Saturn Mars Degree Aspect At 12 Degrees Brings Drastic Fall In Wall Street And Sensex As Per Date Predicted

by astrodocanil
“Saturn Mars Degree Aspect At 12 Degrees Brings Drastic Fall In Wall Street And Sensex As Per Date Predicted”
Sensex crashes nearly 900 points to close at 66,684, Nifty tumbles to 19,745

Taking Stock of the market record run for 6 days the investors lose 1.92 lakh crore on the 21st July 2023

The equity benchmarks broke their all-time high streaks on July 21, with the Sensex ending 1.31 percent lower at 66,684.26, and the Nifty ending 1.0 percent lower at 19,779.80. About 1,565 shares advanced, 1,721 declined and 116 remained unchanged.

The Wall Street also took a big hit on the pretext that
The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates again next week

Now Read my Article written on the “Stock Markets Floods Fury : Mercury To Continue Straddle In Attichari Motion Till 25th July  ”

Mercury to continue its straddle in attichari motion in the Cancer watery sign till the 25th July 2023. Mercury is Karka for Stock Markets Weather and Communications. Mercury is also the Lord of the year as per the Pisces New Moon Chart of the 21st March 2023 and is in totally watery sign Pisces and combusted and also debilitated. Its Strides continue till the 25th July 2023 in attichari motion and creates havoc from rains not only in Northern India but also around the world in northern direction. Due to its straddle there is no direction in the stock markets. Also Mars and Saturn will oppose each other at 12 degrees  on the 21st July 2023 and there after the Stock Market will take some direction  mostly bullish or bearish  till the 25th July 2023. The havoc from rains will also get ease after 25th July since then Mercury will join the fiery sign Leo.

There will be health hazards related to water  it so seems due to water logging and floods. The weather will also become very hot.


Written on  the 14th July 2023 at 23.00 hrs  Reproduced on the 22nd July 2023 9-00 am New Delhi

  • Also Read My Article
“Sun In Cancer And Venus Retrogression Marks Good Governance Rise  And Then Volatility In Stock Markets”

This has also reference to my Article  below for the Stock Markets.

Stock Markets Floods Fury : Mercury To Continue Straddle In Attichari Motion Till 25th July – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

On the 17th July 2023 at 05-07 hrs Sun enters the sign Cancer a cardinal sign acquires an special dimension in mundane astrology. In the month of Savana this time there is also adik masa from the 17th July to 18th August . As per classical texts it has been mentioned that when there is adik masa in the month of Savana then there is excessive rains, to this is added by the Mercury attichari motion from the 8th July to 25th July in the watery sign Cancer. The Most critical parameter is the Samsaptak yoga of the Mars and Saturn retrograde in the 3/9 axis. This also indicates some tuff rulings from the Supreme Court also. As per Bhavishya Phal Bhasker if New Moon falls at the time of Sun ingress then it indicates natural calamities loss of lives and wealth

Have a Look at the chart below .

 The 5 Limbs of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon Placed in the Lagna having exchange with the Lagna Lord Mercury is Rajyoga. The sign Gemini is also the 2nd house of the Foundation chart of India hence Lagna and the 2nd house both are strong and since Sun is placed in the 2nd house with Lagna Lord the significations of the 2nd house would flourish immensely. Special attention is given to Sun where it is placed and which planet is influencing it. There is no malefic influence on Sun hence the Month will be very good for Govt. governance and actions.

2nd House

2nd House signifies the financial condition of the Country, revenue of the state, national Exchanger, national wealth and purchasing power. Capacity to invest in the Stock and the Financial Markets. Taxation and revenues. All this will have a positive bearing and Stock Markets may touch all time high specially till then 25th July 2023, Unfortunately on the 25th July Venus will go in retrogression and create lot of ups and down like a sine curve till it retrogrades  on the 4th Sept. 2023. High Volatility in the Financial Markets after the 25th July 2023.

3rd house 

Third house has Mars and Venus afflicted in the 3rd house asper mundane astrology it is bad for death of noted person, writer, artist, and crime in the railways.

Mars in the 3rd house  accidents, rail and air accidents, fire, terrorism, boarder clashes, scandals and mudslinging on celebrities

5th house 

Ketu in the 5th house  Crime against women, fire and explosions in the entertainment places and schools , although Ketu is considered not bad but will behave like Mars, danger to the ruler through intrigues and treachery.

9th house 

Saturn retrograde in the 9th house having aspect of Mars from the 3rd house . Bad for shipping, collision, disasters, Strikes, Communal and Religious riots and natural catastrophe.

11th house 

Religious and financial disputes, depreciation of govt. securities.

Rahu afflicted in the 11th house by Saturn, Political plots revolts spying and will behave like Saturn, ill ness of the members of parliament. Changes in the Portfolios of the Ministers and splitting of the political parties.

The effect may be seen from3 to 4 months since the Sun in cardinal sign.


Written on  the 14th July 2023 at 23.00 hrs  Reproduced on the 22nd July 2023  09-00 hrs New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 

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