Red Planet Mars Transit In Capricorn Bane Or Boon For Pakistan

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Articles for Pakistan . I have already mentioned that the Transit of Mars in Capricorn will be a Disaster for Pakistan . Need less to mention that Mars was Conjunct with Saturn for 211 days from 20th Feb. to 18th Sept. 2016  and this conjunction was in the 8th house of the Foundation chart of Pakistan , hence Mars the 8th Lord and the Lagna Lord with Saturn the 10th and the 11th Lord conjunct in the 8th house of Permanent losses and a fixed sign . We all know that when 2 Planets and specially when the Lagna Lord and 8th Lord are together with 10th and 11th Lord Saturn , when they go in each other sign will give the results of each other . On the 1st Nov. 2016 at 08-38 hrs IST  Mars will ingress in Capricorn its Exhaltation sign. Mars at this Point will be in Nigda Dreshkanne and gives Imprisonment . Mars will be in this sign till 11th Dec. 2016 could there for Be most sensitive Parameter for Pakistan and the the Prime Minister since Mars will be in the 10th House and 10th Lord in the 8th house . Nawaz Shariff may be forced to step down due to the atrocities on the General Public  and a Military Interference is not Ruled out

This has also Reference to my Earlier Article “Is Pakistan Heading for A Disaster  ?” link ‎ dated 17th Sept. 2015  and My Article “Mars and Saturn Exchange after 1st Nov. to 11th Dec. 2016 Explosive for Pakistan- India Relations” link…-india-relations/ dated 30th Sept. 2016

Let me first Put the Foundation chart of Pakistan of 14th August 1947 of 00-00-01 hrs Karachi as Below and Reproducing the Text in the Last article cited above


Pakistan Dasha is Venus-Rahu and dispositor of Rahu is also Venus and Rahu is placed in the 2nd house. Venus in the chart of Pakistan is in Planetary war and also combust , When ever dispositor of Rahu is afflicted and placed in the 2nd house  then it shows the Person or the Country can break the trust it has formed, hence in the Dasha of Venus-Rahu of Pakistan and Venus being the Lord of the 7th house of Wars and under affliction  will create war like situations in the country . We all know the tensions between the 2 countries in the Present context and  since Venus the Dasha Lord has also Transited in the 7th House on the 18th Sept. 2016 the Situations are grim for Pakistan to be involved in War like situation till Venus is there in the 7th house till 13th Oct. 2016, in this Position Venus will be over the Natal Jupiter the Lord of the 9th and the 12th house . Rahu will be in adverse motion from the 11th Oct. to 14th Oct. 2016 will be critical time for Pakistan to be involved in a number of Terrorist activites agains India .Transit   Mars in the sign of Sagitarius will be influencing 6 Planets in the natal chart of the Pakistan Foundation chart  .Further till Mercury the 6th Lord is with Rahu in Leo will further Escalate the war like conditions since Mercury is Fallen and with Rahu till  3rd Oct. 2016 at 17.58 hrs, when Mercury will ingress in the 6th house of the Natal chart and join Sun and Jupiter and this Transit of 3 Planets in the 6th house will be aspected by Natal Mars from the 3rd House of Neighbors and has been activated degreewise on the 28-29th Sept. 2016 when Pakistan has some aggressive Plans for Terrorism and India went into surgical operations. Transit Mars activated by Natal Mars  and Mars aspecting 2 Planet Mars and Moon in the 3rd house and  the 4 Planets in the sign of Cancer viz. Mercury, Venus, Sun and Saturn  and Mars also influencing as per Navamsha sign between the 3rd Oct. 2016 17.59 hrs to 13th Oct. 2016 could be explosive and Pakistan could take an aggressive action in the form of Terrorism in India and specially in J& K  and the Boarders of the India and Pakistan . Hence in the Present Context the Period till 14th Oct. 2016 is Explosive one.

The above Prediction also Proved on dot. Read this ——

Pampore Encounter Near Srinagar Ends After Nearly 60 Hours, 2 Terrorists Killed


After 1st Nov. 2016 Mars will transit in the sign of Capricorn and will have exchange with Saturn  and the Prolonged stay of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio  for 211 days Result will sprout with Dimension. Since In Astrology it is said that when Planets like Mars and Saturn Conjunct for a Long Period and when they go in each other house give the Results of each other accordingly . Unfortunately the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn for 211 days till 18th Sept. 2016 was in the 8th house of the Pakistan Foundation chart and 10th Lord Saturn was Placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord , this Parameter will show its Results sprouting after 1st Nov. 2016 to 11th Dec. 2016 , 10th Lord Signifies the Prime Minister of the Country and connection with the 8th Lord is Explosive and a Permanent Fall of the PrimeMinister  and since 8th Lord will be in the 10th House and 10th Lord will be in the 8th house , this Combination could Prove Disasterous for Nawaz Shariff, since he may take a wrong decision and there may be a Military Coup in Pakistan.

The Venus-Rahu period (25 February 2015 to 24 February 2018) in Vimshottari next will bring  socio-economic transformation in Pakistan and financial STAGNATION in the economy of the country. Rahu is in the second house of national resources and its depositor Venus is in the fourth house of landed property IN PLANETARY WAR AND IS COMBUSTED AND Sun will give the results for the same  .

Sun has no digbala strength  and a Debilitated Sun is better in the 10th house than Sun in the 4th house

Pakistan: 14 August 1947, 00:00 hrs, Karachi (Pakistan) , Longitude 67 E 03’ and Latitude 24 N 52’.

Source of data: Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by Vani Publications, Delhi.

Nawaz Sharif Government may fall any time after 1st Nov. to 11th Dec. 2016 . Nawaz Sharif Oath taking chart and will pose all kinds of hastles for him, infact the bad time will start from 15th Sept. 2015 when Mars will be square to Saturn and there will be return aspect of the two. The period of Venus-Rahu-Mercury period in Vimshottari, when transiting Rahu will be in Leo the tenth house of the Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif and it will eclipse his Political career as the Prime Minister of Pakistan..

Since we don’t have the authentic  horoscope of Nawaz Sharif so i am taking his swearing-in chart here to see when he is going to overcome from the current political crisis in Pakistan.

Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif:

5 June  2013 , 17:33:50  hrs, Islamabad (Pakistan) , (Time Zone 05:00 east) , Longitude 73 E 10 , Latitude 33 N 42 , Lahiri Ayanmsha used.

Source of Data: From the article of Pakistani astrologer, Muhammad Imran published in   Saptarashi Astrology web site.

In the swearing-in chart of Nawaz Sharif, the lagan is a fixed sign Scorpio, which is good, but there is no benefic in Kendra (Square) from the lagan as well as from the Moon, which is an apparent weakness. The Moon is in Bharini Nakshatra, which is a Kroora (malefic) Nakshatra and it is not favored, as per the classics of Muhurta  in the Hindu Astrology, for swearing-in ceremonies. The Mercury, which is the 8th lord signifying longevity of the government, and Rahu, placed in the twelfth house of humiliation, are the two planets which are very closed to the degrees of Mrityu-bhag thus having propensities to inflict danger.

The Sharif government may fall within two and half year’s period of Saturn’s transit into Scorpio sign, which is also the eighth house of the foundation chart of Pakistan, as the Pakistan army may put pressure on Nawaz Sharif to call early elections and threaten to impose martial law if he refuses. The most likely period of the fall of Sharif government will be in year 2016 when there will be exchange of Mars and Saturn after 1st Nov. 2016 and   when transiting Rahu will be in Leo the tenth house of the Oath Taking Chart of Nawaz Sharif and it will eclipse his political career as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The Suffering Masses will Protest against the Policies of the Prime Minister and over throw him from his position and hence Military inference and a Coup


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  BSc. Engg PEC Ch.

BVB Jyotish Alankar and Acharaya and Research from 2007 to 2012

Date 14th Oct. 2016 09-00 am  


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

My True Predictions

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 














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