16.49 and Jupiter in Leo at 15.57 degrees could trigger the results in August and asper Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 could Prove the country getting into War like situations and Untoward happenings needless to write the details as is understood

Jupiter, Moon will be activated on the 23rd to 25th August 2016, Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of 8th Lord in Leo and Jupiter and Rahu-Ketu over rahu ketu at the degrees will be in June 2016  Natal Saturn will be activated in Capricorn, Dasha of Ketu Sun will be bad from 6th March 2016. Same as above for the Countries Sensitive Degrees are activated hence war like situations 


Already written an Article for China Solar Eclipse of the 9th March and Paksha Kundali of 23rd March 2016:What it Foretells for China…etells-for-china/

7. Brussels

As Mentioned in my earlier Article eclipse in the 4/10 axis  EarthQuakes, Political Turmoils, Natural and unnatural disasters  , MEP of Lagna aspected by Stationary Saturn between 18th March to 30th March 2016

8. Iran 

8th Lord Saturn will be activated at exact degrees in the 2nd House between August 2016 as explained in the special Parameters and the Eclipse time of 1st Sept. 2016 . Explosive for Iran , Economy, terrorism, War, Natural and unnatural Disasters 

9. Libya 

Eclipses over Natal Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna , Mercury Retrograde at 23.47 will be activated by 6th and 7th Lord  Saturn between 20th to 30th March 2016 , Sun and Jupiter Exchange will be activated after 14th March 2016 General Condition of the country will not be good , There is Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Virgo and in Transit in the 4th house and will be activated by natal Saturn also at 20.53 degrees , hence Earthquake Cannot be ruled out along with Terrorism.


Leo lagna  Dasha of Mars -Ketu and Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Lagna and Moon , Lagna alreadt activated by rahu and Jupiter in Jan. 2016, Natural and unnatural Disasters may not be involved directly initially in War like conditions 

11.North Korea 

Scorpio Lagna with Moon at 22.09 degrees and Jupiter at 26.55 degrees in watery sign  will be aspected by Stationary Saturn at exacts degrees of Moon as per Parameters mentioned above , could sprout negative results the president would take for War like situations , Weather Conditions from 18th march to 30th march could also be Crucial for the country , Saturn will also aspect the natal Saturn and Sun simultaneously will be disasterous  and Explosive for the country entering into War , Dasha of Rahu Saturn and Eclipses over the 1/7 acis of Sun and Saturn and the 4/10 axis of the chart could be Alarm Bell for the Country 

From the above it is clear that the Planetary Positions are not condusive for the Globe for a Peace. Abnormal Weather conditions, Earthquakes, Excessive rains, Tsunami, Natural and Unnatural Disasters . Economy Melt down is also inevitable it so seems 

Now read this  Rocket Fired From Syria Hits South Turkey

ISTANBUL:  At least three rockets fired from Syria hit the Turkish border town of Kilis on Saturday but no-one was injured, the local governor’s office said.

The firing came after eight rockets launched from an area of Syria held by the ISIS killed a woman and a four-year-old boy in Kilis on Tuesday, prompting return fire from the Turkish army.

On Saturday, two rockets landed in the garden of a military barracks and a building housing officers’ families before a third hit the town, the Dogan news agency reported.

State-run news agency Anatolia said Turkish forces opened fire Saturday afternoon against Syrian positions held by ISIS, without specifying whether it was in retaliation for rockets hitting Turkish soil.


The Month of  August-Sept. Oct. 2016 will be worst in this respect 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 13th March 2016 16-00 hrs New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 

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