Republic Horoscope Of India and Demonetization of Currency

by astrodocanil

News / India / Demonetization of currency is like ‘Kadak Chai’ – PM Modi

Demonetization of currency is like ‘Kadak Chai’ – PM Modi


This is with Reference to my article “Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016” link…-in-nov-dec-2016/ dated 4th Nov. 2016.

Read the Point 10. as Below I had Clearly mentioned that the Govt . will take strict actions between the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016.

8th to 10th Nov. Rahu Attains the Status of Most malefic State and becomes Stationary and then Direct. Ready to give its Results  with Magnitude . We have already seen the Effects of Rahu between the 23rd Oct. 2016 to 28th Oct. 2016. All Kingly persons have been trapped in Scandles . Govt. Can take some strong actions.

  1. Cyrus Mistry of Tata
  2. Smajwadi Party Split
  3. Hillary Clinton E mail Row

All have happened when Rahu was in Forward Motion and strong to give negative results .

11. 9th Nov. 2016 Rahu again in Dagdha Rashi will above Parameters as explained becomes Most Venomous

12. Rahu in Leo Dagdha Rashi, Sun also aspected by Mars in Navamsha , hence from 8th to 11th Nov. 2016 most Explosive in the Present Scenerio

Also Read my article “Fate of the Stock Markets in Nov-Dec. 2016 A Research Analysis” link…esearch-analysis/ dated 4th Nov. 2016

Let me reproduce the Text which acquires an important dimension for the Happenings concerning the Stock Markets

I have compared the Parameters at the time of Fall in the Stock Market and taken the Dates

1. 28th Oct. 1929 the Wall Street Crash  The Great Depression

2.19th Oct. 1987 Black Monday

3. 6th Oct 2008

My Findings as below in a Nut shell as pointed out in the Article above

Hence from the above it is evident that similar Situations may arise in the Stock markets between the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016  then 21st to 22nd Nov. 2016 and then the 1st to 5th Jan 2017  for the Global Stock markets and a steep fall.

The Probability there fore will be in the increasing order in the above Dates

  1. 8th to 10th Nov. 2016  Terrorism , Espoinage, Scandles Possible , but the chances are less then the other dates mentioned below, but cannot be ruled out .
  2. 22nd Nov. Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees hence the Possibility of the Scandles, Espoinage and untoward Happenings increase
  3. 1st to 5th Jan 2017 is the worst in the Present Scenerio , since Mars and Neptune are degree conjunct with Ketu at 15.15 degrees and they aspect the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo , Can be most Explosive for the Globe  as far as the Financial Stagnation, Untoward happenings are concerned  and they will take place with magnitude . Surprises after Surprises . Unexpected Events Related to the US Presidential Elections , Earth Quakes, Tornados , Natural Calamities cannot be ruled out . It is really scary.

Please bear in mind this is a Research and it looks as it is will happen due to the Planetary positions , for some Reasons the Market does not take a hit , I should not be responsible for it. no Astrologer has worked for Research till date .

Rahu is capable of Even Taking the Stock markets to New Levels , since unpredictable  as has been doing in the Past from ever since it has joined Leo sign over stationary Jupiter degree wise and Jupiter having Exchange with Sun  on the 9th Jan. 2016

My Predictions have Proved on the Dot for the Stock market and the Dates for the Demonetization  of Currency as a Strict Step taken by the Govt.

Let us see what the Planetary Positions indicate from the Republic Horoscope of India of 26th Jan 1950 of 10-25 am New Delhi.

This Horoscope is used for constitution developments and important dignitaries. According to K N Rao Republican Horoscopes also show more of socio economic tendencies generated through legislation


Coming on the Present Scenerio of Demonetization on the 8th Nov. 2016 , the dasha running was Jup-Mer-Venus

Let me give a briefing on this horoscope and the Foundation chart of the Independence Chart of India

Some special Parameters in the chart above

  1. Both Horoscopes have Rahu in the Lagna  and for this reason the policy of pseudo-secularism is followed
  2. For Dual Lagna the strength of the Kendra Lords is extremely important , since they are benefics and forget their beneficiance as the Kendra Lords , Hence the Lagna Lord Jupiter is Debilitated and placed in the 11th house with Sun and also Combusted , but good it is not in very close degrees with Sun . We all know the Conjunction of Jupiter and Sun is the highest Rajyoga , but both have to be strong to sprout good results .Jupiter here as the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord is afflicted badly more so it is with 6th and the 8th Lord making him a first Rate malefic . Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant  and when it gets mad it has the capacity to Ruin the Jungle , similarly here it has the Capacity more so it is the Lagna Lord and the Dasha of Jupiter is also in operation and in the 11th house can bring  changes in regard to the Economic Condition of the Country
  3. The 4th and the 7th Lord is Mercury and is Fallen in the chart and I have been mentioning that a fallen Planet since on the 10th Jan 1950 it went into retrogression in Capricorn and on the 20th Jan 1950 it fell back in Sagitarius sign. There for it attains the status of the most malefic Parameter in the Chart and a First Rate Killer since Mercury is the Bhadak, Marak and Kendradhipatidosha and then becoming Fallen has attained the status of  Most Malefic Planet more so  since the Dasha of Mercury anter dasha is also running and it went in Capricorn and fell back in Sagitarius
  4. The Sub Sub Dasha Lord Venus is also in the 11th house as a 8th Lord with the Lagna Lord Proved extremely strong Currency Demonetization.
  5. Mars and Ketu Degree conjunction in the 7th house
  6. In the Foundation chart the 10th Lord is Saturn with 4 more Planets , It is a Sanyas Yoga  in the house of Preaching , making Moon weak but Moon is in the Maha Nakshatra a Nakshatra of Reincarnation , who is also forming Gajkesri Yoga , Here the 10th Lord is weak along with 10th house since Mercury is also aspected by Mars . In this Chart discussed here the 10th Lord is also Debilitated in the 11th house  with 6th and the 8th Lord . The 11th house dealing with legislation having Exchange of the Sun and Saturn , Theis Explains why we have to do so many amendments . Therefore Dasha of Jup-Mer-Sun from 7th Dec. 2016 will further bring so many amendments. Sun and Saturn Joining in Scorpio on the 16th Nov. 2016 will escalate the issues and more so after Sun Reaches in the Sign of Capricorn after 14th Jan. 2017
  7. This Horoscope has 3 Retrograde Planets and one Fallen out of them is Most Crucial Factor .
  8. The Dasha scheme of the Republican horoscope many constitutional  events  including deaths of Important dignitaries. Prime Minister Jawahar Lal  and Lal Bahadur Shastri died in the enigmatic dasha of Venus -Saturn both attaining Malefic State and Lordship.. Venus Sub Sub Dasha is Critical since the 8th Lord of mourning and in the Present circum stances Venus Sub-Sub Dasha is running till 7th Dec. 2016
  9. Saturn and Sun Exchange  Yoga is activated on the 16th Nov. 2016 since Sun ingresses in Scorpio and Joins Saturn . This Yoga is considred most Malefic and just like a Bhandan Yoga , hence 16th Nov, and 11th Dec. 2016 will be critical in this respect  
  10. The day of the Demonetization the Planetary Positions were as per the Chart below   


  1. Lagna Lord , 10th Lord and Dasha Lord Jupiter in the 7th house degree aspecting the Natal Jupiter .

2. Natal Jupiter 19.12 , Transit Jupiter 18.35 . Transit Jupiter also influencing the Navamsha Jupiter also . Jupiter also over Natal   Mars at 16.13 degrees

3. Transit Mars over Natal Jupiter and Transit Jupiter over Natal Mars , hence when Mars reaches the Natal Degrees of Jupiter at 19.12 degrees on the 27th Nov. 2016 could Prove Crucial .

4. 8th Lord Venus over  Natal Mercury and on the 27-28th Nov. 2016 will be at the same degrees of 25 .00

5. Mercury Anter dasha Lord in the 8th house

See the Chart of 28th Nov. 2016


Activation of Saturn in the 6th house  and Sun in the 11th house , In transit they Join in Scorpio


All the above Parameters are activated and not good Time frame from the Following Dates

  1. 16th Nov. 2016  Saturn and Sun Conjunction
  2. 21-22nd Nov. 2016 Mars activates the Eclipse Point of 15.15 Degrees
  3. 27th to 30th Nov. 2016 Above chart and the Dasha Lords Jup-Mer-Ver and the Jup-Mer-Sun
  4. 11th Dec. 2016 Degree conjunction of Saturn and Sun
  5. 25-26th Dec. 2016 Degree conjunction of Ketu and Mars
  6. 1st Jan 2017  Degree conjunction of Ketu , Mars and Neptune in Aquarius and Mars aspects 15.15 degrees in Leo the Eclipse Point

Prime Minister Security should be on top most Priority

Terrorism , Vandalism, Espoinage cannot be ruled Out

Govt. will further take strong Decisions Regarding Property, Gold and Black Money

A strong  Budget is on the Cards in Feb. 2017



anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

15th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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