Roman God Saturn Stationary Point 22.19 Degrees in Scorpio Triggers What ?

by astrodocanil

This article is in continution to my earlier Article “Saturn Stationary  19th March to 2nd April 2016: Sensitive Parameter For Global Events” link…er-global-events/ ‎ dated 14th March 2016

Let me also write here that my Predictions on the Share market coming True as written in the above article

Now read this Sensex breaks 25000, sinks 400 pts; Lupin, Biocon outperform

Read more at: My Predictions coming True after 2nd April, and being Saturday it has to be after Monday the 4th april 2016 

At 14-00 hrs the Market lost 478 points on the sensex anf 140 in the nifty 


I am reproducing some text here below

In this article I am going to discuss the sensitive Points of Saturn from 19th March 2016 to 2nd April 2016, which seems to trigger all the events in the Globe . This is the 2nd time Saturn is becoming Stationary in Scorpio at 22.19 degrees and Capricorn an Earthy navamsha .

Saturn about to become Stationary and Influence Both Mars and Jupiter in the Rashi and Navamsha Chart after 18th March and Moon also joins the Rashi and navamsha on the 23rd March 2016 and 25th Mercury also joins the Navamsha, 26th Sun joins the Debilitated Navamsha . 30th March Moon again joins the Rashi and Navamsha . On the 2nd April Saturn and Mars both in own Navamsha and sprout the Events with Magnitude. Mars will remain in Scorpio navamsha till 3rd May 2016. Mars will be in Stationary motion from 13th to 21st April 2016 will add fuel to the Fire ignited by Saturn . 4th May 2016 Saturn will aspect Mars and Sun in Libra Navamsha . Saturn will aspect Mars , Venus, Mercury in Libra Navamsha  further escaltes the issues . 21st May 2016 Saturn goes in Sagitarius Navamsha and aspects Mars , jupiter in Virgo navamsha  , Hence as per the dates mentioned  for the Untoward happenings , Scandles, Terrorism,Religious differences, Disputes, Wars will sprout with Greater magnitude.

Now see the Graphical Transit on the  9th March 2016  at 07-24 hrs at the time of Eclipse below

Graphical Ephimeris and Transit at Eclipse

The Planetary Alignments will change on the 1st April 2016, hence the effect of the Eclipses and the Various happenings will be ignited during 9th March 2016 to 1st April 2016 and Sprout after 1st April 2016 with magnitude  in terms of Economy, Terrorism, War, Natural and Unnatural happenings, weather Changes till 2nd April 2016Graphical Ephimeris and Transit at Eclipse on 1st April

Major change in Mercury, hence Weather changes and Stock market will be influenced more after this Date and as per my Article…retells-for-2016/

Also See the comparasion below of the 2 dates

Transit on the time of Eclipse on the 9th march 2016 07-24 hrs

Now See on the 1st April 2016 change in the planetary alignments , Mercury the Planet which signifies weather and Stock market will change the alignment with other planets and change the Scenerio in the Globe for its significations , but the Period from 9th March 2016 to 2nd April will be a Volatile one , due to abnormal Condition of Mercury as mentioned in my articles . 19th March 2016 very crucial because then Saturn will exactly aspect Mars and Jupiter in Rashi and Navamsha as well, hence the key date will be 19th March 2016 IST for Global Events to trigger with magnitude and  more explosive after 1st April 2016 for Extreme  Weather , Stock market , Earthquakes , Tsunami, Tornados, Political Turmoils, which could be the main Parameters during these Dates mentioned above could be explosive for the Globe  

Transit on the 1st April 2016

Now See these Planetary Alignments above  have also influenced in the natal Charts of the Individuals as Below  specially the Saturn Stationary point of Scorpio 22.19 degrees .

Since in all the cases Except the Case 5 all are related to Death.

The Parameters which acquire special importance are as follows 

  1. Moon Transit has to activate the natal Saturn the Karka for Longevity  in the natal chart.
  2. Transit Saturn and Natal Saturn must be connected by Retrogression or normal aspects 
  3. Degree aspect of Saturn on the 8th Lord and in transit also 8th Lord afflicted 
  4. If Nodes also play important role and have to be connected to Saturn in the natal chart since Saturn Stationary influences 3 planets in Transit. Rahu and Jupiter aspect , Mars in Conjunction

Case 1 

Date of Occurance 26th March 2016

As Per media Reports the Dates have been taken

The body of a 32-year-old woman,  was found hanging from a ceiling fan in suspicious circumstances in her house in an upscale residential colony. Husband,  was arrested .

Case 2  

Date of Occurance  25-26th March 2016

 As per Media Reports
Women dead under mysterious circumstances in south Delhi’s . According to a report in NDTV, the model died on the intervening night of March 25-26.2016, Since the Planetary Positions are same this case need not be discussed .
Case 3
Date of Occurance  1st April 2016
Pratyusha Banerjee of ‘Balika Vadhu’ fame allegedly commits suicide at her Mumbai home – See more at: DCP Dhananjay… Read my Predictions on this in my article “Pratyusha Banerjee of ‘Balika Vadhu’ Suicide case :What Stars Foretell”…e-stars-foretell/
There are Similair planetary Positions  as mentioned in this article , now yesterday on the India TV and as per the Reports she is born on the 9th August 1991 night  . Now all the above Parameters are activated , since Moon is in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn and Transit moon in Libra and Saturn in Scorpio. The sensitive Parameters in the chart are Mars in Leo at 22.12 with Venus at 12.03 and Mercury at 11.56 and Both mercury and venus are retrograde in Leo . Rahu in the sign of Sagitarius and in transit Rahu with Jupiter in the sign of Sun and in Trine to Rahu, hence aspect of Rahu also Jupiter Transit over Natal Mars at exact degrees  and also aspecting the natal Jupiter in Cancer By retrograde aspect .Jupiter is with Sun and combusted and in Transit both have Exchange . Planetary war of Venus and Mercury in the natal chart and in Transit Venus afflicted and going in the 8th house . Astrology is amazing .
Case 4.  
Date of Occurance  2nd April 2016 night 
NIA officer killed in planned attack; probe on.
New Delhi/Lucknow : Tanzil Ahmad, an officer of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) died after unknown assailants pumped 21 bullets into him while he was returning from a wedding in Uttar Pradesh’s Bijnor district after midnight on Saturday. Police termed the killing a planned attack.
All the above cases are related to the Saturn Stationary Position as mentioned by me in the article  between 19th March to 2nd April 2016, specially more crucial Period from 25th  March when Saturn Turns Retrograde and is Stationary till 2nd April 2016.
As per my Research in all the above what so ever has happened is due to the Fact that in the natal charts of the people involved there are Planets in the sign, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn and Taurus at very close degrees of 22.19 the Stationary Point of Saturn between the 19th march to 2nd April and more so the effects after 25th March 2016 to 2nd April 2016
Case 5  
Date of Occurance is in the crucial Period mentioned above .
I am not disclosing the Exact Parameters to keep the secrecy of the client.
During this Period in March 2016 a Client approached me for Consultation  and as usual, I told my client not to divulge any information what so ever , not even his birth chart till I put some relevant Queries.
Now See the Chart of the Query below for Case no.5 at the time of Prashna
Query chart
I had Put the following Queries to the Client
1.  Are you in the Age Bracket of 26-27 years . The answer was in affirmative
2. There has been a Drama in the house 8 days back , Suddenness of Events , The answer was again in affirmative.
3. The Query is Regarding disharmony in married life Since Jan. 2016 and  there have been endless problems regarding the Matrimony after Marriage  . The answer was again in affirmative
4. Marriage must have taken place after 5th Nov. 2014, again the answer was in affirmative
5. I asked her If she Knew  Astrology, she replied again in affirmative .
6. I asked her if her Ascendant was Leo, she again answered  in affirmative , Now I could Place her Horoscope in my mind  the year of Birth and the Month, since as per the physical appearance , Venus has to be placed in the 10th house, Kendra  and degrees of Venus  more than 20.00, The client did not know this but , when I latter drew the chart the degrees were over 20 degrees .  The reason was clear as pointed out the Stationary Saturn aspecting the Karka for Marriage has to be aspected by Stationary Saturn and from the 4th house , I also told her that what ever happened after 31st Jan. 2016 Repeated 8 days back. The client confirmed
The Idea of Putting this chart in the article is the Influence of Stationary Saturn as the 6th and the 7th Lord aspecting the Karka for Marriage and Karka for Spouse Jupiter  and the Event Chart also opening the Secrets . I am not Putting the final Predictions as are obvious and even the Timing . I have  reserved my final predictions and not given to the client, for obvious reasons and asked her to take a back seat for the time being till  Jupiter changes sign to Virgo and is also in Pieces Navamsha
From the Time of Query One can reach the Birth chart that  is what I want to stress using the above Planetary positions  going step by step.
Now See the Chart of the above Girl, it is of Leo Lagna  and My above Parameters exactly fitting in it Venus at 20-00 degrees and Stationary Saturn aspecting the natal Venus  and also the Karka for Spouse in the natal as well as in the Transit . I am not Putting the chart for keeping the secrecy of the birth details of the client. The Date of marriage could also be found from the Planets taking an important dimension at the time of the query and matched the Date of marriage
Now Using the above Technique I have found similair Parameters in the other 4 Cases 
Let me Now Take the Case 1.
Girl committed a suicide on the 26th March 2016 below.
As per Mook Prashna For Jeeva Query  for even Lagna the navamsha has to be 7th  and a Planet aspecting the Lagna and going in own Navamsha and also aspecting Lagna then the query is of a Jeeva and a living Person and the 3rd and Final  stage of the Prashna .
Saturn acquires a special dimension being the Karka for Longevity and aspecting the Lagna of the Rashi ,Navamsha and aspecting the 8th Lord Jupiter degreewise in the rashi and the navamsha chart. The chart is depicting death of the girl in question.
As per the chart below all the above parameters are activated .
Nupur Death
4th house from the 7th house is the house of mother in law and is placed in an inimical sign in the 7th house  with 7th Lord Mars  in a female sign, influencing the Spouse of the Girl and hence her Son , Saturn is the key Planet in the chart responsible for the Event . 4th house  from 7th house also has Ketu and the Karka for Matrimony and is totally afflicted by 8th and 11th Lord Jupiter degreewise  opens the Story of the Death of the Girl.
As Per the Media  reports the Girl is 32 years who committed a suicide .
Now  reaching the birth details of the girl Hence she is Born in 1983. I have not 1984. I will explain the reasons why  I have not taken 1984
1. Saturn is in Stationary mode  Scorpio sign with Mars from 19th March to 2nd April 2016 Period. The critical period is more between the 25th March to 2nd April 2016.
2. Since the Spouse is in Jail, the Kakra for Spouse has to be afflicted in the chart of the Girl who has committed a suicide , In 1983 Jupiter was with Ketu and in 1984 Jupiter was in Sagitarius and no affliction hence the girl in question is born in 1983 when Jupiter and Ketu were in Scorpio, now we have to look for Degrees of Primarily of Ketu in Scorpio to match the Stationary Degrees of Saturn in Transit . I took a little time and reached a conclusion that the Parameters match in Oct. 1983
3. Look at the chart at the time of Suicide or Death Moon is in Libra in Rahu nakshatra , The Transit Moon has to connect the Karka for Longevity Saturn in the natal chart. In 1983 Saturn is in Libra , Now At the time of Death Moon is in Libra at 11.07 degrees , hence natal Saturn has to be in close degrees and same navamsha in the natal chart and amazingly  On the 19th Oct. 1983  Saturn is at 12.12 degrees .Ketu in Scorpio is also at the Stationary Degrees of Saturn very close 23.36, Mars of natal chart and Event chart connected by 4th aspect .Transit Mars is also over the natal Uranus in the 7th house at exact degrees . Transit Mars 12.03 and Uranus in Scorpio natal 13.13. to sprout Suddenness , Transit Moon in the 8th from the natal Moon . Mercury and Sun over Natal Moon., Mercury the Karka for Buddhi , Debilitated and Combusted
Now See the chart I have been able to Reach as below , the Same has also been confirmed  as far as the Birth date is concerned but time of birth is not known.
Now as per the chart above Saturn is Stationary over the Natal Ketu almost in same degrees  and Mars very close to jupiter Degrees in the 7th house Scorpio in Transit
Mars is also over the Natal Uranus at exact degrees to give suddenness in life
Jupiter, Saturn, Sun in same Navamsha in Transit as the Birth navamsha
 Transit Rahu-Ketu over the 1/7 axis of the Birth Navamsha Chart ,Mars has just Changed navamsha from Virgo to Libra, Girl has Mars in Virgo Navamsha , Mars Significations are normally when it changes the navamsha gives the results .
Astrology is amazing  
Now Some Predictions from the Event chart of Death 26th March 2016
Murder, Suicide due to marital discord
1.Lagna is Taurus and the Lord Venus is badly afflicted by Ketu, 7th Lord Mars  and 8th Lord Jupiter degree aspect in the 10th house , hence Suicide due to marital discord and since the house is the 10th , the 4th house from the 7th house , due to Mother in Law.Lord of the House Saturn is also aspecting the Lagna degreewise from the 7th house of Married life .
2. 4th and 8th house from Venus the karka for matrimonial life are aspected by malefics but no planets are posited there, hence there was marital discord but not the Strong reason for death.
3. Malefics in the 7th house makes the Person kill himself or the Spouse , here there are only 2 malefics in the 7th house .
4. Death is seen from the 8th house , here in the chart 8th Lord is badly afflicted and aspects the Venus who is also afflicted by Ketu
5. 12th Lord Mars in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna and Venus is also indicative of marital discord  due to Mother in Law, Karka for Mother is also placed in the 6th house in the Nakshatra of  Rahu who is Placed in the 4th house with 8th Lord , hence Poisoning could also be a reason for Death
Who is the Culprit
Among the 7th lord Planets placed in Kendra and the 11th house Saturn is the strongest  and since placed in the Scorpio sign there are more than one persons involved in the crime.
The accomplice of the Culprit may be a servant as well.Fixed sign in Lagna the crime  is done by the members of the Family. jupiter is aspected by Saturn degreewise , the Culprit has a criminal mind .7th lord in 7th house in Female  Professional and Prominent and Secretive , Cruel in nature, Unsteady.Since the 7th house is the Debilitation sign of Moon , the Mother of the Spouse is the culprit 
Clothes worn by the culprit at the time of the event 
Red, black or Blue
Sex of the culprit 
From the navamsha Lagna the sex of the Culprit is a Female
Direction where the south Direction and with in  39 Km from the Place of Event 
After 17th April  2016 the Culprit may decide to come back .
Whether the Culprit will be caught or not ?
2nd Lord is Combusted and Debilitated , the Culprit will be caught but the Article and since Jeeva cannot be recovered since dead .
Since there is a Malefic in the 7th house and Jupiter has exchange with Sun in the 11th house , the culprit will be apprehended by the Police.
Timing of the event 
When Moon goes in the Lagna hence on the 5th-6th , 10-11th April 2016 the Culprit will be apprehended by the Police .
From the above it seems that the Mother in law has more influence on the death of the Girl then the Spouse .
When such an event takes place in life then The Person concerned Normally the Transit Saturn Influences the Natal  Saturn and Transit Jupiter influences the Natal Jupiter .
In case of the mother in law her age will be in the bracket of 59+2 years .The following Parameters will acquire a special dimansion
1. Saturn Stationary points in Scorpio after 5th Nov. 2014 when it ingressed in Scorpio , Jupiter Stationary Points in Leo after June 19th 2015
2. Saturn was stationary motion before going in Retrogression on the 14th March 2015 at 10.52 degrees and again in Stationary motion before becoming direct on the 2nd August on the 2015 at 4.12 degrees in Scorpio. . Saturn again became Stationary at 22.19 in Scorpio  on the 25th March 2016 , hence the degrees of Saturn acquire special dimension 
3. Jupiter can also be seen accordingly
4. Since in the Present Scenerio of transits as mentioned above Saturn has connection of mars, Jupiter and  Rahu the same connection in the chart of the girl must be there
According to the same the chart constructed by me is as follows  for the Mother in Law
Mother in law
All is crystal clear and I need not eloborate the chart.
Saturn has activated the Natal Saturn at exact degrees in the 8th house between 27th July to 7th August 2015. Natal Rahu Karka for Imprisonment will be activated by Mars on the 13th to 21st April 2016 at 14.49 degrees over natal rahu and also activate the Natal 8th Lord , 6th lord Mercury will also be activated degreewise ,hence the Mother in law will be arrested after the 5th April and around the 13th to 21st April 2016 and more so after 17th April and 21st April 2016. Astrology is most amazing 
Let us discuss the Case 4 
 3rd April 12.55 am -01-14 hrs Bijnour
Murder on 3rd Morning
Since the Query is for Jeeva and the Lagna at Sagitarius the Navamsha has to be 6th and the Chart is of Sagitarius Lagna and Virgo navamsha , Since the lord of the navamsha Lagna is Debilitated , the Culprit may not be traced and since Mercury the 7th Lord is about to change sign the Culprits have gone out of the city .
They have gone towards the South Direction from the Place of the event , Since the Culprits are in the sign of Scorpio the Culprits are more than one , also the 7th Lord in Pieces sign . 
7th Lord is Mercury  the Criminals have followed the native from the Marriage Function where they also behaved as guests .
Caste of the Culprit Shudra
Sex of the Culprits
Influence of male Planets on Mercury hence male Culprits
Who is the culprit
Since the Lagna and the navamsha Lagna is Dual the culprits periodically visit the Place and the Place of Residence of the Native who was murdered and were Planning for some time .May be some Known Person or a dispute with a known person
Since Jupiter is aspected degreewise by Saturn from the 12th house they are hardened Criminals and have been involved in several such happenings 
Clothes worn by the thief Green
Age of the culprits  Young  Boys
Hence Difficulty in finding the Culprits but one Parameter is positive for Police getting hold of the Culprit is the 7th Lord is Combust  when Moon joins the Planet Mercury the navamsha Lagna Lord on the 7th April 2016
Yet another 2 Cases on the 4th April 2016 Monday Suicide by 2 Girls in Harayana  and an Attempt to kill a Girl by boyfriend in Bhopal
These Events will continue till Saturn is in own navamsha and aspects Jupiter in navamsha as well , the criminals will be on the move with Magnitude 
There are also Positives for Some in this Transit specially after 25th March 2016, but negatives come to light more than the Positives .
Jyotish acharaya anil aggarwala  5th April 2016 13-00 hrs

Disclaimer Applicable as mentioned in my webpage 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Read My True Predictions on the Link written much in advance of the actual happenings 

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any influence on the death of the Girl in any respect or the Boyfriend in any respect . . This is only an astrological analysis on the basis of the Time taken from the NDTV and India TV reports.. The writer of the Article does not hold him res ponsible in any respect, since all is Written in this article as per the Reports of the Media  and the People ready to come forward to give some vital informations to the Govt. Agencies . The Writer is only trying to see astrologically what be the reasons of the Blind Murder or Suicide case

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