Saturn 24.5-25.5 Degrees Sagitarius Proves Most Auspicious For Modi’s Landslide Victory In 2019 Poll As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

920 Articles and Predictions in just 48 months from April 2015

To Predict Modi Win I have used the following Methods
1. Birth Chart, Dasha Varga Chart of Moon-Venus
2. Progression chart for the year Sept 2018-Sept. 2019
3. Solar Ingress in Aries on the 14th April 2019
4. Chaitra Pratipada New Moon Pieces Chart
5. Nomination Papers filed By Narendra Modi on the 26th April 2019
6. Enigmatic Full Moon chart of the 19th May 2019
7. Start of the Elections Counting on the 23rd May 2019 at 08-00 am
8. My Research of Saturn 24.47 degrees in Libra at the time of Indira Gandhi Assasination and then Modi Oath as Primeminister on the 26th May 2014 when Saturn was again in Libra at 24.47 degrees and Now again Saturn reaching 24.50 Degrees in Sagitarius , since aspected by Both Saturn from Libra to Give Modi a Land slide win.
There is One Point to be Noted when a country Head Takes Oath Saturn should not be afflicted since Karka for Masses, i Feel preturbed with this Parameter . Hoping Modi Will Take the Country to Heights I wish him Success and May God Shower all his Blessings on him



Saturn 24.47 degrees in Libra when Indira Gandhi was assassinated on the 31st Oct. 1984 and then Saturn again in Libra 24.47 Degrees when Narendra Modi took Oath as the Prime Minister Of India and Now Saturn again at 25 degrees in Sagitarius aspected by the 2 Saturn in Libra as mentioned above Prove Most Auspiciuous for a Land Slide Victory for Narendra Modi as Astrology Predicted.
“BJP Election Results 2019 Live Updates: Ministers Congratulate PM Modi For BJP’s Landslide Victory”

“Election Results: “Thank You, India”, Tweets PM Narendra Modi After BJP’s Massive Victory”

Read My Articles below
1.”Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of the 19th May 2019 What It has Up Its Sleeves For 23rd May 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let me reproduce the important text here below

The Planetary positions are indicative of Narendra Modi Coming back to Power with min. 288 Votes in his account as Calculated by me from the Taurus Sign rising at the time of Counting which is also the Lagna of the Foundation chart of India and strong on the 23rd May 2019 at the begining of the Counting . Another Parameter which cannot be ignored is Moon degree conjunct with Ketu and Saturn and Rahu in Forward motion who has the capacity to give unexpected Results. For Narendra Modi it may Prove most Auspicious due to Saturn reaching the 24-25 degree mark in Sagitarius. and Rahu Adverse which is forming a Rajyoga in his Chart .
Asper the India Foundation chart and the Lagna at 06-00 hrs the Ascendant is Taurus and Moon in the 8th house with the above parameters , the results can be delayed till Moon changes the Sign to Capricorn it so seems in the Day. I have been mentioning this in all my articles that the Results may be delayed , hence this possibility cannot be ruled out. The Delay may be purely due to Moon with Ketu and Saturn. Rahu is also adverse till 29th May 2019 Hence the Period till 29th May is most Venomous but benefic for Narendra Modi since it is forming a Rajyoga in his chart, hence unexpected results for him.

For Mundane Predictions a very experienced and Expert Astrologers use the paksha or the lunar charts for brilliant short term predictions. Instances have shown of Hardeo Sharma Trivedi’s prediction about the wall street collaspe of Oct. 1987 one year in advance , the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted at by reffering to communal tension in Uttar Pradesh and the dismissal of the Govt. of Kalyan Singh in the first fortnight of Dec. 1992. Attention is paid to the house where the lunation takes place .

Now Let us see what could emerge when the Results are declared on the 23rd May 2019 , since the results start pouring in at 08-00 am we shall see the chart of the 23rd May 2019 at 08-00 am

The following parameters acquire an Important dimension on this day also
1.The Day is again Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the 6th house in the sign Scorpio Retrograde and Fallen in most afflicted condition.For Dual sign Jupiter becomes a first class marak if afflicted being the 7th Lord as Bhadak, Marak and having Kendradhipatidosh.
2.Since Jupiter is afflicted badly the Day is not auspicious one.
3.Jupiter is placed in the Yama of Taurus the 12th house of the chart where the Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed with Sun is very good forming a Budhaditya yoga shows success of the Ruling party with a score not as expected.
4.The Yama Lord of Jupiter is Venus also placed in the 11th house of Gains is also suggesting that the Party in Position to win the elections.
5.Lagna denotes the Party in Position and 7th the Opposition. The 7th Lord Jupiter is weaker then the Lagna Lord since 7th Lord is Retrograde and also Fallen and placed in the sign Scorpio the 6th hpouse of the chart. Lagna Lord is placed in the yama of Taurus and the Lord is Placed in the 11th house
6. At the time of the Start of the elections on the 11th April 2019 Mars acquired an important dimension and was placed in the ascendant as the 7th and the 12th Lord , here he is again Placed in the Lagna as the 3rd and the 6th Lord .
7. Hora of Mars till 7.45 hrs then Hora of Sun
8.The Kendras have Malefics and the no benefics in the trines . Moon is with Saturn and Ketu
9. Planet Closest to Lagna degrees is Mars
10. Lagna is also Dagdha Rashi not good having Mars and Rahu and 7th house has Moon, Ketu and Saturn Retrtograde
11. The Yama Moon is also Debilitated and in 2/12 axis with the event chart
12. The Karna Lord is Mars and ill placed with 10th Lord Jupiter is most malefic. Karna Lord is not connected to 10th Lord and in 6/8 axis with 10th Lord is like a Shirt Stiched of size 36 for a Person who needs 40 size.
13. Rahu Adverse un expected Results for the Ruling Party and specially for Narendra Modi since he also has a Rajyoga for Rahu in the natal chart hence benefic for Narendra Modi

I dont want to write anymore since every thing is obvious
Also Read My Article “Saturn 24 Degree Mark In Sagitarius Boon For ‘Modi To Win Majority’ In Poll 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
I have clearly mentioned that for Modi 24.5 degree Mark of Saturn in Sagitarius will play the game and declare him the winner and this Saturn will reach the 24.5 degree mark after the 11th June 2019. Hence Modi May Prove his Majority on the floor before 11th June 2019 it so seems after lot os Strife and Struggle caused By Ketu with Saturn.

Let us study the Full Moon Chart of the 19th May 2019 at 02-42 hrs . New Delhi

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn who is Retrograde and afflicted by Ketu and placed in the 10th house opposed by Rahu and Mars from the 4th house . The Affliction to the Day Lord in the Lunation chart is not good.Further the Day Lord Saturn is placed in the yama of Pieces the Lagna of the Lunation chart and the Yama Lord Jupiter is placed with Debilitated Moon in the 9th house where the Lunation is taking place,Unfortunately the Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord Both is Jupiter and Fallen and Retrograde and most Venomous for the Fortnight. Hence the significations of the 9th house, 10th and the Lagna will be seen in this fortnight.
Moon is placed in the yama of Virgo the 7th house of Oppositions and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 3rd House in Rashi Gandantha and with Sun and getting totally Combust. 7th Lord in the 3rd house of Allainces and totally combust the Gathbhandan Politics may not work against the ruling Govt.and Hence a Success for the Ruling Party

The Day Lord is ill placed from the house of Lunation, 5th house and the 5th Lord Moon. The Day Lord is Afflicted and Forming a Rajyoga also in the 10th house since the dispositor is placed in the 9th house , hence strong Results of the 10th house and hence for the Primeminister. The Unfortunate part is the 10th house from the 7th house of Oppositions is having Rahu and Mars Angaraak Yoga and this is opposing the 10th house from the Lagna where Saturn and Ketu are placed . It is crystal clear of the Happenings in this fornight . The Following Parametets acquire an important dimension

Yogi point is in the Lagna very strong , Yogi Planet placed in the 10th house is very strong , but Avyogi Ketu is also placed there . The Lagna Lord although Fallen and Retrograde as a Avyogi will get Vipreet Rajyoga together with Moon

Mars Placed at the MEP of the 4th house at the Lagna Degrees is most malefic , Hence this Fortnight is most enigmatic one till 3rd June 2019

1. On the 22nd May 2019 Rahu will be Stationary and with Mars . Rahu will be in Forward motion till 29th May 2019. 23rd May 2019 it will be in direct motion and considered most Malefic and Venomous. I have already mentioned in my above stated Article that 23rd May 2019 the Day of Results of the general Lok sabha Elections is a malefic day due to Angaraak yoga in the 4th house and Rahu inforward motion with Mars and Bad for the opponents being the 10th house from the 7th house

Hence although the Fortnight starting from the 19th May 2019 is an enigmatic one Modi will come out with Flying Colors as mentioned by me in my earlier Articles and also my Predictions as old as 14 months back.

Read My Article ” Saturn 24.50 Degree Karishma Modi Will Be Declared The Prime Minister Astrology Has Predicted Loud And Clear Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

Let me reproduce this here below the details

Saturn 24.50 degree mark may prove a Boon for Narendra Modi to Come out with Colors in the Lok Sabha 2019 Elections as per my Research

Saturn reaching 24.50 degrees and having 3rd aspect of Saturn from Libra at the time of 84 sikh roits and then 30years latter when Narendra Modi took Oath on the 26th May 2014when Saturn was again at 24.50degrees in Libra crystal clear indicates Modi the winner but with degree conjunct Ketu. Modi has to fight back to reach the Pedestal of Primeminister
Every Morning People are asking me who will be the Future Prime Minister of India. On the Facebook I was asked and Let me put here the conversation .

I had shared a Media News “Asian stocks, yuan fall as US-China seen deadlocked in trade talks
MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan dropped 0.4%, nearing its two-month low marked on Thursday.

I wrote on this—– As Predicted SaturnNodes , Mars and Jupiter on the wheel of Recession and today the Nifty may close even less than 11000, no wonders as the Trade Talks take ugly shape as Predicted
Read this Article…/trump-warns-china-to-act-el…/
covering n number of Articles written on Global Economy

I received the following Comments ——“Don’t you attribute this fall to imminent fall of seats for BJP. I think apart from US China, even elections results is also one of the factors which drive the markets.”

I replied as——–Wait and see . Then what Congress even then cannot come to Power. I have already mentioned as per the Solar ingress in Aries Women Politician may be instrumental in making Modi rise to the Pedestal mostly indirectly. Priyanka Gandhi Left Varanasi and Modi got Red Carpet treatment there

Again comments ——so will congress be a king maker?

I replied again——- Vedic Progression chart of Modi this Year till Sept 2019 has a Strong Raj yoga of Venus and Moon and Dasha of Moon and Venus in operation. I work with Tamil Classics and Not Parashar. Dasha Varga Chart of Moon-Venus gives him Success. I dont predict as per what is happening but just on Astrology principles only irrespective of My Predictions fail . Methodology should be correct thats all .

Coming Back to My Predictions Read My Articles on the Modi Success below

1.”‘Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before’ Congress Dynastic Politics Suffers As Predicted Saturn 24.50 Degree Mark Key Planet Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
2.”Priyanka Gandhi What Star’s Foretell For Her In the Lok Sabha General Elections ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

3.”PM Modi Files Nomination Papers From Holy City Varanasi What Stars Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce the Predictions here for Ready Reference
Moon In Patta Nadi Limited Power, Saturn Afflicted Most Dreaded in the Panch Nadi Chakra. 45-57 th Day Auspicious from the Day of Nominations. Apart From Rahu Kaal there are most Benefic Parameters in the muhurat also

PM Modi Files Nomination Papers From Varanasi

New Delhi:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination at the collectorate office for Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh today. Prior to that, the prime minister addressed a gathering of BJP workers and visited the famous Kal Bhairav temple in the city. Several top NDA leaders like Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena party chief Uddhav Thackrey, AIADMK’s O Panneerselvam, Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Pawan, Shiromani Akali Dal’s Parkash Singh were also in Varanasi today to support PM Narendra Modi’s nomination
On Thursday, PM Modi held a mega roadshow in Varanasi and passed by ancient temples and ghats – the seven-kilometre-long roadshow took two-and-a-half hours and finally ended in the holiest ghat of them all, the Dashashwamedh. The prime minister also attended the evening aarti at this ghat on the banks of the river Ganga.

Apr 26, 2019
10:48 (IST)

PM Modi on his way to file his nomination papers from Varanasi.

Apr 26, 2019
11:44 (IST)

PM Modi Files Nomination Papers

PM Modi files nomination papers at Collectorate Office in Varanasi for 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

Narendra Modi Started for Filing the Nomination papers at 10.48 hrs Most Important
Let me analyse the Planetary positions asper Prashna Jyotish as per Tamil Classics what could be results of the same for Narendra Modi

Panchang of the Day

Inauspicious Timings
Rahu Kaal from 11.14 to 15-00 hrs
Apr 26, 2019 10:48 (IST)
PM Modi on his way to file his nomination papers from Varanasi.Hence some relief . The Time of Start of the event is most essential

The day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the 9th house in Exhaltation and Placed in the yama of the sign Leo and the Yama Lord Sun is Placed in the 10th house in Exhaltation is most Auspicious.

The Lagna is in Amrit Bhag at 13.02 degrees in Cancer sign

Mars the 10th Lord placed in Rohini nakshatra in Amrit Bhag

As per Mathematical Navamsha the Nakshatra Lord is of Venus and the Same is Exhalted in the Muhurat Chart

Navamsha is Shirshodayo and Benefic sign and Venus placed in it is indicative of Benefic Results

Although the Cancer sign Prishtodayo is rising in the Muhurat chart it is a Benefic Sign. Lagna Lord Moon is Placed in the yama of Mars and Mars is placed in the 11th house and in Amrit Bhag. Lagna is also aspected by Jupiter

Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna is Cancer and in Amrit Bhag aspected by Jupiter

Chaitra Rashi is Taurus having the 10th Lord in Amrit Bhag and also aspected by Jupiter , hence good Results will follow.
Lagna is also aspected by Jupiter hence 75% benefic Results will follow

Tamil benefic Yoga Siddhi Yoga on Friday

Filing of the Nomination Papers at 11.44 hrs after Rahu-Kaal Started not Auspicious, but the positive part is he started before the Rahu Kaal to go for Nomination at 10.48 hrs .

Good Chander Balam , but Tara Balam missing, since the 5th Tara , but again The Tara Lord is Sun Exhalted and Placed in the 10th house.

As Per Panch Nadi Chakra

Moon in Patta Nadi Limited Power to the King

Dispositor of Moon in the 6th house afflicted Badly and also in Stationary Motion. Saturn is also in Aasan Nadi degree conjunct with Ketu and aspected By Mars and Saturn about to become Retrograde on the 30th April 2019 is a dreaded combination specially when Saturn here is also 8th Lord , this Parameter is Most Venomous in the Muhurat chart and calls for Full Security of the King . The Positive is Mars the Planet of Ammunition Dump is in Amrit Bhag will save him. Also Saturnwill be in Amrit Bhag after 11th June 2019. Hence Narendra Modi should take Oath only after 11th June 2019 after coming in Power.


The Navamsha Rising is of Venus and in the Completed 3 Navamsha and to be exact 3.79 Navamsha hence from 45-57 days from the Date of Nominationsthere will be Benefic effects of the Nominations .It will be auspicious if he takes Oath during this time frame and seems so as already Predicted by me
More Predicrtions By the Oath Chart , But seems he is the Winner from the aboveinspite of Inauspicious Parameters

Written on the 27th April 2019 at 06-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.
4.” Solar Ingress In Aries: Women Politician May Be Instrumental To Bring NDA In Power Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Venus the 3rd and the 7th Lord Placed in the 10th house from the 10th house the Shooksham Sthan of the 10th house indicates Women Politician may be instrumental in Bringing back Narendra Modi Back in Power

This is with Reference to my Article “Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ dated 16th Jan. 2019. These Predictions were also Published in the Astrology Magzine ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the April 2019 edition on the page 17.

Read My Article “My Articles In ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ April 2019 Edition Page 17 & 22 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 18th March 2019

Sun and Mars Transit are Crucial Transit and In the Present Scenario they acquire an Special Dimension
My 2 Articles have been Published in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER ‘ In the April 2019 Edition

Surya Veedhi : Solar Ingress in Aries Page 17 Read Full article in the Magzine . Glimpse of the same below

Another Article On the Page 21 ‘Red Planet Mars in Taurus ”

Now Let me Reproduce the Text of the Article “”Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?””

Hindu Astrologers in India have great predictive techniques available to them which are unknown to western Astrologers. It is for this reason that Indian Astrologers who have their roots ingreat spirtual traditions of India score over the Western rivals and make brilliant predictions. Many slokas in the ancient text have been given by our Maharishis for predicting the events. It somestimes becomes necessary to find out which particular month in the life of the nation is likely to become historic in terms of achievement or disaster.

This is easily done by making what is known as the Surya Veedhi or the Solar ingress chart.Special consideration is given to the entry of Sun in a cardinal signs 1,4,7,and 10 Aries, Cancer, libra and Capricorn. It is believed that Surya Veedi Charts in the above signs results for the coming 3 months.

Special attention to be paid to the position of the Sun and malefic and Benefic influences on the Sun. The Matters pertaining to the house where Sun is located would figure prominently during the year and the coming 3 months.
As Per the Chart Below it seems Solar Ingress in Aries May Bring the World Economy To Break, Since Mercury is Debilitated. Political Parties may have to Form New Alliances due to Mars and Saturn Inauspicious Yoga
The Chart of the Solar Ingress in the Sign Aries is below of the 14th April 14-09 hrs

The day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and also the Lagna Lord at the time when Sun is moving in its Exaltation sign in the 9th house of the Chart. All the trinal houses are haiving aspect of Jupiter placed in the 5th house.Karna Lord is Mercury is Debilitated and not connected to the 10th house,hence the year may not bring fruitful results as expected. Lagna is also in Gandantha and so is the 5th and the 8th Lord Jupiter . Mercury in the house of a Planet who is in Gandantha further adds fuel to the fire for the Global Economy, More so Jupiter will fall back in the sign Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 and till 11th August. It will be retrograde and in Scorpio and will join back Sagitarius after 5th Nov.2019 only. Hence the Party who comes in Power will also face tuff situations to bring the Country on the path of Growth and Prosperity
1.The Political Leaders Confontration may reduce since Sun is placed in Exaltaion and in the 9th house in its own Yama also. This also indicates that the Ruling Govt. may come back in power, since the Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord
2.There will be New Alliances between the Political Parties
3.Mercury as the Lord of the 2nd and the 11th placed in the 8th house in Debilitation. This indicates the malefic influence of the significations of the Planet Mercury is Karka for Earthquakes. Weather,Stock and the Financial Markets hence It indicates weakness for the Global Economy.The Stock and the Financial Markets therefore may limp. Strong Roller Coaster rides may not be ruled out.
4.The Ketu ingress in the sign Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 where Jupiter will also join on the 29th March 2019 and Jupiter in Gandantha will add fuel to the fire in the limping Global Economy. The Trade war in the 2 Prime economies US and China of the World may also take an ugly shape it so seems.
5. For India Since the Watery sign Pieces is afflicted and 12th Lord Moon in its own watery sign The South Western Gujrat,Maharashtra, Karnataka may suffer due to water related diseases and there may be loss of life and money
6. Venus the 3rd and the 10th Lord in the 7th house and about to go in its exaltaion sign and aspecting the Lagna indicates that in the Centre The Women Politician may play an important role in the Politics of the Country for bringing back the ruling Govt. in power directly or indirectly.
7. The Planet Venus aspecting the Lagna the women will acquire a special status in the year and the Govt. will also take positive steps for the betterment and the Security of Women.
8. The Yoga Karka Mars as the 4th and the 9th Lord is placed in the 6/8 axis with Saturn who is also the 6th and the 7th Lord and forming inauspicious yoga indicates natural and unnatural calamities. There may be fall in the Prices of Wheat, Rice etc
9.The Tensions at the Boarders of the Country may not bring any respite and rather it may take an important dimension
and there may be Boarder clashes. The Time Frame After 25-30th April, 18th June, 11th July and till Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio on the 11th August 2019
10.There will also be a Tug of War in the Political Front after the above dates mention in the point 9.
11. During this time frame there could be loss of Crops also
12. The Positive part is that Jupiter from own sign from the 5th aspects the Lagna and the 9th house Shows some new steps will be taken in the Policy making for improvement in the Travelling , Transport and the Vehicular System of the Country.
13. Religion, Spirtualism Guru’s will take interest in the General Elections of the Lok Sabha 2019. This may give surprising results for the ‘Vote Bank’
14. Mars and Jupiter aspect on the Lagna show that although there may be success for the Ruling Prime Minster he may have to join hands and form alliances with other Parties. A Women Politicain will be most instrumental in this Alliance.
15.The inauspicious yoga of Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis will pose Problems to the ruling Prime Minister to Form the Govt. in the Coming Lok Sabha Elections of 2019, But since the Lagna Lord is strong and the 3rd Lord Venus aspect the Lagna along with Jupiter Narendra Modi will have to join and establish an Alliance with a Party lead by a Women Politician
16. Saturn with Ketu aspects Rahu in the 11th house. Saturn as the 7th Lord is also the 6th Lord.The fear of war will be like a hanging fire .North and North West Direction will be under Threat and Terrorism in any form . There can be Untoward happenings as well since Mars and Saturn are in 6/8 axis and Mars Karka for Fire , Blast, Terrorism and is Ammunition Dump.
17.Sun is ill placed from the 4th house and the 4th Lord Mars Hence opposition parties will not leave any stone unturned to damage the image of the Ruling Govt. NDA and specially Narendra Modi.. There efforts may go invain but there will certainly damage the vote bank of the NDA to some extent
18. From the above it becomes imperative that BJP Govt. Forms an Alliance with a Party led By a Women Politician indirectly before or after the elections to come in power. It so seems.

Written on 16th Jan. 2019 14-00 Hrs. New Delhi Earlier


Written on the 24TH April 2019 at 22.10 HRS
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

5.”Star’s Foretell Bleak Results For Rahul Gandhi In 2019 Poll Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
6.”‘ Star’s Set Arithmetic in Lunation Chart 5th April 2019 For Economy Break Modi Win’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Luminaries Forming Most Auspicious Amavasya Yoga for Scorpio Lagna and Moon Sign in the Fortnight From 5th April 2019 and also as per ‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019: Crystal Clear indicates Modi the Winner
This is with Reference to my Latest Articles
1.”Star’s Set Arithmetic For Break In US-China 90 Days Trade Truce At G20 Summit After 1st April 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
2. “‘Modi’s Win Inevitable in Poll 2019’ Saturn Disciplirain Sets Arithmetic At 24 Degrees In Sagitarius Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Let us also Have a look at the Lunation chart of the 5th April 2019 what it Foretells?. The Lunation is taking Place on the 5th April 2019 at 14.20 Hrs .

It is also ‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019

Let us see what it foretells for the Fortnight starting from the 5th April 2019,siunce the Elections are also going to Start from the 11th April 2019 , hence it becomes imperative to see this chart as well

In this Connection Please read My Article “‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019: What It Foretells ?’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

To see the Fortnight Effect let us have a Study of the same as Below
The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus Placed in the 8th house aspected by the 8th Lord and also placed with the 3rd and 12th Lord Mercury who is also in Fallen State from the Sign Pieces. The Day Lord should not be afflicted for good results of the Fortnight .
The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo the 2nd house which is aspected by the 6th and the 12th Lord along with the Day Lord Venus from the 8th house , the connection with the 2nd house with 6th, 8th and the 12th house and also Mercury the Karka for Stock and Financial markets is not good specially when Mercury is also Fallen Planet . The Yama Lord Sun is placed well in the 9th house with the Lagna Lord is a good Parameter specially when Sun and Moon are not afflicted. As per Tamil Texts here Jupiter loses the Lordship of the 9th house and Sun and Moon Rule here is extremely good , This Yoga in a Good House and in the 5th house of the Narendra Modi Natal Chart is most auspicious . The Activities of the 9th house may be more Prevalent in this fortnight . The Lagna Lord is Placed in the Yama of Mars and Mars the Yama Lord is placed in the 11th house is good. Mars is also the 10th Lord of the Chart. The weakness in the chart is Prishtodayo Lagna and not aspected by Benefics and No Benefics in the Kendra

Lagna Lord Moon the Representing the Present and Ruling Govt. is stronger than the 7th Lord Saturn who is placed in the 6th house. AmamVasya for Narendra Modi is a Boon since it is a Rajyoga from his Debilitated Moon the Dharmadhipati and the Karmadhipati will be conjunct in the sign Pieces which is the 5th from Moon and also a House of Padchuti and Rise in life inspite of all the above . Needless to mention that those Politicians and Buisness Tycoons who have Debilitated Saturn will suffer the Most and I have already Predicted about there down fall on my webpage.
Saturn can also bring unusual Results in the General Elections of the Lok Sabha 2019. Since Saturn is a bitter enemy of the King and the Royal People it also has the Capacity to Turn the table and un expected Results may emerge Please note this Parameter , it can Prove some thing unusual also . Since the Elections will take place after the 5th April 2019 the Govt. will face difficulties at every level and Strikes, Representations, Processions against the Ruling Govt. Modi may face the toughest time in his regime of 5 years at the fag end .

The Best Saving is the Sun and the Moon are not afflicted , and the 9th Lord in the 6th house dont forget it is also a Rajyoga since the 9th Lord is Placed in the 10th from the 9th house and that also from the Luminaries for the Present King.

Karna Lord is Most Malefic and Naga and Lord Mahesh and the 7th Lord will pose issues in the fortnight placed in the 6th house of the chart with 6th Lord and Ketu

The Following malefic Ithasla
Saturn 25.54 and Mercury Fallen 24.34 Difference 1 degree 1 day/week most malefic
Saturn Sun, Moon Square aspect a Malefic one and difference 4.45 days / week difficult
Saturn is most malefic in this chart as the Naga Lord placed in the 6th house with 6th Lord Jupiter

Saturn aspect on the 3rd house and the 3rd Lord Mercury Fallen indicates that there could be Boarder clashes,Traffic, Rail, Aeroplanes, Automobiles may be adversely influenced . The Armed Forces come into play since the 7th house is also war and enemies , international affairs may be the Breaking News , Loss or Gain of Land in War . China and Pakistan May try to create disturbances indirectly.

7th house is also of the Opposition and they may not leave any stone unturned to spoil the image of the Ruling Govt. by Puting allegations related to the 9th house and hence law.
The Date of Election 11th April 2019 and the Day of Results 23rd may 2019 are both Malefic and not auspicious in Totality and seems Modi will Take Oath only after 14th June 2019 it so seems . The President in case Modi Falls short of a clear mandate will call Narendra Modi to Prove its Majority and after doing so he may Take Oath as mentioned above

Please read Disclaimer Clause for Investing Wealth . The writer is not responsible for the Losses if Incured

Astrology is amazing
Written on the 29th March 2019 at 12-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

7.”‘Modi’s Win Inevitable in Poll 2019’ Saturn Disciplirain Sets Arithmetic At 24 Degrees In Sagitarius Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Saturn will Set the Arithmetic at 24.50 Degrees in Sagitarius and will Prove most Benevolent for Modi and Oath Taking will take Place on the 15th June 2019

There is a lot taking on the media that there is no wave of Modi, mind you the Saturn 24 degree mark in the sign Sagitarius will play the Magic for Narendra Modi as predicted by me in all my Articles parallel to the 26th May 2014 when he took Oath as the Primeminister.Saturn will reach the same point where Saturn aspected by the 3rd eye the sign Sagitarius. Saturn 30 year Cycle is of 6 cycles of 5 years each and reaching the completion of the 1st 5 years cycle from 26th May 2014 at same degrees

In fact the Planetary positions on both the Days 11th April 2019 the start of the elections and 23rd May 2019 when the election results will be declared are most malefic in Totality due to malefic planetary combinations.
It seems due to the conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in Sagitarius sign Modi may not come with a mandate as the 2014 when Saturn Retrograde was with Rahu in the sign Libra in 2014. But since the Saturn is at the Magic 24 degrees in the nakshatra of Poorva Shada and the 4th Tara from his janama Tara is most Auspicious one. Fortunately Ketu will also be in this Tara. All this indicates that in the event of Modi not winning the elections with a clear mandate he will be far ahead from the Rival Parties. The President may call Narendra Modi to Prove the Majority and after proving the same Narendra Modi will finally take Oath when Saturn is 24.50 degrees in Sagitarius R”Saturn 24 Degree Mark In Sagitarius Boon For ‘Modi To Win Majority’ In Poll 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”etrograde on the 15th June 2019. This is my Research Article and amazingly when Saturn joined the Scorpio Navamsha on the night of the 25th Feb. 2019 after 23.52 hrs.IAF Jets Pounced on the Jaish Terror Camps in Balakot and added a Feather in the Cap of Narendra Modi

This Transit of Saturn for Narendra Modi will be most Auspicious. In fact from the 25th Feb. to 27th Dec. 2019 when Saturn will be in the Arc 23.20 to 26.40 in Scorpio Navamsha

I have already Explained in my Articles that since Modi Janama Tara is Anuradha the Sadesati has no effect on Modi rather it may prove to be a Boon for him. As per Rashi Tula Navamsha Saturn will fall on the Natal Lagna Lord Mars and the Natal Moon.
The Moon-Venus Dasha is attributing a Raj yoga in the Vedic Progression chart and also In the Dasha Varga chart of the Moon -Venus may place him again on the Pedestal of the Primeministership
Read the Following Articles
1.”Opposition Gives Credit To Modi Or Not ? ‘Saturn’ 24 Degree Mark Disciplinarian In Scorpio Navamsha Will”…io-navamsha-will/
2.”Saturn 24 Degree Mark In Sagitarius Boon For ‘Modi To Win Majority’ In Poll 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
3.”‘Krishma Of Saturn Sagitarius’ Swinging Moods For ‘Narendra Modi’ As Predicted After 25th Feb. 2019″…er-25th-feb-2019/
4.”My Interview With Channel 5G Media On 26th Feb. 2019 Regarding My On Dot Predictions For Indo-Pak Relations”…do-pak-relations/ ‎26th Feb. 2019
5.”My Article In The ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ Saturn’s Cycle Of 30 Years And Mundane Impact Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
6.”Stars Foretell ‘Modi’ Shine’s After Feb. 2019 As Nation Mood Swings For Him In Polls 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 17th Feb. 2019
7.”‘Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear’ Narendra Modi The ‘Winner'”…-modi-the-winner/ ‎ dated 21st July 2018
8.”Turbulent Atmosphere” Ahead of 2019 Polls :Stars Foretell Narendra Modi Still The Winner”…still-the-winner/ ‎ dated 25th May 2018
Let me reproduce the effects of the Vedic Progression chart By Manu Smriti for theyear Sept. 2018 to Sept. 2019
Let us have a look at the Progression chart of Narendra Modi for the Year 2018 to Sept. 2019

The analysis as per the above chart as per Tamil Texts and not Parsshar

1. Lagna is in Mrityu Bhag and Moon though Exalted is in Vish Ghati , hence physical harm possible but since Moon is Exhalted and Lagna Lord Saturn in Amrit Bhag may save him . He has to be careful for himself against any untoward happening in the year starting from Sept. 2018 to Sept. 2019.

2. The Dasha in operation will be Moon-Venus from the 12-2-2019 to 13-10-2020. This Dasha is Rajyoga giving Dasha. , due to the following reasons .

Since the Dasha is related to Sun and Moon.

Venus and Moon the dasha Lords in Rajyoga specially Venus being the Yoga Karka for Capricorn Lagna and 10th Lord with 9th Lord Mercury and with Sun in the 11th house.

10th Lord Venus in Amrit Bhag

Saturn the Lagna Lord in the 9th house and also in Amrit Bhag. ,

10th Lord from the Moon and the 10th Lord of the Natal chart both are placed well from each other .

Dasha Lords Connected to the 11th house. From the above it is crystal clear that the Vedic Progression chart of the year Sept 2018to Sept. 2019 will be a good one and Rajyoga giving year to a Position and the coming year Sept 2019 to Sept. 2020 will also be Rewarding it so seems .

Now Read this “Death Trheat to PM on Facebook” Rajasthan man booked for sedition over death threat to PM Narendra Modi on Facebook
Read thr Predictions above you will appreciate that such conditions may Prevail and full security for him should be clamped.

9.””Fate Of Congress Dynastic Politics In the General Elections Of Lok Sabha 2019″…f-lok-sabha-2019/ ‎ dated 25th Jan 2019
10.””Mood Of The Nation Poll 2019: 24 Degrees Sagitarius Saturn Disciplinarian On Wheel Will Swing Moods”…will-swing-moods/ ‎ 29th Jan 2019
11. “”Horoscope Of Congress Party : Its Prospects In Lok Sabha Elections 2019″…a-elections-2019/ dated 25th Jan. 2019
12.”Priyanka Gandhi Joins Brother Rahul As AICC General Secretary To Take On Modi : Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 23rd Jan. 2019
13.””Karishma Of Saturn 24 Degree mark in Sagitarius Conjunct Ketu”…us-conjunct-ketu/ ‎
14.” “Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ ‎ dated 16th Jan. 2019
15.”‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019: What It Foretells ?’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 13th Feb. 2019

Astrology is amazing
Written on the 29th March 2019 at 05-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.
Attended Diploma In Marketing management FMS
Jyotish Acharaya From BVB Astrologicsal Institue New Delhi
Award Winner In Research In Astrology
8.”Mars On the Wheel Of Elections Results On 23rd May 2019 What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ ‎
9.”Saturn 24 Degree Mark In Sagitarius Boon For ‘Modi To Win Majority’ In Poll 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
10.”Modi Shine’s As Saturn Reaches 24 Degree’s In Sagitarius As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
11.”Fate Of Congress Dynastic Politics In the General Elections Of Lok Sabha 2019″…f-lok-sabha-2019/ ‎
12.”Horoscope Of Congress Party : Its Prospects In Lok Sabha Elections 2019″…a-elections-2019/
13.”Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ ‎
14.””Turbulent Atmosphere” Ahead of 2019 Polls :Stars Foretell Narendra Modi Still The Winner”…still-the-winner/ ‎ DATED 25TH MAY 2018 ONE YEAR BACK I MADE THESE PREDICTIONS .

2. The Dasha in operation will be Moon-Venus from the 26th Oct. 2018 to 26th June 2020. This Dasha is Rajyoga giving Dasha. , due to the following reasons .

Since the Dasha is related to Sun and Moon.

Venus and Moon the dasha Lords in Rajyoga specially Venus being the Yoga Karka for Capricorn Lagna and 10th Lord with 9th Lord Mercury and with Sun in the 11th house.

10th Lord Venus in Amrit Bhag

Saturn the Lagna Lord in the 9th house and also in Amrit Bhag. ,

10th Lord from the Moon and the 10th Lord of the Natal chart both are placed well from each other .

Dasha Lords Connected to the 11th house. From the above it is crystal clear that the Vedic Progression chart of the year Sept 2018to Sept. 2019 will be a good one and Rajyoga giving year to a Position and the coming year Sept 2019 to Sept. 2020 will also be Rewarding it so seems .

I dont Predict on one parameter i try my level best to see from all angles and methods to make sure that my Prediction proves

There is lately some discussions on the Lagna of Narendra Modi that it is Libra , A Good Astrologer would not say that as per the Chart of Scorpio which shows his life crystal clear what ever has happenend with him.
As Per the above I have come to a firm conclusion that the winner will be Narendra Modi irrespective he reaches the Pedestal of Primeministership with the help of a women Politician Indirectly. This Parameter cannot be ignored I feel which is depicted in the Solar ingress of Aries where Venus is Placed in the 7th house the 10th from the 10th house the Shookashma Sthan of the 10th house for the Primeminister.


Now Read this “Election Commission rejects Opposition demand to tweak VVPAT counting process ” ”

The three-member Election Commission has rejected the demand from 22 political parties to make last-minute changes to the way votes will be counted on Thursday, according to news agency ANI.
Also Read this — “Ahead of vote count, 2 NDA allies drop hints about role in new government ”

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar believes the NDA is going to get a second term when votes are counted this week. And this time, the Janata Dal (United) chief, who had switched sides in 2017 to return to the BJP-led national coalition, hinted his party would be part of this government.

Read this also important for this fortnight ”” Pakistan is not happy with the Exit Polls Modi Coming back in power . Their Retaliation is natural and can be seen in this fortnight as per the planetary positions
Live counting to start at 08-00 am “Election Results 2019 Online LIVE Updates”
The much-anticipated day is finally here. The counting of votes for the 17th Lok Sabha elections will begin at 8 am Thursday, bringing the curtains down on one of the bitterly-contested parliamentary polls post Independence. While trends should start trickling in soon after, a clear picture is expected to emerge only late afternoon.
Full coverage: Elections 2019
This is with reference to my Article “Mars On the Wheel Of Elections Results On 23rd May 2019 What It Foretells ”…hat-it-foretells/ ‎ dated 19th March 2019 .
Now Read this —–” Explained: The BJP stands at the doorstep of history, here’s how ”

Just after 11 am, as trends have stabilised, the BJP is leading in as many as 292 seats, ten more than it won 2014. The BJP-led NDA is almost certain to cross 300 seats in the 543-member Lok Sabha.
Narendra Modi will become the first non-Congress Prime Minister to return to power after a full five-year term. In 2014, Narendra Modi’s BJP became the first party since Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress in 1984 to win a full majority on its own; in 2019, it looks set to become the first party since Jawaharlal Nehru’s Congress to return with a majority of its own.
This remarkable feat has been powered by a surge in the BJP’s voteshare almost everywhere across the country — a staggering achievement given the party had already set an almost impossibly high bar for itself in 2014.
Position at 11.55 PM


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

BSc Engg. (Prod Engg)
DipLoma Marketing Management
Written on 8th May 2019 at 17-00 hrs

This Article written on the 23rd May 2019 at 22.33 hrs

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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