Red Planet Mars Transit Pisces-Aries 18th June-24th Dec. Most Turbulent Time For Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1344 Articles and Predictions in just 61 months from April 2015

In all my Articles and Videos I have beeen mentioning that the Transit of Mars in the sign Pieces is going to be most Turbulent between the 18th June to 16th August and then from the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020 in Fallen State. The most unfortunate part is that after the 30th June 2020 the dispositor of Mars Jupiter will be fallen in the Sign Sagitarius where Ketu is placed and where the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 also took Place . Hence the significations of the Signs Capricorn, Sagitarius and Pieces will be most predominant in this period .

Red Planet Mars will Transit the sign Pieces owned By Jupiter on the 18th June 2020 at 20-15 hrs. Let us have a look at the chart below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter in Debilitation and in Retrogression in the sign Capricorn with Retrograde Saturn.

The Parameters which require an important dimension and are most enigmatic  are as follows .

  1. Mars is Placed in the Yama of Virgo and the Lord is Mercury  Placed in the the Sign Gemini where the Annular Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020 is to take place .
  2.  Have a Look at the degrees of the Planets. Mars ,  Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Moon , Rahu  . Mars aspects Rahu, Sun in very close degrees
  3.  Sun at the mouth of Rahu who is at 5 degrees and Sun  3 degrees
  4. Mars Reaching the Mid Point of the Nodes and square aspect on the Rahu and Sun  is most enigmatic Parameter
  5. There is ishraaf Yoga between Moon  and Jupiter.
  6. There is also ithasala between yoga between Mars Jupiter and Saturn
  7. There is Ishraaf yoga between Mars and Moon
  8. There is 3rd aspect of Saturn on Mars and Mars inturn aspects the Sun and Rahu at very close degrees and since square asoect there will be strife and quarrels
  9. The Day is Benefic but the Lord is in afflicted Condition Jupiter , the Nakshatra is Krittika   is good since both are friends but ill placed from each other in 6/8 axis
  10. There will be degree aspect of Mars on the Rahu  on the 26th June 2020
  11.  North Node will be in Adverse and forward motion between the 20th June to 5th July 2020

12. The Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020 is 6 degrees and will be activated by Mars on the 28th June 2020

13. In the Rashi Sanghata Chakra Rahu gives Vedha to Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter . See the Chart Below


14. Mars is aspected By Saturn and Mars further aspects the Luminaries, Mercury .

15. Mercury goes in Retrogression the same day as the Mars joins the Sign Pieces and aspect Mercury

16. Mars stays in the sign Pieces from the 18th June to 18th August  Most Turbulent  for the Global Events  in the Watery sign

17. 30th June the Dispositor of Mars will be in fallen in the Sign Sagitarius with Ketu and on the 29th June conjunct Pluto. Till Mars in Pieces jupiter the Dispositor will be Retrograde and Fallen

18. Mars will be in Gandantha between the 15thAugust to 19th August 2020

19. Mars will go in Retrogression on the 9th Sept. 2020 at 4 degrees  and will be in Stationary Motion 3 days before nad 3 days after the Retrogression. Most Malefic Time frame for the Global Events

20. Mars will be in the Sign Aries from the 16th August to 4th Oct 2020 and on this Date it will fall back in the sign Pieces till 24th Dec. 2020. This Time frame will be the Most Malefic Time frame for the Complete world , since the dispositor of Mars Jupiter will also be in fallen State till the 20th Nov. 2020 and then the dispositor in Debilitation

21. Eclipses taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant and Dasha of a Planet who has the Capacity to bring downfall for the Country  what could happen as Researched by K N rao is there will be Fall of the Nation or the Individual when Mars activates the Eclipse Point . Hence in the Present Scenario the Mars Transit in the sign Pieces will be most Turbulent from the 18th June to  5th july 2020

22. Jupiter Fallen for 143 Days from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 Most Prone to significations of Jupiter taking ugly turn

23. Mars Fallen for 81 days from the 4th Oct. to 24th Dec. 2020 most Venomous and  significations for the Mars will be seen

24. Global Economy may go for a Toss as can be seen as per the Planetaty positions an specially due to Fallen Jupiter and fallen Mars . Unextpected Scams may be exposed .

Significations for MARS 

Armed Forces, Naval and Air commands, Criminals, It is a Planet of War or Strife and represents Violance in any form including Firesvil results,explosions,and armed conflicts,Coup, Accidents, Murders,Assasinations, Terrorism in all forms,It also represents Infiltration,and Secret enemies,, Manufacturing and Industrial Progress,.Since SAfficted by Saturn retrograde  mass Tragedies,Air and Train Crashes,  Road blocks Masses may Block the roads specially the worker class since totally frustrated and not treated well., Hurricane, Typhoons, Cyclones,Volcanos, Earthquakes . Connected to Saturn and Rahu gives extremely evil results

It has been observed  and believed that Wars have always followed when Mars approaches Closest to Earth. I shall write a separate Article on this 



India Is running the Dasha of Moon-Saturn forming a vish yoga and punurfu yoga and the Dasha most enigmatic one from the 31st may to 5th July 2020 of Moon-Saturn-Ketu. . As per the Rashi Sanghata Chakra, Koorma Chakra and the Rudramasha chart I have already Predicted that the time frame from the 31st may to 5th July 2020 is most enigmatic one for India for the fact that the Eclipse is taking place over the natal Mars at 7 degrees who is the 12th and the 7th Lord hence Terrorism, Espionage from Foreign Elements and Brawl with Neighbouring Countries is not Ruled out  specially between the 20th June to 5th July although  till 16th August in a broader spectrum

As per the Oath Charts Of Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal  the Mars in the 8th house in both cases will be prone to Malefic Happenings specially when they are activated degree wise on the 14th July 2020.

The Jupiter Fallen in the 8th house from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 may be responsible for Violence, Terrorism, Religious Fundamentalism, Natural and Unnatural calamities and Spread of the Virus as mentioned in all my Articles . The Central Region for India will be influenced the most as can be seen from the Planetary Positions . Mars behind Sun and in the Watery sign will be responsibe for Excessive rains and floods  in the South and central India as already predicted by me

Spikes in the Coronavirus as per My earlier Articles and  from June to middle July most Prone to Surge in the Coronavirus casses

Read My Articles

1.”Enigmatic Oath Charts Of Narendra Modi & Arvind Kejriwal Mars On Wheel After 18th June 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” The Time frame from the 18th June 2020 will be most Enigmatic for both of them and for Delhi and India . Mars activating the Mars in the 8th house of the Oath Charts may prove most Venomous  for Delhi and India also

2.‘Beginning Of Coming Disaster’: The World Reopening Despite Skyrocketing Coronavirus Astrology Warns Again And Again Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.”Not The Time For Countries To Take Foot Off Pedal From Lockdowns Astrology Warns Of Consequences Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.”North Node Rahu Turns Venomous Signals Warlike Coronaviurus Spikes Cyclones Earthquakes Floods In June -August-Dec 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.”Astrology Speaks Loudly ! World Dances Mars Activates Eclipse Point After 18th June 2020 Most Enigmatic For India China US & Japan Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6.”Red Planet Mars Ammunition Dump Will Activate Eclipse Point Of Solar Eclipse Between 25th-30 June 2020 Catastrophic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

7.”Astrology Speaks Loudly ! India China Troops Eyeball To Eyeball Rashi Sanghata Chakra Proves Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

8.”Red Planet Mars May Prove Ammunition Dump For Indo-China & US-China Realtions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

9.”Eclipses in Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Pose Hinderances In Vaccine Developemet For COVID-19 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

10.”As Predicted Planetary Positions Taking The World For Rough Ride Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

11. “Lock Down Must Continue Till 27th July 2020 As Per Rudramasha Chart and Kota Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

12. “Roman God Saturn Goes In Retrogression for 141 Days What It Has Up Its Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

13.”May-June 2020 Retrograde Planets May Spiral The World Into Enigmatic Situations Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

14. “Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Theory Of Inevitability May Cast Evil Shadow On US By COVID-19′ And Brawl With China Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

15. “What Star’s Foretell As Per Kota Chakra For India Foundation Chart & Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

16.”My Article ‘Will The Nodes Land Japan In Enigmatic Patch After 9 Years Around Eclipses Of June 2020 Between 22nd April-June 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

17.”Rahu In Ardra & Mrigshira Ketu In Moola & Jyestha Nakshatra May Leave Deep Scars In 2020-2021 Parallel 1890 &1918 For the World Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


1.”My Videos On The Rudramsha Chart COVID-19 Predictions Trump Or Joe Biden The Next Face Of US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.”Donald Trump Or Joe Biden Who Will Be The Next Face In 2020 Presidential Campaign ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.”What Fate Awaits Trump Jupiter -Saturn And US Rahu-Rahu Dasha In Immediate Future ?Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.”Nodes Will Cast A Evil Shadow For India US Trump Now And In Taurus-Scorpio Axis After 20th Sept 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.”What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020-2021 For Top Leaders Trump & Modi ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6.”U.S. Now Has the World’s Deadliest Coronavirus Outbreak Predictions Spot On As Per US & Trump Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As per the Foundation chart of the US the Solar Eclipse is taking place over the 4 Planets in the sign Gemini alloted to US by Varahamihra and Mars activating the natal Mars at 00 . degrees on the 18th June 2020 could Prove Explosive since the Transit Mars will be in the 8th house of the US Foundation chart with Leo Ascendant  and the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu  is prone to Turbulence in the Country  due to the significations of the Planet Mars and as already Predicted in the above Articles

1. The Mars activation of the Eclipse point of the 6 degrees between the 26th to 28th June 2020 may prove most enigmatic for the US Most Prone to malefic happenings in the US and against Trump as can be seen . Terrorism, Violence , Religious Fundamentalism is not ruled out 

Jupiter as the 8th Lord of the US foundation chart and Trump will fall in the 8th house from the 10th House in Transit from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 will be most Turbulent time for the US and Trump . Another Parameter which cannot be ignored is that Mars will  go in Retrogression  on the 9th Sept. 2020 in the sign Aries and will become direct on the 14th Nov. 2020 at 21 degrees and as a Fallen Planet in the 8th house whose dispositor 8th Lord Jupiter will also be fallen in the 8th from the 10th house for both Trump and the US. This Parameter acquires a serious dimension since Stationary Mars in Fallen Condition will aspect Sun at 22 degrees a square aspect is more then any thing to be explained , specially Saturn in Retrogression with Jupiter and 60 year back what  even happened can be repeated specially in the US since Saturn in the Sign Capricorn is not good For Top Politicians

  1. John F Kennedy was Assasinated  on the 22nd Nov 1963 when Saturn was in Capricorn at 23 degrees and in the 8th from the Natal Sun of the US foundation chart and just the same degrees since Sun in the foundation chart is 21 degrees. Rahu over the Natal Sun in very close degrees at 18 and Jupiter in Pieces
  2. Ronald Reagan On March 30, 1981, United States President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. as he was returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Hinckley believed the attack would impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had become obsessed. Saturn and Jupiter were degree conjunct in the sign Virgo and opposed by Sun and Mars in Pieces . Sun and Mars in Pieces at 16 degrees and Saturn and Jupiter at 12 degrees in Virgo
  3. Abraham Lincoln, James Abram Garfield (1881), when Saturn and Jupiter were in Conjunction and Retrograde in Aries Assasination took place
  4. William McKinley (1897-1901) Saturn and Jupiter in Conjunction in Sagitarius on the 14th Sept. 1901
    William McKinley was the 25th president of the United States from 1897, until his assassination in 1901. During his presidency, McKinley led the nation to victory in the Spanish–American War, raised protective tariffs to promote American industry and kept the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of free silver. Wikipedia

Assassination attempts and plots on the president of the United States have been numerous, ranging from the early 19th century to the 2010s. More than 30 attempts to kill an incumbent or former president, or a president-elect have been made since the early 19th century. Four sitting presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln (1865), James A. Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901), and John F. Kennedy (1963). Additionally, two presidents have been injured in attempted assassinations: Theodore Roosevelt (1912; former president at the time) and Ronald Reagan (1981). In all of these cases, the attack weapon used was a firearm.

The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, occurred as a result of a suicide bombing in Sriperumbudur, Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India on 21 May 1991. At least 14 others, in addition to Rajiv Gandhi, were killed. Again Saturn was at 13 degrees in Capricorn in Retrogression aspected by Mars and Jupiter 

2.In almost all the Cases when the Assasinations have taken place when  Saturn and Jupiter have been in conjunction in close Degree or in opposition.  In the Present Scenario Saturn and Jupiter are in very close degrees and both are Retrograde and Mars aspect on the Sun degree wise on the 27th July  2020 may be most Crucial for Trump

3. Mars at 21 Degrees Stationary on the 14th Nov. 2020 will aspect the Saturn at 24 degrees in Virgo the 2nd House of the US Foundation chart and aspect the Sun at 21 degrees from the 8th house in Pieces at this time Jupiter the Dispositor of Mars in Transit will be in the 8th house from the 10th house as the 8th Lord from the Lagna and in Fallen condition, Both Mars and jupiter will be in Fallen condition and most Venomous state

4. On the 16th Dec. Saturn and Jupiter in conjunction at 5 degrees 

5. Trump has Fallen Jupiter at 24 Degrees in Virgo and has been activated By Jupiter and Saturn Dual Transit  See the Chart of Trump below in the article.  Mars in the Transit  will activate the 8th Lord  Jupiter Fallen in the 2nd House 3 times . on the 1st August 2020  when the 8th Lord Jupiter will also be fallen in Transit . A Fallen Planet Placed in the 2nd House is Akaal Happenings in life and all of a sudden. 2nd time Mars will activate in Retrogression the 21st Oct. 2020 and 3rd time when Mars will also be in Stationary Mode on the 14th Nov. 2020 at 21 Degrees  and Exact aspect on the Natal Jupiter on the 6th Dec. 2020 

All the above Time frames mentioned from Point no.1 to 5  are Prone to Malefic Happenings across the World  and Parallel situations as per the Past , Specially ugly situations for Trump and US. The Racism in the UniitedStates could take an ugly shpe during the above time frames . The Brawl with China also taking anugly shape cannot be ruled out and in such a situation there will be Navy fight across the South China Sea.

There could be Civil War in the Country , Natural and Unnatural Calamities, Earthquakes, Excessive Rains some thing unusual could happen in the US as can be seen from the Planetyary positions


After looking at the chart It just struck me that Donald Trump has Sun and Rahu in the Sign Taurus and almost the same degrees of the Rahu and Sun
Read My Article “What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020-2021 For Top Leaders Trump & Modi ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

The Chart of the 14th June 1946 10-54 hrs NY Jamacia is Below

The Dasha in operation at that time what Donald Trump will be under going will be Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu Although Rahu is making a Rajyoga in his chart the Rahu may not be able to deliver good Results being in the Lagna of the Dashamsha Chart with Debilitated Sun, Also Jupiter-Saturn Dasha is also not Good Since Saturn is the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter . In the Rudramasha Chart it is evident that Saturn in debilitation and ill placed from 10th house and 10th Lord Mars , Hence to Retain the Pedestal for the Presidency the Planetary positions are weak. Note the Positions of Mercury in this Chart , it is ill placed from Sun for a Promotion and to keep the Preidency , Hence Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury till 7th Oct. 2019 are not conducive for him and there are impeachment risk against him

The 3rd house of the Natal chart is rising is indicative of Self efforts, hard work and thinking about contemporaries and secret enemies.

Moon is Placed in the Nakshatra of Ketu and is in Vish Ghati is not good and also placed in the bhadak stan with Bhadak , Moon is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets , 10th Lord Venus who is in Debilitation and also the 10th Lord from Moon. The Mercury the Garbshishta Planet is in Mrityu Bhag and ill placed from Sun and Moon.
The Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the 12th house with 7th Lord Mars. 7th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord hence the Trade war will not bring good results for Trump in any case . Trump may be involved in Fights and war like condition with other Countries since running the Dasha of Saturn the 7th Lord who is Debilitation Lord of Jupiter the Dasha Lord .

See this chart in the above no planets in the kendra anter Dasha Lord Saturn in the 8th house and the Dasha Lord in the 12th house
Hence from the above we can say that the year June 2018 to June 2020 will be full of Obstructions and Trade war will continue and no respite.


The Presedential Elections will take place on the 3rd Nov. 2020 hence this Progression chart acquires an important dimension. See the Chart Below

The Planetary Positions are not conducive for Trump to Retain the Presidency of US it so seems from the above chart

The Midcusp Lord of the 10th house of the Natal chart Moon is ill placed from the Garbshishta Planets,10th Lord Venus of the Natal chart and 10th Lord From Moon in this chart and is in Debilitation and Moon is also in this Nakshatra of Venus this Combination is worst for Trump, Hence Starting from the June 2020 the Planetary positions are not conducive for him to achieve good results and what ever he may achieve may be lost it so seems specially After June 2019 to June 2020 and June 2020 to June 2021 will be worst for him . He is on the losing side of the table.

Now See the Ingress of Rahu over his Natal Rahu and Sun after 19th Sept 2020 will be most Maefic Transit since he is born near a Eclipse and Rahu Transit over the natal Sun is supposed to be most Venomous one. When Sun also reaches the sign Scorpio and Fallen Mars in the 8th house aspects the Fallen jupiter in the 2nd House after 4th Oct 2020 can prove to be detremental just before the Elections and may face adversities
After the Transit of Mars in the sign Capricorn on the 21st March 2020 Mars will aspect the Saturn and Venus in the 12th house and also aspect the Lagna . This Transit of Mars in the 6th house from the Lagna and aspecting the Natal Mars will give him aggression and he might take some wrong decisions which may Prove detremental for him.
After 30th March 2020 Mars, Saturn and Jupiter will be transitting in his 6th house and both Mars and Saturn will be activated along with Fallen Jupiter placed in the 2nd house which is considered to be a bane and the Transit Jupiter will also be fallen after 30th June 2020 in the sign Sagitarius and as the 8th Lord of the Birth chart and Placed in the 8th house from the 10th house and in Fallen condition may bring a bad name for him. Fallen Planet connected to the 2nd and the 10th house always brings adversities and bad name and ill reputations specially when in the Transit also such planets are in similar condition. Hence from June 2020 onwards he may face the toughest time as the President of the Country till Nov 2020.


I had Predicted in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019 that Virus will spread from China which could be devasttating for the Complete world  due to the Eclipse Falling over the Fallen 22DK Lord Jupiter in the 12th house and Dasha of the Mer-Mer totally Eclipsed By Ketu  and Ketu , Saturn and Jupiter along with Other Planets in the 22DK sign produced Havoc for China and in turn the complete world.

As Per KN Rao the Placement of Mars in the 7th house makes China war mongering and the Lagna Lord in the 8th house makes it prone to planning secretive plans and  executuing the same all of a sudden.  We have already experienced the same in the past.  and Saturn Transit in the Ascendant of China over the Natal Moon makes it Prone to malefic

The Country is under the Dasha of Mer-Mer-Venus now  till 11-8-2020 and Mercury is eclipsed By Ketu and as  Venus the Partanter Dasha Lord in the 10th house as the 10th Lord is aspected By Debilitated Mars from the 7th house of Wars . Transit Mars over the Natal Rahu in the 3rd house after the 18th June will prove  most Venomous for the world since China will be in aggressive stanceand in war mongering stance  . Transit Mars  over the Natal Rahu and aspecting the Dasha Anter Dasha and Partanter Dasha Lords will ignite the war mongering tendencies with Neighbours and specially with India . Trade wars could also take Ugly Shape the Transit of Rahu in the 6th house and exclipse in the 6th house and Transit Mars activation  of Ketu in the sign Virgo could also be responsible for Relapse of the Virus it so seems specially when Mercury goes in Retrogression on the 18th June 2020 and Jupiter Falls back in the sign Sagitarius after the 30th June 2020. The Planetary positions and specially Mars and Mercury could Put China at Daggers Drawn  with India and US. The Trade wars could take ugly shape  . . The Affliction to Mercury in the chart of China and in Transit may Put China in more difficult situations . Mercury will go In Retrogression at 20 degrees Gemini and China has Mercury and Ketu at 20-21 degrees in Virgo  and Rahu and Mercury will come very close again in Gemini on the 12th July 2020.

24th-26th  July 2020 Transit Mars will be over the Natal Rahu in the 3rd house degree-wise  and Mercury will also be at 20 degrees . This time frame is Crucial for China entering into conflict with other Countries a may be it is Trade war or Brawl with other Countries . Jupiter Fallen Over the Natal Jupiter Fallen in the 12th house and also the 22DK sign  from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 will put China in most enigmatic spiral may be it is Virus, Economy, Natural and Unnatural Calamities  with magnitude


I have already Predicted for Japan the Solar Eclipse over the natal Moon at exact degrees on the 21st June may bring disaster for the Country and a Parallel situations like 9 years back of the Earthquake and Tsunami is not ruled out. The Nation will also experience Economy Meltdown .

Read My Article “My Article ‘Will The Nodes Land Japan In Enigmatic Patch After 9 Years Around Eclipses Of June 2020 Between 22nd April-June 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Read My Articles Below written much in advance

1.Red Planet Mars Ammunition Dump Will Activate Eclipse Point Of Solar Eclipse Between 25th-30 June 2020 Catastrophic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.Astrology Speaks Loudly ! India China Troops Eyeball To Eyeball Rashi Sanghata Chakra Proves Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.Predictions Spot On For Virus Spikes Worst Lucust Attack Indo-China Face-off Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.Red Planet Mars May Prove Ammunition Dump For Indo-China & US-China Realtions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.As Predicted Planetary PosPredictions Spot On The World Dances To Tunes Of Red Planet Mars Nodes Roman God Saturn On Catastropic Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwalaitions Taking The World For Rough Ride Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6. Trump Threatens To “Cut Off Whole Relationship” With China Predictions Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

7.Solar Ingress Of Sun In Taurus What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Other Countries Prone are Phillipines , Indonesia, Bangla desh West Bengal and Countries on the Coastal Areas  for the Earthquakes, Rains and Cyclones 


 From the avobe it is clear that the Planetary positions are taking the world for a rough patch in the immediate future may be it is to do with Cyclones, Earthquakes, Rains , Floods,  Trade Wars , Brawl between the nations taking ugly Turn, Religious Fundamentalism, Violence, Terrorism and the Global Economy Going for a Toss specially around the 21st June 2020 Solar Eclipse . Natural and Unnatural Calamities and Virus Spikes may be maximum from Mid June to end of July 2020.

The other Countries which will be influenced most are Italy, Pakistan and Bangla desh , Indonesia, Phillipines 


There will be surge in the Prices of Crude oil and Gold  specially when there is break in the stock and the financial Markets as predicted above

In the Present Context the North Node taking the world for a rough ride from the 18th June to 5th July 2020






Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
12th June  2020 13-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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