Roman God Saturn 30 year Cycle: What It Foretells for the Financial Markets in 2017?

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Article “Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990” link…r-1929-1959-1990/ dated 26th Oct. 2017. In this Article I will compare Saturn at the time of 24th Oct. 1929 the Great Depression Year and the Present Scenario when Saturn reaches the same 3.26 degrees as in the case of 1929. After comparing the Planetary positions I find the Planetary positions are parallel to that at the time of 24th Oct. 1929 between the 29th Nov. to 7th Dec. 2017 and on the 1st Jan 2018. I am Not Discussing 2018 Planetary combinations since I will write that article when time comes .

We all know the Cycle of Saturn is 29.46 years and to round off we take 30 years . The Lowest Common Factor of the Cycle of Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu the Slow Moving Planets is 30 years , hence this cycle takes an important dimension in Astrology . As I have been mentioning that there is no work available from our Stalwarts for the Financial Markets and what ever B V Raman has mentioned he has said the Combinations only give 60-70 % correct Results . Our Stalwart Hardeo Shastri Sharma Trivedi has done good Work . I have also tried to inculcate the same in my Research

Please also refer to my Article “‘Second Half Of The New Moon Chart 20th Sept. 2017 Proves Most Enigmatic As Predicted ‘ link…tic-as-predicted/ dated 27th Sept. 2017. The 1987 cycle of Saturn also give some effects and the Market dropped .  Also Read “Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycles Repeat Behaviour : What They Foretell For Oct.-Nov. 2017” link…for-oct-nov-2017/ . The Planetary Positions as per the Oct. 1987 have already been activated but there has been very little effect of the same but  the Saturn crosses the 3.20 degrees mark there may be change in the Trend of the Financial Markets which would happen on the 30th Nov. 2017. According to me there will be definite change what I can see from the Following Analysis

I am Comparing the Planetary Positions on the 24th Oct. 1929 and 30th Nov. 2017 as Follows 

Planets                         Date 24th Oct. 1929                                               29- 30th Nov. 2017                          Remarks

Saturn                            Sagitarius 3.26 degrees                                   Sagitarius 3.26-3.33 degrees       Saturn changes navamsha  to Taurus

Mars                               Libra  19Degrees                                                    Mars Joins Libra

Mars With Ketu              Degree conjunct at 19 Degrees                         Mars aspects Ketu in Capricorn 

Mars and Venus             Exchange                                                               Exchange

Longitudal Difference       7 degrees                                                            7 degrees on the 13th Dec. 2017 and 0 Degrees on the 16-17th Dec. 2017

Of Mercury and Venus

Rahu in forward Motion       Yes                                                                      Yes

Hence Possibility of Change  in the Trends in the Financial Markets

Let us also compare the Planetary positions on the 1st Jan 2018

Planets and Signs                          24th Oct. 1929                                                  1st Jan 2018

Libra Sign                                      Sun, Mars and  Ketu at 19 Degrees              Jupiter and Mars at 20 Degrees,  Jupiter Looser

Saturn in Moola Nak.                 3.26 degrees Moola Nak.                               At 7.16 degrees in Moola

Moon Aspect of Saturn                Yes                                                                        Yes

Mercury and Venus                     Aspect of Saturn                                               Venus with Saturn and with Sun

Mars and Venus Exchange          Yes                                                                       Jupiter and Venus Exchange  and Mars with Jupiter

Mars with Ketu Degree wise        Yes at 19 degrees                                              Mars aspects Ketu degree wise at 21 degrees

Jupiter aspects Venus                     Yes                                                                      Exchange of the two

Longitudnal Difference of             7 Degrees                                                           20 degrees . On the 6th Jan. 2018 Degree conjunct

Mercury and Venus

This is a Research Article and let us see if these Effect the Market . The Degree conjunction as the 1929 of Mars and Ketu will take place on the 28th July 2018

It has been observed that the Degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu is Fatal for Wars, Terrorisms, Earthquakes and as per 1929 Deep Depression Fatal for Financial Markets , The Aspect of Mars on Ketu is also not good one and germinates all the above . I have tried my level best to explore the situations by comparing the Events . Saturn in Sagitarius has always Proved Most Venomous may be it was 1929, 1990, 1987 etc.

Saturn Fallen In Scorpio has always Surged the Markets beyond Expectations in the year 1958 and Now in 2017 from June 2017 onwards . Read My Article on this

“59 Years Back Roman God Saturn Was Fallen In Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958: Unfolded ?” link…ne-1958-unfolded/ dated 11th June 2017

Some Text here reproducing the same as per the above article 

  •  Saturn Fallen in 1958 -1959 the US stock Markets Touched a New High and  in the Present Situations it can become unpredictable and can touch new High and Low between the 21st June to 26th Nov. 2017 Reference Parameter added in the Article last night at 21-00 hrs  Please read my article again
  • Satrun on the driving seat what it has up his sleeves is unpredictable , in the year 1958-1959 there was a surge in the Market of US, Jupiter was aspecting the Leo sign by Retrograde aspect and was about to fall in it , normally when Jupiter and Saturn in Fiery signs the Market drops, it was the reverse , Saturn in Watery sign and Jupiter in Virgo about to Fall in Leo did the Miracle in 1958, Now Saturn in Sagitarius and about to fall in watery sign and Jupiter no connection with Fiery sign , hence it may be unpredictable. The Market may move  , but seems it may break after reaching a Top figure of 9850-9900 or even more to unexpected figure till Saturn is in Scorpio and then  break from here after crossing Aries Navamsha , There are no researches and , no astrologer works on the Fallen Saturn in Stock Markets , how it may behave is unpredictable since Fallen Planet is most venomous and can go in any direction. As far as the Declination is concerned it is the same as the 1958, which indicates the Markets may surge beyond expectations .
  • anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
    • Written on 9th Nov. 2017  Time 09-10 hrs. New Delhi
    • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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    • Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US
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