Red Planet Squares Nodes and Sun and Conjunct Saturn: Seismic , Tsunami, Terrorism,On Cards

by astrodocanil

One of my clients approached me for Predictions and while I started to analyse the Prashna chart  for Mook Prashna in the Morning hours , The Screen of my Laptop went Blank. I tried my level best but miserably failed. I immedaitely called by Computer chap in Nehru Place  and took my  Laptop for repairs . I was soon told that the Screen had collasped and hence the same has to be changed . I was already prepared for it and asked him to do the same. I came back home around Lunch Time . While I was at the Nehru Place I got a Call from the same client , if he could come to me for consultations. I asked him to join me at 4.00 PM

As per my Research Parameters for Prashna Triangle, the Planet responsible for the Query raised by the Querist was Pertaining to Neptune , who is Transitting in Aquarius and being the 7th house of the Prashna chart , I told him, the Mook Prashna indicates  Deception, Illusions, Fantacy,Occult Science, Hypnotism,Defective and Mysterious Relationship. If Travelling then Rains would be there . I told him in 2 minutes that the Query is pertaining to a break in Relationship for Marriage. Look the Shakun and Omens had already indicated that the Relation ship would break and a new one will be developed soon, as the Screen of the laptop was changed with a new one and soon , Mercury , Rahu Play an important role , here , Surprisingly , I had ordered a New Laptop which had arrived just a day before and the windows was downloaded , but was to be activated .

I made the Following Predictions, Forget the Relationship with the girl which broke since the screen of the Laptop could not be repaired and i had to discard it and throw it as a junk. A New Laptop has already arrived and already the Windows have been downloaded and would be activated soon , hence a new Realtionship is on the cards soon. my research Parameter is most amazing and pinpoints the query in just 2 minutes and proves 100% every time i use it. Most amazingly , the client had a Break up after marriage was fixed and was in depression. He had also Travelled when Rains were there . Astrology is most amazing and Proved 100% . What I want to stress here the Omens and Shakuns at the time of Predictions .

Yesterday night while I was thinking of writing an Article on the  Seismic activity due to the Planetary configurations and the Red Planet Mars recourse . I just went out for a short walk and found dense clouds in the sky and soon there was drizzling.

As per Book of Mundane astrology when Mars is about to change sign and 2 days before there is weather change then , there will be strong effects of the Planet changing sign, also before a  Seismic activity 15 days before there are weather changes , i could immediately sence that 15 days after there could e a strong  Seismic activity and hence Earthquake, Tsunami, Cyclone.

In the Morning of 18th Feb. 2016 I wanted to go for my normal morning walk and found Rain, which disallowed me to go. I immedaitely pulled my Laptop and started to write this article.

Let me start with the basic Parameters for the  Seismic activity , for which there a couple of articles on my webpage and I have already indicated in the Article “Solar Ingress of Sun in Capricorn:What is has in Store for India” link dated 8th Dec. 2015

Sun is afflicted badly in Capricorn an Earthy sign ( Earthy signs 2,6,10) and afflicted badly in Rashi chart by Mars and Saturn and Navamsha also by Mars , the Ingress of Mars Squaring Sun and Nodes will sprout the same after 20th Feb. 2016 , being the 8th house of the natural Zodiac. I have already writen enough on the Planetary cycles and repeatition of the same. Capricorn Sign an Earthy sign rising in navamsha and Sun afflicted in the Lagna by Strong Mars is indicative of the same , More so Mars is in the Ascendant in both Rashi and Navamsha aspecting the 8th house by 8th aspect .

Let me reproduce my analysis of the Solar ingress of Capricorn below, since the effects of Sun in cardinal signs is for 3 months and Eclipses are also falling in March 2016 , specially the planetary positions in the 9th March 2016 Kundali of Eclipse is Indicative of Strong Earthquakes, Cyclones and Tsunami. 

Let us have a look on the Solar ingress of Capricorn of 15th Jan 2016 01.26.20 hrs.what it has in store for India .

Solar ingress in Capricorn

The Lagna is Libra the 6th house of the Foundation chart in the nakshatra of Rahu and Mars placed in Lagna as the Lord of 2nd and the 7th house placed at the MEP of Lagna  and aspecting Sun placed in the 4th house along with Saturn is the most sensitive parameter in this chart. 8th house from the Lagna is aspected by Mars who is Placed in the 8th from Moon  is another Sensitive Parameter in this chart. This is crystal clear pointing out Disturbances in the country with magnitude since the Kendras are afflicted it will be internal ones.Tug of War between the Ruling and the Opposition Party and Congress in minority.

Fallen Mercury Connection to the 9th, 12th Lord in the 3rd House and in Retrogression  is serious ,shows Espoinage by the neighboring Countries and to be specific Pakistan. A Fallen planet is like a Car going up the hill and the motion is stalled and comes back rolling and falls from height . A Planet Fallen rolls back in the Previous house and is not able to give any results till it crosses the Retrogression mark. Mercury Retrogression mark is  of 6.55 degrees on the 15th Jan 2016 and will cross on the 14th Feb. 2016. Mercury will be in Retrogression till 25th Jan 2016.

The worst Combination in the Paksha Kundali of 10th Jan 2016 and th Solar ingress of Capricorn is that both Benefics Mercury and Jupiter went in Retrogression on the 6th and 8th Jan 2016 respectively. This can have an adverse effects on the Economy, Stock market of the country , along with the Globe . Mercury is Significator of Stock market , Communications, Pay Grounds. Mercury is the 9th and the 12th lord. Terrorism and Terrorist Camps in the Boarders will be active. A Strong Earthquake in the Himalayan Terrain Area cannot be ruled out when Mercury is Stationary on the 4th to 6th Jan 2016. Rahu will also be in Adverse motion on the 2-4th Jan 2016.The connection of Moon and Mercury is disasterous. Terrorism, Political unstability and Earthquakes could sprout strongly even before the Paksha Kundliof 10th Jan 2016 due to adverse Benefics Jupiter, Mercury getting afflicted badly

Lagna Lord Venus with Saturn in the 2nd House , concern for the 2nd House Focus on the  Financial condition, Black money .

Moon  as explained above as 10th Lord is placed in the 6th house , shows the Difficulties faced by the Ruling Govt, as Explained as bove Mars is Placed in the 8th from Moon . 6th Lord dispositor of Moon  is also placed in the 11th house badly afflicted and in 6/8 axis with moon forming a shatak yoga

Guru Chandal Yoga

The avove chart has Guru chandal yoga aspected by Saturn  and the most sensitive Parameter is the Close Proximity of Rahu and  Jupiter degreewise . Jupiter is also  at the mouth of Rahu. At the time of Rahu ingress in Leo Jupiter will be  Stationary motion and in very close Proximity with Rahu and aspected by Saturn. This yoga is capable of Producing the Most malefic results since jupiter is also the 8th Lord in the Foundation chart and the 6th Lord in the Solar ingress chart. As per the Foundation chart this combination is taking place in the 4th house and the effects are as follows “Guru chandal yoga 4th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 4th house:  shows good education and native will be sharp, intelligent, witted and government job. Person will have own house or property, if aspected by benefic planets. If Jupiter is malefic, there will be disturbances in family life and may involve in immoral deeds. The combination is aspected by Saturn hence there will be acute disturbances in the country and the Peace will be disturbed for a long time  .

As per the Solar ingress chart above it is taking place in the 11th house and the effects are as follows .”Guru chandal yoga 11th House or Jupiter Rahu conjunction in 11thhouse: Guru chandal yoga in 11th house not good. This placement may give huge amount of money but from wrong places. Sudden loss and gains of money also seen from this yoga. If this Yoga is strong and benefic in the eleventh house, there will be influx of money, though the money may come through wrong channels. The native will enjoy a luxurious life.” Hence the corruption will be on its heights.  The worst effect of this Yoga will be after Mars transits in the Scorpio after 20th Feb. 2016 and  the time of the Eclipses of March 2016, Mars aspecting the Solar Ecliopse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the 23rd March Lunar Eclipse. The Money may come  to Youths from the ISIS organisations to lure them in Terrorism.Religious Provocations and Terrorism between to Countries can sprout , For India Pakistan can be responsible for it.

We all know that Stationary Saturn at 4.13 degrees between the 27th July to 7th August 2015  has activated the natal Ketu at 5.44 degrees in the Foundation chart above and Now when Mars goes over Natal Ketuon the 28th Feb. 2016 in the same navamsha will be disasterous for War like situations in the Country , since the 7th house is house of Wars . At this Point on the 20th Feb 2016 both Mars and Saturn will be aspecting the 8th house of the Solar Ingress chart above.This combination will be in the 8th house of Pakistan and hence mass happenings  needless to mention why. There could also be Military coup in Pakistan and Nawaz Shifif may have to step down from his throne.

Parameters for Terrorism, Blasts, War

3rd house has Fallen Mercury connected to 9th and 12th house , Espoinage and Plans of Neighboring countries .

6th house  has Moon and 6th lord is afflicted badly as explained above

12th House , Lord of 12th and 9th has connection with 3rd house as Jupiter afflicted aspects the 3rd house

Jupiter and Venus afflicted

Sun aspected by both Mars and Saturn

Rahu aspected by Saturn

Mars and Saturn both aspect 8th house of Mass happenings


Earthy signs Taurus , Capricorn are aspected by both Mars and Saturn ,Virgo in Paap Kartari yoga hence Strong Earthquakes when Moon is in connected to Mercury by aspect, Conjunction, Joins Rahu-Ketu in Transit or Sun in Transit .

The Connection of Moon and Mercury is of Prime importance in Earthquakes . The Planet Mercury is Fallen in the the Solar ingress chart, hence the weather conditions will be unpredictable . Mercury is in the nakshatra of U Shadha  and is totally combusted, Fallen, in Paap Kartari yoga.Mercury and Moon have relationship  as follows .

  1. Both in the house of Jupiter , Sagitarius and Pieces respectively, Mercury in the nakshatra of Sun and Moon in the nakshatra of Jupiter, and both Sun and Jupiter had exchange just before the Ingress of Sun is Capricorn, Mercury is also aspected by badly afflicted Jupiter
  2. In Navamsha Mercury in Sagitarius with Jupiter, Rahu. and Moon in again a Watery sign. all the above indicate Earthquakes, Tsunami Sprouting with magnitude . Mercury and Moon are in 6/8 axis showing negatives for the same
  3. Earthquakes as far as India is concerned in the Hindu Kush Area or the Himalaya Terrian after Mars in Scorpio , specially when Mars is in Virgo navamsha along with Saturn in Capricorn navamsha , From 8th to 19th March 2016 will be most sensitive Parameters for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Globe , The dates when Mercury and Moon connection will sprout the results .


Sun and Moon connection with Exhalted Mars in the 1/7 axis and Venus placed in the 2nd aspected by Saturn and all the rest of the Planets in the 12th house is a matter of big concern. The earthy sign Capricorn is afflicted and connected by Lumanaries .

Connection of the 9th, 12th and the 3rd is again prominent in navamsha.

Venus and Jupiter afflicted

Sun ill placed from Rahu-Ketu and Saturn


12th Lord Role predominant in Lagna by Mars placement in Lagna

Lumanaries aspected by Saturn

Trishamasha Lord of the 6th lord Jupiter is Venus and that of 8th Lord Venus is Saturn  and they are both Placed together in the 2nd House of the Ingress chart and aspec the 8th house of mass happenings.

My research of 8th house/Lord/Navamsha sign of 8th lord/8th lord of Navamsha when afflicted then mass happenings take place .

Unfortunately the Parameters which acquire a special dimension for the Foundation chart of India are as follows and activated  .

  1. 8th house is Sagitarius and badly afflicted in Navamsha of the Solar ingress by Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter
  2. Navamsha Sign Taurus of the 8th Lord Jupiter is Taurus and is badly afflicted In the Solar Ingress in the Rashi chart by both Mars and Saturn.
  3. Venus the 8th Lord of Navamsha and the Sign Lord of Jupiter 8th Lord of Foundation chart is afflicted in Solar ingress chart and Navamsha by Saturn
  4. Mars over the natal 8th Lord Jupiter in Libra.
  5. 8th Lord Jupiter afflicted badly by Rahu and Saturn

The above combinations are explosive  for Untoward happenings, Natural and Unnatural,Terrorism, the Parameters of the same also activated , Earthquakes, Tsunami all are activated

Let me now see the Parameters for Earthquakes  all ready posted on my webpage and articles written by me. Let me explain why an Earthquake takes place.Planetary configurations are definite indicators of Earthquakes.

One of the Prime Parameters in the planetary positions is the alignment of Major planets in the 1/7 axis . Sun and Moon at 0 degree or 180 degree with the Earth, then the Earth will be caught in the middle in a huge Gravity struggle between the Sun and the Planets .The Gravitational stresses would change the speed of the Earth in its orbit and when the speed of rotation of the earth changes the tectonic plate motion also gets affected and then Earthquakes are surfaced .It can be well explained with an example of a bus Running at a normal speed and all of a sudden the driver applies brakes and those standing collide with each other, similiar way due to change of speed of Earth the Tectonic plates collide with each other and give birth to an Earthquake .

Earthquakes surface close to the heels of Eclipses. We are all aware that there are  2 eclipses one Solar and one Lunar in the month of  March 2016. Those countries where the eclipses are taking place in the 4/10 axis  from the Lagna or the Zodical sign will be more prone to Earthquakes.

Since Earthquake is related to Earth Earthy signs 2,6,10 are important, therefore at least one sign has to be afflicted by malefics.

Mars and Saturn conjunct or in 2/12 or 6/8 axis . Sun Saturn in 2/12 or 6/8 axis, Mars Rahu-Ketu in 6/8 axis, Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis , conjuct or in 1/7 axis.

Most of the Planets in the Nakshatra of Ketu, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, but most crucial will be when most of them will be in the nakshatra of Mars and Mercury.

Major planets occupying Mutual kendras and Trikonas. 1,4,7,8, 12 or the 10th house from Marmagaya Sthan , will indicate the place of Occurance . The asterism of the day  may belong to Prithvi (Earthy or Vayu(Air) category.  Prithvi Tatwa Nakshatra are  Bharini and Rohini and Airy Tatwa are Ashvini, Ardra, P Vasu,,U Phalguni, Haste, Jyestha, Moola, P Bhadra , U Bhadra and Satbisha.

There are 4 parameters also very important.

1. The Day of the Earthquake. Can be found out By Planetary combinations

2.The Direction of the Earthquake. Rough idea can be found out, but Exact location is difficult since Seismological and Geogological Methods are to be employed

3. The Longitude and Lattitude .  As Mentioned above

4. Intensitiy of the Earthquake By Affliction in the Eclipse charts and 8th House /Lord/Navamsha Sign, 8th Lord of Navamsha in Rashi and navamsha chart Intensity can be known

Hence as an Astrologer we have limitation of the Longitude and Latitude and exact Direction

As per Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by  M S Mehta and A Radhika, the Following parameters also acquire a special dimension .

  1. Signs Taurus and Scorpio are  notorious signs  for Earthquakes , specially when Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu in these signs . Taurus has Specially has Rohini nakshatra  from  10 degrees Taurus to 23.20 degrees and when aspected by malefics will sprout most malefic results and hence in Present Transit when mars and Saturn aspect these degrees will be crucial for Earthquakes after 20th Feb. 2016  and in the Present transit Saturn at 22.19 degrees will be stationary 5 days before it is going in Retrogression and 5 days after 25th March 2016, will be Crucial for these 10 days . Mars Becomes direct again on 13th August 2016 at 15.41 degrees.. Mars goes in Retrogression on the 17th April at 14.49 degrees , At these degrees staurn will become direct , hence 14.49 degrees in Scorpio acquires a special dimension for an Strong Earthquake  3 days before and 3 days after , hence 13th April to 20th April 2016 most Crucial for a strong Earthquake in the Globe.
  2.  I am giving below the chart as per IST which may be sensitive for the Globe for Earthquakes 
  3. In the Present Scenerio after 20th Feb. 2016 and 26-28th Feb. 2016 become most sensitive from 11-20 hrs to 12-20 hrs  Plus minus 5 minutes on the 26th Feb. 2016. On the 27th Feb. 2016 Both Moon and Mars will be in Saturns Nakshatra, who is placed in Scorpio a notorious sign . 28th Feb. 2016 Mars ingressing in Virgo navamsha or Just about to ingress in Virgo Navamsh    are sensitive Parameters for Earthquakes, Tsunami, Cyclones and untoward happenings with magnitude. Hence   From the 2nd March to 18th March 2016.Till Mars is in Virgo Navamsha will be a sensitive period for a strong Earthquake near 28th Feb. to 2nd March 2016 and then Latter tll mars in Virgo navamsha . Rahu will also be in adverse motion till the 3rd March 2016.Globally speaking Earthquakes could sprout in Japan,India, Pakistan, Nepal,China,Indonesia , HinduKush and Himalaya Terrain 


  1. Those Countries who have the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the lagna, Sun, Moon or the 8th house or Lord will be influenced most . US Has the eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Lagna and Moon, China has the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the 8th house and the Natal Lagna Lord Saturn placed in the 8th house and Saturn transit aspecting the Natal Saturn in close degrees .  It is not Possible to write and see the combination of all Countries , but generally speaking the above Parameters will hold good.
  2. Coming back to the Book , Jupiter will be in Scorpio navamsha as seen above in the chart will also be crucial.
  3. 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart when afflicted then Earthquakes Can sprout. India has Taurus Lagna , henc e since the Eclipses are taking Place in the 4/10 axis and Rohini afflicted in the Lagna and Mars and saturn in the 7th house,  a strong Earthquake can sprout in the dates mentioned in this article and above. Countries with Scorpio lagna can also experience such earthquakes, Tsunamis . unfortunately Delhi has Scorpio Lagna hence delhi can experience a EarthQuake as well , Hindu Kush Areas, Himilaya Terrian are sensitve Areas .
  4. Placement of Moon and Mecury in the same Nakshatra or connection is the most sensitive Parameter
  5. On the day of Earthquake Airy and earthy signs will be afflicted
  6. At the time of Earthquake , 1,4,7,8,10 or 12 houses  have nbeen found to be in affliction
  7. Rahu in Forward Motion. In the Present Scenerio Rahu is in Forward motion from 26th 2nd March 2016, most sensitive Parameter in the Present Context. Hence from 26th Feb. 2016 to 9th March 2016 will be Earthquake Prone Time for the Globe and  Earthquakes could sprout in Japan,India, Pakistan, Nepal,China,Indonesia , HinduKush and Himalaya Terrain specially Between 28th to 3rd March 2016 

Let me Draw another Sensitive chart of Transit of 8th March 201610-37 hrs IST

8th March 2016 10-37 hrs

There are simultaneously some Planetary alignments taking place , Moon and Mercury Conjunction and same nakshatra , Mars changing navamsha to Earthy sign Virgo, Lagna afflicted and in Rohini nakshatra , Saturn, Moon and Mercury in Earthy Navamsha Capricorn. .

Moon and Mercury in Satabishi Nakshatra whose lord is in Forward motion  and Poison the most sensitive Parameter which acquires a special dimension , when all the Planets are in the aspect of  of Mars and Saturn .

4/10 axis afflicted, All parameters are activated to sprout an earthquake of intensity of 7 plus Minus 0.5

Current Solar eclipse of 9th March 2016  is falling in Varun (Satabhisha) and Wind circle (Uttraphalguni Nakashtra), hence connection  Cyclones, Tsunami , Airy and Watery activities as well 15 days before or after the Eclipse .

Nakshatra Sanghata Chakra 

On the 26th to 28th Feb. 2016  Sun in Satbisha Nakshatra is Influencing the Rohini nakshatra a Sensitive Parameter , and there is exchange of Sun and Rahu nakshatra

On the 8th March 2016 Sun is influenced by both by Rahu and Ketu in this chakra  and   Moon and Mercury influence lagna and the Rohini nakshatra are sensitive Parameters for these date. hence even Moon shifting the next nakshatra could also be crucial with Mercury . Seethe chart below 



According to Principles of Astro-Meteorology as per the Book mentioned in this article  Mars will join Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 and will be in the Prachand nadi and a Fierce Nadi as per the  Sapt Nadi Chakra  at that time  Saturn the  Owner of Prachand nadi will also be in that Nadi  will give Fierce Results

Sun and Ketu  will be in NeerNadi  and hence related to Water and Rains.

Moon and Mercury will be in Jal Nadi  Better rains and connection of watery events and Tsunami and Earthquakes.

Venus in Amrit  Nadi and  Best Rain, hence again realted to water  Tsunamis

Rahu and Jupiter again in U Phalguni and P Phalguni again Watery  , raind since in Neer and Jalnadi

Since a number of Planets are in Aquarius and a Airy sign there could be strong wids will Thunderstrom amd Showers

As per Koorma chakra  Rohini is Central India ,  Moon in Satbisha  is North India  and Rahu in U Phalguni is South , hence the following areas will be influenced most 

Central India UP including mathura,MP , Chattisgarh and Eastern Part of Maharashtra.

North  Central Asia,  North West india, Pakistan, Kashmir, Punjab Harayana, Uttraanchal,

South  Sri Lanka, Tamil nadu Nasik Karnataka

Globally US, China, Indonesia, Malasyia, Australia, Phillipines, Mexico, Japan,Indonesia

Shall write Month wise Predictions also after the Eclipses and in April 2016 for further Predictions on Weather and Earthquakes ,

Mars changing sign just in to days to a Watery sign and behind Sun gave a Drizzle in New Delhi and Sorroundings since delhi is ruled by Scorpio sign 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  written on 17th Feb. 2016 at 10.15 hrs 

Disclaimer : The writer is not responsible for any adverse situations rising , it is only an astrological explantion of the events which may take place as per the Planetarypositions and as mentioned in the vedic Scripts.


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