Red Planet Mars Transit In Capricorn Boon Or Bane For Salman Khan The Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my earlier Article “Stars Foretell Trouble For ‘Salman Khan: the Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’ In August 2016 – Jan 2017″ link…st-2016-jan-2017/ dated 27th July 2016. In this Article I had Pointed out Trouble for him between August to Feb. 2017. Now Read this News ”

Make Salman Khan Surrender, Go Back To Jail: Rajasthan To Supreme Court

link dated 19th Oct. 2016 at 16.11 hrs .  Read this —Jaipur: 


  1. Salman Khan acquitted in July in cases of shooting chinkara or gazelle
  2. Rajasthan government challenges acquittal in Supreme Court
  3. He must serve remainder of 5-year-sentence, argues Rajasthan

 Actor Salman Khan should be ordered to surrender immediately so he can return to jail in two poaching cases, the Rajasthan government has told the Supreme Court.

In July, the Rajasthan High Court found Mr Khan not guilty killing an endangered species of gazelle or chinkara in two separate incidents in 1998 while he was shooting a film in the desert state.

The state government has today challenged his acquittal and wants him to be imprisoned to serve the rest of his sentence- after being convicted in 2007 for hunting down and killing the chinkaras, he was awarded a one-year prison term and a five-year prison term respectively. He then spent a week in jail in Jodhpur before being granted bail.


While finding him not guilty, the High Court said there was no evidence to prove that the animals who were found dead were shot by Mr Khan’s licensed gun. A key witnesses, the driver of the jeep that was used by Salman Khan and his co-stars for their alleged hunt was missing, the prosecution admitted, which considerably weakened the case against the actor. But just days later, NDTV tracked down the driver, Harish Dulani, who said that he saw Mr Khan shoot the chinkara, but had dodged testifying in court because he had been threatened.

A written statement submitted by him earlier should be accepted, the Rajasthan government said to the top court today.  Mr Khan’s lawyers have argued that because the witness never appeared in court, they did not get the opportunity to cross-examine him.

 Mr Khan is also accused of killing a protected species of blackbuck antelope in October 2, 1998. The trial in that case is being heard separately.

Let me reproduce the text I had written in the above article as below

This in In continuation to my earlier Articles  On Salman Khan “‘Salman Khan: the Bollywood’s ‘macho-man’ in Trouble’” link…man-in-trouble-2/ ‎ dated 6th May 2015.

I am reproducing the Initial article written on the 10th Nov. 2014 on the link link . Dated 10th Nov. 2014 below.

The 49 year old is accused of hunting and killing the endangered deer while shooting his film Hum Saath Saath Hain in Rajasthan in 1998. He has already twice spent time in the Jodhpur jail in connection to the case, in 1998 and again in 2007.
Salman Khan’s Hum Saath Saath Hain co-stars – Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam – are charged with inciting the actor to hunt.
Salman Khan’s rifle and revolver were seized by the court when he was first accused of poaching and their licences were found to have expired.
Fresh charges were framed against Salman Khan last year after the Rajasthan High Court and the Supreme Court both ruled that the Arms Act could not be applied to him and sent the case back to the lower court.
In November last year, the Rajasthan High Court ordered that Salman Khan’s poaching conviction be suspended to make it easier for the actor to travel abroad for a film.
The actor was sentenced to five years in jail and is currently out on bail in the case.

Facing a case of possession and use of illegal arms is also running in Jodhpur Court.

Now Read this  “Stick To My Statement That Salman Khan Killed Chinkara: ‘Missing’ Driver To NDTV”


The Planetary Positions are turning ADVERSE FOR SALMAN KHAN IN THE NEAR FUTURE

Let me first Use the Prashna Jyotish Skills to see what could emerge out of the News on the NDTV on the 19th Oct. 2016

The chart is below  of the News


Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury in the Yama of Virgo the 8th house of the Query chart when the News Pours in , Unfortunately the Sign Virgo also has the 8th Lord Mercury   along with Jupiter and is a Strong Negative for the Person concerned for whom the News has come

Tithi is KP-4 Rikta Tithi  malefic for the Native

Nakshatra Rohini the Lord of the 6th house

Yoga Variyan Inauspicious

Karna Balava

Lagna is Dagdha Rashi  Malefic for the Native for whom the news has come

7th House has Rahu whose dispositor is Debilitated and hence Becomes extremely strong in the 7th house  and the Day Lord is Ill placed from the 7th house 7th Lord hence total Failure for the Native for whom the news has come

Lagna Lord and Venus the Karka for Vehicles in Paap Kartari yoga . Strong Negative for the Native

Date for the Future Court Case , when Moon Transit the Lagna on the 9th -10th Nov. 2016

Decision with in 8×2=16 month from Today

There is Poorna Ithasa between the Lagna Lord Saturn and Moon the 6th Lord who is Exhalted and will take one Month , hence Court Date  with in one Month and before the 19th Nov. 2016

Maximum Planets are in the visible hemisphere of the horoscope hence things will move fast

Till Rahu in Leo will pose Obstacles for native with magnitude till 12th Sept. 2017

As Per the birth details of 27th Dec. 1965 14-27 hrs He is running the dasha of Sat -Rahu -Rahu   See the chart below


The Following Parameters as per the birth chart are crucial for the native

1.The Native is running the Dasha of Sat-Rahu-Rahu  and Rahu-Ketu are  Transiting exactly over the Natal Saturn in Aquarius at exact degrees  on the 19th Oct. 2016  Rahu-Ketu are 17.41 degrees over the Natal Saturn at 18.42 degrees

2. Transit Saturn in the 8th House at 19.03 Degrees  and aspected by Natal Saturn at 18.42 degrees and hence Degree aspect  . Saturn Transit is also over the 6th Lord Mercury at 20.59 and Saturn will reach these degrees in the Transit on the 30th Oct 2016 in the same Navamsha and exact degrees on the 7th Nov. 2016 could Prove disasterous.

3. Mars Transit over the Natal Mars the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord in the 10th house on the 1st Nov. 2016 at 08-38 hrs could be explosive since then both the natal and the transit Mars will be in the Nigad Dreshkane and is responsible for Imprisonment , Mars will reach the natal Mars at exact degrees on the 14th Nov. 2016 but will be in the same Navamsha on the 11th Nov. 2016

4. Mercury and Jupiter both in the 6th house and Mercury will join the natal Mercury on the 8th Nov. 2016 and at Exact degrees on the 22nd Nov. 2016 , then Sun and Saturn both will also be in the 8th house

5. Saturn and Mars Transit in the 10th house from the natal moon and Natal Saturn for 211 days  from 20th Feb 2016 to 18th Sept. 2016 and from 1st nov. 2016 the Exchange of mars and Saturn for the native will be Explosive and there will be no respite to the native.

6. As Per Principles of K N Rao when the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna , Moon or the Sun and Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to kill or Anter dasha of Rahu then there is a Fall in the life of the native

Hence it seems the Month of Nov. 2016 will be full of Obstacles and hinderances for Salman Khan and specially related to the News By the NDTV and the Supreme Court taking a Decision against the Native

The Exact Predictions I shall be able to make when the date is announced for the Court case , then I shall further analyse the same , but from the above Planetary Positions it seems that Salman Khan will be in Hot Waters

Venus is also in Paap Kartarri yoga and the complete Bollywood will be in Problems in the Month of Nov. and Dec. 2016

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

19th Oct. 2016 18-00 hrs. New Delhi 



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