Roman God Saturn Stationary Position First 11 Days of April 2017: Bane or Boon

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my Article” Journey Of Roman God Saturn after 6th April 2017: Bane or Boon ” link

Saturn will go in Retrogression on the 6th April 2017 at 10.35 am at 3.42 degrees in Sagitarius in the Nakshatra of Ketu and will aspect Ketu in the sign Aquarius.

Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Saturn is the Lord of the 10th and the 11th house of the natural Zodiac , he is also Bhadak as the 11th Lord and follows a discipline  ,When Saturn is in Retrograde motion is a time when Karma is sorted out, Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a multiple effect of the Karma. Karma is a form of energy that is very real. Like Saturn, it is very closely bound to time.

Past, Present, and Future totaled  into one, If you have been bad in the past, then at a certain predestined time for ill effects, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. If you been good in the past, then at a predestined time for good Fructifications, an event will occur to reward you for your good deeds. With Saturn in retrograde motion, the Karma will relate to how responsible  and how your Karmas were in the Past between 2nd Nov. 2014 to 26th Jan. 2017 specifically. Saturn when Fallen will be in its worst Position falling back in Scorpio after 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. For Some This Fallen Saturn will be like a snake bite and for some nector and amrit. It is time for Evaluation of our Deeds good or Bad in the past .

As per the chart below Saturn goes in Retrogression, in this Position it will be square with Venus  who has a Prolonged stay in Pieces . Saturn is also in Square position with Jupiter.

Stationary Position of Saturn will Focus and concentrate the Energy , since the movement of Saturn will come to a standstill at 3.42 degrees in the Nakshatra of Ketu and when he will also aspect Ketu . Moon will be in its own house but in the 8th from Saturn and aspected by Mars . Saturn is never good in the Nakshatra of Ketu , who will be in the Nakshatra of Rahu and Rahu in the Nakshatra of Ketu makes the worst Planetary Combinations .Saturn Position as per the Chart above Saturn is extremely Powerful and Malefic since Digbali, in Dagdha Rashi and in Dur Muhurat it is becoming Retrograde . Saturn is Karka for the Masses, Democracy, Destruction, It is bound to Give its Strong Results for its significations when in Fallen State. Those natives who have fallen Saturn specially in Scorpio or Sagitarius  will be influenced the Most who have relation of Saturn and Rahu-Ketu in the natal chart . After Saturn becomes Retrograde Rahu will become Darakarka  and hence influence the Marriage  for those who have afflicted Rahu and connection with the 7th house and one Retrograde Planet in the natal chart

Most Crucial Parameters in the 1st week of April 2017

Saturn Stationary from 1st April to 11th April 2017 and then in August just before becoming Direct from 20th August to 30th August 2017 when Solar Eclipse of 21st August 2017 will take place and then Stationary Saturn will aspect Rahu in Leo in Forward motion Most Explosive

Rahu in Forward Motion from 5th April to 7th April 2017 and then from 20th April to 24th April 2017

Mercury will go in Retrogression on the 9th April 2017 in Aries at 10.42 degrees

Mars changes sign on the 12th April 2017 to Taurus and will aspect Saturn in Sagitarius Mars will continue to aspect Saturn from Taurus till 26th May and then from Gemini  most Explosive till 21st June 2017

Venus Becomes Direct on the 15th April 2017

Saturn as a Stationary Planet and as a Malefic and in a Malefic house would be explosive in the case of India as the 10th  and 11th Lord in the 8th house.

The Govt. decisions Related to 9th house could be the focus when Saturn is Retrograde and fallen in Scorpio . Topsy and Turvy situations cannot be ruled out

For the Natural Zodiac as the 11th Lord he is Bhadak and Stationary in the 9th house of the Zodiac and aspecting Ketu will be most explosive  for Tensions between 2 Communities relating to 9th house significations along with 8th house . In the Natural Zodiac in will be in the 9th and come back as Fallen in the 8th house and aspect the 10th house , reviewing the Karmas of the Past as a Fallen Planet . In the Foundation chart of India it will be in the 8th house as the Lord of the 9th and the 10th and fall in the 7th house over Ketu  could be explosive . 7th house is Foreign Affairs  and when Mars Aspects Saturn in the Sign Sagitarius as the Lord of the 7th and the 12th there could be Espionage by Foreign elements in the Country. Terrorism, Earthquakes. Cyclones , Tornados cannot be ruled out not only in India but in the Globe specially where Saturn in the 6th or the 8th Lord or Placed in the 8th house and influencing the 8th Lord . Saturn is the Karka for Masses, destruction, deaths , in Stationary and Retrograde position aspecting Ketu can be most Crucial for the world

Panchang of the Day

Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and in the Yama of Gemini the Lagna at the time of Saturn becoming Retrograde , Saturn is aspecting the Sign Gemini and Saturn is the 8th and the 9th Lord . Saturn Placed in the 7h house will aspect the 7th and the 10th Lord Jupiter , In Retrogression it will aspect the 6th house Scorpio

Dur Muhurat Time 10-18 to 11-08  Hrs

 Sagitarius and Pieces sign Dagdha , Saturn in the Dagdha Rashi most malefic

As Per the Natural Zodiac it will be in the 9th house of the natural Zodiac and will become Retrograde  and aspect the 8th House of the Natural Zodiac and the 6th House by 10th Aspect

The Placement and aspect become most crucial since Saturn will be stationary as mentioned above , The worst is that Saturn will be stationary , Rahu will be in Forward Motion and specially the Dates become explosive when both will be adverse between the 5th and 7th April 2017

Saturn takes 29.46 years for one full round of the Zodiac, So it shows its influence for 30 Years per sign, starting from the Birth sign. This amounts to proportionately one year per degree, so an 11degree natal Saturn indicates 19 years of influence left on the natal sign  in terms of age. Accordingly the Next sign will be from 19 years to 49 years.

Saturn is retrograde during the following  dates:

From April 6th 2017 to August 25th 2017

 Saturn turns retrograde in Sagittarius on 6th April and re-enters Scorpio on 21st June 2017. From 21st June to 27th Oct. 2017 . Saturn continues its journey in Scorpio and transits to Sagittarius yet again on 27th Oct 2017.The Period of  Saturn Re-entering  in Scorpio is most Venomous since then Saturn will be a Fallen Planet. Saturn will be most malefic specially when in Ketu Nakshatra and when Fallen from Sagitarius to Scorpio. In Jyestha and Mool Nakshatra it will be in Gandantha  when about to Fall.

Significations of the Roman God Saturn

Saturn is Significator for Agriculture, Land, Real Estate, Oil, Iron Core , Underground mines, Old Natives, Common People , Masses Democracy, All forms of Democratic Institutions,  Famines, Drought,  Discontentment, Revolution, Death, Mass deaths, Natural Calamities , Earthquakes , Floods, Tsunamis, Fall in Countries Exports, Death of a Prominent Leader, National Mourning, Heavy Taxes , Rationing, Overthrow of Rulers from the Throne , Judicial system. Crude oil is signified by Saturn and the sign is Aquarius . When Saturn joins back in Sagitarius after 26th Oct. 2017 the Production of Oil may stall thereby raising the Prices of Oil. Terrorism, Kidnappings apart from other significations are on the cards specially when Saturn in Ketu nakshatra , aspect on Ketu and aspected by Mars after 11th April to 21st June  2017, The Period from 11th April to 20th April will be a period of Concern and untoward happenings could sprout with dimension .

The Present Scenerio

Saturn by Kalidas has been designated  as Dukhakarka , specially in the Present context when moving through Ketu nakshatra and aspecting Ketu in close degrees after 17th April 2017 in Retrogression. Saturn will be aspected by Mars also. The Planetary Positions between the 16th to 21st April 2017 will be most  explosive for untoward happenings as mentioned above

In these long years Saturn will be in the nakshatras ruled by Ketu, Venus and Sun. The transit over Mool Nakshatra may not be auspicious . The Transit over the Venus snd Sun Nakshatra may be less troublesome then Transit in Mool Nakshatra

Saturn Playing its game since connected to the houses of Visas , 3,6,10 and 11 in the Natural Zodiac from the 9th house aspecting the 9th and the 12th Lord Jupiter in retrogression. The Worst will be after Saturn falls back in Scorpio as a Fallen Planet from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 when lot of People may have to return back for want of Visa Extension.  Jobs may also suffer since 10th Lord will be in the 8th house as a Fallen Planet and is also Karka for Longevity of the 10th and the 11th house.

The Courts will review the Travel Ban and Immigrations , it may prove a Bane for Some and a Boon for Some

Apart from the Above Between the 1st April to 11th April and specially between the 5th to 7th April 2017 will be crucial for Significations of the 9th house of the natural Zodiac , since Saturn is also aspecting the 9th and the 12th Lord Jupiter of the natural Zodiac.

In the Foundation chart of India it will be influencing the 8th house and the 8th Lord Jupiter in Virgo sign

India is also running the Dasha of Moon-Rahu till 10-8-2018, In the Rudramsha Chart Rahu is with Marsin Lagna Aquarius and Saturn in the 8th house Virgo   and Mars influences the 8th house

9th house significations

Supreme courts, Judges ,Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Treaties and Agreement with Foreign Countries , Sea Voyage , Immigration, Religion, Mosques, Temples Churches,  Religious and Sacred Books like Vedas , Kuran ,and Bible Could Become the main Issues till Saturn is Retrograde and Fallen in Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 and the Seed of the same may be sowed in the 1st Week of April 2017. The recent Issues which are slowly taking Dimensions 1. Triple Talaq 2. Ram Mandir Construction 3. Vande Matram to be recited by all irrespective of any Religion or Caste may become the Core Issues in the Country.  Saturn will be in the 8th house of the India Foundation chart in Sagitarius and will fall on Ketu in the 7th house as a Fallen Planet between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017  and before it it will be aspecting the Transit Ketu in the Aquatius sign the 10th house of the India Foundation chart and also influencing the Natal Ketu in the 7th house by retrograde aspect  , in this Position Saturn will be in the nakshatra of Ketu and Rahu Ketu Stationary and In Adverse motion between the 5th to 7th April 2017 are bound to Create more confusions and Difference in the Religion of 2 Countries , Since Saturn is aspecting the 3rd House Gemini in the natural Zodiac it will also influence the neighboring Countries and hence Pakistan and Muslims in Particular living in India

The issues can take a serious dimension when Saturn Falls in Scorpio between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 and Most crucial around the Eclipses of  August 2017 and specially between the 1st to 3rd Sept. 2017 . Since Saturn will be in Fallen State in Scorpio it will be like a snake Bite  since a Malefic Planet in Most Venomous State . The North East  and the Eastern Part of the Country will be influenced most

Mercury Turning Retrograde on the 9th April 2017 will be crucial for Countries Prone to Earthquakes, Tsunami, Cyclones. The Probable Countries are Japan, Indonesia, Australia,  India, Untoward Happenings and Volatility in the Stock markets cannot be ruled out . ISIS will also be active during the above Planetary Positions and Terrorism may also Sprout in the Countries Prone . Needless to write the Countries .

Saturn as the 10th Lord going in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac as a Fallen Planet  will influence the Careers of many people . Humiliations of 8 Types .In a nut shell Saturn May Prove to be a Bane for some and Boon for Some

Saturn in the Gandantha will influence the Politicians the Most .

Adding some Parameters for Japan The Chart is below

This is with reference to my Earlier Article “Extended Stay Of Venus in Pieces Tsunami and Earthquakes ” link

I may mention here that the Ist week of April 2017 is most critical for Japan due to the following Parameters

1.Saturn Stationary in the Lagna close to Lagna Degrees

2.Saturn in the 7th from the Natal  Moon aspecting Moon in close degrees , Moon is the 8th Lord also

3. Saturn aspecting Rahu in close degrees when Stationary at 3.41 degrees and Rahu in the 3rd house at 4.27 degrees , hence 5th to 7th April 2017 and Month of April could be crucial for Japan for an Earthquake, Tsunami and Untoward happenings

4. Saturn will aspect Saturn in the 10th house

5. Rahu -Ketu Transiting over Ketu and Rahu at close degrees

6. Mars Transit aspecting Natal Mars in close degrees

7. 9th April Mercury will go in Retrogression and influence the Venus and Debilitated Mercury in the 4th house

8. Mercury will be Retrograde till 3rd May 2017 and will be 0.11 degrees in Aries and very close to Natal Venus in Pieces at 29.40 degrees . This can surface a strong Earthquakw with Tsunami


Hence the Dates 5th to 11th April ,20th April to 24th April 2017 , 3rd May , 24th to 31st May 2017 could be critical for Japan  Economy , Earthquakes, Tsunami, Cyclones and Untoward happenings , specially when the Dasha of  Mercury-Rahu-Venus is running in the Present Scenerio

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

30th March 2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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