Red Planet Mars Joins Sagittarius Fiery Sign 16th Jan. What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Virus & Stock Markets ?

by astrodocanil

Red Planet Mars Joins Sagittarius Fiery Sign 16th Jan. What It Has Up It’s Sleeves For Virus & Stock Markets Till 27th Feb. 2022 ?

Mars the Red Planet will ingress in the sign Sagittarius the 8th house of the India Foundation chart  on the 16th Jan. 2022 at 16.30 hrs . It will join Venus Retrograde and Fallen the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord of the India Foundation chart and may aggravate the situations . It will be in Gandantha till the 19th Jan. 2022. Mars will be in the star of Moola  which is also a Teekshna- Daruna (Ferocious  & Bitter ) This Star signifies Killing,  black magic, aggressive and deadly deeds to divide others . The Star Moola is Adho-Mukha (Facing downwards) and Not very auspicious. Just to remind you all that when Ketu was in this Star we had the worst of the time when we had the Coronavirus . The Transit may influence adversely the Stock & Financial Markets the the Virus till the 30th Jan. and the 27th Feb. 2022 in a nut shell. There could be Political Traumas, Explosions, Fire and Earthquakes  since Mars will transit the 8th house of the India Foundation chart.. There will be extreme weather also and Cold  since Mars will also be in Gandantha till the 19th Jan. 2022. R VALUE OF THE OMICRON WILL COME DOWN CONSIDERABLY AFTER THE 30TH JAN 2022

 The Chart is Below of the Ingress 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and placed in the Yama of Virgo and the Lord is Mercury  who is also the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord and placed in the 8th house with Sun and the 8th Lord Saturn is most malefic parameter . The Day Lord placed in the 8th house is not good either .

As per the Kota chakra The Kota Swami is Mercury and not placed well , but the Kota Pala Mars is placed well.

As Per the Chandra Kanal Chakra the Star Ardra  is on the Trishul Tip is also indicative of Hurdles and obstacles 

 The Mars is Placed in the 7th house of Wars and Foreign Relations with Fallen Venus . Mars is the 6th and the 11th Lord  and in Paap Kartari yoga  .

Lagna Lord and 4th Lord  Mercury is placed in the 8th house from the Lagna and the Moon  with 8th Lord Saturn and Day Lord Sun is most malefic parameter in the above chart for the general condition of the People in the Country 

The Concentration of the Planets in the 6th, 7th and the 8th house  is not good . The only good is the Lagna and the Moon is aspected by Jupiter  and Moon is connected to the stronger between the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord Jupiter.

The Day Lord Sun is ill placed from the 7th house and the 7th Lord Jupiter,  hence the signification of the 7th house will be more predominant in this transit till the 27th Feb. 2022

The Lagna is Dagdha  and Moon also in the Dagdha Rashi is not good but  Jupiter aspect is some relief .

The Lagna is aspected by the Mars, Venus and Jupiter , hence mixed results will be seen. Mars is the 6th and the 11th Lord and Venus the 5th and the 12th Lord and Jupiter the 7th and the 10th Lord .

Uday Lagna  Gemini is Shirshodayo and having aspect of Jupiter is Good, But the Lagna Lord id Placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord is a malefic and  makes the Lagna weak.  moon is the 2nd Lord and almost at the MEP of the Lagna hence the significations of the 2nd house will be more predominant. Venus is the 5th Lord , Hence  the Stock and the Financial Markets may see huge Volatility in this Transit  till the 27th Feb. 2022 starting from the 17th Jan. 2022


 As per the D6 and the D8 charts   the Virus may surge since the Mars has entered the 8th house of the India Foundation chart where the Fallen Venus is Placed as the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord . Mars is the 7th and the 12th Lord of the Foundation chart. The Placement of the 6th Lord of the Foundation chart Venus is in affliction and in the D8 chart with Rahu Ketu is not good. To this another parameter is the 6th Lord of the D6 in the 11th house indicative of expansion of the disease . Hence till 27th Feb. 2022 the Virus and the Diseases may influence the Country in Totality . Another Parameter is that Mars and Venus will get closer to each other from the 10th Feb to 20th March 2022 with in 2 degrees and there will be planetary war between the 2 for a long time. Hence Relief from the Virus and Diseases may start after the Venus Becomes Direct after the 30th Jan and then after the 27th Feb.2022, When Mars and Venus both leave the sign Sagittarius and then after the 17th-20th March 2022. On the 24th April 2022 when the Kaal Sarpa Avrohi Yoga is broken and on the 29th April 2022 Saturn leaves the sign Capricorn this could be good for the Virus ease . Saturn Retrogression on the 5th June and then falling back in Capricorn is another Parameter from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 which cannot be ignored for the Virus and Diseases spread but when Time come I will write More . I have already predicted that till Rahu and Ketu leaves the Taurus-Scorpio axis and there is Stars exchange between the 2 on the 8th Feb. 2023 there may not be major relief from the Virus and its mutations .



The Stock and the Financial Markets will become extremely volatile  specially the Period then Mars and Venus are in close degrees from the 10th Feb to 20th March 2022. The Trend in the Stock and the Financial Markets may also see a change  from the 17th Jan 2022. If we compare it with Earlier happenings in Feb-March 2020 when Mars was in the sign Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn then it is a period of alert and big corrections. We have Parallel planetary positions from the 17th Jan to 27th Feb. 2022 and  till April 2022. The Planetary Positions on the 24th March 2020  and now after the 17th March 2022. In fact after the 27th Feb. 2022 to 3rd April 2020 we have these  major planets is parallel positions like the 2020 March -April 2020. Hence the Stock and the Financial Markets could also see corrections may be big ones in the near future.


The 50-stock gauge had touched 7,511 on March 24 as the coronavirus pandemic roiled equity markets globally. But since then, the index has seen a one-way recovery as stimulus measures and hopes of a quicker-than-expected turnaround with a vaccine masked fears of mounting infections. Sustained inflows by foreign investors, who bet on India as the best investment destination among emerging market pe

We have Parallel planetary positions on the 27th Feb. 2020 when Mars and Saturn will meet in Capricorn like the 31st March 2020 when we had the Crash in the Stock Market In March-April 2020

 The Market may become more volatile from the 17th Jan 2022 when Mars and Saturn are in 2/12 axis till 27th Feb 2022. The Market may Surge after the 2nd Feb and around the 10th Feb and then around the 27th Feb  and  10th-14th March 2022 may be subjected to Corrections





The Stock and the Financial Markets will Surge immediately after the Budget and even before the same is presented  and expected to fall in the above time frame mentioned above .

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 15th Jan 2022 07-20  Hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS 
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