Red Planet Mars on the Wheels in 8th House of Natural Zodiac

by astrodocanil

Mars ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 for a period of 211 days and ever since that date in dramatic state on the wheels  for his significations.  Mars on the wheels till 28thFeb. in Cancer navamsha and Debilitated . Water scarcity  till 28th and then Fiery navamsha then heat and Fire  till 8th March then Diseases, Enimity and Debit till it reaches the 10 degree mark is capable to create total caos around the World. For India and Globe  after 28th Feb.2016  More Scary. After 8th March to 19th March in Earthy navamsha the 6th house of the Natural Zodiac, Saturn in Capricorn navamsha  Earthquakes. 9th March 2016 is Solar Eclipse . Mars aspects the Eclipse Sign. 23rd March 2016 , still worse , 7th April Pieces Hindu New Moon Chart , what worst situations one can Expect. The Effect of the 2 conjunctions Rahu-Jupiter in Leo and Saturn and Mars in Scorpio Sprouts with magnitude in India and Globe . Total Economic melt down as Predicted by me way back on the 24th May 2015 “Will the Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the Global Economy ” link, when no one could ever dream about it . The Melt down has already begun from 9th Jan 2016 in fact , since the Demon Totally Eclipsed the Benevolent Jupiter in Stationary position in Leo . Read my Article on that as well  link dated 8th Dec. 2015. Also Read my article

 Now   we all Know the events after 20th Feb. 2016 Escalating like wild fire . The Effects are globally felt . Read the links and happenings after 19th Feb. 2016. 

All my predictions Proving 100%  as per below happenings and Article written in advance on my webpage.

Terrorist Fire on CRPF Bus

ISIS Increasingly Using Children In Suicide Missions

Russia Fails In UN Bid To Rein In Turkey Over Syria

US Air Raid Hits ISIS In Libya, 43 Dead

Al Qaeda Terrorists Seize Southern Yemen Town, Kill Militia Leader: Residents

Jat Quota Agitation Reaches Delhi From Haryana, Protesters Block Roads

Shoot-at-sight ordered, curfew imposed, Army called in as Jat protesters go on rampage in Haryana

Now Read this News Item World War III Could start this Month link

The following will be the effects Globally and and as per my Predictions on my webpage in by different articles

Global Economy  meltdown on Cards

Gold bearish Trends to Follow 1980 trends after 9th March 2016 and Volatile till 9th March 2016 and after  23rd March 2016 may slide down.Article Gold will be Volatile till 9th March 2016 and follow the 1980 Pattern thereafter . Gold could slide down to 900 minus 20 $ in 2016 .

211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 hard nut to crack

General Condition of the Country  alarming

Political Turmoils with magnitude, Reservations , Temples, Religious Issues Could be sensitive issue Article

211 days crucial for NDA Govt.


War, Terrorism, Blasts, Bloodshed, Jammu & Kashmir Sensitive area Article Mars and Saturn in Square Position from the Nodes , Mercury and moon Connection can sprout Earthquakes of Intensity more than 7.00 on the Scale + – 0.5 Sensitive dates already mentioned from 26th Feb. 2016 , Moon and mercury in the same nakshatra of Moon,  7th -8th March most Prone since Mercury and moon both will be in Rahy nakshatra and both in Kendra from Mars and Saturn . Cyclones Earthquakes with Intensity in the Countries Prone , Japan most Prone, India  Indonesia, Hindukush,Pakistan, China, Mexico Possible 

Will The Red Planet Squaring Nodes Steer War Prone Torn Syria And Globe To Arena Of War ?

What Stars Foretell Using Kota Chakra For War Prone Torn Syria and Globe

Epidemics Jupiter is afflicted since 9th Jan 2016, we have already seen Zika Virus sprouting , Mars and Saturn in Kendra are worst for it

ISIS Active As Per the chart of ISIS they will keep on changing the Key places of operations , together with so many Bagdadis Changing hands . Lagna Lord and 4th Lord in 8th house

Oil Prices Volatile but range Bound as mentioned in my articles

Stock market from 23rd Feb. 2016 as mentioned on my webpage on facebook and my articles on the this webpage  maket will slide down.

Stock market Crash  after 9th, 23rd March and 7th April. 1st to 5th   May 2016, and many more as mentioned in my articles after August , Sept. 2016

More Fine Tuned Dates could be——- Read this One Very important Parameter in the Present Scenerio and in the Month of March 2016 is the Acceleration of Mercury . The Normal Speed of Mercury is 59 minutes 8 seconds and in the Month of March 2016 starting from 1st March the speed of Mercury is increasing and the small term effects are the Volatility in the Stock markets , which is liable to increase further till the 2nd -3rd April 2016 and will start to decline then and will be minimum on the 1st May 2016, hence the actual Decline in the Market may start from the 2nd April 2016

Jupiter and Mercury are the Planets Finance and Buisness of the world, Both of them have been in affliction since the Start of the year from 9th and 6th Jan. 2016 respectively, when both were Stationary and afflicted badly, they are bound to sprout their Significations just when they change the signs , hence Jupiter in Virgo and Capricorn Navamsha and Mercury in Virgo Since Mercury was Fallen on the 14th Jan 2016 and again Fallen on the 9th Sept. 2016, it Goes in Virgo on the 4th Oct . 2016 and Joins Jupiter and Sun, On the 7th Oct. 2016 Jupiter Rises Hellically and as per Prashna Marg Mercury and Jupiter both in Virgo a negative sign for Economy and in an Earthy sign Signify the Letters D. Hence The Bank Responsible for the Economy Crack will be a Bank with Letter D, although the Letters T and N also could also have some effects .

Real Estate Builtup Maximum inventory in 2017, hence Rock bottom Prices , Long term bearish Trends

Weather changes, Cyclones, Tsunami

Mars is Placed in the 8th from 8th house more Prominent Rail Sabotage and Accidents, media, Communication etc. Electricity will be adversely influenced

Financial Institutions and Banks will be Influenced Most and Responsible for a crack Down in Economy as well  as per Jupiter Tatwas the Banks with Letter T, D and N, But Banks with Letter D will be influenced Most . I am not naming the Banks here but goes without saying. 

Countries with Following Letters could also be influenced most for 211 days  E, U, S, R  Air and Fire Tatwas in the Eclipses 

India will do well in Sports, 3rd House significations will  be on Priority, Railways, Media, Communications and Boarder issues and improvements as well in all these Parameters . Budget is on the cards and may not be as per Expectations

Solar Eclipses on the 9th March 2016 and 1st Sept. 2016 will be instrumental in escalting the events with magnitude till 7-10th Oct. 2016. 

Planets In Retrogression , Jupiter, Saturn, Mars , Mercury from 20th Feb. 2016 and dates in Stationary Position will also Escalate the Events . In fact it is an year of Retrogrades and specially the Outer and Superior planets . Between 20th March to 29th June  all above Planets will be in Retrogression and also in other states . Mars in Fallen State from 18th June to 13th July will be most Crucial , since a Fallen Planet is most venomous and like a snake bite. 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 21st Feb. 2016 20-30 Hrs  New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any Person or a Corporate investment according to the above article. if any one does it  would be deemed that he is doing it at his own risk. This is only a Astrological indicative factor and may also fail



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