Red Planet Mars,North Node,Roman God Saturn Crossing Gandantha Points, What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

 I Posted this on my Facebook Page…/trump-kim-jong-un-will-regret-it-f…
The North Node in Gandantha and In adverse motion aspected by Fallen Roman God Saturn , Red Planet Mars Debilitated dispositor of Saturn are Making Things miserable in the Present Context and Tug of War Between the Countries . The Twin Eclipses add fuel to the fire and what can happen is any bodies guess till 26th Oct. 2017
US has No Options left now as the twin Eclipses are on the corner and Nodes change to direct Motion between 7th August to 25th August 2017 and then Mars Joining Rahu on the 26th August when Saturn will be stationary from 20th August to 30th August 2017 is Most Provocative Period. I am Afraid to write the impact can be huge and may blow off the Surge in the Stock Markets.The Mars and Rahu Degree conjunction is Called an Angarak yoga and indicates Explosions, Fire, Disasters from 26th August to 9th Sept. 2017 when the Nodes also regress in the Cancer-Capricorn axis and Ketu gets the Aspect of Fallen Saturn in the Darkest sign of the Zodiac till 26th Oct. 2017. The above indicates that though the Period is short for big wars , Mars can definitely act as an ammunition dump between the 26th August to 2-3 Sept. 2017 as per true Nodes and as per Mean Nodes after 17th August 2017.
The Indo -China Brawl is not better and can escalate during the above time frame and China will take an aggressive stance with India , since the Ascendant of China is Capricorn and Rahu and Mars conjunction in the 7th House in Transit as per Mean Nodes and as per True Nodes 26th August could be explosive between the 2 Countries
Need less to Talk about the Gulf War as well which may also take a sudden change like the June 1990 war
The Planetary Positions and the Twin Eclipses in one Month could be responsible for all the above any time from the 7th August 2017
Read My 13 Articles on my Webpage since 6th April 2017 and even before that . My Predictions on dot. No Astrologer Predicted the fallen Saturn effects since in Parashar we do not Consider Saturn in Scorpio fallen and also Adverse Rahu is not considered .
I had written and Predicted long back of all these happenings and Now Astrlogers have started writing now when every thing is obvious for the Future
Now Read this —–…/mcmaster-threat-north-korean-nucle…

McMaster: Threat of North Korean nuclear weapon strike ‘impossible to overstate’
National security adviser H.R. McMaster says the threat of North Korea launching a nuclear weapon at the U.S. or another rival nation is “impossible to overstate” and…

President Trump said Friday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will regret it fast if he threatens or attacks any U.S. territory or ally, while acknowledging his team is…
 Now Let me write on the Present Scenario and the Transit which is Prone for War like condition for Short Period

Eclipses on the door  in the Month of August 2017 and Solar Eclipse in a Fiery and Royal Sign on the 22nd August 2017 What these Planetary positions have up their sleeves is most vulnerable for Wars . Junction points are like Ice Immersed in Fire  in the Present Context of Planets as far as the Mars and Saturn are concerned and Rahu  red Hot being immersed in Ice . When Planets are in Watery sign there are  warnings and Demos but when they go in Fiery signs then they give the results. 

The following Parameters acquire a special dimension in the Present Scenario.

1. Saturn Fallen and Retrograde aspects the Sign Leo and Rahu in Forward Motion till 25th Aug. 2017

2. Mars and Rahu Degree conjunction in  Leo and both at Junction Points Explosive since Forming Angarak Yoga for Explosions , Chemical Blasts, Fire and Natural Disasters . This Conjunction till 9th Sept. 2017 is most Prone for Wars  and Brawl escalating Between the Countries US-N Korea, India-China, Gulf War

3. Mars journey in Leo will be till 13th Oct. 2017  and during this Stay in Leo it will activate the Eclipse Point of the Total Annular Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August on the 2nd Sept. 2017 most Explosive for Wars  Mars will aspect Saturn and Saturn will aspect Mars . There will be degree aspect between the planets on the 11th Oct. 2017. This Period will be Most Prone to Wars. Since on the 12th Oct. 2017 Saturn will also enter the Junction points of the Scorpio and Sagitarius  for the 3rd Time since the Ingress in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan. 2017.

4. Saturn Stataionary from the 20th August to 30th August 2017 Most Prone to Disasters , Escalation of Events

5. Planets in the Fiery Sign and Fiery Navamsha are most Provocative for Wars . Mars will be In Aries Navamsha from the 26th August to 2nd Sept. 2017 when it will also activate the Eclipse point of the Annular Solar Eclipse . Saturn will Be In Fiery sign and Fiery Navamsha from the 26th Oct. 2017 to 29th Nov. 2017

This Period will also be Most Provocative for Natural and Unnatural Disasters , Earthquakes of Magnitude and More than 8.00. Tsunamis in the Coastal Areas

6. True Nodes change on the 9th Sept. 2017 and  on the 9th Sept. 2017  Fallen and Retrograde Saturn will aspect both Rahu in Leo and  and Ketu in Capricorn the Darkest sign of the Zodiac and not good for Wars

7. True Rahu will be In adverse Motion  from 7th August till 25th August 2017 and then 28th August to 7th Sept. 2017  and then 13th Sept to 19th Sept. 2017 in the Sign Cancer . Then 28th Sept. to 5th Oct. 2017, 12th to 17th Oct. 2017. I am Taking the Vulnerable Dates till Mars is in Leo which is Most Prone from 26th August to 9th Sept. 2017 for a Short Period , hence this Parameter indicates that there could be War Escalation for a Short Period. When the North Node is in Adverse motion it has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down.

8. Fallen Saturn from Scorpio and in Gandantha will aspect Ketu in Capricorn till 26th Oct. 2017 Prone for Natural Disasters.

9. Provocations and Demos of War till Planets are in the Watery sign, but the moment they change to Fiery sign they may aggravet the situations beyond Control specially when Mars and Saturn in the Navamsha  will be in the Sign Aries  and the Dates are mentioned above . This Ingress of Mars in Leo will act as Ammunition dump  and in the Natal charts of  US, and Trump it will Transit in the Lagna and aspect the 7th house of Wars  and Trump will take an aggressive stance and may pounce on North Korea, This Transit will be in the 8th house of China and the 4th house of the India. The Transit Of Mars Conjunct Rahu in the 8th house may Cause Natural Disasters in China and after 9th Sept. 2017 Rahu ingress in Cancer over the Natal Debilitated Mars may take an aggressive stance with India. Transit of Rahu- Ketu on the 9th Sept. 2017 will be over the 3rd House of Neighbors  and will be over the 5 Planets will escalate the Tensions with Neighboring Countries, Pakistan, China, Shrilanka, Nepal etc. Saturn Ingress back in Sagitarius in the 8th house of the Foundation chart will further Escalate the Tensions in the Country . For North Korea The Eclipses are Taking Place in the 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart and in the 1/7 axis of the Birth chart of Kim of Aquarius Lagna , Hence N Korea will also Take an Aggressive stance in Nuke Demos and Attacks

10. Needless to Mention about ISIS Terrorism  and Fights In the Gulf Countries , They all will be aggressive in their Pursuits .

Effects of the Above Planetary combinations 

11. Financial Markets will be adversely Influenced as per the Dates Mentioned in this article 

12. Tug of War in the Political Parties

13. Mysterious Deaths  and Mysterious happenings and Scams Exposed . Mass Happenings and Tragedy.

14. For India 3rd House affliction first By Mars and then By Rahu, Rail Accidents  Boarder Disputes and Brawls take greater Magnitude 

15. Attack on a Famous Politician or Celebrity 

16. Natural and Unnatural Disasters , Earthquakes of Higher Intensity, Tsunamis, Explosions , Chemical Weapons and Gases wrath

17. Brawl Between the Countries taking Explosive shape 

Nut shell Malefic Planetary Positions for 2 Countries to be at Daggers Drawn and as explained above.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
12th August 2017 2017  09.10 hrs 
Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:
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Disclaimer Clause as Per My Webpage. The Writer is no way responsible if any Person Invests according to the Above Predictions and shall be doing at his own risk and Fancies. The above article is Just astrology analysis and not my Personal comment  This may please be noted and I have no intention to bring any bad names to any one .The Planetary Positions are only indicators 




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