Saturn From Libra Oct. 1984 To Saturn In Aquarius May 2024 24-25 Degrees Bolt From The Blue For Dynastic Politics

by astrodocanil

‘Saturn From Libra Oct. 1984 To Saturn In Aquarius May 2024 24-25 Degrees Bolt From The Blue For Dynastic Politics’

Saturn Journey From Libra Oct. 1984 To Saturn In Aquarius May 2024 24-25 Degrees Arc Will Perish Dynastic Politics for Ever Note My Research and Predictions which were given in the  ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in 2014. Now also read my Articles on the Saturn Transit in the 24-25 degree arc in  Libra, Sagittarius and Now in Aquarius  when Modi has come with flying colours in the Lok Sabha Elections in the year 2014,2019 and now  in May 2024. The Probability is 100 %.

New Delhi, Feb 29 (PTI) Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday attacked the BJP over the razing of the house of a rat-hole miner who was part of the Silkyara tunnel rescue operation, saying demolishing the houses of the poor and humiliating them is the truth of the BJP’s “anyay kaal”.

Demolishing houses of poor is the truth of BJP's 'anyay kaal': Priyanka Gandhi

Narender Modi Hat- Trick and Coming in Power cannot be stopped by any Political Party. Let then Open all their Horses and will fain miserably as per Saturn the disciplinant
Dynastic Politics Loosing Grounds when Saturn in Libra on the 31st Oct. 1984, and NDA Govt. Rises to the Ground after 30 years of Saturn back in Libra in May 2014. End of Nehru Dynasty when Saturn Goes in Pisces and ultimate when Saturn is Debilitated in 2027. Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi may open all their Horses but will fail miserably. Saturn now also aspects the Sign Aries . The Down Falls starts now and will be totally finished in 2027 when Saturn goes in Aries 24-25 degree my Research. Let Saturn also touch the Arc 24-25 Degrees in Aquarius total failure of Congress and their alliances after 24th May when Saturn enters 24 degrees in Aquarius. Till Saturn 25 degrees. Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi the Hero of the Show. Thanks to them in advance to give a good road map for NDA and specially Narender Modi.
The Salute may turn Blessing for Narender Modi.
 Read My Article written long back for the Nehru dynasty losing grounds when Saturn in 24-25 degree arc in Libra, Sagittarius and then now in Aquarius in May 2024. The down Fall of Nehru Dynasty started when Indira Gandhi was assassinated on the 31st Oct 1984 when Saturn was 24.47 degrees in Libra. These degrees have proves a Blessing for Narender Modi as per my Article  below .
“Saturn Magical Arc 24-25 Degrees In Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius For Narendra Modi What It Has Up It’s Sleeves  ?”

This is a Research Article and My Research says the Out of the 3 Stars in Scorpio Vishaka, Anuradha and Jyestha the best is  Anuradha  , since the Lord is Saturn exalts  in the sign Libra  and Sadesati for Anuradha stars not very bad  . I used this Principle and found that When Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister in May 2014 Saturn was Exalted in the Sign Libra at 24-25 degree arc . and then Since Saturn has 3rd aspect on Sagittarius  he became the Prime Minister for the 2nd Time when Saturn was at 24-25 degree Arc in Sagittarius on the 30th May 2019.  Now again Saturn  in the 24-25 degree arc in the sign Aquarius in the same arc will be respoonsible  for Narender Modi Success aqnd a Hat-Trick..

Let me also put me observations right from the Day Indira Gandhi was assassinated on the 31st Oct . 1984 at 09-00 am  when Saturn was in the Sign Libra in the 24-25 degree Arc .

Have a Look at the chart below

Note the Following  Parameters  in the above chart  which acquire an important dimension

  1. Saturn at 24.05 Degrees in Libra
  2. Mars at 24.06 degrees and aspects of Saturn on it
  3. The Down fall of Congress and Nehru Dynasty  started when Saturn was in Libra  in a broader spectrum

Now Let us see when Rajiv Gandhi died in 21st May 1991

when Saturn was in the Sign Capricorn  and the Saturn in Capricorn aspected the Saturn at the time of Indira Gandhi Saturn in Libra  and Saturn was with Sun at 14 degrees .

Note the Parameters in this chart

  1.  Saturn in Capricorn aspects the Sun in Libra when Indira Gandhi died
  2. Saturn was with Sun and Sun was 14 degrees. Now see the Saturn in Capricorn aspects Sun almost degree-wise
  3. This also indicated the down fall of the Nehru Dynasty and Congress


Read My Article on the Oath chart “Oath Taking Chart of Narinder Modi and Present Transit : What it Foretells – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Narendra Modi took Oath as India’s 15th Prime Minister on the 26th May 2014 at 18-11 hrs .


Oath taking chart of Narinder Modi of 26th May 2014 18-11 hrs.


Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister after 30 years when Saturn was at at the same arc of 24-25 degrees in Libra but Retrograde 

Saturn aspects Moon at 14 degrees . At the time of the Assassination of Indira Gandhi Saturn was 24.06 degrees in Libra with Sun 14 degrees

I had Predicted that when Saturn goes in the sign Sagittarius and will be in the Arc 24-25 degrees Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister for the second time . Since the Saturn in Libra will aspect Sagittarius by 3rd aspect . My Predictions for the same Proved spot on and when Saturn was at 24-25 degree arc Narendra Modi took Oath for the second time on the 30th May 2019

Read My Article “‘Krishma Of Saturn Sagitarius’ Swinging Moods For ‘Narendra Modi’ As Predicted After 25th Feb. 2019 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Some Text out of the above article

Saturn Proves Most Powerful For Narendra Modi On the 25th Feb. 2019 As Predicted when Crosses the 23.20 Degrees and Changes Navamsha to Scorpio on these degrees, Narendra Modi Got the Victory over Jaish Terror Camps Of Pakistan on the 25th Feb. Night at 03-30 hrs when IAF Jets Pounced on them.

This is with reference to my Articles below for the Saturn crossing the 23.20 degrees to 26.40 degrees in Sagitarius in the nakshatra of Poorva Shadha and in Scorpio navamsha. Saturn has crossed the 23.20 Degrees on the Early Morning of the 25th Feb. 2019 When the IAF Jet Striked the Jaish Terror Camps in Balakot. My Research seems to be coming through. I had also Written an Article in the “EXPRESS STAR TELLER” on the page 45 in the March 2019 edition the Article “SATURN’S DISCIPLINARIAN CYCLE OF 30 YEARS AND MUNDANE ASPECT”
On my Webpage “My Article In The ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ Saturn’s Cycle Of 30 Years And Mundane Impact Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 17th Feb. 2019
The Text in the Article is as below
A glimpse of the First page is below

I have used the 30 year cycle of Saturn 24 degrees in the sign Libra at the time of the 31st Oct. 1984 when Indira Gandhi was assassinated , and after 30 years when Saturn came back in this sign at 24 degrees in Retrogression threw the Congress out of Power and Brought Narendra Modi In Power on the 26th May 2014 when he took Oath as the Prime minister.

The Transit Saturn is reaching the 23.20 degrees on the 25th Feb. 2019 and 24-26 Degree mark on the 30th April 2019 and at 24 degrees in Retrogression on the 14th June 2019 may bring a big change in the Political Scenario of India since then the Saturn in the Libra at the time of the 2 Events described above will activate the Transit Saturn in Retrogression in Sagitarius at the same degrees . It seems this Period may not be good for the Congress Dynastic Politics . Saturn 3rd Aspect is like the aspect of 3rd eye it so seems .

My Predictions  Proved spot on

Now see the chart of the Oath Taking for the second time on the 30th May 2019 19-06 hrs.

The Swearing-in Ceremony Chart is below of 30th May 2019


The Planetary Positions are not conducive  to give good results for Narendra Modi and the Country  after the 30th Jan 2020 as predicted by me  in my Articles below

1.Enigmatic Oath Chart Of Narendra Modi & Arvind Kejriwal What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

2.Vedic Progression Charts By Manu Smriti What They Have Up Their Sleeves For Narendra Modi 2019-2021? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

3.Most Enigmatic Time frame For India & Narinder Modi 2021 As Can Be Seen From Dasha And Vedic Progression Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

This analysis is strictly as per My Research and irrespective of his Birth details  considering the Saturn Karishma in 24-25 degrees Arc in Libra, Sagittarius and then in Aquarius

 You will be amazed that Rahu Gandhi also has 24 degrees Saturn in Aries  and  this Saturn will be in the Kendra from his Saturn in the 7th house in Aries  and both in affliction. When Saturn reaches the Same degrees in Aries his career will come to an end and no body will recognise him. He will only be a common man in the street.


When Mars Joins Rahu in Pisces from the 23rd April 2024 to 1st June will be most taxing  specially for the US since the Transit of Rahu is taking placed in the 8th house of the Foundation chart. Hence War like conditions in the US and involvement in the Red Sea is not ruled out.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

  29th Feb. 2024 at 22-00 Hrs New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 




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