Salman Khan Hit and Run Case : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

I have already written an article ‘Salman Khan: the Bollywood’s ‘macho-man’ in Trouble’ link  on this website  and link dated  10th Nov. 2014 .

I am now trying to foresee what the Stars Foretell for Salman Khan for the Verdict by the Mumbai Court on the 16th April 2015 for the Hit and Run case .

Salman Khan is born on the 27th December  1965 , 14-27 hrs , Indore (MP)  India Chart is below.

Salman Khan is one of the most popular Bollywood actors and is Known as a Macho Man. Salman Khan is born in Aries Lagna. the first house of the natural zodiac 21.59 degrees in the 3rd dreshkanne attibuting him  cruel , skilled in arts, of reddish color and is a angry man in disposition. Lagna Lord Placed in the 10th house in the Exhaltation sign in the nakshatra  of Uttra shadha is further enhancing the strength of Mars since Sun and Mars both are digbali in the 10th house  and further Sun is the 5th lord placed in the 9th house gaining strength.  Lagna is also aspected by Saturn who is placed in its mool trikona sign  in Ayudh Dreshkanne attributing  a personality with Valour and Vitality .. Mars has further assentuated his physique with strong  athelete body. Aries being a movable sign in line with natural zodiac is attributing him to change as per the circumstances  by premonitions .Lagna is in Ayudh Dreshkanne may make him a   Person  who is  violent and murderous.

I have already mentioned in my earlier article that the Dasha of Saturn-Mars -Mars from 14-3-2015 will be crucial and Dasha of Sat-Mars-Jupiter/Saturn from 6-6-2015 will be  worst till 2-10-2015 for the 2 cases pending  for  decision.  In Yogini the Dasha will be Ulka-Ulka or Saturn-Saturn from 5-10-2014 to 5-10-2015 and is self explainatory as above for Saturn Dasha.

Transit Jupiter transit till 17th July 2015 is not good for Salman together with Saturn in the 8th house of natal chart and  in the 10th from Moon natal, Rahu in the 8th house from Moon and the 6th house from Lagna.

 Now Read this ——Salman Khan Decision by the court for the hit and Run case on the 16th April 2015

2002 hit-and-run case: Salman ran away, didn’t help victims, prosecution tells court link

Apr 7, 2015 21:19 IST

Mumbai: In a bid to prove that 2002 mishap involving Bollywood superstar Salman Khan was a hit-and-run case, the prosecution on Tuesday told the trial court that the deposition of witnesses indicated the actor had run away after the incident and did not take the injured to hospital.

Khan is accused of ramming his Land Cruiser SUV into a roadside bakery in suburban Bandra on September 28, 2002, killing one person and injuring four who were sleeping outside. The prosecution has also alleged he was drunk and was driving without a licence, a charge denied by the actor.

Salman Khan in a file photo. AFP

Soon after the mishap occurred at a place close to the residence of Khan, an angry mob converged at the spot and some of them were holding rods while a few others had stones in their hands, said Prosecutor Pradeep Gharat in his final arguments while referring to evidence of a witness.

Khan’s childhood friend and neighbour, Francis Fernandez, whom the actor fondly called as “Commander”, asked the 49-year-old actor to leave in a car driven by his wife. Khan soon went away in that car, Gharat said while quoting the deposition of Khan’s friend.

Fernandez, who stays near the place where the mishap occurred, had come to the spot after hearing the commotion that followed the accident.

Gharat, while dwelling upon evidence of Fernandez, said Khan had called out “Commander, save me”. The very next moment, Fernandez asked him to leave as he feared the mob, armed with rods and stones, might get violent and hit him.

“The actor ran away from the spot and did not help the victims by taking them to hospital”, said Gharat.

However, in his statement under Section 313 of CrPC earlier, Khan denied that he ran away and told the court that he had instructed his driver Ashok Singh, who was driving the car at the relevant time, to inform police and take the injured to hospital. Khan said he was at the spot for about 15 minutes and then left on the advise of his friend.

Gharat argued that the conduct of Khan in this case needs to be analysed and interpreted as this proves the guilt of the accused.

“His conduct shows that he was driving the car and therefore he ran away without helping the accused.”

Meanwhile, the actor was exempted from appearing in the case for the day as he had to go to Udaipur for a film shoot. Khan came to the court in the morning but his lawyer moved an application seeking exemption. As the prosecution did not object, the court allowed his plea.

Referring to the allegation made by Khan in the court that the police had attempted to “fix” him in the case, Gharat said a witness had testified that police had come to the spot on the second and third days also after the mishap to make inquiries from the people about the crash.

“If police had to fix Khan as alleged by him, then why police had gone there in the next two days after the mishap to conduct investigation?” he said.

The police was only doing its duty, he said and denied Khan’s allegation that he was falsely implicated.

The Prosecutor said some witnesses had testified in the court that there were only three persons in the car at the time of the mishap. They had said that first Salman got down from the right hand side of the car, followed by his police bodyguard Ravindra Patil and singer friend Kamal Khan. There is absolutely no reference to Khan’s driver, Ashok Singh, who had told the court that he, and not Khan, was driving the car.

If Singh was driving the car, the defence lawyer did not put suggestions to the witnesses during cross-examination to this effect. It only showed the story of Singh driving the car was cooked up at a later stage to save Khan, Gharat said.

The Prosecutor further said the car had a right hand drive position and Khan had got down from this side only. The witnesses in this case, who were injured and lying underneath the car, had heard people shouting “Salman Khan get down”. If Khan was not driving, why should they ask him to come out of the car? said Gharat.

This is a direct evidence against the accused (Khan) and why the version of these witnesses should not be believed? said the Prosecutor.

Moreover, these witnesses have not been confronted with a question that Singh, the fourth person, was also in the car and not just three persons as stated by them. The accused had an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses on these lines but he has chosen to keep quiet on this issue, said Gharat.

Also, there was no reason for Khan to go away from the spot without informing police or helping the injured, he said.

However, the actor had earlier told the court that he had instructed his driver Singh to inform police about the mishap and take injured to hospital.

Salman Khan appeared in the court at 11.30 hrs on 7th April 2015. 

As Per Mook Prashna the hearing would have started at 11.53 hrs the Let us see the chart of the same below.Hearing 7th april 2015

Panchang of the Day

Day  Tuesday Lord is Mars is good for fight , but since  Placed in the 2nd Yama of Mercury, who is totally combusted and Deblitated and close to  Ketu. In the event chart Both Lagnesh and Day lord  Mars are in 2/12 axis. The Day may not bring good results for fight and there may be difference of opinion between the Defedant Salman Khan Statement  and the Public Procecuter ., But since  Dispositor of the Day Lord Mars is weak in the Yama  chart it may not be good for Salman Khan and the Public Procecuter may put him in difficuly, since  Salman Khan may not be able to Produce an authentic evidence.

Tithi  KP-3  Jaya Tithi and a benefic one , Jupiter 2nd house and 11th house are connected are good. .

Karan Vishti and Lord of Vishti is connected to 10th Lord , hence  good for wealth related

Lagna is  Shirshodayo and a dual sign and towards Movable hence there will be a change in the situations.Lagna Nakshatra is of Rahu posited in the 4th house and its dispositor is Mercury  Combusted and Deblitated  and Placed in the 10th house . The Dasha Lords are Jup-Mer-Mer and Connected to the 10th house and the Lagna . Lagna is is a Bhandan yoga , which is a Benefic one.

Moon in Paap kartari yoga

Significators   Sun is Judge or concerned authority and Mercury is Lawyer and Rahu Jail.

In this case between the Lagna and the 7th lord , who so ever is stronger wins. Uptill 8th April 2015  Jupiter was Retrograde, now since it will regain normal motion and will expand the 10th house and the Procedings and will become stronger then the Lagna Lord, uptill 8th April 2015  Jupiter was weaker.Hence Salman Khan may lose the case.

Intention of the Querist or Salman Khan

Between Lagnesh and the 7th Lord who so ever is aspected by 10th Lord  is at Fault, Hence the Planetary positions suggest  that Salman is at Fault., There is no benefic aspecting the Lagna .

Will Salman Khan Win or Lose the Case. 

Combinations favouring Salman Khan

1. 2nd house is having Exhalted Jupiter.

2. Mars, Jupiter are strong in the chart.

Combinations for Losing the case

1.Lagnesh is Combusted, Deblitated and in Rahu-Ketu axis.

2. Lagna is towards movable sign and Moon is also in movable sign.

Dispute will Prolong

1. Lagnesh and Moon are not connected to each other.

2. Mercury is afflicted in the 10th house .Hence the dispute can prolong .

What will happen in the next hearing

1. Lagna and Moon in movable signs , another date will be given for hearing.

2. Malefics in the 10th house, nothing conclusive will be there on  next hearing on 16th April 2015, but in any case not good for Salman Khan.

Nature of Judgement expected out of the case
10th Lord Jupiter will be strong on 8th April in a day from the hearing from 7th April and since aspectig the 10th house being its own house , will favour the Public Procecuter and not the Lagnesh. strong 10th Lord since aspected by Mars is against the Salman Khan. Sun in the 10th house shows Punitive Punishment , more so Sun will become Exhalted on the 15th April a Day before the Court case .  Mercury Posited in the 10th house gives a mixture of  Right and wrong, hence the Judgement may not be fair.

Success in Appeal 

3rd house is house of appeal and since the nakshatra Lord of the 3rd lord and its dispositor both are connected to 6/11 th house or their lords there will be success in appeal, Here Saturn is connected to Jupiter and Mercury being the dispositor of 3rd Lord Sun and the Nakshatra Lord Mercury and Saturn is the 11th Lord . Hence Salman Khan may approach the Higher court for Appeal and may be successful in getting it.

Salman May get bail

Lagnesh is not in Movable sign , but Moon is in Movable sign, both are not in Kendra.

DBA Jup-Mer-Mer  Planets show connection with  6,10 and 11th . Hence Bail may be given. Since we all know  that Salman Khan is a Big Gun in the Entertainment industry, any adverse decisions given by the court will adversely influence the entertainment industry in the country. Hence it is imperative to see the India Independence chart, PakshaKundali and the New Moon Chart of Pieces of 20th March 2015 to see the planetary impact  on the decision.

Let us see what the India Independence chart has to say along with other charts . India has Eclipse taking place in the 5th house in Virgo and its lord Mercury is also eclipsed in the Eclipse on the 4th April 2015. 5th Lord is Deblitated, combusted and in Eclipse and in Mundane astrology 5th house is  Educational Facilities . All forms of National Pleasures, Entertainment Theatre, Cinema Halls, Actor and Actresses, immorality . The nakshatra in which the Eclipse has taken place is haste and also influences the Artists.

India is also running the Chidra Dasha of Sun-Venus till 10-9-2015, Sun is the Lord of the 4th house and the 12th from the 5th house , it is also placed in the 12th house from its house and is with 5th lord Mercury and the Anter dasha Lord Venus  who is the Lagna lord and the 6th lord is not good for the Entertainment industry.The Chart of India is below.India

As per the Paksha Kundali of the 4th April 2015 17.35 hrs  below.

Paksha Kundali and EclipseAs Per the above chart 5th house of the India Independence Chart is badly afflicted along with 5th Lord Mercury and Karka Venus ia afflicted , from Venus 8th house has Saturn  shows the Entertainment to suffer

. As per this chart the 5th Lord Saturn is aspected by 8th Lord Mars and Karka for Entertainment is also in the 8th house with 8th lord Mars . This all is indicative that after the decision on Salman Khan Hit and Run case is declared there may be a stressful  condition in the Entertainment industry, because of Salman Khan adverse decision by the court of  Law.

The Hindu new Moon Pieces chart  of 20th March 2015 15-06 is below

    Hindu new moon chart

From the above it is clear that the 5th house has 8th Lord Saturn  and the 5th Lord is also in the Eclipse and the Rahu-Ketu axis.

Hence from the above it so seems that the Entertainment Industry may under go a bumpy ride specially when the decision of the court comes in regard to Salman Khan Hit and Run case.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  8th April 2015

Disclaimer: This is only astrological analysis and nothing to do with any Personal remark or any other aspect arising out of the above analysis . The writter of the article is no way responsible in any way for the same . I am simply using the Prashna Jyotish Principles

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