Saturn and Mars Conjunction Proves Venomous. Mars May Prove Ammunition Dump From 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018 for 187 Days

by astrodocanil

Mars and Saturn degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 Proving most  Venomous as already Predicted by me
So many developments when Mars and Saturn are in Planetary war and then degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 and on the 10th April 2018 Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise by most malefic 8th Aspect.
Mars and Saturn gearing up to give the Brawl between nations a new dimension
Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension. 31st March planetary war 2nd April Degree Conjunction of the dreaded Planets, 10th April Mars aspects North node degree-wise most provocative for the brawl taking ugly turn. All the major events happening when Rahu North Node in most Venomous motion. I have already written enough and seems we are on the brink of Catastrophe
As per the Mundane Astrology Principles Paksha Kundali is Instrumental for giving accurate short term Predictions . Our Stalwart Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Predicted the wall street collapse in Oct. 1987 much in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted by referring to communal tensions in Utter Pradesh and dismissal of Kalyan Singh in precisely in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Stock Markets and Financial Markets behaviour is also depicted by the Lunar Charts.. The Full Moon and the New Moon Charts called the Lunar charts indicate the happenings in the fortnight . The House where the Lunation takes place is of utmost importance. Let me also include the Text of the Article “Horoscope Of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pieces New Moon Chart: What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 8th March 2018. Since it is a Lunation chart also I will give the Fortnight predictions also as per this chart as well
The North Node is in most Venomous motion from the 23rd March to 28th March 2018 and the Stock Markets can see a New Nifty Mark below 10000 mark From today and then Monday to Wednesday the 28thMarch 2018

Now See the world Happenings around the 7th March 2018 and onwards till 3rd-4th April 2018

North Korea nuke base WAKES UP as Kim’s reactor site ‘BUZZING with activity’

Mars Saturn in the sign Sagitarius on the 7th March 2018 and the dispositor is Jupiter and stationary and about to become retrograde on the 9th March 2018 and the News comes that Kim is willing to withdraw. 3rd house of the Natural zodiac is Gemini Lord is Mercury in Debilitation and connection of the 3rd house aspect by Mars and Saturn from the 9th house , One cannot believe the game of Kim. The Cat will come out of the bag when Mars and Saturn are degree conjunct on the 2-3rd April and more so when Mars joins Ketu in Capricorn on the 2nd May 2018. Trum has agreed to meet Kim in May 2018 and I fear the consequences since Kim trying to gain time and has his own plans. China and Russia allies of Kim will be more aggressive till the meet of Trump and Kim.
The Brawl between Trump and Kim took a new dimension after 20th Sept. 2017 .The Chart of 20th Sept. 2017 forming Kal Sarpa Aroha Yoga is the Most Venomous one and all planets in the shadow of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn, hence the world will be on the pivot of these planets till they leave the Sign Capricorn . Nodes Leaving on the 25th March 2019 but again with Saturn and Mars Leaving Capricorn on the 2nd Nov. 2018 some relief and till Saturn crosses Capricorn will be another point . Saturn will give events Parallel to 1987, 30 years cycle, 60 year cycle like 1958, and finally 90 year cycle like the 1929.
Mars on the steering wheel now for 56 days from the 7th March 2018 , but has acted much in advance and shows what it is capable of

QuickTake   The US has Bigger Problems Than North Korea

North Korea’s Nukes
Success seems less likely, though, than the possibility that a meeting would produce yet another false start, perhaps a dangerous one.
Now Read this—–
Trump will meet Kim with in few Months and before that he has to Prove his regime to cease the missile and Nuclear weapon testing. On the 2nd May Mars will meet Ketu in Capricorn for 187 days and the Eclipses in July 2018 where Mars is activating the Eclipse point and Planetary positions parallel to Earlier times when war Took place . It is any bodies guess in Astrology for the outcome
Read My Article “Enigmatic Lunation Chart of the 17th March 2018 What It Foretells ? link…hat-it-foretells/
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st April 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.
Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Nodes from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama” link…er-jahangir-nama/

Astrology is Amazing . As predicted by me the Financial Markets and the Bitcoin is exactly Moving in the same direction. Read this Para
“Read My article

“59 Years Back Roman God Saturn Was Fallen In Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958: Unfolded ?” link…ne-1958-unfolded/ dated 11th June 2017 and the Stock Market behaved exactly as predicted and Parallel to the time when Saturn was fallen in Scorpio in June 1958 and then when it went back in Sagitarius and Mars and Saturn were in Conjunction in Jan. 1960 the Market started to take a Reversal and when Saturn and Ketu were in Degree conjunction and Mars was in Square position the Market had a Crash on the 28th May 1962 Known as the Kennedy Slide of 1962 also known as the ‘Flash Crash of 1962’. Hence there is Possibility of the Stock Market Reversal with Volatility when Mars and Saturn join in Sagitarius from the 7th March to 2nd May 2018 and then a depression and instability from the 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018. The Degree conjunction of the Mars and Ketu in the sign Capricorn and the Lunar Eclipse where Mars is activating the Eclipse Point may prove most venomous for the Stock markets in July-August 2018. The 90 year cycle of Saturn will be completed when Saturn will be with Ketu degree conjunct and Mars in the Square position . This position may be like the 24th Oct. 1929 Deep Depression it so seems . Hence From 2nd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018 unstable Market with Volatility and even fall and then when the Conjunction of Saturn and Ketu takes place in 2019 similar deep depression like the 24th Oct. 1929 it so seems and is my research. BITICON WILL ALSO BE ALL TIME LOW FROM 7th March onwards specially till 2nd May 2018. As mentioned the stock market and financial markets will also see Volatility and may not cross the highest point before 7th March specially till 2nd May 2018. There is no text available and written by Stalwart Astrologers which could help us evaluate the planetary positions , but with what ever has been written By the Most Famous Pandit Hardeo Shastro Trivedi and My Research I am giving my predictions . Please excuse me if My Predictions on the Stock Market go wrong specially when Mars and Saturn are conjunct .” In the Article “Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama” link…er-jahangir-nama/ dated 12th Feb. 2018

Bitcoin’s Death Cross Looms As Strategist Eye’s 2800$ Level

Mars and Saturn on the steering wheel of the Trade wars in the Fiery sign Sagitarius . Mars Takes the lead since Mars the Debilitation Lord of Saturn and Saturn is the Exhaltaion Lord of Mars . The Volatility and Markets taking a hit time and again is obvious. till May 2018 and then the Mars and Ketu conjunction for 187 days may be most Venomous. The Volatility will be like a sine cure it so seems and hence Roller Coaster 

Top Treasury Official Says He Misspoke in Saying China Talks Ended

US ends Economic Talks with China

This political-risk gauge just hit a 15-year high — and here’s what it means for the stock market

Easter WAR as THOUSANDS of US & South Korea troops set to mobilise on Kim Jong-un’s border

Despite US President Donald Trump’s planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un the show of force will take place in South Korea.
Seoul and Washington said in January they would delay the annual exercises, known as Key Resolve and Foal Eagle, until after the Olympics and Paralympics held in South Korea.
North Korea sees the drills as a rehearsal for invasion.
The exercises are expected to begin on April 1, and will be of a “scale similar to that of the previous years,” the US military said in a statement.
“Our combined exercises are defence-oriented and there is no reason for North Korea to view them as a provocation,” Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Logan, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a separate statement.
The Pentagon said the North Korean military had been notified about the schedule for the drills by the United Nations Command.…/stocks-face-drop-in-asia-as-tec…
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st April 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.

Stocks Shake Tech Woes to Close Up; Yields Climb: Markets Wrap .Predictions and Astrology Proves 

Closing Bell: Sensex sheds 410 pts, Nifty ends below 10,000 on global trade war fears dated 23rd March 2018


24th March 2018

Astrology is amazing an what ever has been predicted in my Articles is proving on dot of the Financial Markets research

.Read My Article “My Research Of Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Driving The Financial Markets Proves On Dot” link…ts-proves-on-dot/
Mars and Saturn on the steering wheel till 2nd May 2018 and the Mars-Ketu Conjunction till 6th Nov. 2018 for 187 days could be most venomous for the Global Markets it so seems

Dow closes at 2018 low as trade worries rise

Published: Mar 23, 2018 4:48 p.m. ET

Read My Article “My Research Of Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Driving The Financial Markets Proves On Dot” link…ts-proves-on-dot/
Mars and Saturn on the steering wheel till 2nd May 2018 and the Mars-Ketu Conjunction till 6th Nov. 2018 for 187 days could be most venomous for the Global Markets it so seems

As per the Mundane Astrology Principles Paksha Kundali is Instrumental for giving accurate short term Predictions . Our Stalwart Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Predicted the wall street collapse in Oct. 1987 much in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted by referring to communal tensions in Utter Pradesh and dismissal of Kalyan Singh in precisely in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Stock Markets and Financial Markets behaviour is also depicted by the Lunar Charts.. The Full Moon and the New Moon Charts called the Lunar charts indicate the happenings in the fortnight . The House where the Lunation takes place is of utmost importance. Let me also include the Text of the Article “Horoscope Of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pieces New Moon Chart: What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 8th March 2018. Since it is a Lunation chart also I will give the Fortnight predictions also as per this chart as well
The North Node is in most Venomous motion from the 23rd March to 28th March 2018 and the Stock Markets can see a New Nifty Mark below 10000 mark From today and then Monday to Wednesday the 28thMarch 2018
Read My Article “Enigmatic Lunation Chart of the 17th March 2018 What It Foretells ? link…hat-it-foretells/

WW3 fears: China and India’s TERRIFYING military build-up along border REVEALED

Mars and Saturn degree conjunction and as predicted by me is most venomous for India since the conjunction is taking place in the 8th house in the sign Sagitarius and the 8th Lord Jupiter over the natal 8th Lord in the sign Libra and Retrograde . Read My Articles mentioned below and on dot Predictions . I fear more such activities
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st April 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.  Dasha of Moon-Rahu in operation and Rahu in Transit  over the 5 Planets in the 3rd House of the boarders. The Planetary Positions in July 2018 are identical to the 20th Oct. 1962. Hence 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018 may be war Prone with the Neighbours 

29th March 2018

Intense activity reported at North Korean nuke site ahead of critical Trump meeting

Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension. 31st March planetary war 2nd April Degree Conjunction of the dreaded Planets, 10th April Mars aspects North node degree-wise most provocative for the brawl taking ugly turn. All the major events happening when Rahu North Node in most Venomous motion. I have already written enough and seems we are on the brink of Catastrophe Mars and Ketu Conjunction on the 28th July 2018 in the sign Capricorn and the 3rd house of the Neighbours for North Korea and in the Square from the Natal Mars and Ketu in the 12th house could prove most Venomous and hence after Mars ingress in Capricorn for 187 days  

31st March 2018

North Korea prepares for ANOTHER nuclear test despite Trump peace talks

Foreign Minister Taro Kono said: “(North Korea) is doing everything possible to prepare for the next nuclear test: it is currently extracting earth from an underground tunnel where the previous test was carried out.”
He earlier said that North Korea “does not reveal its intentions to the outside world in terms of denuclearisation.”
China claimed the country was committed to scrapping its nuclear arsenal this week after Kim Jong-un travelled to Beijing.
So many developments when Mars and Saturn are in Planetary war and then degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 and on the 10th April 2018 Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise by most malefic 8th Aspect.
Mars and Saturn gearing up to give the Brawl between nations a new dimension

Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension. 31st March planetary war 2nd April Degree Conjunction of the dreaded Planets, 10th April Mars aspects North node degree-wise most provocative for the brawl taking ugly turn. All the major events happening when Rahu North Node in most Venomous motion. I have already written enough and seems we are on the brink of Catastrophe
As per the Mundane Astrology Principles Paksha Kundali is Instrumental for giving accurate short term Predictions . Our Stalwart Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Predicted the wall street collapse in Oct. 1987 much in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted by referring to communal tensions in Utter Pradesh and dismissal of Kalyan Singh in precisely in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Stock Markets and Financial Markets behaviour is also depicted by the Lunar Charts.. The Full Moon and the New Moon Charts called the Lunar charts indicate the happenings in the fortnight . The House where the Lunation takes place is of utmost importance. Let me also include the Text of the Article “Horoscope Of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pieces New Moon Chart: What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 8th March 2018. Since it is a Lunation chart also I will give the Fortnight predictions also as per this chart as well
The North Node is in most Venomous motion from the 23rd March to 28th March 2018 and the Stock Markets can see a New Nifty Mark below 10000 mark From today and then Monday to Wednesday the 28thMarch 2018
Read My Article “Enigmatic Lunation Chart of the 17th March 2018 What It Foretells ? link…hat-it-foretells/
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.

1st April 2018

Expert says Trump official preparing for WAR with Kim and brands peace deal ‘a sham’

So many developments when Mars and Saturn are in Planetary war and then degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 and on the 10th April 2018 Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise by most malefic 8th Aspect.
Mars and Saturn gearing up to give the Brawl between nations a new dimension
Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension. 31st March planetary war 2nd April Degree Conjunction of the dreaded Planets, 10th April Mars aspects North node degree-wise most provocative for the brawl taking ugly turn. All the major events happening when Rahu North Node in most Venomous motion. I have already written enough and seems we are on the brink of Catastrophe
As per the Mundane Astrology Principles Paksha Kundali is Instrumental for giving accurate short term Predictions . Our Stalwart Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Predicted the wall street collapse in Oct. 1987 much in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted by referring to communal tensions in Utter Pradesh and dismissal of Kalyan Singh in precisely in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Stock Markets and Financial Markets behaviour is also depicted by the Lunar Charts.. The Full Moon and the New Moon Charts called the Lunar charts indicate the happenings in the fortnight . The House where the Lunation takes place is of utmost importance. Let me also include the Text of the Article “Horoscope Of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pieces New Moon Chart: What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 8th March 2018. Since it is a Lunation chart also I will give the Fortnight predictions also as per this chart as well
The North Node is in most Venomous motion from the 23rd March to 28th March 2018 and the Stock Markets can see a New Nifty Mark below 10000 mark From today and then Monday to Wednesday the 28thMarch 2018
Read My Article “Enigmatic Lunation Chart of the 17th March 2018 What It Foretells ? link…hat-it-foretells/
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.

PICTURED: Biggest US war drills on North Korea’s doorstep EVER as 330,000 soldiers swoop

Mars and Saturn degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 could Prove Venomous as already Predicted by me
So many developments when Mars and Saturn are in Planetary war and then degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 and on the 10th April 2018 Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise by most malefic 8th Aspect.
Mars and Saturn gearing up to give the Brawl between nations a new dimension
Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension……/anti-india-protests-erupt-in-ka…

Anti-India Protests Erupt in Kashmir as Troops Kill 8 Rebels

As Per the Kashmir Accession Chart of the 27th Oct 1947 of 13.21 hrs Mars and Saturn are placed in the 7th house in the sign of Cancer and Transit Mars and Saturn degree conjunct in the 12th house of the chart and the Dasha of Moon Sun is in Operation till 17-6-2018 when Dasha of Moon-Mars will be in operation could be deadly till 13-11-2018 when Dasha of Moon-Rahu will Start and Rahu is also Transitting in the 7th house of the Chart . The Eclipses in the Month of July in the 1/7 axis of the Kashmir Accession chart could bring most Venomous results , when Mars reaches the Lagna Degrees on the 21st May 2018. The Mars Ingress in the sign Capricorn on the 2nd May 2018 will further act as ammunition dump it so seems
Rahu has already crossed the Mars degrees of 21.15 and Today Rahu is over the Natal Mars and Saturn at 19.04 degrees . The 7th house is the house of wars and hence escalation in such activities are on the cards it so seems specially when the News comes when both the dreaded Planets are in Degree conjunction. The Eclipses in the 3/9 axis will escalate the issues of  Religion specially the Ram Mandir  around the Eclipses in July 2018 and when Mars activates the Eclipse points as already mentioned in my Articles .

2nd April 2018

4 Killed in MP as Bharat Bandh Turns Violent, Dalit Clash with Cops in Several Cities

Mars and Saturn degree conjunction and as predicted by me is most venomous for India since the conjunction is taking place in the 8th house in the sign Sagitarius and the 8th Lord Jupiter over the natal 8th Lord in the sign Libra and Retrograde . Read My Articles mentioned below and on dot Predictions . I fear more such activities

AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st April 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.

2nd April 2018…/asian-stocks-set-for-muted-star…

Read My articles Predictions on dot for the Financial Markets
I have mentioned specially that Parallel Planetary positions prevailing after the Market surged in 1958-59 and Saturn parallel and completing the 60 Years cycle and When Mars and Saturn were in conjunction the Markets took a down turn in 1961. I had Mentioned in my article Parallel Planetary positions hence the Market may not cross the earlier Top of Nifty till Mars and Saturn are in Sagitarius
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.…/stocks-break-through-key-suppor…

Mars and Saturn responsible for the trade wars and Industrial Production will also suffer I have written crystal clear this in my articles and Proving on Dot . ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING
Read My articles for the Financial Markets
I have mentioned specially that Parallel Planetary positions in 2017-2018 prevailing like the Market surged in 1958-59 and Saturn parallel and completing the 60 Years cycle. When Mars and Saturn were in conjunction in 1961 the Markets took a down turn I had Mentioned in my article Parallel Planetary positions after 7th March 2018, hence the Markets may not cross the earlier Top of Nifty till Mars and Saturn are in Sagitarius till 2nd May 2018
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st April 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe. The 90 year cycle parallel to the 24th Oct. 1929 is also approaching and the World may see the Same in just about 12-13 month from now , though the First break may be around the Eclipses in July 2018
Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Node Nama” link…er-jahangir-namas from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir/

The fourth time proved to be too much.…/stocks-second-quarter-start-is-…

Mars and Saturn responsible for the trade wars and Industrial Production will also suffer I have written crystal clear this in my articles and Proving on Dot . ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING
Read My articles for the Financial Markets
I have mentioned specially that Parallel Planetary positions in 2017-2018 prevailing like the Market surged in 1958-59 and Saturn parallel and completing the 60 Years cycle. When Mars and Saturn were in conjunction in 1961 the Markets took a down turn I had Mentioned in my article Parallel Planetary positions after 7th March 2018, hence the Markets may not cross the earlier Top of Nifty till Mars and Saturn are in Sagitarius till 2nd May 2018
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe. The 90 year cycle parallel to the 24th Oct. 1929 is also approaching and the World may see the Same in just about 12-13 month from now , though the First break may be around the Eclipses in July 2018
Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Node Nama” link…er-jahangir-namas from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir/

If you feel like the second quarter began badly, you’d be right.

Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Nodes from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama” link…er-jahangir-nama/…/…

Mars and Saturn responsible for the trade wars and Industrial Production will also suffer I have written crystal clear this in my articles and Proving on Dot . ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING
Read My articles for the Financial Markets
I have mentioned specially that Parallel Planetary positions in 2017-2018 prevailing like the Market surged in 1958-59 and Saturn parallel and completing the 60 Years cycle. When Mars and Saturn were in conjunction in 1961 the Markets took a down turn I had Mentioned in my article Parallel Planetary positions after 7th March 2018, hence the Markets may not cross the earlier Top of Nifty till Mars and Saturn are in Sagitarius till 2nd May 2018
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe. The 90 year cycle parallel to the 24th Oct. 1929 is also approaching and the World may see the Same in just about 12-13 month from now , though the First break may be around the Eclipses in July 2018
Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Node Nama” link…er-jahangir-namas from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir/

The stock market continued to plunge Monday, as investors were unnerved by the unpredictable White House. Stocks are now down 4 percent this year.

Mars and Saturn degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 could Prove Venomous as already Predicted by me
So many developments when Mars and Saturn are in Planetary war and then degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 and on the 10th April 2018 Mars will aspect Rahu degree-wise by most malefic 8th Aspect.
Mars and Saturn gearing up to give the Brawl between nations a new dimension
Mars, Saturn and the North node taking the Brawl between Kim and Trump to the highest dimension. 31st March planetary war 2nd April Degree Conjunction of the dreaded Planets, 10th April Mars aspects North node degree-wise most provocative for the brawl taking ugly turn. All the major events happening when Rahu North Node in most Venomous motion. I have already written enough and seems we are on the brink of Catastrophe
As per the Mundane Astrology Principles Paksha Kundali is Instrumental for giving accurate short term Predictions . Our Stalwart Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi Predicted the wall street collapse in Oct. 1987 much in advance , demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted by referring to communal tensions in Utter Pradesh and dismissal of Kalyan Singh in precisely in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Stock Markets and Financial Markets behaviour is also depicted by the Lunar Charts.. The Full Moon and the New Moon Charts called the Lunar charts indicate the happenings in the fortnight . The House where the Lunation takes place is of utmost importance. Let me also include the Text of the Article “Horoscope Of Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Pieces New Moon Chart: What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 8th March 2018. Since it is a Lunation chart also I will give the Fortnight predictions also as per this chart as well
The North Node is in most Venomous motion from the 23rd March to 28th March 2018 and the Stock Markets can see a New Nifty Mark below 10000 mark From today and then Monday to Wednesday the 28thMarch 2018
Read My Article “Enigmatic Lunation Chart of the 17th March 2018 What It Foretells ? link…hat-it-foretells/
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.

MAPPED: Russia’s NUCLEAR FLASHPOINT that could ‘easily’ explode into World War 3  

Vladimir Putin’s state and the West are snarling at each other’s throats as the world plunges dangerously close to a new Cold War.

Both sides have parked nuclear weapons within strike range of the other – with Trump holding key meetings with states on Russia’s borders this week at the White House. Russia alone has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and NATO is in possession of almost all the rest of the world’s nukes.

Dr Bruce Blair – one of the world’s foremost experts on nuclear disarmament – warned Europe has become a “nuclear flashpoint” between Russia and the West.

He told Daily Star Online the region could “easily” escalate into nuclear war, either “by design, or by accident”.

Daily Star Online can now reveal the terrifying reality of “nuclear flashpoint” that has heated up in Europe.

In the Foundation chart of Russia Mars and Saturn as the 8th and the 6th Lord Respectively are transiting in the 4th house of the Chart making it Prone to War mongering activities 


The Latest on North Korea 

4th April 2018

‘We will CONQUER space’ North Korea to defy US with controversial launch


The communist nation’s stunning declaration comes just one month before US President Donald Trump and tyrant Kim Jong-un come face to face for crunch talks. 

Hyon Kwang-il, director of scientific research at the North’s National Aerospace Development Administration claimed its research, and subsequent launch, would help it “conquer the moon”. 

He said: “Even though the US and its allies try to block our space development, our aerospace scientists will conquer space and definitely plant the flag of North Korea on the Moon.” 

The boffin added the satellite had “2,513 orbits and that within one day after its launch it transmitted 700 photographic images back to Earth”. 

Western powers have repeatedly slammed the North over its attempted satellite launches, as they believe them to be covert missile tests. 

Mars Gearing for Ammunition dump it so seems specially around the Eclipses in July 2018 and when it activates the Eclipse points again and again could be most Venomous for the Globe it so seems 

Also Read My articles  for the Eclipses and the Mars activation of the Eclipse Points 
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Nodes from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama” link…er-jahangir-nama/
3.”Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/
4.”Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu In 2018-2019: What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link…up-their-sleeves/
5.”Mars, Saturn,Nodes On The Wheel,What They Have Up Their Sleeves for 341days From 30th Nov.2017?” link…om-30th-nov-2017/
6. Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu in 2018-2019: What they Have up Their Sleeves ?…/roman-god-saturn-red-planet…/ dated 23rd Dec 2017
7. Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 0 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929,1959, 1990 dated 26th Oct 2017
In the Month of July there will be One Solar Eclipse on the 13th July and one Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Lunar Eclipse seems to be most Enigmatic one . See the Chart below
From the Charts of the War Discussed in the above Article it seems that the Date 28th July 2018 will be most Venomous since Mars the Ammunition dump will activate the Eclipse point and Ketu degree wise 3 times in Capricorn and stay conjunct with Ketu for 187 days from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 could Sprout a Big War it so seems, since all the Parameters in this chart are Parallel to the Earlier WW1, WW2, Korean War, Indo China War and the Gulf War. The Financial Markets can also be influenced in a big way it so seems as per the Parallel Planetary positions at the earlier time when the Financial Markets were hit below the belt
Now just when Mars and Saturn will have Planetary war and degree conjunction and when the North node is in most venomous motion till 28th March 2018 the brawl between the nation is taking a new dimension , may be it is Indo-China, Korean Peninsula.The ISIS is again active since they also have the Mars and Saturn relation and Mars is Fallen in Virgo and Saturn with Rahu in Libra.and Natal Saturn activates the Transit Saturn and Natal Mars is activated by Saturn Transit

RUSSIA and NATO have created a nuclear danger zone which risks sparking apocalyptic war, it has…
All The Predictions are turning on Dot and seems that the 187 days from the 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most Venomous for the Globe it so seems  

Also read the following Articles to get the inside and the Dates critical for War Escalation, Financial Markets, Political Tug of War, Earthquakes , Natural and Unnatural disasters . Strikes, Air and Rail Disasters 


3.”Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/
4.”Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu In 2018-2019: What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link…up-their-sleeves/
5.”Mars, Saturn, Nodes On The Wheel, What They Have Up Their Sleeves for 341days From 30th Nov.2017?” link…om-30th-nov-2017/
6. Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu in 2018-2019: What they Have up Their Sleeves ?…/roman-god-saturn-red-planet…/ dated 23rd Dec 2017
7. Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929,1959, 1990 dated 26th Oct 2017
In the Month of July there will be One Solar Eclipse on the 13th July and one Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Lunar Eclipse seems to be most Enigmatic one . See the Chart below   

From the Charts of the War Discussed in the above Article it seems that the Date 28th July 2018 will be most Venomous since Mars the Ammunition dump will activate the Eclipse point and Ketu degree wise 3 times in Capricorn and stay conjunct with Ketu for 187 days from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 could Sprout a Big War it so seems, since all the Parameters in this chart are Parallel to the Earlier WW1, WW2, Korean War, Indo China War and the Gulf War. The Financial Markets can also be influenced in a big way it so seems as per the Parallel Planetary positions at the earlier time when the Financial Markets were hit below the belt
Now just when Mars and Saturn will have Planetary war and degree conjunction and when the North node is in most venomous motion till 28th March 2018 the brawl between the nation is taking a new dimension , may be it is Indo-China, Korean Peninsula.The ISIS is again active since they also have the Mars and Saturn relation and Mars is Fallen in Virgo and Saturn with Rahu in Libra.and Natal Saturn activates the Transit Saturn and Natal Mars is activated by Saturn Transit…/asian-stocks-set-for-muted-star…
Read My articles Predictions on dot for the Financial Markets
I have mentioned specially that Parallel Planetary positions prevailing after the Market surged in 1958-59 and Saturn parallel and completing the 60 Years cycle and When Mars and Saturn were in conjunction the Markets took a down turn in 1961. I had Mentioned in my article Parallel Planetary positions hence the Market may not cross the earlier Top of Nifty till Mars and Saturn are in Sagitarius
AMAZINGLY Mars the Planet of war will be in Degree conjunction with Saturn on the 2nd April 2018. Mars is with Exhaltation Lord Saturn and Saturn with Debilitation Lord Mars . On the 1st april 2018 there will be planetary war between Mars and Saturn and Mars is always the winner , hence Mars Can trigger the events in the globe.
Read My articles
1.”Celestial Drama of Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn And Nodes from 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 For 244 Days” link…ov-2018-244-days/
2.”Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama” link…er-jahangir-nama/
3.My Research Of Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Driving The Financial Markets Proves On Dot  :…ts-proves-on-dot/
In current scenario the Period from 23rd to 28th March and then from 31st March to 10th April 2018 is most prone Period for Financial Markets . The Most sensitive period in 2018 will be the 187 days of Mars stay in Capricorn from the 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018 for the Fall and Melt down of the Global Markets and a Trade war with Magnitude . Saturn will complete its 90 year cycle in 2019 parallel to the 4th Oct. 1929 it so seems 
Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Sagitarius has Proved Most Venomous till date and will further escalate the issues around the 10th April 2018 and when Saturn Becomes stationary and Retrograde . Hence from 13th April to 23rd April 2018 will be the Most Venomous Period in the Present State in the Month of April 2018 for the events described above  in the globe . There will be extreme Volatility in the Stock Markets and they will behave like the sine curve it so seems .Mars may thus prove an ammunition dump for 187 days  


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 4th April  2018 22-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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  • My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
  • My Articles In the Astrology Magzine  ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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