Riots On 26th Jan 2021 In The Farmer’s Tractor Rally When Moon is in Vish Ghati As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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Riots On 26th Jan 2021 In The Farmer’s Tractor Rally When Moon is in Vish Ghati as Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Read My Article  Republic Day 26th Jan. 2021 Farmer’s Tractor Rally: Planetary Positions Most Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

The Following Parameters were Predicted and the Riots started exactly when Moon was in Vish ghati at 12-12.30 hrs.  Mrityu Yoga on the 26th Jan. Yoga Vaidriti and Sun also in Vish Ghati Now Read My Prediction made for the Day Republic Day 26th Jan. 2021 Farmer’s Tractor Rally Planetary Positions Most Enigmatic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala…

The Planetary positions on the 26th Jan. 2021 are as follows

The 5 limbs of the Day The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and the Moon Star is Ardra forming a Mrityu Yoga . Moon will be in Vish Ghati on this day between 11.20 -12.13 degrees between 10.51 -12.32 hrs . most enigmatic time frame for Riots

The Yoga is Vaidhriti a Malefic yoga and Ekargala is formed which is inauspicious

Sun at 12.14 degrees is also in Vish Ghati Dur Muhurat between 09-21to 10.04 am

Abhijet Muhurat 12-12 to 12.55 hrs

Gulika Kaal 12.34 to 13.54 hrs

Udaya Lagna Muhurta for the day Makara – 06:31 AM to 08:14 AM Kumbha – 08:14 AM to 09:41 AM Not Good at the start of the Parade 8th Lord Mercury Placed in the Lagna also Dur Muhurat time Meena – 09:41 AM to 11:06 AM Mesha – 11:06 AM to 12:41 PM Jupiter, Saturn and Sun in Shravana Star, Jupiter and Saturn combusted and Sun in Vish Ghati in the 10th house 2 Pancha Maha Purush Yogas Being Formed in the Lagna and the 10th house But other Planetary positions are not auspicious Jupiter, Saturn and Sun in the sign Capricorn. Saturn and Jupiter combusted Lagna Lord of the India Foundation chart Venus in Paap Kartari yoga in the 9th house but Vargottam Taurus _Scorpio axis Afflicted Cancer-Capricorn axis afflicted Saturn in Shravana Star and combusted along with Jupiter In the navamsha chart Saturn is Debilitated and with Exhalted Sun. Saturn is definitely afflicted Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Vedha Between the Planets except Venus In a Nut shell the Planetary positions are not conducive I don’t want to write any more . Govt. Should make strict vigil during the Farmer’s Tractor Rally as can be seen from the Planetary positions on the 26th Jan 2021 only then it could be a peaceful day——– Note these Predictions My Earlier Predictions of Farmer’s Agitation becoming intense proving spot on. The Stock and the Financial Markets therefore can go for a Toss as already Predicted by be

MY VIDEO ON THIS    Date 26th Jan 2021 14.15 hrs


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